Who is responsible for the Federal Prison System?

Off hand, I'd say she believes Barr is behind the 'suicide'.

Personally, I think almost anyone would turn their head for the right amount of money, or force.
I have not said Barr is behind anything. However, is it appropriate for the Dept. of Justice to investigate a Dept. of Justice screw up?

who should?

The NYC Keystone Kops?
Is that the only option you can think of?

no, I could name a multitude of agencies.

Andy, Barney and Gomer.

Barney MIller

Brooklyn 99.

But you apparently don't understand sarcasm.
Car 54!
View attachment 273773

How could I forget Toody and Muldoon?
All it takes is for one person to turn around and look the other way while Epstein hangs himself.

There is still the matter of where Epstein got a strap, rope, etc. sturdy enough to support his weight
while he was waiting to die. Presumably something like this would not be available to someone on suicide watch.
have a point?

Yes, Epstein death has upset some on the left and want to know why Barr allowed the suicide?

They believe Epstein was killed because he knew something on Trump but if that were true then Bill would be wanting him dead seeing Bill and Epstein were good buddies...
Yes, it is awfully convenient for some people that he dies so "suddenly". Let's hope all the documentation doesn't disappear too.


Bodey is now like those that claim Hillary Clinton shot a man in the park...

You do know Bill Clinton was good buddies with Epstein and Hillary and Bill were good buddies with Anthony Weiner, so ya know maybe you want to cool it on your thought Trump order a hit on Epstein...
have a point?

Yes, Epstein death has upset some on the left and want to know why Barr allowed the suicide?

They believe Epstein was killed because he knew something on Trump but if that were true then Bill would be wanting him dead seeing Bill and Epstein were good buddies...
Yes, it is awfully convenient for some people that he dies so "suddenly". Let's hope all the documentation doesn't disappear too.


Bodey is now like those that claim Hillary Clinton shot a man in the park...

You do know Bill Clinton was good buddies with Epstein and Hillary and Bill were good buddies with Anthony Weiner, so ya know maybe you want to cool it on your thought Trump order a hit on Epstein...
Show me where I stated that fat donnie ordered a hit on Epstein.
have a point?

Yes, Epstein death has upset some on the left and want to know why Barr allowed the suicide?

They believe Epstein was killed because he knew something on Trump but if that were true then Bill would be wanting him dead seeing Bill and Epstein were good buddies...
Yes, it is awfully convenient for some people that he dies so "suddenly". Let's hope all the documentation doesn't disappear too.


Bodey is now like those that claim Hillary Clinton shot a man in the park...

You do know Bill Clinton was good buddies with Epstein and Hillary and Bill were good buddies with Anthony Weiner, so ya know maybe you want to cool it on your thought Trump order a hit on Epstein...
Show me where I stated that fat donnie ordered a hit on Epstein.

You are implying his death might have not been an accident and let be clear the individual deserved to live while being raped daily...
have a point?

Yes, Epstein death has upset some on the left and want to know why Barr allowed the suicide?

They believe Epstein was killed because he knew something on Trump but if that were true then Bill would be wanting him dead seeing Bill and Epstein were good buddies...
Yes, it is awfully convenient for some people that he dies so "suddenly". Let's hope all the documentation doesn't disappear too.


Bodey is now like those that claim Hillary Clinton shot a man in the park...

You do know Bill Clinton was good buddies with Epstein and Hillary and Bill were good buddies with Anthony Weiner, so ya know maybe you want to cool it on your thought Trump order a hit on Epstein...
Show me where I stated that fat donnie ordered a hit on Epstein.

You are implying his death might have not been an accident and let be clear the individual deserved to live while being raped daily...
Oh....."implying"....the weak sauce excuse by people who got caught lying about what someone else said. :71:
Federal Bureau of Prisons - Wikipedia

The Federal Bureau of Prisons is under the Dept. of Justice, run by the Attorney General....an Executive Branch Dept.

I don't think the President is responsible for every act of arkancide that occurs in the federal joint.

This shit happens.
"The Buck Stops Here" only applied to Democrat Presidents, eh?

This wasn't the act of the President or anyone under him. Just a trained assassin sent out of the private sector to cap someone's sorry ass in the Tombs.

No president can stop all crime

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