Who is the "other campaign worker"?


you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

to reiterate - you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but i misread you.

no more calls, we have a winner.

As I understood it, Cohen submitted an invoice for legal services that included the payments and it was paid. Do you have information that shows another version of events?
they hid and disguised on their books, what they were paying Cohen for... and the $130k Cohen was being reimbursed for, ended up being $420,000 being reimbursed to him.... no one knows what the other money was for.... maybe other women he paid hush money to??? Maybe other dirty deeds he covered up....

they broke tax laws as well, by faking the invoices.

"they"? Cohen did, obviously, but you're assuming Trump's participation with no evidence.
Trump is on tape discussing the payments with Cohen and talk of Trump's accountant handling it...

Trump's accountant got immunity, so he'd talk. his name is Alan Weisselberg....
did trump pay cohen or not? if he did, then how is it campaign money?
Trump's allowed to donate as much of his own money to his own campaign as he wants, as long as he reports it.... Cohen and Pecker had caps....
YOU read it wrong if that is what YOU got out of my post.

you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

to reiterate - you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but i misread you.

no more calls, we have a winner.

As I understood it, Cohen submitted an invoice for legal services that included the payments and it was paid. Do you have information that shows another version of events?
they hid and disguised on their books, what they were paying Cohen for... and the $130k Cohen was being reimbursed for, ended up being $420,000 being reimbursed to him.... no one knows what the other money was for.... maybe other women he paid hush money to??? Maybe other dirty deeds he covered up....

they broke tax laws as well, by faking the invoices.

"they"? Cohen did, obviously, but you're assuming Trump's participation with no evidence.
Trump is on tape discussing the payments with Cohen and talk of Trump's accountant handling it...

Trump's accountant got immunity, so he'd talk. his name is Allen Weisselberg....

And you've heard the tape, or is this just another "gotcha" rumor?

you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

to reiterate - you said:
Trump will be in trouble for the way he paid Cohen back, with his company and foundation, giving false pretense in what Cohen was being reimbursed for and what Pecker was being paid for.... and for setting up a corporation for business illegally in North Carolina as a slush fund and not a business, he broke laws on that too....

but i misread you.

no more calls, we have a winner.

As I understood it, Cohen submitted an invoice for legal services that included the payments and it was paid. Do you have information that shows another version of events?
they hid and disguised on their books, what they were paying Cohen for... and the $130k Cohen was being reimbursed for, ended up being $420,000 being reimbursed to him.... no one knows what the other money was for.... maybe other women he paid hush money to??? Maybe other dirty deeds he covered up....

they broke tax laws as well, by faking the invoices.

"they"? Cohen did, obviously, but you're assuming Trump's participation with no evidence.
Trump is on tape discussing the payments with Cohen and talk of Trump's accountant handling it...

Trump's accountant got immunity, so he'd talk. his name is Allen Weisselberg....

And you've heard the tape, or is this just another "gotcha" rumor?
about 100 times on different news channels when Cohen first released it to the public a few months back....

SEARCH- Trump and Cohen Tape on Karen McDougal/ David Pecker....
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As I understood it, Cohen submitted an invoice for legal services that included the payments and it was paid. Do you have information that shows another version of events?
they hid and disguised on their books, what they were paying Cohen for... and the $130k Cohen was being reimbursed for, ended up being $420,000 being reimbursed to him.... no one knows what the other money was for.... maybe other women he paid hush money to??? Maybe other dirty deeds he covered up....

they broke tax laws as well, by faking the invoices.

"they"? Cohen did, obviously, but you're assuming Trump's participation with no evidence.
Trump is on tape discussing the payments with Cohen and talk of Trump's accountant handling it...

Trump's accountant got immunity, so he'd talk. his name is Allen Weisselberg....

And you've heard the tape, or is this just another "gotcha" rumor?
about 100 times on different news channels when Cohen first released it to the public a few months back....

SEARCH- Trump and Cohen Tape on David Pecker....

Ok, I heard it a few months back as well. I had trouble understanding everything that was said but, I heard nothing of arranging fake invoices and intentional violations of tax law.
Donald Trump Played Central Role in Hush Payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal

Concerned Mr. Pecker might leave American Media, Mr. Cohen wanted to buy other materials the company had gathered on Mr. Trump over the years, including source files and tips. In a meeting at the Trump Organization offices in early September, Mr. Cohen told Mr. Trump of his plan.

Mr. Cohen, who complained to associates about Mr. Trump’s frugality, was also worried his boss would balk at reimbursing Mr. Pecker. He secretly recorded Mr. Trump discussing the deal.

“Um, I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend, David, you know, so that—I’m going to do that right away,” said Mr. Cohen, according to a copy of the audio file.

As Mr. Cohen explained his plans, Mr. Trump spoke over him: “So, what are we gonna pay…One-fifty?” Mr. Trump asked. Mr. Cohen paused and replied, “Yes.”

Mr. Cohen said he would be getting “all the stuff,” meaning the other files on Mr. Trump he had been seeking. They discussed the uncertainty about what might become of the files if Mr. Pecker no longer ran American Media. “Yeah, I was thinking about that,” Mr. Trump said. “Maybe he gets hit by a truck.”

Messrs. Pecker and Cohen signed a contract for the transfer of the McDougal story in late September. Mr. Cohen set up a shell company in Delaware for the transaction on Sept. 30.

The publisher would assign the rights to Ms. McDougal’s story to Mr. Cohen for $125,000—the value they put on Ms. McDougal’s agreement with American Media minus the magazine covers and fitness columns, the rights to which the publisher would retain.

Mr. Pecker called off the Trump-reimbursement deal in October 2016 on the advice of his lawyer. Accepting reimbursement from Mr. Trump, the executive worried, could undermine any argument that the McDougal payment was made for editorial and business reasons, rather than as an in-kind campaign contribution.

Mr. Pecker told Mr. Cohen to tear up the reimbursement agreement, but Mr. Cohen kept a copy. Federal agents found it in a search of Mr. Cohen’s office earlier this year.
Ms. Clifford gained more leverage on Oct. 7, when the Washington Post published previously unaired footage from a 2005 appearance by Mr. Trump on NBC’s “Access Hollywood.” Mr. Trump could be heard on the video chatting with host Billy Bush about groping women.

After the tape surfaced, nearly upending Mr. Trump’s campaign, Ms. Rodriguez reached out to Mr. Howard and told him Ms. Clifford was prepared to go public. Ms. Clifford, through her agent, was in preliminary talks with ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

Mr. Howard alerted Mr. Pecker, and they separately spoke to Mr. Cohen about Ms. Clifford. The Trump camp at the time was scrambling to contain fallout from the tape, as women came forward with stories of sexual misconduct by the candidate, all of which he denied.

Donald Trump Played Central Role in Hush Payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal
Mr. Cohen asked American Media to buy Ms. Clifford’s story. Mr. Pecker refused on the grounds that he didn’t want his company to pay a porn star.

Messrs. Cohen and Trump would have to handle the payment themselves. Mr. Cohen told federal prosecutors he relayed the news to Mr. Trump in his Trump Tower office in the second week of October 2016.

That is when Mr. Trump, smarting from the “Access Hollywood” tape, told Mr. Cohen to “get it done,” according to Mr. Cohen’s account to prosecutors.

Donald Trump Played Central Role in Hush Payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal
As Mr. Trump continued to distance himself from Mr. Cohen and the payment, American Media turned on Mr. Cohen, with a National Enquirer cover featuring the headline, “Trump Fixer’s Secrets & Lies.” Mr. Cohen learned he had been let go as Mr. Trump’s personal attorney when he saw it on television.

Both Messrs. Cohen and Pecker began seeking to minimize their exposure. Mr. Pecker, granted immunity for his grand jury testimony, told investigators about Mr. Trump’s involvement in the McDougal deal.

Three years after Mr. Pecker promised to work with Mr. Cohen to help Mr. Trump, the deals they made have unraveled. Ms. McDougal and Ms. Clifford have both been let out of their hush agreements after filing lawsuits.

The three men no longer speak to one another.

Donald Trump Played Central Role in Hush Payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal
What's the "campaign finance violation"?

It's the one for which David Pecker provided testimony, and to which Michael Cohen pleaded Guilty.
Hate to break it to you but these right wingers wont believe it until they see a tweet from Drumpf in prison complaining about the food.

Then they’ll say his account was hacked.
Thats a very valid point and astute observation. :laugh:
Pecker gets immunity to testify .. he wont fall on Trumps sword and go to prison.


What does matter is that, in the recording, Cohen tells Trump he needs to "open up a company" to pay for "the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David" — an apparent reference to David Pecker, chairman of the company that owns the National Enquirer, which in August 2016 paid McDougal $150,000 for exclusive rights to her account of the affair and then never published a word of it. In the tabloid world, this method of burying a story is known as "catch and kill."

scheming to open a shell company .... ATTA BOY GOLDILOCKS !!!
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Ok, I heard it a few months back as well. I had trouble understanding everything that was said but, I heard nothing of arranging fake invoices and intentional violations of tax law.

Yeah, but your ignorance, lack of intellectual curiosity and laziness, combined, still don't spell "lack of evidence". Your failure to do your homework just means you have no business getting involved in this thread among folks better informed than you. Your efforts to make others do the research you should have done months ago are just infantile. Not to mention self-debasing, and ridiculous on top of that.
Ok, I heard it a few months back as well. I had trouble understanding everything that was said but, I heard nothing of arranging fake invoices and intentional violations of tax law.

Yeah, but your ignorance, lack of intellectual curiosity and laziness, combined, still don't spell "lack of evidence". Your failure to do your homework just means you have no business getting involved in this thread among folks better informed than you. Your efforts to make others do the research you should have done months ago are just infantile. Not to mention self-debasing, and ridiculous on top of that.

LMAO! So, you can't prove anything and are trying to hide it by your "aggressive" post. Facts are pesky things. At this point, all you have are allegations from Prosecutors of what they THINK was done based on what Cohen admitted to doing based on what he needed to say to get mercy from the courts. NO amount of slurs and name calling will change that. I've not asked anyone to do research for me. I am pointing out that there's been several stories and none have been proven yet. So, go pound sand.
According to the agreement, Pecker met with Cohen “and at least one other member of the campaign” in August 2015. “At the meeting, Pecker offered to help deal with negative stories about that presidential candidate’s relationships with women by, among other things, assisting the campaign in identifying such stories so they could be purchased and their publication avoided. . . . Pecker agreed to keep Cohen apprised of any such negative stories.”

Publisher of the National Enquirer admits to hush-money payments made on Trump’s behalf

There's a shoe-yet-to-drop in the Campaign Finance violation story, as the Plea shows an as-yet-unnamed campaign member took part in the Hush Money payoffs, and may have legal exposure.

Corey Lewandowski was on board then, as first campaign manager. It was very early in the campaign, and could have been a family member, as well.

Inquiring minds, and so forth.

Trump's kids helping to keep daddy's whoring under wraps? I wouldn't say it's impossible, but...

"Who is the 'other campaign worker'?"

What's the import? If no money traveled through that person's account, I can't see much by way of criminal exposure. Conspiracy?

It sure wasn't the Trumpy himself (The Prize), and I am by now really tired of even reading about the odious, sleazy low-lives in his orbit. So, really, I am asking: What's the import?
LMAO! So, you can't prove anything and are trying to hide it by your "aggressive" post. Facts are pesky things. At this point, all you have are allegations from Prosecutors of what they THINK was done based on what Cohen admitted to doing based on what he needed to say to get mercy from the courts. NO amount of slurs and name calling will change that. I've not asked anyone to do research for me. I am pointing out that there's been several stories and none have been proven yet. So, go pound sand.

Yeah, your ignorance still isn't an argument, and your hiding behind "several stories" is just ludicrous. After all these months, you still know nothing, and you aren't even embarrassed. Really, go "discuss" knitting. Perhaps they find Know-Nothings acceptable.
What's the "campaign finance violation"?

It's the one for which David Pecker provided testimony, and to which Michael Cohen pleaded Guilty.
so you have no idea the violation? LOL

I don't want to start with the alphabet. You either know Cohen pleaded Guilty to committing a crime in violation of Campaign Finance Law or you don't.

Who do you think was the "and at least one other member of the campaign" present when Pecker and Cohen made their plans?

It was trump. He was the other person in the room.

Trump was in the room during hush money discussions with tabloid publisher
Ok, I heard it a few months back as well. I had trouble understanding everything that was said but, I heard nothing of arranging fake invoices and intentional violations of tax law.

Yeah, but your ignorance, lack of intellectual curiosity and laziness, combined, still don't spell "lack of evidence". Your failure to do your homework just means you have no business getting involved in this thread among folks better informed than you. Your efforts to make others do the research you should have done months ago are just infantile. Not to mention self-debasing, and ridiculous on top of that.

LMAO! So, you can't prove anything and are trying to hide it by your "aggressive" post. Facts are pesky things. At this point, all you have are allegations from Prosecutors of what they THINK was done based on what Cohen admitted to doing based on what he needed to say to get mercy from the courts. NO amount of slurs and name calling will change that. I've not asked anyone to do research for me. I am pointing out that there's been several stories and none have been proven yet. So, go pound sand.
I see. So you think prosecutors who know that their professional reputation is on the line, would file an allegation that will be scrutinized to the umpteenth degree by every lawyer the GOP can muster? Not to mention the house and the senate if this would lead to impeachment? You think the only thing they have is Cohen's testimony? Even while other people are cutting deals left and right? I'm sorry to tell you, and I sure don't want you to call me "aggressive". But that seems just being willfully ignorant.

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