Who is more moral? Men or women?

Antisocial Personality Disorder

The National Comorbidity Survey, which used DSM-III-R criteria, found that 5.8% of males and 1.2% of females showed evidence of a lifetime risk for the disorder. Prevalence estimates within clinical settings have varied from 3% to 30%, depending on the predominant characteristics of the populations being sampled. Perhaps not surprisingly, the prevalence of the disorder is even higher in selected populations, such as people in prisons (who include many violent offenders) (Hare 1983). Similarly, the prevalence of ASPD is higher among patients in alcohol or other drug (AOD) abuse treatment programs than in the general population (Hare 1983), suggesting a link between ASPD and AOD abuse and dependence.

Read more: Antisocial Personality Disorder http://www.health.am/psy/antisocial-personality-disorder/#ixzz1l8eNBoea

During the past century, researchers and clinicians have used numerous terms to describe ASPD, including "moral insanity," "psychopathy," and "sociopathy." Likewise, the symptoms considered to be the key elements of psychopathy or an antisocial personality have evolved from a focus on the lack of emotional attachment in relationships with others (Cleckley 1964) to a greater focus on external behaviors, especially aggressive and impulsive behaviors (APA 1994).

Read more: Antisocial Personality Disorder http://www.health.am/psy/antisocial-personality-disorder/#ixzz1l8ekwTCJ
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Who is more moral? Men or women?

I am not an atheist but am a man who, thanks to apotheosis, believes himself to have high morals. Perhaps even superior to women.

I will take the Jewish view of Eden as man’s elevation as opposed to the Christian view that Eden was man’s fall. I do this because the Jewish view was the initial view of their scriptures. I give their view more authority than I do to Christianity. That Jewish view was later reversed by Christianity. Why Christianity did this is not clear.

2. Orthodox Judaism: The Garden of Eden

For this mental exercise, I say women are more moral than men. I take this view because teaching a topic is the best way to learn it, and that most of the child rearing/teaching in that day was done by women. Women then, teaching children their first morals, would also teach themselves morals faster than what men would.

I do not read scriptures literally but will use the literal view and my logic trail and progression through Eden as if I do.

Eve was first to eat of the tree of knowledge, and as scriptures states, became as God. That is, she developed the same moral sense as God. She then recognized that instead of leaving Adam to follow God’s instruction to not eat, she chose, with her new wisdom, to have Adam also eat of the tree of knowledge. Thus both were elevated to having a moral sense.
Is the Jewish view the correct one?

Who should lead mankind in religious and political thinking?

Who is more moral? Men or women?


The answer is based on the Individual, not the Sex of the Individual. This assessment is based on Life Experience, not Children's Stories.
Who is more moral? Men or women?

I am not an atheist but am a man who, thanks to apotheosis, believes himself to have high morals. Perhaps even superior to women.

I will take the Jewish view of Eden as man’s elevation as opposed to the Christian view that Eden was man’s fall. I do this because the Jewish view was the initial view of their scriptures. I give their view more authority than I do to Christianity. That Jewish view was later reversed by Christianity. Why Christianity did this is not clear.

2. Orthodox Judaism: The Garden of Eden

For this mental exercise, I say women are more moral than men. I take this view because teaching a topic is the best way to learn it, and that most of the child rearing/teaching in that day was done by women. Women then, teaching children their first morals, would also teach themselves morals faster than what men would.

I do not read scriptures literally but will use the literal view and my logic trail and progression through Eden as if I do.

Eve was first to eat of the tree of knowledge, and as scriptures states, became as God. That is, she developed the same moral sense as God. She then recognized that instead of leaving Adam to follow God’s instruction to not eat, she chose, with her new wisdom, to have Adam also eat of the tree of knowledge. Thus both were elevated to having a moral sense.
Is the Jewish view the correct one?

Who should lead mankind in religious and political thinking?

Who is more moral? Men or women?


Women are more intelligent when it comes to interapersonal intelligence.

So I would submit that when it comes to asking who is more likely to work well with whatever society expects of us?

Woman are probably more like to conform to the morality of the day.

I don't think, therefore that woman are more moral, but I do think they are by predilection more socially constrained.
As with all things human it is all relative.

Take for instance the epidemic of single teen mothers in this country. It would seem the young women are more immoral as they can always so no or have birth control. Is the young man immoral for asking for sex? Sex between unmarried couples is no longer (as opposed to the 1950's) seen as immoral, yet having children out of wedlock is immoral, from my perspective anyway. It is immoral and irresponsible.

Just a small part of our society and one aspect.
Who is more moral? Men or women?

I am not an atheist but am a man who, thanks to apotheosis, believes himself to have high morals. Perhaps even superior to women.

I will take the Jewish view of Eden as man’s elevation as opposed to the Christian view that Eden was man’s fall. I do this because the Jewish view was the initial view of their scriptures. I give their view more authority than I do to Christianity. That Jewish view was later reversed by Christianity. Why Christianity did this is not clear.

2. Orthodox Judaism: The Garden of Eden

For this mental exercise, I say women are more moral than men. I take this view because teaching a topic is the best way to learn it, and that most of the child rearing/teaching in that day was done by women. Women then, teaching children their first morals, would also teach themselves morals faster than what men would.

I do not read scriptures literally but will use the literal view and my logic trail and progression through Eden as if I do.

Eve was first to eat of the tree of knowledge, and as scriptures states, became as God. That is, she developed the same moral sense as God. She then recognized that instead of leaving Adam to follow God’s instruction to not eat, she chose, with her new wisdom, to have Adam also eat of the tree of knowledge. Thus both were elevated to having a moral sense.
Is the Jewish view the correct one?

Who should lead mankind in religious and political thinking?

Who is more moral? Men or women?


I'm Christian not Jewish but here's my point of view.

You will notice that Adam and Eve were together when she ate the fruit so Adam was party to disobeying God from the begining.

Genesis 3:6

6And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

To answer your Question we are the same both men and women. The type of sins we commit may differ but in the end, sin is sin.

Romans 3:23
King James Version (KJV)

23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
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More males suffer from antisocial disoders.

Its just fact

What does that have to do with morals though?

Morality is the consensus agreement arrived at by each society.

If one has antisocial behavior, one is more apt to ignore social conventions.

Unless, of course, your point is that morality is a GOD GIVEN GIFT, in which case we don't share enough common ground to have a rational discussion about this issue.
I tend to think females are more moral. Just personal experience though.

I tend to agree.

Care to opine on who should run governments and religions?
Should it be the more moral choice?


They both do both. Not really sure what your thinking here.

I am thinking that most religions definitely do not give women equality and that most political parties put women in any position of power as a sham to hide their own masoginy.

Many psychoanalysts through the years have believed that women have a harder time in outsourcing (dont know if that's the right word) their superego, meaning they find their inner convictions more demanding as they don't realize that those are just demands created by the environment they live in.

If that's actually the case, I do not see it as a fault in women, but a great asset.

So I say, women are more moral.

I love a straight answer.

I tend to agree.

Who is more moral? Men or women?

I am not an atheist but am a man who, thanks to apotheosis, believes himself to have high morals. Perhaps even superior to women.

I will take the Jewish view of Eden as man’s elevation as opposed to the Christian view that Eden was man’s fall. I do this because the Jewish view was the initial view of their scriptures. I give their view more authority than I do to Christianity. That Jewish view was later reversed by Christianity. Why Christianity did this is not clear.

2. Orthodox Judaism: The Garden of Eden

For this mental exercise, I say women are more moral than men. I take this view because teaching a topic is the best way to learn it, and that most of the child rearing/teaching in that day was done by women. Women then, teaching children their first morals, would also teach themselves morals faster than what men would.

I do not read scriptures literally but will use the literal view and my logic trail and progression through Eden as if I do.

Eve was first to eat of the tree of knowledge, and as scriptures states, became as God. That is, she developed the same moral sense as God. She then recognized that instead of leaving Adam to follow God’s instruction to not eat, she chose, with her new wisdom, to have Adam also eat of the tree of knowledge. Thus both were elevated to having a moral sense.
Is the Jewish view the correct one?

Who should lead mankind in religious and political thinking?

Who is more moral? Men or women?


I try to avoid religious threads, but I do have experiences with the integrity of men and women, both as employees and as rental tenants.

With 45 employees, plus, in the summer time, I found women to have the highest integrity, over men. They tend to take much less advantage of an owner's business, than men. Always, of course, exceptions. The worst offender and thief was a woman.

In my apartment rentals, I prefer men tenants, as they are less hard on an apartment unit, than women. They take better care of that which is not theirs. Although my very worst tenant of all, was a man.

I am speaking generally, in each of the above situations.

Morally speaking, humankind is one species and cannot really be compared, in that sense.

After all we are taught:

What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice And everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of.
The answer is based on the Individual, not the Sex of the Individual. This assessment is based on Life Experience, not Children's Stories.

No argument on this when looking at individuals. at the top of each group. Men and women are likely even.

Looking at us as two groups thought, seems to show that more women are more moral than men.

If you think not, then consider the institutionalized immoral inequality that male run religions give women.

That and the fact that what, 95% of those incarcerated for crimes are men.

Still think we are all the same?

Women are more intelligent when it comes to interapersonal intelligence.

So I would submit that when it comes to asking who is more likely to work well with whatever society expects of us?

Woman are probably more like to conform to the morality of the day.

I don't think, therefore that woman are more moral, but I do think they are by predilection more socially constrained.

No argument.

Do you also think that they would be better at running governments and religions?

As with all things human it is all relative.

Take for instance the epidemic of single teen mothers in this country. It would seem the young women are more immoral as they can always so no or have birth control. Is the young man immoral for asking for sex? Sex between unmarried couples is no longer (as opposed to the 1950's) seen as immoral, yet having children out of wedlock is immoral, from my perspective anyway. It is immoral and irresponsible.

Just a small part of our society and one aspect.

I see that as men not taking responsibility to their children. Check who keeps more of the children born out of wedlock.

You have given no real opinion on the question.

Think larger and overall if you care to opine further.


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