Who is recruiting, moving and paying the professional anarcho-rioters?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Who is recruiting, moving and paying the professional anarcho-rioters?

Who is recruiting, moving and paying the professional anarcho-rioters?
31 May 2020 ~~ By Patricia McCarthy
What is not comprehensible is the destructive actions of so many. Is it really the citizens of Minneapolis who have set the city on fire, burning down small businesses as well as the police precinct building, libraries, etc.? Who are those masked men in black with secret-service quality ear-pieces, military grade gas masks and backpacks full of Molotov cocktails? They are very likely professional rioters, recruited, transported and paid by the likes of some George Soros front group or other anonymous Cloward-Piven devotees who share Soros’ hatred of America and want to see this nation bought to its knees.
No matter how much the media loves to fan the flames, indicting America as a racist nation and blaming Trump for every single thing they can, these riots have nothing to do with race beyond it being a convenient excuse for criminal behavior. Those rioting, setting things on fire, smashing store windows and looting businesses are black, white, and Hispanic; they are a conglomeration of races, but are all thugs without a shred of decency.
What is happening all over America these past several nights is not about George Floyd. The rioters are using his death to embark on rampages, to loot small and large businesses alike. These are not protests. What we are seeing is mass thievery under color of protest. Chances are if the looters in Los Angeles were asked “who was George Floyd,” they would not have a clue nor would they care. Democrat-run cities have long valued “social justice” (different standards for different groups) and identity politics over lawfulness and basic values. This is what you get when deviancy has been defined down so egregiously that we have citizens behaving like animals. The looting in Los Angeles, all filmed from above, continues unabated and without police presence. Businesses that have been shuttered for two and a half months are now being completely destroyed, their merchandise looted. Where is Mayor Eric Garcetti? Making sure no one walks on dry sand.
Perhaps the people pulling the strings of these riots think this level of anarchy will be blamed on President Trump but it is more likely that it will ensure his re-election. These things do not happen in Republican-run cities. They happen in cities whose leaders are actually racist but fear being labeled as such so they step back and reveal their own bigotry of low expectations. It’s tragic for their cities and for their citizens from whom they instinctively expect criminal behavior. George Soros is most likely funding much of the chaos and is delighted by what he sees. Now we are all seeing the consequences of the tyranny of political correctness, that amorphous decree that common sense has been outlawed and nihilism is the order of the day.

So let's get this straight, Blue State Governors and mayors of sanctuary plantation cities are telling us, you can rob, loot, burn and destroy your city and not get arrested. But try to worship at your church or open your business and the Po-Po shows up ready to do violence and send you to jail.
Isn't it odd that no Democrat representative in Congress has called for an investigation into this....
AG Barr said he would file felony charges against anyone crossing state lines to riot. When these people are arrested, we need to determine their sources of income. Shut down the companies and organizations funding these people and haul the organizers into court. Freeze their funds. Finally, if there are ties to Soros, put him in jail, or revoke his citizenship and send him back to Europe. I'm sure that there are countries that would love to get their hands on him.

Orwell erred in naming his novel it should have been called 2020 not 1984.....
We will soon know who it is..


The DOJ is now using every tool in the box to find out...
We will soon know who it is..

View attachment 343656

The DOJ is now using every tool in the box to find out...
Surely, this isn't the full statement? Identify and APPREHEND Antifa leaders and their connected groups? Just for being members? That's ummm....illegal and stuff. They can't do that. White Supremacist groups that are labeled domestic terrorist groups (including the Klu Klux Klan) aren't getting arrested unless they do something criminal.
So there's no possibility that it's pissed off black people?
I am seeing way too many white people in black (antifa) than pissed off black people. It is Anarcho-terrorist commie fuck twinkle-toed cocksuckers.

and I am praying for them to come try that in my neighborhood.

So there's no possibility that it's pissed off black people?
Every possibility. And add in a whole bunch of white folks who see murder unfold in front of our eyes. No one has control of the color of their skin, but we know what we see with our eyes.
We will soon know who it is..

View attachment 343656

The DOJ is now using every tool in the box to find out...
Surely, this isn't the full statement? Identify and APPREHEND Antifa leaders and their connected groups? Just for being members? That's ummm....illegal and stuff. They can't do that. White Supremacist groups that are labeled domestic terrorist groups (including the Klu Klux Klan) aren't getting arrested unless they do something criminal.

What actual proof have they of this?

By the way, Democrats have condemned the actions of ANIFTA when proven.

There is a history of far right trying to pin stuff an ANITFA...

I still don't understand why ANTIFA would be involved... There history is of confrontations(some violent) has been with the far right & white supremacists.. Inner city rioting over police brutality has been going on for decades...

Antifa is not an organization, and it does not have a leader, membership roles or any defined, centralized structure. It is a vaguely defined movement of people who share common protest tactics and targets.

More important, even if antifa were a real organization, the laws that permit the federal government to deem entities terrorists and impose sanctions on them are limited to foreign groups. There is no domestic terrorism law despite periodic proposals to create one.

“There is no authority under law to do that — and if such a statute were passed, it would face serious First Amendment challenges,” said Mary B. McCord, a former head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division.


He said some of the 40 arrests made in the Twin Cities Friday night were of people linked to white supremacist groups and organized crime.

Well this looks bad for hard right guys here...

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