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Who is supplying Al Qaeda and ISIS?

Obama and Clinton were gunrunning to ISIS members, and Humvee running and what ever else Obama's JV team needed.

try to maintain your sanity------

Try to understand.
One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “gun-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.”

Obama gets around:

Well the truth about Benghazi is finally starting to see the light. As we have theorized in several articles, the Obama administration was involved in an international Fast and Furious by trafficking arms through Benghazi into Syria. Today that theory has been confirmed.

Newly released documents show that US intelligence agencies were fully aware that weapons were moving from the Islamic terror stronghold in Libya to Syria before the attack on the Benghazi compound on September 11, 2012.

The documents also contradict Hussein Obama’s claim that the rise of the Islamic State came as a surprise to the administration. Smoking Gun: Obama Was Operating Gun Running Scam Through Benghazi to Syria - Patriot Update
Obama and Clinton were gunrunning to ISIS members, and Humvee running and what ever else Obama's JV team needed.
You don't make it to being the number one arms dealer in the world by pushing pocket guns to little old ladies..

Yet these same assholes wanna disarm the American People. I've tried to explain to everyone that these folks in Government aren't 'Anti-Violence/Anti-Gun.' They routinely supply weapons to the most heinous thugs on this earth.

So they aren't 'Anti-Gun.' They just don't want Citizens to have them. It's about power and domination. A disarmed populace is a more obedient populace. That's what it's really all about.
Puleez! Get real! There is no way possible for the government to take way over 300 million guns from those that have them in this country. Just more NRA fear tactics.

The Gun Grabbers will keep trying. Their ultimate goal is to disarm the populace. People should stop kidding themselves. These assholes in Government aren't 'Anti-Violence' or 'Anti-Gun.' They arm the most brutal criminal thugs on earth. It's about disarming their own Citizens. Power and domination.
Obama and Clinton were gunrunning to ISIS members, and Humvee running and what ever else Obama's JV team needed.

They are the jv team when it comes to the USA . Alqueda had caused us way more harm .
In that case, Obama's JV team has beaten the Middle East and is moving on to the finals............
I do not believe that the USA engages in gross and weird conspiracies -----the USA does lots of stupid things, however---
like kissing up to the TALIBAN in the 1980s
Raygun not only gave a billion dollars worth of stingers to the Taliban....he also sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, and missiles to Iran during their war. He sold cocaine with Noriega to get money to by guns for the Contras.

Nixon was going to nuke the moon and Laos and North Vietnam.

The water boarding and torture done by U.S. troops in Iraq is just the tip of the iceberg...they managed to hide much more .

And the stuff we don't know about in our top secret government would give us all heart failure. The plans for Armageddon have been on the table for decades.

The U.S. alone has enough nukes to blow the whole earth into space dust.
The insanity of ISIS is kids stuff compared to Russia, China, the U.S., Israel, and the EU.

The Taliban didn't exist until after the Russians left Afghanistan, but US arms did flow from Pakistan to the Rebels. The US didn't sell Saddam chemical weapons either. What we did was much worse. We opened the door for our allies to sell all kind of goodies to Saddam. We sold him the technology to build advanced chemical and biological weapons. Germany sold him a lot of precursor chemicals and the Iraqis made the stuff themselves. There was a list of all the companies that did business with Iraq and what they sold to him, but that got squashed pretty fast. They imported, um, er,,,,,smuggled so much cocaine in the 80's that they had to market it differently than in the past, they gave the world Crack Cocaine (freebase for all you Richard Prior fans).

We might kill ourselves and a lot of the life on the planet but no way we can destroy the planet.
The "TALIBAN" did exist before the USSR left Afghanistan---it is simply that in our press they were CALLED MUJAHADEEN--same people same agenda. As to chemicals for chemical weapons-----NOPE---the chemicals had many different uses and still do----the same chemicals used to make fertilizer also makes CAR BOMBS As to the technology for chemical weapons---generally that is german technology given over to arabs by NAZIS -----including the recipe for nitrogen mustard gas---the same stuff BAATHIST PIG Nasser used----way back in the 1950s. Nasser was pal to SADDAM in the good old days
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free basing is an OLD TECHNIQUE and 'CUSTOM"-----about----more than four decades ago---BEFORE the 1980s---try to get your mind straightened out---way back to the early 70s

BTW---you have some sort of NAME for those "advanced chemical weapons"?----the big time technology thereof?------get in your time machine and go back to world war I
stopping ISIS would is something like trying to WIPE THE MAFIA out of the USA------it ain't easy------and its "head" is not Saudi arabia (disclaimer---I claim no fondness for Saudi arabia----but I am being accurate)

Wrong Again.

ISIS is populated by Sunnis - former Ba'athists from Iraq - Saudi Arabians are financially helping them in Syria - so is the Obama administration,

"But where does ISIS come from? It did not exist before the war on Iraq that Hillary and her fellow neocons peddled so assiduously with lie upon lie. The war on Iraq, the divide and conquer tactic that the US invaders used to set Shia against Sunni to cripple the population are the factors that brought ISIS into being. The civil war in Syria, another pet project of Hillary’s, gave a further opening and impetus to ISIS.

The U.S. has long backed Saudi Arabia where the ideology for ISIS was concocted and promoted. Saudi Arabia and the other medieval monarchies of the Gulf who have so ardently supported ISIS have long been supported by the U.S. The secular governments in the region like those of Gaddafi, Hussein and now Assad, in contrast, are targets for regime change ops – brutal ones at that. These are the very governments that fought the Islamic fundamentalists – and the US has attacked every one of them. How deep does the hand of the U.S. government, or parts of it, go in the rise of ISIS? It is a question that needs to be answered by a full Congressional investigation, but chances of that are nil while Obama and Hillary and their neocon buddies are in charge.

Finally the U.S. alliance with Israel and the backing of the apartheid Jewish state in its long, slow genocide of an entire Arab people, the Palestinians, also stirs hatred for the U.S. Does Hillary think that has nothing to do with the hatred ISIS expresses for the U.S? She apparently thinks “the price is worth it,” to quote a protege of hers. Thus Hillary in her obeisance to AIPAC and the rest of the Israeli Lobby puts herself in the front ranks of those who have given birth to events like the ones in Orlando"

could you cut that pile manure you posted into SMALLER CHUNKS-----I cannot address ALL OF THAT SHIT in one post. You have made not a single credible point---let me start with the beginning----AT NO TIME---MORON---did I suggest that ISIS is not sunni muslims------ISIS has been a sunni pile of shit for more than 1200 years. First read the koran and then a bit of history
oh gee----the presence of a few million jews in the middle east is creating a GENOCIDE of THE ENTIRE ARAB WORLD. You got any more islamo Nazi manure?
Obama and Clinton were gunrunning to ISIS members, and Humvee running and what ever else Obama's JV team needed.

try to maintain your sanity------

Try to understand.
One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “gun-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.”

Obama gets around:

ROFLMAO----wrong----GUNS get around------people sell them-----just like some people sell fake VERSACHE watches which also tend to GET AROUND. I know a secret-----there are people right now------smuggling weapons to all parts of
the "Islamic world"----to family members who NEED them for SELF DEFENSE. try to face reality
anyone can buy a gun in my city----and in the rural area of my childhood ----if 'anyone' happened to WANT ONE------people sell them at flea-markets----somewhere near the place they sell the crack cocaine
I do not believe that the USA engages in gross and weird conspiracies -----the USA does lots of stupid things, however---
like kissing up to the TALIBAN in the 1980s
Raygun not only gave a billion dollars worth of stingers to the Taliban....he also sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, and missiles to Iran during their war. He sold cocaine with Noriega to get money to by guns for the Contras.

Nixon was going to nuke the moon and Laos and North Vietnam.

The water boarding and torture done by U.S. troops in Iraq is just the tip of the iceberg...they managed to hide much more.

And the stuff we don't know about in our top secret government would give us all heart failure. The plans for Armageddon have been on the table for decades.

The U.S. alone has enough nukes to blow the whole earth into space dust.
The insanity of ISIS is kids stuff compared to Russia, China, the U.S., Israel, and the EU.

lets talk again when you get over your hangover, hangover, dear.
I do not believe that the USA engages in gross and weird conspiracies -----the USA does lots of stupid things, however---
like kissing up to the TALIBAN in the 1980s
Raygun not only gave a billion dollars worth of stingers to the Taliban....he also sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, and missiles to Iran during their war. He sold cocaine with Noriega to get money to by guns for the Contras.

Nixon was going to nuke the moon and Laos and North Vietnam.

The water boarding and torture done by U.S. troops in Iraq is just the tip of the iceberg...they managed to hide much more.

And the stuff we don't know about in our top secret government would give us all heart failure. The plans for Armageddon have been on the table for decades.

The U.S. alone has enough nukes to blow the whole earth into space dust.
The insanity of ISIS is kids stuff compared to Russia, China, the U.S., Israel, and the EU.

lets talk again when you get over your hangover, hangover, dear.
Obviously you don't have an answer to my post....so you make sandbox banter. Cowardly.
I do not believe that the USA engages in gross and weird conspiracies -----the USA does lots of stupid things, however---
like kissing up to the TALIBAN in the 1980s
Raygun not only gave a billion dollars worth of stingers to the Taliban....he also sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, and missiles to Iran during their war. He sold cocaine with Noriega to get money to by guns for the Contras.

Nixon was going to nuke the moon and Laos and North Vietnam.

The water boarding and torture done by U.S. troops in Iraq is just the tip of the iceberg...they managed to hide much more.

And the stuff we don't know about in our top secret government would give us all heart failure. The plans for Armageddon have been on the table for decades.

The U.S. alone has enough nukes to blow the whole earth into space dust.
The insanity of ISIS is kids stuff compared to Russia, China, the U.S., Israel, and the EU.

lets talk again when you get over your hangover, hangover, dear.
Obviously you don't have an answer to my post....so you make sandbox banter. Cowardly.

I am "cowardly" ? I am the only person who responded
to your idiocy-------everyone else RAN
I do not believe that the USA engages in gross and weird conspiracies -----the USA does lots of stupid things, however---
like kissing up to the TALIBAN in the 1980s

Bit of a problem with your timeline there. The Taliban were formed in the early 90's. They were Benazir Bhutto's war child. She gave them financial and military aid.
We have been unquestionably.....how many "moderates" did we train who immediately switched sides
I do not believe that the USA engages in gross and weird conspiracies -----the USA does lots of stupid things, however---
like kissing up to the TALIBAN in the 1980s
Raygun not only gave a billion dollars worth of stingers to the Taliban....he also sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, and missiles to Iran during their war. He sold cocaine with Noriega to get money to by guns for the Contras.

Nixon was going to nuke the moon and Laos and North Vietnam.

The water boarding and torture done by U.S. troops in Iraq is just the tip of the iceberg...they managed to hide much more.

And the stuff we don't know about in our top secret government would give us all heart failure. The plans for Armageddon have been on the table for decades.

The U.S. alone has enough nukes to blow the whole earth into space dust.
The insanity of ISIS is kids stuff compared to Russia, China, the U.S., Israel, and the EU.

Get real. The Taliban weren't formed when Reagan was in office.
The "TALIBAN" did exist before the USSR left Afghanistan---it is simply that in our press they were CALLED MUJAHADEEN--same people same agenda. As to chemicals for chemical weapons-----NOPE---the chemicals had many different uses and still do----the same chemicals used to make fertilizer also makes CAR BOMBS As to the technology for chemical weapons---generally that is german technology given over to arabs by NAZIS -----including the recipe for nitrogen mustard gas---the same stuff BAATHIST PIG Nasser used----way back in the 1950s. Nasser was pal to SADDAM in the good old days

No irosie. You are thinking AQ. The Taliban came out of Bhutto's war womb.
ISIS is populated by Sunnis - former Ba'athists from Iraq - Saudi Arabians are financially helping them in Syria - so is the Obama administration,

"But where does ISIS come from? It did not exist before the war on Iraq that Hillary and her fellow neocons peddled so assiduously with lie upon lie. The war on Iraq, the divide and conquer tactic that the US invaders used to set Shia against Sunni to cripple the population are the factors that brought ISIS into being. The civil war in Syria, another pet project of Hillary’s, gave a further opening and impetus to ISIS.

The U.S. has long backed Saudi Arabia where the ideology for ISIS was concocted and promoted. Saudi Arabia and the other medieval monarchies of the Gulf who have so ardently supported ISIS have long been supported by the U.S. The secular governments in the region like those of Gaddafi, Hussein and now Assad, in contrast, are targets for regime change ops – brutal ones at that. These are the very governments that fought the Islamic fundamentalists – and the US has attacked every one of them. How deep does the hand of the U.S. government, or parts of it, go in the rise of ISIS? It is a question that needs to be answered by a full Congressional investigation, but chances of that are nil while Obama and Hillary and their neocon buddies are in charge.

Finally the U.S. alliance with Israel and the backing of the apartheid Jewish state in its long, slow genocide of an entire Arab people, the Palestinians, also stirs hatred for the U.S. Does Hillary think that has nothing to do with the hatred ISIS expresses for the U.S? She apparently thinks “the price is worth it,” to quote a protege of hers. Thus Hillary in her obeisance to AIPAC and the rest of the Israeli Lobby puts herself in the front ranks of those who have given birth to events like the ones in Orlando"

I do not believe that the USA engages in gross and weird conspiracies -----the USA does lots of stupid things, however---
like kissing up to the TALIBAN in the 1980s

Bit of a problem with your timeline there. The Taliban were formed in the early 90's. They were Benazir Bhutto's war child. She gave them financial and military aid.

nope----there were PAKISTANI volunteers in Afghanistan----
FIGHTING the Russian "invaders" ----way back in the 1980s to whom the US gave some funding. ---they were called --way
back then MUJAHADEEN in the US press
Your source----RIAZ HAQ---is a hack. He is seeking a position in life by hating the bhuttos. NOW---there is popular sentiment against the TALIBAN IN PAKISTAN----in the 1980s and 90s-------they were the DARLINGS OF PAKISTANI SOCIETY for their agenda----the ISLAMIZATION OF AFGHANISTAN. BINNY went to Afghanistan-----in order to be
amongst JIHAD FRIENDS-----the Pakistanis who BECAME TALIBAN in the 90s IN AFGHANISTAN ---and the Afghanis who "liked" them and liked Binny

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