Who is responsible for YOU?

We are heading down the path to socialism with this President and his democratic house and senate. I think that very soon people will come to realise that this is not the American dream. Everyone should have the opportunity to be all that they can be without government interference. Socialism has never worked, it robbs individuals of incentive and destroys any motivation.

Why on earth would you pay and work hard to get a PHD when you can work as a garbage collector and make the same money and have the same quality of life??? Answer--- you wouldn't. That's socialism and that's the road we are on now.:cuckoo:
Yourself, or government?

Forget who's responsible for ME. I am responsible for me.

Who is responsible for LA turning into a sesspool after all the manufacturing jobs went away?

The same thing is happening all over America.

So expect violence, gangs, riots, poverty to increase in all our major cities.

And where should all those people go?

I understand some of them can pick up and leave. But is it possible for all of Compton or all of Watts to pick up and move?

Can you tell us where they should go?

It is clear that anyone with the attitude, "who's responsible for you", doesn't get it. And they are arrogant. And they have probably not faced tough times. Oh they think they have, but really they don't realize how easy/good they had it. Or they don't realize how luck played a part of it. Or that they had some help from the government or someone they personally know.

Many poor people don't know anyone that can help, they graduated as functional illiterates, there is no job opportunities, they have no money, etc.

This "who's responsible for you" argument is lame.
We are heading down the path to socialism with this President and his democratic house and senate. I think that very soon people will come to realise that this is not the American dream. Everyone should have the opportunity to be all that they can be without government interference. Socialism has never worked, it robbs individuals of incentive and destroys any motivation.

Why on earth would you pay and work hard to get a PHD when you can work as a garbage collector and make the same money and have the same quality of life??? Answer--- you wouldn't. That's socialism and that's the road we are on now.:cuckoo:

1. We aren't headed down the path of socialism. I think what you mistake for socialism is that we are all making less and it seems like no one is making good money. That's what happens when the economy is bad. Jobs are scarce so wages go down.

So why is this happening Maple? Because we are going to a global market. That's your parties decision. No protectionism and no isolationism, remember? So your party for the last 8 years has been sending our jobs to other countries?

Without government interference? Do you realize our problem is because government is going along with corporations on sending our jobs to 3rd world countries?

So if corporations sent all our jobs, including yours, overseas, you wouldn't want the government to get involved? Then you would get FUCKED!

And your PHD vs garbage man scenerio is communism, not socialism, stupid.
We are heading down the path to socialism with this President and his democratic house and senate. I think that very soon people will come to realise that this is not the American dream. Everyone should have the opportunity to be all that they can be without government interference. Socialism has never worked, it robbs individuals of incentive and destroys any motivation.

Why on earth would you pay and work hard to get a PHD when you can work as a garbage collector and make the same money and have the same quality of life??? Answer--- you wouldn't. That's socialism and that's the road we are on now.:cuckoo:

How does having enough jobs to keep our economy going strong have to do with socialism?

We don't have enough jobs so people are unemployed and wages are lowered.

You are a right wing bitch who only knows how to discuss talking points. YOu make me sick.
Yourself, or government?

Forget who's responsible for ME. I am responsible for me.

Who is responsible for LA turning into a sesspool after all the manufacturing jobs went away?

The same thing is happening all over America.

So expect violence, gangs, riots, poverty to increase in all our major cities.

And where should all those people go?

I understand some of them can pick up and leave. But is it possible for all of Compton or all of Watts to pick up and move?

Can you tell us where they should go?

It is clear that anyone with the attitude, "who's responsible for you", doesn't get it. And they are arrogant. And they have probably not faced tough times. Oh they think they have, but really they don't realize how easy/good they had it. Or they don't realize how luck played a part of it. Or that they had some help from the government or someone they personally know.

Many poor people don't know anyone that can help, they graduated as functional illiterates, there is no job opportunities, they have no money, etc.

This "who's responsible for you" argument is lame

no it is not lame,,, how would you feell if all three hundred million of us thought somebody else should be responsible for us? what then?
The USA has no oil, no viable auto industry, no steel industry, no commecial electronics industry, no IT industry, etc. What you are good at is building bombs, guns, cheap beer, and hamburgers.The Chinese rule the world the American dynasty is gone.
Yourself, or government?

Forget who's responsible for ME. I am responsible for me.

Who is responsible for LA turning into a sesspool after all the manufacturing jobs went away?

The same thing is happening all over America.

So expect violence, gangs, riots, poverty to increase in all our major cities.

And where should all those people go?

I understand some of them can pick up and leave. But is it possible for all of Compton or all of Watts to pick up and move?

Can you tell us where they should go?

It is clear that anyone with the attitude, "who's responsible for you", doesn't get it. And they are arrogant. And they have probably not faced tough times. Oh they think they have, but really they don't realize how easy/good they had it. Or they don't realize how luck played a part of it. Or that they had some help from the government or someone they personally know.

Many poor people don't know anyone that can help, they graduated as functional illiterates, there is no job opportunities, they have no money, etc.

This "who's responsible for you" argument is lame

no it is not lame,,, how would you feell if all three hundred million of us thought somebody else should be responsible for us? what then?

What could possibly make that many people feel that way Willow?

What would make you feel like the government is responsible?

You are such a hypocrite. Here you are cryign that the government is going to turn this country into socialism.

How could that happen when you are responsible for you?

They couldn't possibly turn this country into socialism because you are responsible for you. Therefore, you could never turn socialist.

OR, are you now admitting that the government is responsible?

Because in a good economy, yes, you are responsible for you.

But in a bad economy, the government and corporations are responsible. If they send all the middle class jobs overseas, then millions of Americans are fucked. Especially the ones crammed into inner cities.

You believe in trickle down, right? So the parents have no money and the schools have no money so crime increases and drugs increase and so welfare increases, etc..

So yes, the government and corporations are responsible for providing jobs.

This isn't the frontier where you can just move west and start a new life. Open territory, free land, plenty of opportunity.

In case you haven't noticed, things are bad everywhere.

Please stop and open your mind for a second. All the poor blacks who worked on farms down south were dirt poor. They could not just move to Detroit and get a factory job. They would not have been hired. So they were STUCK in the south. Then WW2 happened and our factories needed blacks and women, so they packed up and moved to where there were jobs.

If there are no jobs, there is no where to move.

And so this story proves that blacks and poor Americans are not lazy. Give them a job and see they will work their asses off and they will make something of themselves.

And when you take those jobs away, you will see poverty, crime, welfare, single parent homes, abortion, etc. You'll see all these things come back with a vengance.

It is pathetic to me that you can't even grasp what I'm saying.

Just stick to your ignorant talking points.
Forget who's responsible for ME. I am responsible for me.

Who is responsible for LA turning into a sesspool after all the manufacturing jobs went away?

The same thing is happening all over America.

So expect violence, gangs, riots, poverty to increase in all our major cities.

And where should all those people go?

I understand some of them can pick up and leave. But is it possible for all of Compton or all of Watts to pick up and move?

Can you tell us where they should go?

It is clear that anyone with the attitude, "who's responsible for you", doesn't get it. And they are arrogant. And they have probably not faced tough times. Oh they think they have, but really they don't realize how easy/good they had it. Or they don't realize how luck played a part of it. Or that they had some help from the government or someone they personally know.

Many poor people don't know anyone that can help, they graduated as functional illiterates, there is no job opportunities, they have no money, etc.

This "who's responsible for you" argument is lame

no it is not lame,,, how would you feell if all three hundred million of us thought somebody else should be responsible for us? what then?

What could possibly make that many people feel that way Willow?

What would make you feel like the government is responsible?

You are such a hypocrite. Here you are cryign that the government is going to turn this country into socialism.

How could that happen when you are responsible for you?

They couldn't possibly turn this country into socialism because you are responsible for you. Therefore, you could never turn socialist.

OR, are you now admitting that the government is responsible?

Because in a good economy, yes, you are responsible for you.

But in a bad economy, the government and corporations are responsible. If they send all the middle class jobs overseas, then millions of Americans are fucked. Especially the ones crammed into inner cities.

You believe in trickle down, right? So the parents have no money and the schools have no money so crime increases and drugs increase and so welfare increases, etc..

So yes, the government and corporations are responsible for providing jobs.

This isn't the frontier where you can just move west and start a new life. Open territory, free land, plenty of opportunity.

In case you haven't noticed, things are bad everywhere.

Please stop and open your mind for a second. All the poor blacks who worked on farms down south were dirt poor. They could not just move to Detroit and get a factory job. They would not have been hired. So they were STUCK in the south. Then WW2 happened and our factories needed blacks and women, so they packed up and moved to where there were jobs.

If there are no jobs, there is no where to move.

And so this story proves that blacks and poor Americans are not lazy. Give them a job and see they will work their asses off and they will make something of themselves.

And when you take those jobs away, you will see poverty, crime, welfare, single parent homes, abortion, etc. You'll see all these things come back with a vengance.

It is pathetic to me that you can't even grasp what I'm saying.

Just stick to your ignorant talking points.

why should I be responsible for me when you are giving others a pass.
no it is not lame,,, how would you feell if all three hundred million of us thought somebody else should be responsible for us? what then?

What could possibly make that many people feel that way Willow?

What would make you feel like the government is responsible?

You are such a hypocrite. Here you are cryign that the government is going to turn this country into socialism.

How could that happen when you are responsible for you?

They couldn't possibly turn this country into socialism because you are responsible for you. Therefore, you could never turn socialist.

OR, are you now admitting that the government is responsible?

Because in a good economy, yes, you are responsible for you.

But in a bad economy, the government and corporations are responsible. If they send all the middle class jobs overseas, then millions of Americans are fucked. Especially the ones crammed into inner cities.

You believe in trickle down, right? So the parents have no money and the schools have no money so crime increases and drugs increase and so welfare increases, etc..

So yes, the government and corporations are responsible for providing jobs.

This isn't the frontier where you can just move west and start a new life. Open territory, free land, plenty of opportunity.

In case you haven't noticed, things are bad everywhere.

Please stop and open your mind for a second. All the poor blacks who worked on farms down south were dirt poor. They could not just move to Detroit and get a factory job. They would not have been hired. So they were STUCK in the south. Then WW2 happened and our factories needed blacks and women, so they packed up and moved to where there were jobs.

If there are no jobs, there is no where to move.

And so this story proves that blacks and poor Americans are not lazy. Give them a job and see they will work their asses off and they will make something of themselves.

And when you take those jobs away, you will see poverty, crime, welfare, single parent homes, abortion, etc. You'll see all these things come back with a vengance.

It is pathetic to me that you can't even grasp what I'm saying.

Just stick to your ignorant talking points.

why should I be responsible for me when you are giving others a pass.

If your hubby loses his job and for some reason you guys lose everything and you don't have any family that can help, are you just going to go crawl in a corner and die? Or are you going to go to a homeless shelter and soup kitchen? Or are you going to look for help from the government? Welfare?

So in America we have safety nets. This "who's responsible for you" argument is because you guys have removed the safety nets. Funny how you put in more safety nets for the corporations. Today it is easier for them to go bankrupt but harder for us.

America is a better place with safety nets.

And you, being well off, are responsible for you. Things have to get pretty shitty in your life before the government steps in. I'm responsible for me too. But if all the jobs dry up, who's responsible for that?

The government, along with the corporations, have the power to turn you into a surf Willow. Do you understand that? If it weren't for liberal government, you would be a surf. Pheasant. The Rabble. You don't realize how lucky you are to live in a country with such a liberal democracy. Sick days, labor laws, workers comp, maternaty leave, etc.

Ever hear the saying that the government helps the rich and poor and its the middle class that always gets fucked? For example, if you have a home and you get sick and your insurance won't cover it, then you lose your home and life savings. But if a poor person gets sick, they get free healthcare and the tax payers pick up the tab.

So our government has a responsibility to keep jobs available. They signed NAFTA and didn't worry at all about American jobs. Now we see the results.

So if a big factory closes in your small town, like it has elsewhere, good luck finding all those people new jobs. And if you can't, expect crime and poverty to go up in your area.

If your local government wants crime to go down so you are safe, then it is their responsibility to attract jobs back to your area so people can provide for their families.

Right? Don't people in Michigan blame Granholm for Michigan's woes? Those are all right wing Republicans blaming GOVERNMENT for Michigan's woes. I think it is more the federal government's fault, but bottom line is that the GOP understands that government does play a role.

So you don't?
What could possibly make that many people feel that way Willow?

What would make you feel like the government is responsible?

You are such a hypocrite. Here you are cryign that the government is going to turn this country into socialism.

How could that happen when you are responsible for you?

They couldn't possibly turn this country into socialism because you are responsible for you. Therefore, you could never turn socialist.

OR, are you now admitting that the government is responsible?

Because in a good economy, yes, you are responsible for you.

But in a bad economy, the government and corporations are responsible. If they send all the middle class jobs overseas, then millions of Americans are fucked. Especially the ones crammed into inner cities.

You believe in trickle down, right? So the parents have no money and the schools have no money so crime increases and drugs increase and so welfare increases, etc..

So yes, the government and corporations are responsible for providing jobs.

This isn't the frontier where you can just move west and start a new life. Open territory, free land, plenty of opportunity.

In case you haven't noticed, things are bad everywhere.

Please stop and open your mind for a second. All the poor blacks who worked on farms down south were dirt poor. They could not just move to Detroit and get a factory job. They would not have been hired. So they were STUCK in the south. Then WW2 happened and our factories needed blacks and women, so they packed up and moved to where there were jobs.

If there are no jobs, there is no where to move.

And so this story proves that blacks and poor Americans are not lazy. Give them a job and see they will work their asses off and they will make something of themselves.

And when you take those jobs away, you will see poverty, crime, welfare, single parent homes, abortion, etc. You'll see all these things come back with a vengance.

It is pathetic to me that you can't even grasp what I'm saying.

Just stick to your ignorant talking points.

why should I be responsible for me when you are giving others a pass.

If your hubby loses his job and for some reason you guys lose everything and you don't have any family that can help, are you just going to go crawl in a corner and die? Or are you going to go to a homeless shelter and soup kitchen? Or are you going to look for help from the government? Welfare?

So in America we have safety nets. This "who's responsible for you" argument is because you guys have removed the safety nets. Funny how you put in more safety nets for the corporations. Today it is easier for them to go bankrupt but harder for us.

America is a better place with safety nets.

And you, being well off, are responsible for you. Things have to get pretty shitty in your life before the government steps in. I'm responsible for me too. But if all the jobs dry up, who's responsible for that?

The government, along with the corporations, have the power to turn you into a surf Willow. Do you understand that? If it weren't for liberal government, you would be a surf. Pheasant. The Rabble. You don't realize how lucky you are to live in a country with such a liberal democracy. Sick days, labor laws, workers comp, maternaty leave, etc.

Ever hear the saying that the government helps the rich and poor and its the middle class that always gets fucked? For example, if you have a home and you get sick and your insurance won't cover it, then you lose your home and life savings. But if a poor person gets sick, they get free healthcare and the tax payers pick up the tab.

So our government has a responsibility to keep jobs available. They signed NAFTA and didn't worry at all about American jobs. Now we see the results.

So if a big factory closes in your small town, like it has elsewhere, good luck finding all those people new jobs. And if you can't, expect crime and poverty to go up in your area.

If your local government wants crime to go down so you are safe, then it is their responsibility to attract jobs back to your area so people can provide for their families.

Right? Don't people in Michigan blame Granholm for Michigan's woes? Those are all right wing Republicans blaming GOVERNMENT for Michigan's woes. I think it is more the federal government's fault, but bottom line is that the GOP understands that government does play a role.

So you don't?

why can't people be poor without committing crime? is poverty an excuse for crime? can't people suffer tragedy without committing crime.. Post Katrina I worked my ass off everyday for free trying to help,and gave donations to the red cross, and every night I came home and turned on the tv to see the looting and violence and the shouts of "racisim" and threats of suing the red cross. sure made me wonder.
why should I be responsible for me when you are giving others a pass.

If your hubby loses his job and for some reason you guys lose everything and you don't have any family that can help, are you just going to go crawl in a corner and die? Or are you going to go to a homeless shelter and soup kitchen? Or are you going to look for help from the government? Welfare?

So in America we have safety nets. This "who's responsible for you" argument is because you guys have removed the safety nets. Funny how you put in more safety nets for the corporations. Today it is easier for them to go bankrupt but harder for us.

America is a better place with safety nets.

And you, being well off, are responsible for you. Things have to get pretty shitty in your life before the government steps in. I'm responsible for me too. But if all the jobs dry up, who's responsible for that?

The government, along with the corporations, have the power to turn you into a surf Willow. Do you understand that? If it weren't for liberal government, you would be a surf. Pheasant. The Rabble. You don't realize how lucky you are to live in a country with such a liberal democracy. Sick days, labor laws, workers comp, maternaty leave, etc.

Ever hear the saying that the government helps the rich and poor and its the middle class that always gets fucked? For example, if you have a home and you get sick and your insurance won't cover it, then you lose your home and life savings. But if a poor person gets sick, they get free healthcare and the tax payers pick up the tab.

So our government has a responsibility to keep jobs available. They signed NAFTA and didn't worry at all about American jobs. Now we see the results.

So if a big factory closes in your small town, like it has elsewhere, good luck finding all those people new jobs. And if you can't, expect crime and poverty to go up in your area.

If your local government wants crime to go down so you are safe, then it is their responsibility to attract jobs back to your area so people can provide for their families.

Right? Don't people in Michigan blame Granholm for Michigan's woes? Those are all right wing Republicans blaming GOVERNMENT for Michigan's woes. I think it is more the federal government's fault, but bottom line is that the GOP understands that government does play a role.

So you don't?

why can't people be poor without committing crime? is poverty an excuse for crime? can't people suffer tragedy without committing crime.. Post Katrina I worked my ass off everyday for free trying to help,and gave donations to the red cross, and every night I came home and turned on the tv to see the looting and violence and the shouts of "racisim" and threats of suing the red cross. sure made me wonder.

I hope to God that you at least see the points I am trying to make. You guys and your talking points make it very hard to discuss things like this because you are so stubborn.

We don't disagree with you willow. No, poverty is not an excuse to commit crime and yes, I am responsible for me. But what you ignore is that poverty always equals crime and welfare.

More so in cities because they are all crammed together. Poor white farming communities are probably different because there is less violence and families probably stay together more. You can't loot in the country. Very easy to secure a small town. Not so easy in Compton/Watts/LA.

Think of it this way. Where does gorrilla warfare occur? It occurs in cities, where they can hide and blend in. Kind of hard to hide in a corn field. Saddam tried to fight the US in the desert, and we wiped them out. But it is harder for us in Bagdad.

You should have watched the PBS documentary on the 60's riots. Blacks being treated like second class citizens, no jobs, guns and drugs being pumped into their cities, liquir stores on every corner, dads not raising their kids, inferior schools.

They interviewed gang members. They were being shot at while walking to school. Can't go to certain gas stations or neighborhoods if you are not from the neighborhood because you would be shot. Parents working two jobs and not spending any time with their kids.

And the gangs protect them, make them feel like a part of the family, and it is either kill or be killed.
I am so sickened by people who justify the behavior of criminals who prey upon the poor.
I am so sickened by people who justify the behavior of criminals who prey upon the poor.

Then you should not be a social worker.

If you can't see that an 18 year old who grew up in the hood is a victim, then you should quit your job and go find work suitable for you.

How about you go be a fluffer in porn.
You are so pathetic, lol.

Are you insinuating all my clients are criminals? Shows what you know.
And stop fantasizing about me, or stop accessing porn while you're on usmb so we can be spared your random, disturbing references to it.
And stop fantasizing about me, or stop accessing porn while you're on usmb so we can be spared your random, disturbing references to it.

So you admit that I'm right. That there are external reasons why people fall into crime.

Starve your fat ass for 2 days and you'll be in the grocery store stealing food 100% guarantee.

Have your kids be hungry and lets see you selling your ass for dollars.

And if you will end up on the street, you will sell drugs for $.

And if a kid in school is going to shoot you, you might kill him before he kills you.

You're sick of excuses? I'm sick of Americans having to live in these conditions.

The point that I got out of the documentary I saw yesterday is that LA was a thriving community during and after WW2.

It wasn't until the jobs went away that the place fell apart.

It wasn't until jobs went away that dad's started leaving and the gangs took over.

And things were bad, but not that bad, until WHITES sent crack into the ghetto. Nice move. But don't blame Reagan for that.

How Many Brothers and Sisters Doin Time Cuz of CIA Drug Runners?

You can't deny what I'm saying. But your sick of excuses. We should throw your fat ass in there and see how fast you start turning tricks, or calling the government for help.

People like you can't solve the problem because you don't understand what caused it.
You are so pathetic, lol.

Are you insinuating all my clients are criminals? Shows what you know.

No, I'm saying you can't tell and don't care when/if someone is a victim.

And you are doing those people more harm with your holier than thou attitude.

No wonder none of them ever get better.

The ones that do probably ignore your ass.
Who is responsible for YOU?

Yourself, or government?

The government.

But I am responsible for the government.

I was just amazed to see that what happened to LA leading up to the 60's riots, is very similar to what is happening all over America right now. And I'm scared.

GM, Ford and Chrysler plants that kept Compton & Watts and South Central residents employed for decades all of the sudden picked up and left.

Imagine all the families who's lives were ruined. How many people lost their homes?

And in place of those jobs came crime, drugs, abortion, poverty, etc.

These problems didn't occur when the people had jobs. So that blows the racists theory that blacks are just natually prone to violence. But I doubt anyone with that opinion has any knowledge of history or facts.

Who's responsible for all the jobs that left LA? The government or corporations? BOTH!

I wouldn't be surprised if there were riots in our future. Detroit, LA, any place that has a lot of people and not a lot of jobs.

And Allie will eek by on her $40K salary and be judgemental, because she at least has that job.

If all those people in the city made $40K, they'd be ok too.
bobo,, you should stop and think about who has been in charge in California.. Liberals and ultra liberals,, taxed the system to death,, that's why companies pick up and leave.. and still are leaving.. many citizens are sure to follow..

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