Who is trying to "rig" the 2020 Election: Trump or Biden?

Who is trying to "rig" the 2020 Election: Trump or Biden?

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I'd have to say that Trump is. Why? Because he's already been saying that mail in ballots can be forged, and is also saying that if Biden wins, that is only because the election was rigged in his favor.

Interestingly enough, when Hillary became the nominee back in 2016, Trump started saying back then that if she won, it was only because the election was rigged.

And, that is causing his followers to start parroting the same bullshit, trying ALREADY to call the election into question. Matter of fact, there are posters on here who have already been saying that if Biden wins, it's because the election was rigged.

The bully pulpit of the presidency is a dangerous thing when it's in the hands of a demagogue.

I agree! I haven't seen any credible reports that Biden is doing anything to rig the election.

Fingers rarely knows where he is on a daily basis. Its Nancy, Chuckie and the MSM that are rigging the election.

Really? Please give us your "credible" proof.

Clearly Joe isn't rigging anything. The poor guy probably can't even tie his own shoes anymore. Those working for him are another story.

I find it interest that both Bing (Microsoft) and Google image engines have removed memes with this quote.

You can look it up at Snopes


I mean hell, it isn't like you can't make your own, what are they trying to do, erase history? :heehee: Tear down some statues?
Mail in vote, the ultimate fraud machine was pushed through by democrats. A totally insane idea in every way.

But they want to cheat at all costs. They can't win honestly, so they will have to lose dishonestly.

Sadly, they just might.

Truth is, their mental madness has gone virtually unopposed for decades. it's exactly why they keep gaining ground.
Just a matter of time. Really bad times ahead for all.
Please support your choice with credible links/proof.

The demorats. Bloomturd is openly buying votes in Florida

Please tell us how that makes Bloomberg "rigging" the election. What is he doing that is illegal or unethical?

I didn't say "rigging". I said "buying".

So, how is "buying" Florida votes illegal or unethical?

So, you would have no problem if Trump paid for 1,000,000 redneck felons to vote then?
You would have no problem if Trump paid for busses to take rural America to the polls?
Please support your choice with credible links/proof.

The demorats. Bloomturd is openly buying votes in Florida

Please tell us how that makes Bloomberg "rigging" the election. What is he doing that is illegal or unethical?

I didn't say "rigging". I said "buying".

So, how is "buying" Florida votes illegal or unethical?

So, you would have no problem if Trump paid for 1,000,000 redneck felons to vote then?
You would have no problem if Trump paid for busses to take rural America to the polls?

Of course there would be a problem, anything that helps Trump is a problem.

You have to realize, you are not dealing with regular reasonable human beings, but far left extremists who only care about winning. With these people more heavy handed approach is needed. They will do whatever it takes to have their candidate and anti American values win, in a desperate attempt to achieve their utopia of free shit and destruction of all that is good.
Of course there would be a problem, anything that helps Trump is a problem.
You have to realize, you are not dealing with regular reasonable human beings, but far left extremists who only care about winning. With these people more heavy handed approach is needed. They will do whatever it takes to have their candidate and anti American values win, in a desperate attempt to achieve their utopia of free shit and destruction of all that is good.

well said. Totally agree
despots are not usually beloved unifiers

ladies and gentlemen: we have a despot as President Of the United States

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