Who is Paul Whelan?


WOW, can we confirm that this is really true? I welcome your credible input.
Another lie. Trump refused to trade a terrorist arms dealer. Biden didn't care. You're on a roll with your lying propaganda.

WOW, can we confirm that this is really true? I welcome your credible input.

Former National Security Adviser John Bolton has revealed that Donald Trump turned down the chance to secure Paul Whelan’s release two years ago – despite the former president claiming to be outraged over the Biden administration’s deal which freed Brittney Griner but left the US marine in Russian custody.

They're idiots.
They weren't the afghan government, fucking dumbass.
the prisoner exchange was between the afghan govt and taliban. The afghan govt did the exchange. The people they got released from the taliban would still be free today had xiden not surrendered and betrayed our allies to the taliban when he took office
the prisoner exchange was between the afghan govt and taliban. The afghan govt did the exchange. The people they got released from the taliban would still be free today had xiden not surrendered and betrayed our allies to the taliban when he took office
Fuck your chronic lying.

I just posted the citation.
Of course it's irrelevant because Biden was President, you lying sack of diarrhea.
It was Grifty who made the deal with the Talibanis...

Including the part about imposing the prisoner release on the Afghan Gov.

That's Causality..

That they were released while Biden was POTUS is Coincidence.
It was Grifty who made the deal with the Talibanis...

Including the part about imposing the prisoner release on the Afghan Gov.

That's Causality..

That they were released while Biden was POTUS is Coincidence.
Biden could have stopped it. In fact, Biden was the guy responsible for the colossal disaster and loss of soldiers during the exit. You sick fucks never take responsibility for your fuckups.
Fucking irrelevant.

It was a condition AGREED upon by Grifty and IMPOSED on the Afghan government.

of course it’s relevant…your false narrative that trump s somehow released them when he wasn’t even president when they were released falls apart

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