Who is General John Allen?!

He was the "Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition."

In other words, an errand boy.

What was funny is Kelly painted him in the prior segment on FOX as non-political and non-biased, then he got up and gave a shouting worship service-worthy sermon about the wonderfulness of Hillary as ridiculous as Elizabeth Warren's.
4 star General and 40 years a marine... an errand boy... yeah right. You aren't fit to shine his boots.
billy ran the other way during nam, a yellow belly
Comrade Billy is no hero.


That literally is the first time ever I have been called "Comrade". Too funny.
You bet, Comrade. The title fits you and the rest of the far right fascists very well. To think the likes of your kind would dis the General.

I'll take Ivanka or whatever her name is over this chick.....
He was the "Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition."

In other words, an errand boy.

What was funny is Kelly painted him in the prior segment on FOX as non-political and non-biased, then he got up and gave a shouting worship service-worthy sermon about the wonderfulness of Hillary as ridiculous as Elizabeth Warren's.
4 star General and 40 years a marine... an errand boy... yeah right. You aren't fit to shine his boots.

Military service does not in itself impart wisdom. And yes, that position was an errand boy position.

Remember the wisdom of this guy?


Becoming Ross Perot's VP pick was not the wisest decision.

I'd bet dollars to donuts you are the only person who knew who he was.
He is fucking SLAYING it right now! Holy crap!
Ahole arsekisser looking for a big contract from the Clinton Foundation.
Look at you shamelessly mocking and disrespecting a 4 star general and Marine.
Give them time, they will disparage the dozens of vets who stood on stage with Gen. Allen to endorse Clinton and the Medal of Honor recipient who followed him to add his own personal endorsement.
How the fuck can any military person endorse Clinton after she left Americans high and dry in Benghazi? WTF?
Because she didn't. Duh. GFY.

8 goddam investigations. You people are ridiculous.

Dude...just because the investigation didn't say she did anything illegal doesn't mean she didn't leave them high and dry. Have you ever heard of Blue Mountain Security before Benghazi? Yeah, no one had...because they are some two bit operation that had no place guarding American lives in a violent, third world country.
4 star General and 40 years a marine... an errand boy... yeah right. You aren't fit to shine his boots.
billy ran the other way during nam, a yellow belly
Comrade Billy is no hero.


That literally is the first time ever I have been called "Comrade". Too funny.
You bet, Comrade. The title fits you and the rest of the far right fascists very well. To think the likes of your kind would dis the General.
You fascist comrades are worthy of the political beating comrade Donald is going to get. General Allen will be standing and watching, arms fold, and smiling.
He was the "Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition."

In other words, an errand boy.

What was funny is Kelly painted him in the prior segment on FOX as non-political and non-biased, then he got up and gave a shouting worship service-worthy sermon about the wonderfulness of Hillary as ridiculous as Elizabeth Warren's.
4 star General and 40 years a marine... an errand boy... yeah right. You aren't fit to shine his boots.

Military service does not in itself impart wisdom. And yes, that position was an errand boy position.

Remember the wisdom of this guy?


Becoming Ross Perot's VP pick was not the wisest decision.

I'd bet dollars to donuts you are the only person who knew who he was.

Yum, a donut sounds good. I would have won that donut.
He is fucking SLAYING it right now! Holy crap!
Ahole arsekisser looking for a big contract from the Clinton Foundation.
Look at you shamelessly mocking and disrespecting a 4 star general and Marine.
Not the first time, I doubt the last.
Probably. In between bouts of glorifying ISIS, I'm sure you'll find time to insult our veterans again.
He was the "Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition."

In other words, an errand boy.

What was funny is Kelly painted him in the prior segment on FOX as non-political and non-biased, then he got up and gave a shouting worship service-worthy sermon about the wonderfulness of Hillary as ridiculous as Elizabeth Warren's.
4 star General and 40 years a marine... an errand boy... yeah right. You aren't fit to shine his boots.
billy ran the other way during nam, a yellow belly
Most people did not think Nam was a good war.
and billy ran like the energizer bunny
And you? Did you also run?
Don't know about Guno, but this old lib volunteered, was not drafted. On base, in uniform when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. And my dd214 states Honorable. And I still point out to any young person that is having problems with deciding what direction they want to go, that the military is a good option. Like anything else, it will give you back what you put into it.

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