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Who is Richard Spencer , pretty much an idiot with inherited money

I am acutely aware of the "biological differences" between men and women, but they have been extremely exaggerated over time for political reasons. There is nothing to "compel" women "to take on roles that they are not cut for." Who is doing that? What about the cultural/religious cues that seek to compel women to stay home, like some "religious" morons. The female citizens of the Icenai, the Haganah, the Ethiopians, the Eritreans, the Kurds, among so many others, have all fought bravely. In Is Paris Burning, Dominique LaPierre wrote of the young woman of Paris in a red dress who mounted an incoming German tank bearing flowers, right before she throw a molotov cocktail down the turret. I read a horrible story many decades ago in the Sunday Parade magazine written by a husband who killed his wife (they were part of the French Resistance), after they were caught in a firefight with nazis. She was horribly wounded and instructed her husband to make sure that she was dead so that she would not be found alive and then to run. He was able to survive and went on to marry again and have children but never left his first wife's memory behind.

Any person worth his or her salt fights for their communities, countries, and what they believe in. You have to understand this.

Moreover, heterosexuals who truly love each other help their partners to fulfill each's dreams. They assist each other in every way possible, personal ego nothwithstanding.

Great shot of Gabrielle Giffords and husband (ex-astronaut) Mark Kelly:

Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly: The New Year Is for Hope, Even After Tragedy

Now this is what heterosexuality is all about. Her husband apparently LOVES Gabby Giffords. I hope that she returns that love, and I suspect that she does. We should not allow ego-driven monkeys to ruin heterosexuality.

I sincerely doubt that any of those noble and strong women you mentioned were influenced by modern day feminism. Let's not confuse criticism of feminism with criticism of femininity. It's not hard to see that some women are being led astray, against their own inclinations and against their own desires by today's feminist movement which seems to be more about beating up on men and promoting abortion than empowering women.

You insinuate that all males are arrogant assholes when you refuse to separate males out based on their behavior and the propensity of some males to use their maleness as an excuse for misconduct and then call me "anti-male" because I do. I've always said that I don't think that all men are assholes and that I like many men. Men know the difference, or should.

We don't tear down American monuments.

We whites have always had a "racial identity," even if this is something that we actually need to have. There is no "racist double standard." I have never been demonized or ridiculed for celebrating my heritage. Anyhow, "celebrating one's heritage" should not include whining about whole other groups of people, which seems to be the central activity of this moronic "white identity" movement. I think that contributions by whites to American life and culture have been widely celebrated without incident or ridicule. Catch a few museums and libraries, attend an upcoming St. Patrick's Day Parade, go to a concert or ballet, read some older history books that pretty much only included the activities of white males.

Culture is more than just music and art, it's how we live our lives. I don't know how anyone who stays abreast of current events and reads the news could miss the unsubtle anti-western anti-tradition and yes, anti-white male bias inherent in news media and popular entertainment.

I don't find anything "anti-western" going on, just the adding of more additional offerings from people of other backgrounds. The term "tradition" is fluid and can be used to bolster the idea that "we have always done a particular thing that hurt other people so we are entitled to continue to do so just because our ancestors did." Repetition does not establish validity. Some cultures think that they must follow the tradition of mutilating a person's genitals. Should they? Yeah. yeah, yeah, "we've always done it this way."

I don't see any "anti-white male bias" in news media and entertainment. Being joined in an activity by non-white, non-male folks does not constitute a bias for or against anyone. When I turn on the TV, I see white, male heads on the screen as often as I see others who do not meet this description. White, male folks are included with the same frequency as any other.
It's not hard to see that some women are being led astray, against their own inclinations and against their own desires by today's feminist movement which seems to be more about beating up on men and promoting abortion than empowering women.

Why are you even talking about adult people "being led astray" as if they were sheep of some sort? Any bozo boy in one of these white "militia" gangs most likely as been "led astray" as well. You have no idea of what any person's own inclinations and own desires are. I bet you are getting this from cult fundie males who are stupid enough and arrogant enough to think that they know. Dumb trash like graham and dobson and perkins and the other jackasses from focus on ruining the family just try to push themselves up to the mike and presume to speak for those they know absolutely nothing about.

Nobody is "beating up on men." We are, however, beating up on assholes. Not all men are assholes.

Nobody "promotes" abortion. It is a last resort. However, the above mentioned dumb bitch-boys like graham, perkins, jeffress, etc. are against birth control and try to keep women from using it, even though it greatly reduces the need for abortion. These bitch-boys have an out-right sexual agenda against women for their own sick sexual gratification and lust for controlling women's bodies. They are perverts. Birth control empowers women, but trash like these guys have other sick motives in mind. They are the same trash who refuse to sit down and talk to women about what we actually want, you know: LISTEN rather than speak. They seek to impose their own fantasy in place of the voices of real women.

We will choose our own methods of empowerment.


I took a couple of minutes of thought about this, and I could write all night. But I will humbly assert that all of us, whether women of any color, or men of color, or anybody else are a bit bored and disgusted about being told how we must act, feel, respond, react, believe. This is incredible arrogance. The people who presume to do this need to listen rather than talk. The clowns who do these things do not realize that none of the rest of us are puppets. They should not be allowed to presume to speak for any one of us of any background. I know what I think, as filtered through my own unique life and experiences. I think that you understand the same.
Were there good intentions there?

Or was it just something rotten?

Take the Conquistadores. They went to the Americas and they were criticized by the Catholic Church for what they were doing.

But one of the reasons of looking back at history with a critical eye is to help you judge whether what is happening today is good or bad.

You look and see what America was doing 100 years ago, and it wasn't any worse than what America is doing today. It was all exploitation then and it's the same now.

If you look back and criticize what happened then, you can see that what is happening now is not acceptable either.

I've read reports that suggest 100,000 people were ritually sacrificed by the Aztecs in the year prior to the Spanish arriving so some people might say that the Aztec civilization deserved everything that happened to it. I don't necessarily agree, some aspects of their civilization was worth preserving but certainly not the practice of human sacrifice.

Yes it's good to learn from the mistakes of the past but I think it's also important to try and put the actions of people in context of how they perceived the world at the time. On the subject of colonialism, many people sacrificed their health and safety to spread the word of god and the light of civilization to "savages". Some of the missionary work and urban development was beneficial to the host countries and not at all motivated by greed or hate. Sort of like how the media and politicians convinced people that middle eastern invasions were justified to "spread democracy" and make the world safer. Lots of US soldiers enlisted and died with that goal in mind. Let's not forget all the people murdered on 9/11.

Anyway, I'm not sure what any of this has to do with the Alt-right unless you are one of those people who think white people deserve to be replaced and western civilization destroyed because of things that happened in the past. That's a pretty popular sentiment nowadays- they're explicitly teaching white guilt on college campuses and infusing it into public education curriculum, popular entertainment and mainstream news coverage.

Wait, so your argument that the Spanish did bad things is to say the Aztecs did bad things.

What? That's not talking about what we're talking about.

Yes, we can try and put things into context. Your way is to put the Spanish invasion and brutal massacre of Native Americans into context. I'm putting the modern world into context with the past so we can actually think about it in terms of our own societies.

I am in favor of people talking about things freely. I think one of the biggest problems is that angry stupid people who want to gain a semblance of position within society that isn't right at the bottom come out with some pathetic racist crap, and that this then turns people away from those ideas.

Other people then manage to link those ideas to things like immigration and the like, and then people are afraid of discussing immigration.

This is the far right doing things which are contrary to what they are hoping to achieve.

What are we talking about? This thread is about the alt-right which is against colonialism and other forms of foreign intervention and in favor of preserving the cultural identity of all people by keeping them separate.

Multiculturalism is not working. It has never worked. History proves this. When two very different cultures meet, there is always conflict, and one always ends up oppressed. Western society is afflicted with a guilty conscience and is inviting alien cultures into our societies without a thought for the ramifications.
Were there good intentions there?

Or was it just something rotten?

Take the Conquistadores. They went to the Americas and they were criticized by the Catholic Church for what they were doing.

But one of the reasons of looking back at history with a critical eye is to help you judge whether what is happening today is good or bad.

You look and see what America was doing 100 years ago, and it wasn't any worse than what America is doing today. It was all exploitation then and it's the same now.

If you look back and criticize what happened then, you can see that what is happening now is not acceptable either.

I've read reports that suggest 100,000 people were ritually sacrificed by the Aztecs in the year prior to the Spanish arriving so some people might say that the Aztec civilization deserved everything that happened to it. I don't necessarily agree, some aspects of their civilization was worth preserving but certainly not the practice of human sacrifice.

Yes it's good to learn from the mistakes of the past but I think it's also important to try and put the actions of people in context of how they perceived the world at the time. On the subject of colonialism, many people sacrificed their health and safety to spread the word of god and the light of civilization to "savages". Some of the missionary work and urban development was beneficial to the host countries and not at all motivated by greed or hate. Sort of like how the media and politicians convinced people that middle eastern invasions were justified to "spread democracy" and make the world safer. Lots of US soldiers enlisted and died with that goal in mind. Let's not forget all the people murdered on 9/11.

Anyway, I'm not sure what any of this has to do with the Alt-right unless you are one of those people who think white people deserve to be replaced and western civilization destroyed because of things that happened in the past. That's a pretty popular sentiment nowadays- they're explicitly teaching white guilt on college campuses and infusing it into public education curriculum, popular entertainment and mainstream news coverage.

Wait, so your argument that the Spanish did bad things is to say the Aztecs did bad things.

What? That's not talking about what we're talking about.

Yes, we can try and put things into context. Your way is to put the Spanish invasion and brutal massacre of Native Americans into context. I'm putting the modern world into context with the past so we can actually think about it in terms of our own societies.

I am in favor of people talking about things freely. I think one of the biggest problems is that angry stupid people who want to gain a semblance of position within society that isn't right at the bottom come out with some pathetic racist crap, and that this then turns people away from those ideas.

Other people then manage to link those ideas to things like immigration and the like, and then people are afraid of discussing immigration.

This is the far right doing things which are contrary to what they are hoping to achieve.

What are we talking about? This thread is about the alt-right which is against colonialism and other forms of foreign intervention and in favor of preserving the cultural identity of all people by keeping them separate.

Multiculturalism is not working. It has never worked. History proves this. When two very different cultures meet, there is always conflict, and one always ends up oppressed. Western society is afflicted with a guilty conscience and is inviting alien cultures into our societies without a thought for the ramifications.

Do you know why multiculturalism "doesn't work"? It's because people make it not work.

Actually it can work.

In fact the US is seen as the most powerful country on Earth and it has multiculturalism, while Japan is diminishing as a world power massively with its non-multiculturalism.

But the reasons why blacks are suffering in the US is because people single them out and then do childish things. Or politicians use differences to get what they want, nationalism is easier for them to use to get into power than actually providing real solutions to problems.

That's the problem.

What am I talking about? History.

The alt-right will use history to say "this is like this, therefore we're right in our racism", and then I come along and think "this isn't the history I know of", and then I present it to you and you backpedal.

There's nothing new in racists, fascists, nationalists etc, changing history to suit their needs, knowing that the lie goes quickly and the truth comes along slowly and people just don't want to believe it, don't care to believe it.

People create this whole fabricated world around them because it's easier, and then claim things don't work because of the fabricated world they've made.
Do you know why multiculturalism "doesn't work"? It's because people make it not work.

Actually it can work.

In fact the US is seen as the most powerful country on Earth and it has multiculturalism, while Japan is diminishing as a world power massively with its non-multiculturalism.

But the reasons why blacks are suffering in the US is because people single them out and then do childish things. Or politicians use differences to get what they want, nationalism is easier for them to use to get into power than actually providing real solutions to problems.

That's the problem.

What am I talking about? History.

The alt-right will use history to say "this is like this, therefore we're right in our racism", and then I come along and think "this isn't the history I know of", and then I present it to you and you backpedal.

There's nothing new in racists, fascists, nationalists etc, changing history to suit their needs, knowing that the lie goes quickly and the truth comes along slowly and people just don't want to believe it, don't care to believe it.

People create this whole fabricated world around them because it's easier, and then claim things don't work because of the fabricated world they've made.

Racial conflicts are tearing this nation apart. 50 years of trying to "make it work" with unconstitutional thought-policing civil rights legislation and black people are still mad and want financial reparations from whitey or they're gonna burn down our suburbs. They've made our cities into warzones but the media only wants to talk about how white folks need to get over their racism and just accept the fact that immigrants from Mexico, one of the most violent countries on earth, are becoming the new majority.

Meanwhile in Europe, gangs of Pakistanis rape little white girls and the authorities don't do anything to stop it because they're afraid of being called racist. Well if being against child-rape makes me a racist then so be it. I'm a fucking racist and damn proud of it.
Do you know why multiculturalism "doesn't work"? It's because people make it not work.

Actually it can work.

In fact the US is seen as the most powerful country on Earth and it has multiculturalism, while Japan is diminishing as a world power massively with its non-multiculturalism.

But the reasons why blacks are suffering in the US is because people single them out and then do childish things. Or politicians use differences to get what they want, nationalism is easier for them to use to get into power than actually providing real solutions to problems.

That's the problem.

What am I talking about? History.

The alt-right will use history to say "this is like this, therefore we're right in our racism", and then I come along and think "this isn't the history I know of", and then I present it to you and you backpedal.

There's nothing new in racists, fascists, nationalists etc, changing history to suit their needs, knowing that the lie goes quickly and the truth comes along slowly and people just don't want to believe it, don't care to believe it.

People create this whole fabricated world around them because it's easier, and then claim things don't work because of the fabricated world they've made.

Racial conflicts are tearing this nation apart. 50 years of trying to "make it work" with unconstitutional thought-policing civil rights legislation and black people are still mad and want financial reparations from whitey or they're gonna burn down our suburbs. They've made our cities into warzones but the media only wants to talk about how white folks need to get over their racism and just accept the fact that immigrants from Mexico, one of the most violent countries on earth, are becoming the new majority.

Meanwhile in Europe, gangs of Pakistanis rape little white girls and the authorities don't do anything to stop it because they're afraid of being called racist. Well if being against child-rape makes me a racist then so be it. I'm a fucking racist and damn proud of it.

Yes, racial conflicts are tearing the nation apart.

But is race the cause of the racial conflicts? Not really. Depends on how you look at it.

The nation could have chosen a path towards Human Rights, equality, you know, all the shit that gets ignored in the Constitution.

The problem is that blacks didn't get released from slavery in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was written or 1789 when the Constitution was passed, or in 1791 when the Bill of Rights was passed.

It took a Civil War to end that. It took hundreds of thousands of dead bodies to then force part of the country to accept something moral.

Even today those people who support the Confederacy, an institution which killed 140,000 US military personnel are put up on a higher pedestal than black people who peacefully protest.

Where did the anger at the NFL kneelers come from? That racism still exists, the same racism that kept slavery, the same racism that kept segregation and the same racism that has blacks at 25% poverty compared to 7% poverty for whites.

Look at Germany. Germany went through a very bad phase with the Nazis. They looked at their own history and they said "this isn't what we want to be."

It's not all lovely and nice in German, I've seen racism in German by German officials. But it's far, far better in the former West Germany than the former East or Austria, two places which didn't confront their past.

This is a map from a few years ago, showing the racist far right political party the NPD. This is from 2010.

Germany has confronted its racism, it's talked about its past, it's felt the guilt of the bad things that happened in the past.

In contrast is the US where the white people often REFUSE to talk about it, refuse to acknowledge the past, refuse to take any blame for the past and therefore the continue to impose this racism on the country still.

People who oppose racism in schools are called indoctrinators, they fight against having their kids learn to be decent members of society, they see it as some kind of govt ploy to do something or other.

This is what keeps the problems that are ripping the country apart. It isn't the race that is causing this. It's the curling up in a ball, the sticking the head in the sand, the refusal to deal with the problems in society.

There's a political system which allows for only two corrupt political parties. Politics has stopped being about running the country for the people, it's become about "winning". You "win" by making your opponents "lose" somehow.

All the while the rich are using this political system to enrich themselves.


Here's a wealth hap of upper income compared to middle income. It just gets higher year after year, decade after decade.

The more control the rich get, the wider the gap goes.


Look at the red line, the top 0.1% has increased its wealth since the 1970s from 3% to 11%, that's ridiculous. Since Bush W. was in power and they've gained even more control of govt it's nearly doubled. Where's this money coming from? From the poor, who are getting poorer.

This is why the country is falling apart.

Race is an easy one to shout about. But the FACTORS BEHIND IT are the real reasons.

Racial tension is the by product of all this, not the cause.
Yes, racial conflicts are tearing the nation apart.

But is race the cause of the racial conflicts? Not really. Depends on how you look at it.

The nation could have chosen a path towards Human Rights, equality, you know, all the shit that gets ignored in the Constitution.

The problem is that blacks didn't get released from slavery in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was written or 1789 when the Constitution was passed, or in 1791 when the Bill of Rights was passed.

It took a Civil War to end that. It took hundreds of thousands of dead bodies to then force part of the country to accept something moral.

Even today those people who support the Confederacy, an institution which killed 140,000 US military personnel are put up on a higher pedestal than black people who peacefully protest.

Where did the anger at the NFL kneelers come from? That racism still exists, the same racism that kept slavery, the same racism that kept segregation and the same racism that has blacks at 25% poverty compared to 7% poverty for whites.

Look at Germany. Germany went through a very bad phase with the Nazis. They looked at their own history and they said "this isn't what we want to be."

It's not all lovely and nice in German, I've seen racism in German by German officials. But it's far, far better in the former West Germany than the former East or Austria, two places which didn't confront their past.

This is a map from a few years ago, showing the racist far right political party the NPD. This is from 2010.

Germany has confronted its racism, it's talked about its past, it's felt the guilt of the bad things that happened in the past.

In contrast is the US where the white people often REFUSE to talk about it, refuse to acknowledge the past, refuse to take any blame for the past and therefore the continue to impose this racism on the country still.

People who oppose racism in schools are called indoctrinators, they fight against having their kids learn to be decent members of society, they see it as some kind of govt ploy to do something or other.

This is what keeps the problems that are ripping the country apart. It isn't the race that is causing this. It's the curling up in a ball, the sticking the head in the sand, the refusal to deal with the problems in society.

There's a political system which allows for only two corrupt political parties. Politics has stopped being about running the country for the people, it's become about "winning". You "win" by making your opponents "lose" somehow.

All the while the rich are using this political system to enrich themselves.


Here's a wealth hap of upper income compared to middle income. It just gets higher year after year, decade after decade.

The more control the rich get, the wider the gap goes.


Look at the red line, the top 0.1% has increased its wealth since the 1970s from 3% to 11%, that's ridiculous. Since Bush W. was in power and they've gained even more control of govt it's nearly doubled. Where's this money coming from? From the poor, who are getting poorer.

This is why the country is falling apart.

Race is an easy one to shout about. But the FACTORS BEHIND IT are the real reasons.

Racial tension is the by product of all this, not the cause.

There are no confederates. There's people who like the rebel flag but that doesnt make them confederates, and nobody is putting them up on a pedestal. I seem to remember the media, the democrats and a large portion of the GOP having a collective mental breakdown when Trump accurately stated that there were troublemakers on both sides during the Charlottesville protests. (the majority of troublemakers were on the left side of the spectrum)

Modern day Germans should not be made to feel guilty for Hitler any more than modern day white Americans should feel guilty for slavery. I'm just trying to live my life and don't want to accept blame for things that I didn't have any part in. It seems to me that theres an expectation from certain quarters that we should all submit to groupthink. Vote for who we say or you're a racist and the root cause of everything wrong with minorities. It's not my fault some negro decides to rob the local 7-11 and shoot the clerk. He would have done it anyway even if I had voted for the green party.
Yes, racial conflicts are tearing the nation apart.

But is race the cause of the racial conflicts? Not really. Depends on how you look at it.

The nation could have chosen a path towards Human Rights, equality, you know, all the shit that gets ignored in the Constitution.

The problem is that blacks didn't get released from slavery in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was written or 1789 when the Constitution was passed, or in 1791 when the Bill of Rights was passed.

It took a Civil War to end that. It took hundreds of thousands of dead bodies to then force part of the country to accept something moral.

Even today those people who support the Confederacy, an institution which killed 140,000 US military personnel are put up on a higher pedestal than black people who peacefully protest.

Where did the anger at the NFL kneelers come from? That racism still exists, the same racism that kept slavery, the same racism that kept segregation and the same racism that has blacks at 25% poverty compared to 7% poverty for whites.

Look at Germany. Germany went through a very bad phase with the Nazis. They looked at their own history and they said "this isn't what we want to be."

It's not all lovely and nice in German, I've seen racism in German by German officials. But it's far, far better in the former West Germany than the former East or Austria, two places which didn't confront their past.

This is a map from a few years ago, showing the racist far right political party the NPD. This is from 2010.

Germany has confronted its racism, it's talked about its past, it's felt the guilt of the bad things that happened in the past.

In contrast is the US where the white people often REFUSE to talk about it, refuse to acknowledge the past, refuse to take any blame for the past and therefore the continue to impose this racism on the country still.

People who oppose racism in schools are called indoctrinators, they fight against having their kids learn to be decent members of society, they see it as some kind of govt ploy to do something or other.

This is what keeps the problems that are ripping the country apart. It isn't the race that is causing this. It's the curling up in a ball, the sticking the head in the sand, the refusal to deal with the problems in society.

There's a political system which allows for only two corrupt political parties. Politics has stopped being about running the country for the people, it's become about "winning". You "win" by making your opponents "lose" somehow.

All the while the rich are using this political system to enrich themselves.


Here's a wealth hap of upper income compared to middle income. It just gets higher year after year, decade after decade.

The more control the rich get, the wider the gap goes.


Look at the red line, the top 0.1% has increased its wealth since the 1970s from 3% to 11%, that's ridiculous. Since Bush W. was in power and they've gained even more control of govt it's nearly doubled. Where's this money coming from? From the poor, who are getting poorer.

This is why the country is falling apart.

Race is an easy one to shout about. But the FACTORS BEHIND IT are the real reasons.

Racial tension is the by product of all this, not the cause.

There are no confederates. There's people who like the rebel flag but that doesnt make them confederates, and nobody is putting them up on a pedestal. I seem to remember the media, the democrats and a large portion of the GOP having a collective mental breakdown when Trump accurately stated that there were troublemakers on both sides during the Charlottesville protests. (the majority of troublemakers were on the left side of the spectrum)

Modern day Germans should not be made to feel guilty for Hitler any more than modern day white Americans should feel guilty for slavery. I'm just trying to live my life and don't want to accept blame for things that I didn't have any part in. It seems to me that theres an expectation from certain quarters that we should all submit to groupthink. Vote for who we say or you're a racist and the root cause of everything wrong with minorities. It's not my fault some negro decides to rob the local 7-11 and shoot the clerk. He would have done it anyway even if I had voted for the green party.

I didn't say there were Confederates. I said there are people who support the Confederacy, and they do.

No one putting them up on a pedestal? Really?

The protesters marched, there were neo-Nazis shouting anti-Semitic and anti-black chants. There were marches with people waving the Confederate flag and it took DAYS for Trump to make some kind of vague condemnation of these people.

Get people kneeling at NFL games and Trump went hard after them.

Trump Defends Initial Remarks on Charlottesville; Again Blames ‘Both Sides’

"“I think there is blame on both sides,” the president said "

"“You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now.”"

"Mr. Trump defended those gathered in a Charlottesville park to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups,” he said. “Not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch.”"

No, maybe not all were neo-Nazis, maybe not all were White Supremacists, however there were a LOT of people who had Confederate flags and the like. And what, at the end of the day, were they protesting for? The Confederacy.



I see a lot of Confederate flags being carried.

The statue was of Robert E. Lee, he was a Confederate general. Why would you care for a statue of a TRAITOR if you didn't support the traitors?

Would you think a statue of Lenin put up by Communists was not traitorous? Stalin might be a better example as Lenin wasn't really an enemy of the US.

Modern day Germans don't necessarily feel the guilt for what Hitler did, because they have actually confronted their past and they've done away with the problems that existed, like anti-Semitism. (though by no means it's totally gone, but it's much reduced.)


Here's a map about anti-Semitism. You see some countries are less anti-Semitic than others. France didn't really deal with its issues of helping the Nazis an the Vichy France state, and look what's happened.

This is anti-Semitism, not racism or intolerance. Also it's people who are openly anti-Semitic. That the UK is quite low isn't surprising as many people who hold racist or anti-Semitic views wouldn't admit to those views.

You talk about groupthink, as if it doesn't happen. It happens all over. The right trying to force their views down people's throats with "patriotism" and the left trying to force their views down people's throats with threats of being anti-whatever.

But at the end of the day "groupthink" is what causes HARMONY within society. The more people think alike, the more people accept those around them, then the less problems people can cause in trying to get nationalism into politics that involves targeting other groups.

Take China. They have lots of policies that force people to think alike. The Japanese were guilty of atrocities, they have Nanjing Massacre Day, they let people riot a few times by burning Japanese made cars. They let the nationalists say what they like on the internet, one woman was criticized for say "Happy Lunar New Year" or something like that, the nationalists DEMANDED she say "Happy Chinese New Year". Jackie Chan has been forced to say he's Chinese, otherwise they'll target him and make sure he never sells another film ever again.

This is all about "groupthink" and getting everyone to be "Chinese".

You can choose. You can choose individualism, or you can choose harmony. You can't have both.
Do you know why multiculturalism "doesn't work"? It's because people make it not work.

Actually it can work.

In fact the US is seen as the most powerful country on Earth and it has multiculturalism, while Japan is diminishing as a world power massively with its non-multiculturalism.

But the reasons why blacks are suffering in the US is because people single them out and then do childish things. Or politicians use differences to get what they want, nationalism is easier for them to use to get into power than actually providing real solutions to problems.

That's the problem.

What am I talking about? History.

The alt-right will use history to say "this is like this, therefore we're right in our racism", and then I come along and think "this isn't the history I know of", and then I present it to you and you backpedal.

There's nothing new in racists, fascists, nationalists etc, changing history to suit their needs, knowing that the lie goes quickly and the truth comes along slowly and people just don't want to believe it, don't care to believe it.

People create this whole fabricated world around them because it's easier, and then claim things don't work because of the fabricated world they've made.

Racial conflicts are tearing this nation apart. 50 years of trying to "make it work" with unconstitutional thought-policing civil rights legislation and black people are still mad and want financial reparations from whitey or they're gonna burn down our suburbs. They've made our cities into warzones but the media only wants to talk about how white folks need to get over their racism and just accept the fact that immigrants from Mexico, one of the most violent countries on earth, are becoming the new majority.

Meanwhile in Europe, gangs of Pakistanis rape little white girls and the authorities don't do anything to stop it because they're afraid of being called racist. Well if being against child-rape makes me a racist then so be it. I'm a fucking racist and damn proud of it.

Not every white person has psychosis thank God.
Do you know why multiculturalism "doesn't work"? It's because people make it not work.

Actually it can work.

In fact the US is seen as the most powerful country on Earth and it has multiculturalism, while Japan is diminishing as a world power massively with its non-multiculturalism.

But the reasons why blacks are suffering in the US is because people single them out and then do childish things. Or politicians use differences to get what they want, nationalism is easier for them to use to get into power than actually providing real solutions to problems.

That's the problem.

What am I talking about? History.

The alt-right will use history to say "this is like this, therefore we're right in our racism", and then I come along and think "this isn't the history I know of", and then I present it to you and you backpedal.

There's nothing new in racists, fascists, nationalists etc, changing history to suit their needs, knowing that the lie goes quickly and the truth comes along slowly and people just don't want to believe it, don't care to believe it.

People create this whole fabricated world around them because it's easier, and then claim things don't work because of the fabricated world they've made.

Racial conflicts are tearing this nation apart. 50 years of trying to "make it work" with unconstitutional thought-policing civil rights legislation and black people are still mad and want financial reparations from whitey or they're gonna burn down our suburbs. They've made our cities into warzones but the media only wants to talk about how white folks need to get over their racism and just accept the fact that immigrants from Mexico, one of the most violent countries on earth, are becoming the new majority.

Meanwhile in Europe, gangs of Pakistanis rape little white girls and the authorities don't do anything to stop it because they're afraid of being called racist. Well if being against child-rape makes me a racist then so be it. I'm a fucking racist and damn proud of it.

Yes, racial conflicts are tearing the nation apart.

But is race the cause of the racial conflicts? Not really. Depends on how you look at it.

The nation could have chosen a path towards Human Rights, equality, you know, all the shit that gets ignored in the Constitution.

The problem is that blacks didn't get released from slavery in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was written or 1789 when the Constitution was passed, or in 1791 when the Bill of Rights was passed.

It took a Civil War to end that. It took hundreds of thousands of dead bodies to then force part of the country to accept something moral.

Even today those people who support the Confederacy, an institution which killed 140,000 US military personnel are put up on a higher pedestal than black people who peacefully protest.

Where did the anger at the NFL kneelers come from? That racism still exists, the same racism that kept slavery, the same racism that kept segregation and the same racism that has blacks at 25% poverty compared to 7% poverty for whites.

Look at Germany. Germany went through a very bad phase with the Nazis. They looked at their own history and they said "this isn't what we want to be."

It's not all lovely and nice in German, I've seen racism in German by German officials. But it's far, far better in the former West Germany than the former East or Austria, two places which didn't confront their past.

This is a map from a few years ago, showing the racist far right political party the NPD. This is from 2010.

Germany has confronted its racism, it's talked about its past, it's felt the guilt of the bad things that happened in the past.

In contrast is the US where the white people often REFUSE to talk about it, refuse to acknowledge the past, refuse to take any blame for the past and therefore the continue to impose this racism on the country still.

People who oppose racism in schools are called indoctrinators, they fight against having their kids learn to be decent members of society, they see it as some kind of govt ploy to do something or other.

This is what keeps the problems that are ripping the country apart. It isn't the race that is causing this. It's the curling up in a ball, the sticking the head in the sand, the refusal to deal with the problems in society.

There's a political system which allows for only two corrupt political parties. Politics has stopped being about running the country for the people, it's become about "winning". You "win" by making your opponents "lose" somehow.

All the while the rich are using this political system to enrich themselves.


Here's a wealth hap of upper income compared to middle income. It just gets higher year after year, decade after decade.

The more control the rich get, the wider the gap goes.


Look at the red line, the top 0.1% has increased its wealth since the 1970s from 3% to 11%, that's ridiculous. Since Bush W. was in power and they've gained even more control of govt it's nearly doubled. Where's this money coming from? From the poor, who are getting poorer.

This is why the country is falling apart.

Race is an easy one to shout about. But the FACTORS BEHIND IT are the real reasons.

Racial tension is the by product of all this, not the cause.

Basically I agree with you, but when you break this down by race whites are the least impacted by the inequality.
Do you know why multiculturalism "doesn't work"? It's because people make it not work.

Actually it can work.

In fact the US is seen as the most powerful country on Earth and it has multiculturalism, while Japan is diminishing as a world power massively with its non-multiculturalism.

But the reasons why blacks are suffering in the US is because people single them out and then do childish things. Or politicians use differences to get what they want, nationalism is easier for them to use to get into power than actually providing real solutions to problems.

That's the problem.

What am I talking about? History.

The alt-right will use history to say "this is like this, therefore we're right in our racism", and then I come along and think "this isn't the history I know of", and then I present it to you and you backpedal.

There's nothing new in racists, fascists, nationalists etc, changing history to suit their needs, knowing that the lie goes quickly and the truth comes along slowly and people just don't want to believe it, don't care to believe it.

People create this whole fabricated world around them because it's easier, and then claim things don't work because of the fabricated world they've made.

Racial conflicts are tearing this nation apart. 50 years of trying to "make it work" with unconstitutional thought-policing civil rights legislation and black people are still mad and want financial reparations from whitey or they're gonna burn down our suburbs. They've made our cities into warzones but the media only wants to talk about how white folks need to get over their racism and just accept the fact that immigrants from Mexico, one of the most violent countries on earth, are becoming the new majority.

Meanwhile in Europe, gangs of Pakistanis rape little white girls and the authorities don't do anything to stop it because they're afraid of being called racist. Well if being against child-rape makes me a racist then so be it. I'm a fucking racist and damn proud of it.

Yes, racial conflicts are tearing the nation apart.

But is race the cause of the racial conflicts? Not really. Depends on how you look at it.

The nation could have chosen a path towards Human Rights, equality, you know, all the shit that gets ignored in the Constitution.

The problem is that blacks didn't get released from slavery in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was written or 1789 when the Constitution was passed, or in 1791 when the Bill of Rights was passed.

It took a Civil War to end that. It took hundreds of thousands of dead bodies to then force part of the country to accept something moral.

Even today those people who support the Confederacy, an institution which killed 140,000 US military personnel are put up on a higher pedestal than black people who peacefully protest.

Where did the anger at the NFL kneelers come from? That racism still exists, the same racism that kept slavery, the same racism that kept segregation and the same racism that has blacks at 25% poverty compared to 7% poverty for whites.

Look at Germany. Germany went through a very bad phase with the Nazis. They looked at their own history and they said "this isn't what we want to be."

It's not all lovely and nice in German, I've seen racism in German by German officials. But it's far, far better in the former West Germany than the former East or Austria, two places which didn't confront their past.

This is a map from a few years ago, showing the racist far right political party the NPD. This is from 2010.

Germany has confronted its racism, it's talked about its past, it's felt the guilt of the bad things that happened in the past.

In contrast is the US where the white people often REFUSE to talk about it, refuse to acknowledge the past, refuse to take any blame for the past and therefore the continue to impose this racism on the country still.

People who oppose racism in schools are called indoctrinators, they fight against having their kids learn to be decent members of society, they see it as some kind of govt ploy to do something or other.

This is what keeps the problems that are ripping the country apart. It isn't the race that is causing this. It's the curling up in a ball, the sticking the head in the sand, the refusal to deal with the problems in society.

There's a political system which allows for only two corrupt political parties. Politics has stopped being about running the country for the people, it's become about "winning". You "win" by making your opponents "lose" somehow.

All the while the rich are using this political system to enrich themselves.


Here's a wealth hap of upper income compared to middle income. It just gets higher year after year, decade after decade.

The more control the rich get, the wider the gap goes.


Look at the red line, the top 0.1% has increased its wealth since the 1970s from 3% to 11%, that's ridiculous. Since Bush W. was in power and they've gained even more control of govt it's nearly doubled. Where's this money coming from? From the poor, who are getting poorer.

This is why the country is falling apart.

Race is an easy one to shout about. But the FACTORS BEHIND IT are the real reasons.

Racial tension is the by product of all this, not the cause.

Basically I agree with you, but when you break this down by race whites are the least impacted by the inequality.

In America, yes of course.

It was white people who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing against Native peoples, it was white people who owned the slaves, it was white people who were in power the whole time and it was white people who put segregation in place.
Do you know why multiculturalism "doesn't work"? It's because people make it not work.

Actually it can work.

In fact the US is seen as the most powerful country on Earth and it has multiculturalism, while Japan is diminishing as a world power massively with its non-multiculturalism.

But the reasons why blacks are suffering in the US is because people single them out and then do childish things. Or politicians use differences to get what they want, nationalism is easier for them to use to get into power than actually providing real solutions to problems.

That's the problem.

What am I talking about? History.

The alt-right will use history to say "this is like this, therefore we're right in our racism", and then I come along and think "this isn't the history I know of", and then I present it to you and you backpedal.

There's nothing new in racists, fascists, nationalists etc, changing history to suit their needs, knowing that the lie goes quickly and the truth comes along slowly and people just don't want to believe it, don't care to believe it.

People create this whole fabricated world around them because it's easier, and then claim things don't work because of the fabricated world they've made.

Racial conflicts are tearing this nation apart. 50 years of trying to "make it work" with unconstitutional thought-policing civil rights legislation and black people are still mad and want financial reparations from whitey or they're gonna burn down our suburbs. They've made our cities into warzones but the media only wants to talk about how white folks need to get over their racism and just accept the fact that immigrants from Mexico, one of the most violent countries on earth, are becoming the new majority.

Meanwhile in Europe, gangs of Pakistanis rape little white girls and the authorities don't do anything to stop it because they're afraid of being called racist. Well if being against child-rape makes me a racist then so be it. I'm a fucking racist and damn proud of it.

Yes, racial conflicts are tearing the nation apart.

But is race the cause of the racial conflicts? Not really. Depends on how you look at it.

The nation could have chosen a path towards Human Rights, equality, you know, all the shit that gets ignored in the Constitution.

The problem is that blacks didn't get released from slavery in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was written or 1789 when the Constitution was passed, or in 1791 when the Bill of Rights was passed.

It took a Civil War to end that. It took hundreds of thousands of dead bodies to then force part of the country to accept something moral.

Even today those people who support the Confederacy, an institution which killed 140,000 US military personnel are put up on a higher pedestal than black people who peacefully protest.

Where did the anger at the NFL kneelers come from? That racism still exists, the same racism that kept slavery, the same racism that kept segregation and the same racism that has blacks at 25% poverty compared to 7% poverty for whites.

Look at Germany. Germany went through a very bad phase with the Nazis. They looked at their own history and they said "this isn't what we want to be."

It's not all lovely and nice in German, I've seen racism in German by German officials. But it's far, far better in the former West Germany than the former East or Austria, two places which didn't confront their past.

This is a map from a few years ago, showing the racist far right political party the NPD. This is from 2010.

Germany has confronted its racism, it's talked about its past, it's felt the guilt of the bad things that happened in the past.

In contrast is the US where the white people often REFUSE to talk about it, refuse to acknowledge the past, refuse to take any blame for the past and therefore the continue to impose this racism on the country still.

People who oppose racism in schools are called indoctrinators, they fight against having their kids learn to be decent members of society, they see it as some kind of govt ploy to do something or other.

This is what keeps the problems that are ripping the country apart. It isn't the race that is causing this. It's the curling up in a ball, the sticking the head in the sand, the refusal to deal with the problems in society.

There's a political system which allows for only two corrupt political parties. Politics has stopped being about running the country for the people, it's become about "winning". You "win" by making your opponents "lose" somehow.

All the while the rich are using this political system to enrich themselves.


Here's a wealth hap of upper income compared to middle income. It just gets higher year after year, decade after decade.

The more control the rich get, the wider the gap goes.


Look at the red line, the top 0.1% has increased its wealth since the 1970s from 3% to 11%, that's ridiculous. Since Bush W. was in power and they've gained even more control of govt it's nearly doubled. Where's this money coming from? From the poor, who are getting poorer.

This is why the country is falling apart.

Race is an easy one to shout about. But the FACTORS BEHIND IT are the real reasons.

Racial tension is the by product of all this, not the cause.

Basically I agree with you, but when you break this down by race whites are the least impacted by the inequality.

In America, yes of course.

It was white people who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing against Native peoples, it was white people who owned the slaves, it was white people who were in power the whole time and it was white people who put segregation in place.

Fair enough.
If it wasn't for liberals' hysterical posts about him, I believe most people would have no idea what Spencer says. Why not just ignore the nutbag?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ignore middle eastern terrorists then.

Spencer is bombing buildings and beheading people?

.There are no excuses that are acceptable. here..

And by quoting him, you're giving him a platform that he otherwise wouldn't have, and giving a minor fringe freak an audience who otherwise wouldn't give a crap.
and government subsidies. Inherited money from a cotton farm, what a waste of education, almost a PHD and yet , an idiot.

Two weeks after the presidential election, white nationalist Richard Spencer held forth on a cable news show about how white people built America. “White people ultimately don’t need other races in order to succeed,” he told the audience of the black-oriented program, NewsOne Now.

The exchange grew heated as host Roland Martin questioned Spencer’s rhetoric: Didn’t slaves help build America? Wasn’t the nation’s 19th-century economic boom propelled by the slave labor that produced the world’s cotton on Southern plantations?

America’s rise was “not through black people” and “has nothing to do with slavery,” Spencer retorted. “White people could have figured out another way to pick cotton,” he said. “We do it now.”

He is in a position to know. Spencer, along with his mother and sister, are absentee landlords of 5,200 acres of cotton and corn fields in an impoverished, largely African American region of Louisiana, according to records examined by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. The farms, controlled by multiple family-owned businesses, are worth millions: A 1,600-acre parcel sold for $4.3 million in 2012.

The Spencer family’s farms are also subsidized by the federal government. From 2008 through 2015, the Spencers received $2 million in US farm subsidy payments, according to federal data.

White nationalist Richard Spencer gets his money from Louisiana cotton fields—and the US government

Stupidity is relative. Is a spider stupid? Well, if it builds its web in a good place to catch food, then probably not, but it can't do math equations.

Sometimes there are these intelligent people who want to achieve something, and they use idiots to get there. They know they can manipulate the lower educated racists and fascists, and they go out there and they achieve this. They make money from it, all they have to do is stick to a narrative and sell their ideas.

There are salesmen and women all over America who have the morals of a lemon, they'll like, manipulate and cheat to make the next deal. This guy is just doing that. It doesn't make him stupid.

Reprehensible yes, but not stupid.

What is reprehensible about taking a stand against the forces that want to deconstruct western society?

Nobody is trying to deconstruct western society.

Why should you care? Western society is white society and you hate white people.

No, western society is not white society. And I don't hate whites no matter how many times your illiterate ass tries saying so.
Several posts that you cosigned clearly tell another story.
Such a typical response. Put in a few "I know what you are" with a a load of nonsense and wham, you've got..... crap!

I've had quite a few conversations with him so yeah, I know what he is. He's a bitter old racist negro who blames white people for everything bad that has ever happened in human history.

Or maybe that's just a convenient way for you to ignore reality.
Except you are the one who is clearly ignoring reality....
Were there good intentions there?

Or was it just something rotten?

Take the Conquistadores. They went to the Americas and they were criticized by the Catholic Church for what they were doing.

But one of the reasons of looking back at history with a critical eye is to help you judge whether what is happening today is good or bad.

You look and see what America was doing 100 years ago, and it wasn't any worse than what America is doing today. It was all exploitation then and it's the same now.

If you look back and criticize what happened then, you can see that what is happening now is not acceptable either.

I've read reports that suggest 100,000 people were ritually sacrificed by the Aztecs in the year prior to the Spanish arriving so some people might say that the Aztec civilization deserved everything that happened to it. I don't necessarily agree, some aspects of their civilization was worth preserving but certainly not the practice of human sacrifice.

Yes it's good to learn from the mistakes of the past but I think it's also important to try and put the actions of people in context of how they perceived the world at the time. On the subject of colonialism, many people sacrificed their health and safety to spread the word of god and the light of civilization to "savages". Some of the missionary work and urban development was beneficial to the host countries and not at all motivated by greed or hate. Sort of like how the media and politicians convinced people that middle eastern invasions were justified to "spread democracy" and make the world safer. Lots of US soldiers enlisted and died with that goal in mind. Let's not forget all the people murdered on 9/11.

Anyway, I'm not sure what any of this has to do with the Alt-right unless you are one of those people who think white people deserve to be replaced and western civilization destroyed because of things that happened in the past. That's a pretty popular sentiment nowadays- they're explicitly teaching white guilt on college campuses and infusing it into public education curriculum, popular entertainment and mainstream news coverage.

Nobody is teaching white guilt and the west is still doing what it did in the past.
You know nothing about the college curriculum.
I am acutely aware of the "biological differences" between men and women, but they have been extremely exaggerated over time for political reasons. There is nothing to "compel" women "to take on roles that they are not cut for." Who is doing that? What about the cultural/religious cues that seek to compel women to stay home, like some "religious" morons. The female citizens of the Icenai, the Haganah, the Ethiopians, the Eritreans, the Kurds, among so many others, have all fought bravely. In Is Paris Burning, Dominique LaPierre wrote of the young woman of Paris in a red dress who mounted an incoming German tank bearing flowers, right before she throw a molotov cocktail down the turret. I read a horrible story many decades ago in the Sunday Parade magazine written by a husband who killed his wife (they were part of the French Resistance), after they were caught in a firefight with nazis. She was horribly wounded and instructed her husband to make sure that she was dead so that she would not be found alive and then to run. He was able to survive and went on to marry again and have children but never left his first wife's memory behind.

Any person worth his or her salt fights for their communities, countries, and what they believe in. You have to understand this.

Moreover, heterosexuals who truly love each other help their partners to fulfill each's dreams. They assist each other in every way possible, personal ego nothwithstanding.

Great shot of Gabrielle Giffords and husband (ex-astronaut) Mark Kelly:

Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly: The New Year Is for Hope, Even After Tragedy

Now this is what heterosexuality is all about. Her husband apparently LOVES Gabby Giffords. I hope that she returns that love, and I suspect that she does. We should not allow ego-driven monkeys to ruin heterosexuality.

I sincerely doubt that any of those noble and strong women you mentioned were influenced by modern day feminism. Let's not confuse criticism of feminism with criticism of femininity. It's not hard to see that some women are being led astray, against their own inclinations and against their own desires by today's feminist movement which seems to be more about beating up on men and promoting abortion than empowering women.

You insinuate that all males are arrogant assholes when you refuse to separate males out based on their behavior and the propensity of some males to use their maleness as an excuse for misconduct and then call me "anti-male" because I do. I've always said that I don't think that all men are assholes and that I like many men. Men know the difference, or should.

We don't tear down American monuments.

We whites have always had a "racial identity," even if this is something that we actually need to have. There is no "racist double standard." I have never been demonized or ridiculed for celebrating my heritage. Anyhow, "celebrating one's heritage" should not include whining about whole other groups of people, which seems to be the central activity of this moronic "white identity" movement. I think that contributions by whites to American life and culture have been widely celebrated without incident or ridicule. Catch a few museums and libraries, attend an upcoming St. Patrick's Day Parade, go to a concert or ballet, read some older history books that pretty much only included the activities of white males.

Culture is more than just music and art, it's how we live our lives. I don't know how anyone who stays abreast of current events and reads the news could miss the unsubtle anti-western anti-tradition and yes, anti-white male bias inherent in news media and popular entertainment.

I don't find anything "anti-western" going on, just the adding of more additional offerings from people of other backgrounds. The term "tradition" is fluid and can be used to bolster the idea that "we have always done a particular thing that hurt other people so we are entitled to continue to do so just because our ancestors did." Repetition does not establish validity. Some cultures think that they must follow the tradition of mutilating a person's genitals. Should they? Yeah. yeah, yeah, "we've always done it this way."

I don't see any "anti-white male bias" in news media and entertainment. Being joined in an activity by non-white, non-male folks does not constitute a bias for or against anyone. When I turn on the TV, I see white, male heads on the screen as often as I see others who do not meet this description. White, male folks are included with the same frequency as any other.
Baseless denials fueled by absolute ignorance.

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