Who Is Going To Write This One?


Sep 23, 2010


Does Bill Ayers get a slice this time? If so, he better get it up front in case it tanks:

Hear Bill Ayers say again, 'I wrote Obama bio'
Weather Underground leader tells Jerry Corsi on tape
Published: 01/30/2014 at 10:02 PM

Hear Bill Ayers say again, ‘I wrote Obama bio’
In case? I believe they are already setting up their own buyers to make it appear to be a best seller when in fact it will be used as kindle for firewood across America (giving Kindle a new meaning). The only people who still find Barack Obama interesting are the fringe left who are probably too lazy and undisciplined to pick up a book and read it.

Who ever heard of 60 million for a book, Flanders? These people are full of themselves. It's a publicity stunt to keep this has been relevant (as if he ever was?). It won't work.
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I hear Valerie Jarrett moved in with the Obama's. Should we wonder what project they are really working on while someone else writes his book? Will they use Bill Ayers again?

Valerie Jarrett moves into Obama’s new home

(DAILYMAIL) — Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation’s capital – just two miles away from the White House – into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump.

Obama’s goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment.

And Obama is being aided in his political crusade by his longtime consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, who has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion with the former president and Michelle Obama, long time best friends.

Read more at Valerie Jarrett moves into Obama’s new home
Flanders, I have a question for you. If the Trump Administration can prove Jarrett, Obama and co. are plotting to overthrow his administration can he have them arrested and put on trial for such activity? What would it take to finally put them behind bars?
HaShev wrote an interesting OP about a coup that is forming on line to oust President Trump and they are using OFA as a vehicle. Can the govt. shut that down and arrest those involved?
It was reported some time ago that Bill Ayers parents were Communists and that they paid for Obama's education. According to a mailman who knew the Ayers family Obama introduced himself to him while he was living there and told the mailman that he would be the president of the United States one day.
do they let you play with coloring books at the mental asylum?
Are you trying to rip a page out of Alinsky's rules for radicals? The personal attacks / you're crazy angle won't work this time. This news has been out there for years and the mailman retired after decades of service, his reputation was that of a sound mind and he gave an interview about it. Somethings just don't get covered up that easily.

Articles: What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

Mailman discouraged from telling Obama story

Postman: Ayers family put ‘foreigner’ Obama through school

Which brings me to this question. Clearly Kissinger and some select high level Jesuits were in on the plans for Obama (they run Washington) but did Obama realize that they don't take kindly to people who talk too much? Obama has served his purpose but knowing what he knows now and considering that people do not change - if he would spill his guts to a complete stranger (the mailman) then what's to stop him from doing it now?

I think that may be a problem for him now that he is out of the WH.
It was reported some time ago that Bill Ayers parents were Communists and that they paid for Obama's education. According to a mailman who knew the Ayers family Obama introduced himself to him while he was living there and told the mailman that he would be the president of the United States one day.
do they let you play with coloring books at the mental asylum?
Are you trying to rip a page out of Alinsky's rules for radicals? The personal attacks / you're crazy angle won't work this time. This news has been out there for years and the mailman retired after decades of service, his reputation was that of a sound mind and he gave an interview about it. Somethings just don't get covered up that easily.

Which brings me to this question. Clearly Kissinger and some select high level Jesuits were in on the plans for Obama (they run Washington) but did Obama realize that they don't take kindly to people who talk too much? Obama has served his purpose but knowing what he knows now and considering that people do not change - if he would spill his guts to a complete stranger (the mailman) then what's to stop him from doing it now?

I think that may be a problem for him now that he is out of the WH.
yes thats right everytime someone insults you its because theyre apart of secret communist plot to destroy you
It was reported some time ago that Bill Ayers parents were Communists and that they paid for Obama's education. According to a mailman who knew the Ayers family Obama introduced himself to him while he was living there and told the mailman that he would be the president of the United States one day.
do they let you play with coloring books at the mental asylum?
Are you trying to rip a page out of Alinsky's rules for radicals? The personal attacks / you're crazy angle won't work this time. This news has been out there for years and the mailman retired after decades of service, his reputation was that of a sound mind and he gave an interview about it. Somethings just don't get covered up that easily.

Which brings me to this question. Clearly Kissinger and some select high level Jesuits were in on the plans for Obama (they run Washington) but did Obama realize that they don't take kindly to people who talk too much? Obama has served his purpose but knowing what he knows now and considering that people do not change - if he would spill his guts to a complete stranger (the mailman) then what's to stop him from doing it now?

I think that may be a problem for him now that he is out of the WH.
yes thats right everytime someone insults you its because theyre apart of secret communist plot to destroy you
It's no secret that Obama is a communist and openly boasted to others about his dream of a "revolution." The twist here is that he's working on it right now - AFTER he left office so that a Republican will be left to blame. As for his boasting about a revolution years ago........Again we see the evidence of a person who can't keep his mouth shut and talks to anyone about anything - not realizing he is establishing a pattern of his own inability to be trustworthy to those who need to know they can count on him. As for his ability as a Communist - I think he is seen as a "useful idiot" not much more.

The bible has a clear warning for people like Obama.....Pride goeth before a fall.
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It was reported some time ago that Bill Ayers parents were Communists and that they paid for Obama's education. According to a mailman who knew the Ayers family Obama introduced himself to him while he was living there and told the mailman that he would be the president of the United States one day.
do they let you play with coloring books at the mental asylum?
Are you trying to rip a page out of Alinsky's rules for radicals? The personal attacks / you're crazy angle won't work this time. This news has been out there for years and the mailman retired after decades of service, his reputation was that of a sound mind and he gave an interview about it. Somethings just don't get covered up that easily.

Which brings me to this question. Clearly Kissinger and some select high level Jesuits were in on the plans for Obama (they run Washington) but did Obama realize that they don't take kindly to people who talk too much? Obama has served his purpose but knowing what he knows now and considering that people do not change - if he would spill his guts to a complete stranger (the mailman) then what's to stop him from doing it now?

I think that may be a problem for him now that he is out of the WH.
yes thats right everytime someone insults you its because theyre apart of secret communist plot to destroy you
It's no secret that Obama is a communist and openly boasted to others about his dream of a "revolution." The twist here is that he's working on right now - AFTER he left office so that a Republican will be left to blame. As for his boasting about a revolution years ago........Again we see the evidence of a person who can't keep his mouth shut and talks to anyone about anything - not realizing he is establishing a pattern of his own inability to be trustworthy to those who need to know they can count on him. As for his ability as a Communist - I think he is seen as a "useful idiot" not much more.

The bible has a clear warning for people like Obama.....Pride goeth before a fall.
It would be nice for that fall to be about three feet and stopped by a rope.
It was reported some time ago that Bill Ayers parents were Communists and that they paid for Obama's education. According to a mailman who knew the Ayers family Obama introduced himself to him while he was living there and told the mailman that he would be the president of the United States one day.
do they let you play with coloring books at the mental asylum?
Are you trying to rip a page out of Alinsky's rules for radicals? The personal attacks / you're crazy angle won't work this time. This news has been out there for years and the mailman retired after decades of service, his reputation was that of a sound mind and he gave an interview about it. Somethings just don't get covered up that easily.

Which brings me to this question. Clearly Kissinger and some select high level Jesuits were in on the plans for Obama (they run Washington) but did Obama realize that they don't take kindly to people who talk too much? Obama has served his purpose but knowing what he knows now and considering that people do not change - if he would spill his guts to a complete stranger (the mailman) then what's to stop him from doing it now?

I think that may be a problem for him now that he is out of the WH.
yes thats right everytime someone insults you its because theyre apart of secret communist plot to destroy you
It's no secret that Obama is a communist and openly boasted to others about his dream of a "revolution." The twist here is that he's working on right now - AFTER he left office so that a Republican will be left to blame. As for his boasting about a revolution years ago........Again we see the evidence of a person who can't keep his mouth shut and talks to anyone about anything - not realizing he is establishing a pattern of his own inability to be trustworthy to those who need to know they can count on him. As for his ability as a Communist - I think he is seen as a "useful idiot" not much more.

The bible has a clear warning for people like Obama.....Pride goeth before a fall.
It would be nice for that fall to be about three feet and stopped by a rope.
If he is tried for treason it may happen. They used to hang people for treason against the United States of America.
It was reported some time ago that Bill Ayers parents were Communists and that they paid for Obama's education. According to a mailman who knew the Ayers family Obama introduced himself to him while he was living there and told the mailman that he would be the president of the United States one day.
do they let you play with coloring books at the mental asylum?
Are you trying to rip a page out of Alinsky's rules for radicals? The personal attacks / you're crazy angle won't work this time. This news has been out there for years and the mailman retired after decades of service, his reputation was that of a sound mind and he gave an interview about it. Somethings just don't get covered up that easily.

Which brings me to this question. Clearly Kissinger and some select high level Jesuits were in on the plans for Obama (they run Washington) but did Obama realize that they don't take kindly to people who talk too much? Obama has served his purpose but knowing what he knows now and considering that people do not change - if he would spill his guts to a complete stranger (the mailman) then what's to stop him from doing it now?

I think that may be a problem for him now that he is out of the WH.
yes thats right everytime someone insults you its because theyre apart of secret communist plot to destroy you
......and every time someone exposes your false Messiah Obama you tell them they belong in a mental institution (or attempt to discredit them by making false accusations of mental impairment). Recognizing the pattern of your own behavior? You should. It's comes straight out of Saul's playbook.
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Book deal, huh? It is legalizing the Globalist Elite pay-off for the extensive damage what Hussein Obama, the community organizer commie did to America.
Book deal, huh? It is legalizing the Globalist Elite pay-off for the extensive damage what Hussein Obama, the community organizer commie did to America.
I believe you are right, Defcon. No place like hiding in plain sight. That is their motto.
Megyn Kelly’s awkward Bill Ayers interview: It turns out there are people to Obama’s left!
To Care4all: Check out this thread:

Nothing Is More Unpopular Than Losing A War
Flanders, I have a question for you. If the Trump Administration can prove Jarrett, Obama and co. are plotting to overthrow his administration can he have them arrested and put on trial for such activity?
To Book of Jeremiah: He can order the Department of Justice to investigate. Then it is up to the FBI to unearth the evidence. Considering what the Clintons got away with I do not see much hope for arrest and conviction.

Note that CONGRESS can impeach Obama on a charge of treason, but the evidence would have to be overwhelming. Even then Senate Democrats only need a few RINO to vote against impeachment.

What would it take to finally put them behind bars?
To Book of Jeremiah: A confession!
HaShev wrote an interesting OP about a coup that is forming on line to oust President Trump and they are using OFA as a vehicle. Can the govt. shut that down and arrest those involved?
To Book of Jeremiah: In that case Democrats will cry First Amendment and probably walk.
Flanders, I have a question for you. If the Trump Administration can prove Jarrett, Obama and co. are plotting to overthrow his administration can he have them arrested and put on trial for such activity? What would it take to finally put them behind bars?
HaShev wrote an interesting OP about a coup that is forming on line to oust President Trump and they are using OFA as a vehicle. Can the govt. shut that down and arrest those involved?
But I also wrote that Obama and the others know he and they can get away with anything by playing the Presidents club do no wrong free get out of jail card, the opponent is a Tyrant card if he gets arrested they claim he's supressing opposition as they prepainted him that image for this reason, and the fear of race riot ploy is another way he knows he gets away with anything including selling his illegally obtained gifts for money (I deemed Rug Gate), where he funnels inconspicuous gifts he received during term into cash on sale of said undocumented items.
I said many times last year, that at the end of his term you will see a suddenly supper rich Obama like you did the Clintons. They will hide the wealth claiming it's from the book deal but it will be much more money then that deal and that deal itself is a funnel for bribe money.
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