Who is culpable for today's terrorist attack?

Oh look, another controversy just in time for the midterms but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
What "controversy?" More like an unsolved crime, isn't it? The only people "arguing" over it are dumb shits who think the Democrats are sending themselves bombs.
Yes. Blacks routinely fake racist attacks so do gays. Women more often fake rapes. When caught the excuse is always the same. They are raising awareness of hate crimes. This will be no different. Second choice is an antifa operation.
Oh look, another controversy just in time for the midterms but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
What "controversy?" More like an unsolved crime, isn't it? The only people "arguing" over it are dumb shits who think the Democrats are sending themselves bombs.

Huh? I thought CNN was an unbiased, reputable news organization but you're telling me they're a mouthpiece for the Democrats? Woah.

But seriously, the controversy is already in full swing. This happened because of Trump is what they're all saying. They've been practically begging for something like this to happen ever since he started talking shit about the noble professional journalists at CNN and they finally got their wish. you know they're going to milk it for all its worth.

George Soros, Eric Holder, CNN, General John Brennen and Mario Cuomo don't have secret service protection. The package sent to CNN included white powder with the bomb.

Bombs were sent to all of them. Not just Obama and Clinton.

You can try to brush this off and ignore it but you would be making a very bad choice.

The rest of the nation won't do that.

Whoever sent them clearly has a problem. Hopefully those are the only bombs out there and this person will be apprehended soon.

I guess you don't care about terrorists unless they're muslim.

Liberals sure as hell didn't pay much attention to the Democrat terrorist that shot up a bunch of Republican Congressmen, did they?
Really? No one paid any attention? What more were they supposed to do? The guy was dead. Draw and quarter him and hang him from the Key Bridge?

Liberals are despicable assholes. We all know that. I never saw them get too upset and a few of them even said that the Republican congressmen had it coming to them.

This smells of Democrat dirty tricks. They do sorry shit like this all the time.
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Let's see, the alleged bombs didn't go off and they didn't hurt anyone. They apparently didn't even put anyone in danger. Not only did the packages come at a convenient time for democrats, it placed them in a victim status just before the election. When you take into account that the former president's partner and friend and political guru was an unrepentant domestic terrorist bomber who blew up his own girlfriend it seems that democrats have the capability and everything to gain politically from the incidents. Now the crazy faction of the crazy left wing is even blaming President Trump.
The bomb maker or other person who knowingly dropped off these suspicious packages is not known, but it is clear to every unbiased American that President Trump is culpable*** for this act of terrorism.

Trump's hate speech for each of the victims of this terrorist act were abetted by his deplorable words.

***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."

The people that dropped the bombs off are the ones culpable. No one else! Your conclusion is only clear to the biased such as yourself.

Those who made and those who dropped off the packages are guilty of an act of terror. President Trump is culpable of abetting this criminal act. He did not aid in its production or delivery. He set it in motion.
So you agree Clinton and Company are responsible for all the attacks on Republicans RIGHT?
Oh look, another controversy just in time for the midterms but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
What "controversy?" More like an unsolved crime, isn't it? The only people "arguing" over it are dumb shits who think the Democrats are sending themselves bombs.
Yes. Blacks routinely fake racist attacks so do gays. Women more often fake rapes. When caught the excuse is always the same. They are raising awareness of hate crimes. This will be no different. Second choice is an antifa operation.
That's pathetic, but if you are so afraid of it being a right winger, go for broke. If there's a warning to clear a building you're in, I'd still take their advice though.
What hate speech?

Please be specific so I can prove your a hypocrite and make fun of you.
Well it is suspicous that none of the bombs have gone off. Either the maker is stupid, or it is being done by the very people who they are being sent to. Its not the first time this type of act has been done. The ATF cound get skin cells from the devices that is if they really want to.

George Soros, Eric Holder, CNN, General John Brennen and Mario Cuomo don't have secret service protection. The package sent to CNN included white powder with the bomb.

Bombs were sent to all of them. Not just Obama and Clinton.

You can try to brush this off and ignore it but you would be making a very bad choice.

The rest of the nation won't do that.

Whoever sent them clearly has a problem. Hopefully those are the only bombs out there and this person will be apprehended soon.

I guess you don't care about terrorists unless they're muslim.

Liberals sure as hell didn't pay much attention to the Democrat terrorist that shot up a bunch of Republican Congressmen, did they?
Really? No one paid any attention? What more were they supposed to do? The guy was dead. Draw and quarter him and hang him from the Key Bridge?

Liberals are despicable assholes. We all know that. I never saw then get too upset and a few of them even said that the Republican congressmen had it coming to them.

This smells of Democrat dirty tricks. They do sorry shit like this all the time.
Why are you so afraid of a Republican going off the deep end?
It happens.
What hate speech?

Please be specific so I can prove your a hypocrite and make fun of you.
Well it is suspicous that none of the bombs have gone off. Either the maker is stupid, or it is being done by the very people who they are being sent to. Its not the first time this type of act has been done. The ATF cound get skin cells from the devices that is if they really want to.

That none of them went off is not at all curious to progressives. Far more serious than a congressman getting his balls shot off on a baseball field!
The bomb maker or other person who knowingly dropped off these suspicious packages is not known, but it is clear to every unbiased American that President Trump is culpable*** for this act of terrorism.

Trump's hate speech for each of the victims of this terrorist act were abetted by his deplorable words.

***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."
The people that dropped the bombs off are the ones culpable. No one else! Your conclusion is only clear to the biased such as yourself.
Who ever it is, he or she is not very good at their trade. Spoken from a expert.
Scalise shot - GOP pols harassed - Holder say "kick 'em" - Obama say "throw them out" - Hillary say only civility if Dems win - Waters say harrass Trump supporters - Antifa beating people It's only logical to question who actually sent the bombs.
What hate speech?

Please be specific so I can prove your a hypocrite and make fun of you.
Well it is suspicous that none of the bombs have gone off. Either the maker is stupid, or it is being done by the very people who they are being sent to. Its not the first time this type of act has been done. The ATF cound get skin cells from the devices that is if they really want to.
My guess is, at least some of the bombs were detected by explosive sensing technology while the packages were still unopened. Which is why they didn't go off. Then they were disposed of. But yeah, this maker probably is unskilled. It's not as easy to make a bomb as it is to go to Target and buy an AR 15.
None of the bombs are designed to go off so there is no real danger. They all had return addresses to Debbie Wasserman schultz.

This is looking more democrat by the minute.
The bomb maker or other person who knowingly dropped off these suspicious packages is not known, but it is clear to every unbiased American that President Trump is culpable*** for this act of terrorism.

Trump's hate speech for each of the victims of this terrorist act were abetted by his deplorable words.

***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."

The people that dropped the bombs off are the ones culpable. No one else! Your conclusion is only clear to the biased such as yourself.

Those who made and those who dropped off the packages are guilty of an act of terror. President Trump is culpable of abetting this criminal act. He did not aid in its production or delivery. He set it in motion.

How do you spew things you can’t prove and still manage to think yourself intelligent? This post makes you look enormously asinine, especially the “it’s clear to unbiased Americans” BS when you’re literally using your own bias to draw this completely unproven conclusion.

Now, are you smart enough to understand the above paragraph?

I am smart enough, and I recognize the difference between a rebuttal and an ad hominem.

Do you deny Trump's stump speech is not filled with hate for the Clinton's, Obama, CNN, Soros?

Do you not believe hate speech can set offsome people to act violently?

Are you smart enough to connect the dots?

Connecting Dots is an exercise of convenience and confirmation bias.
Your definition of hate speech is simple disagreement. You guys started off with a lie already today... Like I said no one can sneak up on an ex-potus mail box.... Turns out I was right. They didn't.

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