Who is in charge of the WhiteHouse?


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
Who is answering the 3 am call?
Harris is campaigning, Biden is on back to back vacations. Who is going to push the button if our enemies attack?
On Tuesday afternoon, President Biden, or what’s left of him, shuffled through a White House TV studio to a tiny desk that looked like it had been put on clearance at IKEA for six weeks, and proceeded to ramble about "investing in America," before ignoring shouted questions from the press with a bizarre grin upon his visage.

The message from this highly scripted event was crystal clear, and it had nothing to do with the economy. The real message that can no longer be ignored is that Joseph Robinette Biden is no longer running the country, if he ever was.
Lol a Trump supporter, of all people, complaining about a President vacationing

Old Black cow still chirping? Trump never stopped working, results proven. Golf Course, travel at FLA at NJ he was always working on the go.

Your Corpse has been laying on a CA beach or East Coast Beach for 16 days.........actually looking like a Corpse.
Old Black cow still chirping? Trump never stopped working, results proven. Golf Course, travel at FLA at NJ he was always working on the go.
Next thing you know, this one will be telling us how Trump swam across the Yangtzee River each morning (like Chairman Mao), or how Trump scored a perfect 18 every time he golfed (like lil' kim).

Cultists gonna cult. Though even by cult standards, this one is brainwashed hard.
Who is answering the 3 am call?
Harris is campaigning, Biden is on back to back vacations. Who is going to push the button if our enemies attack?

No one knows.

Here is a rough quote from Jeffrey Sachs on YT regarding knowing things...

'We have no attention span. We have complete lying from the government. We have secrecy and confidentiality. So, we never settle any of these issues. No discussion, no responses, no accountability.' (My addition...no ethics in D.C.)

confused voter.jpg
Trump never stopped working, results proven
:auiqs.jpg:Results shitty. Orange bag O' shit sucked out loud. GTFO. :auiqs.jpg:
Golf Course, travel at FLA at NJ he was always working on the go.
Then so can Brandon. :dunno:
Your Corpse has been laying on a CA beach or East Coast Beach for 16 days.........actually looking like a Corpse.
And? :dunno: Brandon is on vacation. So what? At least it keeps him out of the news. This absurd new magaturd pearl clutching is too much. :auiqs.jpg:

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