Who is paying for the Mexican/American Wall????????


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
M e x i c o, and all the people at his rallies chanted Mexico. Remember that??

So why is Trump blaming it on the Democrats!!! and threatening to shut the government down??

M e x i c o, and all the people at his rallies chanted Mexico. Remember that??
So why is Trump blaming it on the Democrats!!! and threatening to shut the government down??
Because Donnie Dirt Bag is a sociopathic liar!
M e x i c o, and all the people at his rallies chanted Mexico. Remember that??

So why is Trump blaming it on the Democrats!!! and threatening to shut the government down??
Taxpayers will pay for whatever gets built, and then again to tear whatever is built down in a few years.
M e x i c o, and all the people at his rallies chanted Mexico. Remember that??

So why is Trump blaming it on the Democrats!!! and threatening to shut the government down??
Taxpayers will pay for whatever gets built, and then again to tear whatever is built down in a few years.
You think ICE will let illegals tear the wall down?!
ICE is totally incompetent, so who knows what they’ll let illegals do
M e x i c o, and all the people at his rallies chanted Mexico. Remember that??

So why is Trump blaming it on the Democrats!!! and threatening to shut the government down??
Taxpayers will pay for whatever gets built, and then again to tear whatever is built down in a few years.
You think ICE will let illegals tear the wall down?!
ICE is totally incompetent, so who knows what they’ll let illegals do
God, a new dingbat. <sigh>
M e x i c o, and all the people at his rallies chanted Mexico. Remember that??

So why is Trump blaming it on the Democrats!!! and threatening to shut the government down??
Taxpayers will pay for whatever gets built, and then again to tear whatever is built down in a few years.
You think ICE will let illegals tear the wall down?!
ICE is totally incompetent, so who knows what they’ll let illegals do
God, a new dingbat. <sigh>
TAXPAYERS and even YOU oughta pay for it , after that just punish the 'mex' in any number of ways to get the money BlackFlag ,
I would gladly chip in to have it built.

I would even personally fund and build a mechanism to cheaply deport illegal border crossers, and leftist pieces of shit who want to escape Trump's tyranny, using green energy.

Who is paying for the lack of a wall?

Well if only homeland security did their job, and the DON said Mexico will pay for the wall. Don't we pay enough for homeland security to do their jobs, and yet we need a wall,

hey let the 4 states that boarder Mexico pay for the wall. I'm in MI , I could careless about a wall.
Who is paying for the lack of a wall?

Well if only homeland security did their job, and the DON said Mexico will pay for the wall. Don't we pay enough for homeland security to do their jobs, and yet we need a wall,

hey let the 4 states that boarder Mexico pay for the wall. I'm in MI , I could careless about a wall.

I didn't see an answer in your response.

I'm in MI , I could careless about a wall.

I'm in Chicago. No wall is costing us billions annually.
If it works along with enforcing our immigration laws it will more than pay for itself and save us money. In paying for anchor babies WIC, healthcare and education and welfare grants alone with tax credits so they get back all the taxes they pay. What is cost this country in drugs that come in and cause crime and incarcerations. Wages will finally go up with Americans getting those jobs back that did not pay more than welfare checks or dealing in drugs.
M e x i c o, and all the people at his rallies chanted Mexico. Remember that?? So why is Trump blaming it on the Democrats!!! and threatening to shut the government down??

Isn't this as duplicate thread? Mexico WILL pay for the wall . . . . in time. Might take a few years to swing the details with the usual politicians, but it will come out of our trade. ITMT, just get the damned wall built first.
M e x i c o, and all the people at his rallies chanted Mexico. Remember that?? So why is Trump blaming it on the Democrats!!! and threatening to shut the government down??

Isn't this as duplicate thread? Mexico WILL pay for the wall . . . . in time. Might take a few years to swing the details with the usual politicians, but it will come out of our trade. ITMT, just get the damned wall built first.

No Trump didn't say it will come out in trade , he said Mexico will pay for the wall.
M e x i c o, and all the people at his rallies chanted Mexico. Remember that?? So why is Trump blaming it on the Democrats!!! and threatening to shut the government down??
Isn't this as duplicate thread? Mexico WILL pay for the wall . . . . in time. Might take a few years to swing the details with the usual politicians, but it will come out of our trade. ITMT, just get the damned wall built first.
No Trump didn't say it will come out in trade , he said Mexico will pay for the wall.

A difference with no distinction. All that matters is that the wall has already begun construction and they will pay for it. Now get out the butthurt cream and STFU.

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