Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

It was a global depression. That means you have to compare it to what was going on in the rest of the world.

I am frequently left with the problem of how to address you....

Are you a dunce, or a liar....

Or a lying dunce?

In your fervor to shield the 32nd President from deserved contumely, you bend and misapply the facts.

Did Roosevelt do poorly as a manager of the economy as compared to other leaders.....?

Indeed he did.

Let's see.
The League of Nations collected data from many nations throughout the 1930s on industrial production, unemployment, national debt, and taxes.
How did Roosevelt's United States compare with other countries?

In all four of these key indexes the United States did very poorly, almost worse than any other nation in the study.
Most European nations handled the Great Depression better than the United States.
World Economic Survey: Eighth Year, 1938/1939 (Geneva: League of Nations, 1939) p.128

So then are the vast majority of historians wrong ranking FDR as one of the top three presidents in the entire history of the nation?


'The only possible explanation is the mentality- actually, the psychosis- of historians, journalists, and other opinion makers that makes them impervious, and even hostile, to facts.

Even more so to the ineluctable implications of these facts, which are devastating to the conventional wisdom and venerated mythology. And this is the ultimate impact of Communist influence, the Communist conspiracy that Roosevelt and Truman laughed off: it is the complete subversion of logic itself.

It is so simple, so irrational, yet it has happened: the complete separation of fact from implication. There is a name for the gaps between fact and implication, between implication and judgment....it is called "political correctness."'
Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 81.
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Please name the court cases and verdicts where these charges were made and Clinton was charged and tried.
It should be easy for you to show that charges were filed.

Otherwise, you have just made a complete ass out of yourself.

1. The following is the account of a woman who was raped by Saddam Hussein himself. The
Global Justice Center taped a video interview with this woman in December 2005. _______
________ was __ years old and the mother of a baby child in 1978 when she was abducted,
taken to a presidential palace, and raped for five hours by Saddam Hussein. A few months
later, she was summoned to the National Assembly, where she was threatened, in order to
ensure her silence.

2. "The Iraqi people are now free. And they do not have to worry about the secret police coming after them in the middle of the night, and they don't have to worry about their husbands and brothers being taken off and shot, or their wives being taken to rape rooms. Those days are over."—Paul Bremer, Administrator, [Iraq] Coalition Provisional Authority, Sept. 2, 2003

Please name the court cases and verdicts where these charges were made and Saddam, during his tenure, was charged and tried.
Why not?

Because of the danger of bringing such charges against a powerful political leader?

Not only have you have just made a complete ass out of yourself, but have been exposed as an apologist for evil.

I swear you need to add ad hominem attacks with everything you say just for self-confidence.

Clinton...is not Saddam, we don't live in Iraq. The two are not remotely comparable. There are no "dangers" to bringing charges against a powerful political leader here...as can plainly be seen by the multitude of charges being focused on Obama right now by the nutty GOP.

First of all, I never said that Clinton WAS Saddam. It is an analogy and an apt one.

So....you object to my manner as well as the content of my posts?

As far as you influencing my style…I am immovable, like General Jackson’s Virginians at First Manassas: a veritable stone wall. If you only had an acquaintance with history…you’d understand that.

That last one meet with your disapproval?

"ad hominem attacks with everything you say just for self-confidence."

I do so for my amusement.
To believe I require more self-confidence would identify you as a fool.
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PoliChiic is flailing AGAIN w/ one of her butt hurt threads! lol

You know PoliChic, if you people could ever find any viable candidates (good luck w/ that in "Today's Repub party" :p ) you wouldn't have to resort to attacking the current two-term POTUS :(

IOW's- : you're a :up: rw hack
"I don't see the failure in those UE numbers."

'Not seeing' is what makes you a Leftist.

And practice makes perfect.

What's failure in unemployment falling steadily after FDR came into office after rising steadily before he was elected?

Be specific and brief.

do you consider 15-20% unemployment a good statistic?

When you started at 25%? Absolutely. And if you include more of FDR's tenure it's even more dramatic:

I am frequently left with the problem of how to address you....

Are you a dunce, or a liar....

Or a lying dunce?

In your fervor to shield the 32nd President from deserved contumely, you bend and misapply the facts.

Did Roosevelt do poorly as a manager of the economy as compared to other leaders.....?

Indeed he did.

Let's see.
The League of Nations collected data from many nations throughout the 1930s on industrial production, unemployment, national debt, and taxes.
How did Roosevelt's United States compare with other countries?

In all four of these key indexes the United States did very poorly, almost worse than any other nation in the study.
Most European nations handled the Great Depression better than the United States.
World Economic Survey: Eighth Year, 1938/1939 (Geneva: League of Nations, 1939) p.128

So then are the vast majority of historians wrong ranking FDR as one of the top three presidents in the entire history of the nation?


The only possible explanation is the mentality- actually, the psychosis- of historians, journalists, and other opinion makers that makes them impervious, and even hostile, to facts.

Even more so to the ineluctable implications of these facts, which are devastating to the conventional wisdom and venerated mythology. And this is the ultimate impact of Communist influence, the Communist conspiracy that Roosevelt and Truman laughed off: it is the complete subversion of logic itself.

It is so simple, so irrational, yet it has happened: the complete separation of fact from implication. There is a name for the gaps between fact and implication, between implication and judgment....it is called "political correctness."
Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 81.

Someone who uses crap sources like you has no business giving lectures about facts. Are you that delusional, "CLINTON'S ROGUE GALLERY", a piece of disinformation from alamo girl, an anonymous source of disinformation used by an extreme rw group that was mocked when it first came out.
PoliChiic is flailing AGAIN w/ one of her butt hurt threads! lol

You know PoliChic, if you people could ever find any viable candidates (good luck w/ that in "Today's Repub party" :p ) you wouldn't have to resort to attacking the current two-term POTUS :(

IOW's- : you're a :up: rw hack

Au contraire....

If he were not an incompetent anti-American ideologue, I wouldn't have to reveal same to brain-dead adherents such as you.
"I don't see the failure in those UE numbers."

'Not seeing' is what makes you a Leftist.

And practice makes perfect.

What's failure in unemployment falling steadily after FDR came into office after rising steadily before he was elected?

Be specific and brief.

You should learn how to correctly address your betters.

Okay so you can't refute that I proved your original claim false. Anyone want to try where PC has failed?
It was a global depression. That means you have to compare it to what was going on in the rest of the world.

I am frequently left with the problem of how to address you....

Are you a dunce, or a liar....

Or a lying dunce?

In your fervor to shield the 32nd President from deserved contumely, you bend and misapply the fac

Wow, you got that from a suggestion that folks take a look at and compare? And you rarely even attempt to address my comments with anything other than deflection, evasion, diversion or as a last resort, silly immature boasting or childlike insults.
So the whole purpose of this poll was to judge Presidents since WWII, meaning FDR wouldn't or shouldn't even be included. That is because in polls that include him he always comes out way on top. It's kind of like a Reagan feel good gimmick poll. Actually, that is exactly what it is.

It is more than telling that you purposely left off the proof that I provided.

Now, then.....would you address the question:

Are you a dunce, or a liar....

Or a lying dunce?

"silly immature boasting ..."

""No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light." Luke 8:16

"...or childlike insults."

C'mon now.....they are really good insults!
1. The following is the account of a woman who was raped by Saddam Hussein himself. The
Global Justice Center taped a video interview with this woman in December 2005. _______
________ was __ years old and the mother of a baby child in 1978 when she was abducted,
taken to a presidential palace, and raped for five hours by Saddam Hussein. A few months
later, she was summoned to the National Assembly, where she was threatened, in order to
ensure her silence.

2. "The Iraqi people are now free. And they do not have to worry about the secret police coming after them in the middle of the night, and they don't have to worry about their husbands and brothers being taken off and shot, or their wives being taken to rape rooms. Those days are over."—Paul Bremer, Administrator, [Iraq] Coalition Provisional Authority, Sept. 2, 2003

Please name the court cases and verdicts where these charges were made and Saddam, during his tenure, was charged and tried.
Why not?

Because of the danger of bringing such charges against a powerful political leader?

Not only have you have just made a complete ass out of yourself, but have been exposed as an apologist for evil.

I swear you need to add ad hominem attacks with everything you say just for self-confidence.

Clinton...is not Saddam, we don't live in Iraq. The two are not remotely comparable. There are no "dangers" to bringing charges against a powerful political leader here...as can plainly be seen by the multitude of charges being focused on Obama right now by the nutty GOP.

First of all, I never said that Clinton WAS Saddam. It is an analogy and an apt one.

So....you object to my manner as well as the content of my posts?

As far as you influencing my style…I am immovable, like General Jackson’s Virginians at First Manassas: a veritable stone wall. If you only had an acquaintance with history…you’d understand that.

That last one meet with your disapproval?

"ad hominem attacks with everything you say just for self-confidence."

I do so for my amusement.
To believe I require more self-confidence would identify you as a fool.

The Confederacy lost. Good analogy.
So then are the vast majority of historians wrong ranking FDR as one of the top three presidents in the entire history of the nation?


The only possible explanation is the mentality- actually, the psychosis- of historians, journalists, and other opinion makers that makes them impervious, and even hostile, to facts.

Even more so to the ineluctable implications of these facts, which are devastating to the conventional wisdom and venerated mythology. And this is the ultimate impact of Communist influence, the Communist conspiracy that Roosevelt and Truman laughed off: it is the complete subversion of logic itself.

It is so simple, so irrational, yet it has happened: the complete separation of fact from implication. There is a name for the gaps between fact and implication, between implication and judgment....it is called "political correctness."
Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 81.

Someone who uses crap sources like you has no business giving lectures about facts. Are you that delusional, "CLINTON'S ROGUE GALLERY", a piece of disinformation from alamo girl, an anonymous source of disinformation used by an extreme rw group that was mocked when it first came out.

Translation: "I really can't dispute/refute any of 'em....and it makes me soooo mad!!"
The RWnuts will always pick the current Democratic president as the worst. That's part of the code of the cult.

RWnuts will say Obama is the worst president until the next Democrat is elected president, then he'll be the worst and the nuts will try to slam him by claiming that Obama was great compared to him.

RWnuts are addicted to hyperbole. It's a classic symptom of the weak mind.

When Clinton was president do you remember anyone saying he was worse than Carter?

They didn't impeach Carter.

Because Carter didn't perjure himself, intimidate witnesses, tamper with evidence, and obstruct justice. He still sucked as a president though.
LOL, we all know that if obama had not been declared the worst, you would be priaising the poll and ranting "I told you so".

its called hypocrisy, and you are full of it.

Prove it.

If you believe the poll is an accurate assessment of presidents then answer the question I asked a few hundred posts ago - without anyone answering -

was Bill Clinton a better president than all Republican presidents, other than Reagan, since WWII?

Because that's the poll's conclusion...

...if you accept this poll as an accurate meter than you accept that as fact.

The poll is accurate in reflecting the beliefs of the people polled. The error in all such polls is making the extension from a poll of 1200 or so to the entire population of 330,000,000.

The pollsters try to convince us that they can poll 1200 people and thereby tell us what the entire country thinks--------------its bullshit.

We can conclude that a plurality the 1200 people in this poll think that obama is the worst president in modern times.

Personally I think those results would be roughly the same if the entire nation was to vote, but that can't happen so we are left to argue about it.

That was a tediously lengthy dodge of my question.

Was Clinton a better president than every Republican since WW2 except Reagan?

Why all the silence amongst you otherwise very talky RWnuts on this subject??

That's what the poll found. According to you jokers the poll is a good reflection of the facts.

Step up.

The only possible explanation is the mentality- actually, the psychosis- of historians, journalists, and other opinion makers that makes them impervious, and even hostile, to facts.

Even more so to the ineluctable implications of these facts, which are devastating to the conventional wisdom and venerated mythology. And this is the ultimate impact of Communist influence, the Communist conspiracy that Roosevelt and Truman laughed off: it is the complete subversion of logic itself.

It is so simple, so irrational, yet it has happened: the complete separation of fact from implication. There is a name for the gaps between fact and implication, between implication and judgment....it is called "political correctness."
Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 81.

Someone who uses crap sources like you has no business giving lectures about facts. Are you that delusional, "CLINTON'S ROGUE GALLERY", a piece of disinformation from alamo girl, an anonymous source of disinformation used by an extreme rw group that was mocked when it first came out.

Translation: "I really can't dispute/refute any of 'em....and it makes me soooo mad!!"

Diana West is a conservative columnist. Her opinions carry no more weight than your own; you might as well show some ability to think for yourself and just state your own opinions.

I should think that you wouldn't subscribe to the idea that it takes a village of conservative pundits to state an opinion.
I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

Genuflect to Democrats much?

Please name the court cases and verdicts where these charges were made and Clinton was charged and tried.
It should be easy for you to show that charges were filed.

Otherwise, you have just made a complete ass out of yourself.

1. The following is the account of a woman who was raped by Saddam Hussein himself. The
Global Justice Center taped a video interview with this woman in December 2005. _______
________ was __ years old and the mother of a baby child in 1978 when she was abducted,
taken to a presidential palace, and raped for five hours by Saddam Hussein. A few months
later, she was summoned to the National Assembly, where she was threatened, in order to
ensure her silence.

2. "The Iraqi people are now free. And they do not have to worry about the secret police coming after them in the middle of the night, and they don't have to worry about their husbands and brothers being taken off and shot, or their wives being taken to rape rooms. Those days are over."—Paul Bremer, Administrator, [Iraq] Coalition Provisional Authority, Sept. 2, 2003

Please name the court cases and verdicts where these charges were made and Saddam, during his tenure, was charged and tried.
Why not?

Because of the danger of bringing such charges against a powerful political leader?

Not only have you have just made a complete ass out of yourself, but have been exposed as an apologist for evil.

So I take it you believe the poll got it badly wrong to rate Clinton as our second best president since WW2?
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Some of you are not gonna like this.....

1. "Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II

2. In a new Quinnipiac University Poll, 33% named Barack Obama the worst president since World War II. Only 8% named Obama as the best president.

3. President Obama has topped predecessor George W. Bush in another poll, but not one he would like.

4. "Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll."
Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II

5. Just one more kick in the behind: guess who was picked, far and away, as the BEST PRESIDENT SINCE WWII????

"Ronald Reagan topped the poll as the best president since World War II, with 35%. He is followed by presidents Bill Clinton (18%) and John F. Kennedy (15%)."

His chickens....coming home.....to roost.

WW2 hell. back to the founding fathers. worst on the planet ever !!!

The only possible explanation is the mentality- actually, the psychosis- of historians, journalists, and other opinion makers that makes them impervious, and even hostile, to facts.

Even more so to the ineluctable implications of these facts, which are devastating to the conventional wisdom and venerated mythology. And this is the ultimate impact of Communist influence, the Communist conspiracy that Roosevelt and Truman laughed off: it is the complete subversion of logic itself.

It is so simple, so irrational, yet it has happened: the complete separation of fact from implication. There is a name for the gaps between fact and implication, between implication and judgment....it is called "political correctness."
Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 81.

Someone who uses crap sources like you has no business giving lectures about facts. Are you that delusional, "CLINTON'S ROGUE GALLERY", a piece of disinformation from alamo girl, an anonymous source of disinformation used by an extreme rw group that was mocked when it first came out.

Translation: "I really can't dispute/refute any of 'em....and it makes me soooo mad!!"

Your source for the quotes are opinions by Diana West from her controversial politically slanted commentary and conspiracy theory account of the FDR administration. Her sources are as bad as yours. We have been through this before. The roots of her conspiracy come from a well know fascist of the 1930's who hated FDR and who used the same techniques you and West use, untraceable sources that can not be verified.
Someone who uses crap sources like you has no business giving lectures about facts. Are you that delusional, "CLINTON'S ROGUE GALLERY", a piece of disinformation from alamo girl, an anonymous source of disinformation used by an extreme rw group that was mocked when it first came out.

Translation: "I really can't dispute/refute any of 'em....and it makes me soooo mad!!"

Your source for the quotes are opinions by Diana West from her controversial politically slanted commentary and conspiracy theory account of the FDR administration. Her sources are as bad as yours. We have been through this before. The roots of her conspiracy come from a well know fascist of the 1930's who hated FDR and who used the same techniques you and West use, untraceable sources that can not be verified.

"I really can't dispute/refute any of 'em....and it makes me soooo mad!!"

Here are the two things you must remember: never write a post as dumb as this again, and Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

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