Who let the dogs out?

Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?

Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?
First lady says she’s up early to walk Bo ‘even though kids are supposed to’

So, maybe they really didn't deserve it after all....

Oh my god.

Kids who promised to take care of the dog, but Mamma ends up shouldering that all that duty.

That, like, never happens, does it?

Yeah those kids are very unusual.


I say if he cannot keep his kids in line we ought to impeach him.

What say ye, tools?

Works for me, but in the meantime, can we impeach every member of Congress as well? Can't we just call for a "do over"?

Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?

Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?
First lady says she’s up early to walk Bo ‘even though kids are supposed to’

So, maybe they really didn't deserve it after all....

Oh my god.

Kids who promised to take care of the dog, but Mamma ends up shouldering that all that duty.

That, like, never happens, does it?

Yeah those kids are very unusual.


I say if he cannot keep his kids in line we ought to impeach him.

What say ye, tools?

Well, damn.... I hadn't thought of that.... What an amazing idea! Thanks bunches! I have an enormous amount of media contacts in my address book. I'll get right on it!
1. It's a "teaching responsibility" issue to me. Do you recall Pres. Obama's Father's Day speech last year? Really not much difference as I see it. If the children supposedly "earned" the dog (his words), that (presumably) means they displayed that they understood the responsibility that comes with pet ownership.

2.) Quote: First lady says she’s up early to walk Bo ‘even though kids are supposed to’. In other words, Mom is DOING what the children are supposed to be HELPING with.

Any parent who has a child shouldn't promise/give things that they aren't ready for.... I could have promised/given my newly licensed teen a Ferrari, but I don't believe it would have been a good idea.... The dog, OTOH, is a SHARED responsibility.

You don't know what the kids are helping with. Maybe they feed and water him, maybe they do most of the playing, maybe they brush him. Just because Michelle was walking him doesn't mean the kids never do. Is this their first dog? There's a learning curve if you've never owned a dog before. The kids are 10 and 7, they'll learn.

What I DO know is what was reported as being on the children's "to do" and what was reported as being Mom's "do" even though....

Learning curve.... I'll buy that for the 7-year old. LEARN FROM the 10-year old, who, in turn, will only LEARN FROM Mom and Dad. When do you suppose the LEARNING will begin? At what age do YOU think a child is capable of taking the dog out INTO THE YARD? It isn't as if she has to take the dog out into the streets of Chicago or DC, is it? If Mom and Dad did not believe that it should be the children's responsibility (even though they're supposed to), why do you suppose that chore was on their "to do" list?

Oh, and another thing? Why Question #1 anyway? You have a problem with the topics that others choose to bring to this forum?

Take a pill dude. So Michelle was walking the dog and the kids weren't . . . . you assume that means the kids will never walk the dog. It's a dog, they're kids, get a grip. :rolleyes:

Editec hit the nail on the head with his post.
Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?

Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?
First lady says she’s up early to walk Bo ‘even though kids are supposed to’

So, maybe they really didn't deserve it after all....

Number 1: This is a "homeland issue" to you?

Number 2: She said that the kids would HELP take care of the dog, not that they would do all of the dog-care.

Any parent who allows their child to have a dog realizes that the parent at times is going to have to step in and help.

No doubt. It doesn't matter if it's a dog, cat, hamster, guinea pig, gerbil, rabbit, iguana, snake, bird, you name it. Kids always say they'll take care of them and then the parent get's stuck with it, lol.

When I was young, this dog followed me home. He was a stray, and we already had one dog. I finally convinced my father to let us keep the dog, promising to do as much as I could to take care of the dog. Then for my father's birthday, I told him my present to him was the dog. He took it in stride though. As it turns out, that was the best dog my parents ever had.
You don't know what the kids are helping with. Maybe they feed and water him, maybe they do most of the playing, maybe they brush him. Just because Michelle was walking him doesn't mean the kids never do. Is this their first dog? There's a learning curve if you've never owned a dog before. The kids are 10 and 7, they'll learn.

What I DO know is what was reported as being on the children's "to do" and what was reported as being Mom's "do" even though....

Learning curve.... I'll buy that for the 7-year old. LEARN FROM the 10-year old, who, in turn, will only LEARN FROM Mom and Dad. When do you suppose the LEARNING will begin? At what age do YOU think a child is capable of taking the dog out INTO THE YARD? It isn't as if she has to take the dog out into the streets of Chicago or DC, is it? If Mom and Dad did not believe that it should be the children's responsibility (even though they're supposed to), why do you suppose that chore was on their "to do" list?

Oh, and another thing? Why Question #1 anyway? You have a problem with the topics that others choose to bring to this forum?

Take a pill dude. So Michelle was walking the dog and the kids weren't . . . . you assume that means the kids will never walk the dog. It's a dog, they're kids, get a grip. :rolleyes:

Editec hit the nail on the head with his post.

Can't answer the questions.... What a surprise....

Oh, and it's "dudette" to you!
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Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?

Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?
First lady says she’s up early to walk Bo ‘even though kids are supposed to’

So, maybe they really didn't deserve it after all....

Number 1: This is a "homeland issue" to you?

Number 2: She said that the kids would HELP take care of the dog, not that they would do all of the dog-care.

Any parent who allows their child to have a dog realizes that the parent at times is going to have to step in and help.

No doubt. It doesn't matter if it's a dog, cat, hamster, guinea pig, gerbil, rabbit, iguana, snake, bird, you name it. Kids always say they'll take care of them and then the parent get's stuck with it, lol.

When I was young, this dog followed me home. He was a stray, and we already had one dog. I finally convinced my father to let us keep the dog, promising to do as much as I could to take care of the dog. Then for my father's birthday, I told him my present to him was the dog. He took it in stride though. As it turns out, that was the best dog my parents ever had.

Our two best, one past and the present, have been from the shelter. Yet another thing that was forgotten by the First Family when Sen. Kennedy became the Easter Bunny....
What I DO know is what was reported as being on the children's "to do" and what was reported as being Mom's "do" even though....

Learning curve.... I'll buy that for the 7-year old. LEARN FROM the 10-year old, who, in turn, will only LEARN FROM Mom and Dad. When do you suppose the LEARNING will begin? At what age do YOU think a child is capable of taking the dog out INTO THE YARD? It isn't as if she has to take the dog out into the streets of Chicago or DC, is it? If Mom and Dad did not believe that it should be the children's responsibility (even though they're supposed to), why do you suppose that chore was on their "to do" list?

Oh, and another thing? Why Question #1 anyway? You have a problem with the topics that others choose to bring to this forum?

Take a pill dude. So Michelle was walking the dog and the kids weren't . . . . you assume that means the kids will never walk the dog. It's a dog, they're kids, get a grip. :rolleyes:

Editec hit the nail on the head with his post.

Can't answer the questions.... What a surprise....

Oh, and it's "dudette" to you!

Dear God, you are dense. When will the learning begin for Malia and Sasha to learn about dog care? Already answered but again, how do you know they're not feeding and watering the dog, brushing him, playing with him? Learning is a process. Is this their first dog? There's a learning curve in being a new dog owner. Just because they were not walking the dog this particular time does not mean that they have not or will not walk the dog. The chore was on the kid's to-do list and . . . . what?? you mean the kids didn't do their chore!! :eek: OMG, shankings for them, those brazen articles!! Do you have kids?

You are making a big deal about a 10 year old and a 7 year old not walking the dog. Why?

No one has a problem with topics that people bring to the forum (no clue as to where that came from). But if you expected to post this and have everyone agree with you, then it appears as if you are the one with the problem.
Mr Obama has been walking the dog to, (since he can't swim).


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Take a pill dude. So Michelle was walking the dog and the kids weren't . . . . you assume that means the kids will never walk the dog. It's a dog, they're kids, get a grip. :rolleyes:

Editec hit the nail on the head with his post.

Can't answer the questions.... What a surprise....

Oh, and it's "dudette" to you!

Dear God, you are dense. When will the learning begin for Malia and Sasha to learn about dog care? Already answered but again, how do you know they're not feeding and watering the dog, brushing him, playing with him? Learning is a process. Is this their first dog? There's a learning curve in being a new dog owner. Just because they were not walking the dog this particular time does not mean that they have not or will not walk the dog. The chore was on the kid's to-do list and . . . . what?? you mean the kids didn't do their chore!! :eek: OMG, shankings for them, those brazen articles!! Do you have kids?

You are making a big deal about a 10 year old and a 7 year old not walking the dog. Why?

No one has a problem with topics that people bring to the forum (no clue as to where that came from). But if you expected to post this and have everyone agree with you, then it appears as if you are the one with the problem.

My goodness.... Speaking of pulling ideas out of the air (or elsewhere).... There is never an expectation that "everyone agree with". What I would, and do, expect, in a debate forum, is that reasonable answers to reasonable questions be given, and that idiotic questions, such as "Is this a homeland issue to you?" and idiotic statements, such as "Who let the tools out? Whine whine-whine whine-whine!" will be countered with as much "due respect" as can be mustered! That give the clueless a clue now?

BTW, had you read the previously written commentary, there would be no need to ask idiotic questions ("Do you have kids?") which would imply that I haven't the knowledge or experience to have written said commentary....

Oh, and since you seem to have an issue with density, perhaps you'll re-read Mom's comments.... About the dog-walking.... You know.... The ones that were reported on in the article.... Not that it much matters, now that this has become a pissing match instead of a debate.... No worries.... I'm experienced at that as well....
Who let the tools out?

Whine whine-whine whine-whine!

You have a problem with the topics that others choose to bring to this forum?

Bitch, bitch, bitch.... :)

I am constantly amused by the childish crap that some of you think passes as important issues, yes.

Politics by character assassination are the refuge of the politically unwashed.

Let's take a look at where I found this childish crap:
© 2009 MSNBC Interactive

Not FOX; not Drudge; not World Net Daily.

Now, let's suppose that MSNBC chose to have a People.com feature on their very important news outlet (which they did). Seems to me that someone, probably very high up on their decision-making ladder, thought it passed the "important issues" test. What do you think?
You have a problem with the topics that others choose to bring to this forum?

Bitch, bitch, bitch.... :)

I am constantly amused by the childish crap that some of you think passes as important issues, yes.

Politics by character assassination are the refuge of the politically unwashed.

Let's take a look at where I found this childish crap:
© 2009 MSNBC Interactive

Not FOX; not Drudge; not World Net Daily.

What the hell difference does THAT make?

Now, let's suppose that MSNBC chose to have a People.com feature on their very important news outlet (which they did). Seems to me that someone, probably very high up on their decision-making ladder, thought it passed the "important issues" test. What do you think?

What do I think?

I think pablum is pablum no matter who is spoon feeding it to us.
I am constantly amused by the childish crap that some of you think passes as important issues, yes.

Politics by character assassination are the refuge of the politically unwashed.

What the hell difference does THAT make?

Now, let's suppose that MSNBC chose to have a People.com feature on their very important news outlet (which they did). Seems to me that someone, probably very high up on their decision-making ladder, thought it passed the "important issues" test. What do you think?

What do I think?

I think pablum is pablum no matter who is spoon feeding it to us.

Great! Maybe you'd like to take it up with them, or maybe you'd like to take the spoon out of your mouth.... No one is force feeding you....
Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?

Are Sasha and Malia dodging doggie duty?
First lady says she’s up early to walk Bo ‘even though kids are supposed to’

So, maybe they really didn't deserve it after all....

Number 1: This is a "homeland issue" to you?

Number 2: She said that the kids would HELP take care of the dog, not that they would do all of the dog-care.

Any parent who allows their child to have a dog realizes that the parent at times is going to have to step in and help.

1. It's a "teaching responsibility" issue to me. Do you recall Pres. Obama's Father's Day speech last year? Really not much difference as I see it. If the children supposedly "earned" the dog (his words), that (presumably) means they displayed that they understood the responsibility that comes with pet ownership.

2.) Quote: First lady says she’s up early to walk Bo ‘even though kids are supposed to’. In other words, Mom is DOING what the children are supposed to be HELPING with.

Any parent who has a child shouldn't promise/give things that they aren't ready for.... I could have promised/given my newly licensed teen a Ferrari, but I don't believe it would have been a good idea.... The dog, OTOH, is a SHARED responsibility.

As a father and longtime coach, I love the "how to raise other's children" crowd.

"Even though the kids are supposed to do a lot of the work, I'm still up at 5:15 a.m. taking my dog out. So for everyone who has a child asking for a puppy – you have to want the dog," Mrs. Obama said to knowing laughter from a luncheon audience of congressional spouses.

"As I do," she added. "I love my Bo."

“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.”
T. Jordan
Number 1: This is a "homeland issue" to you?

Number 2: She said that the kids would HELP take care of the dog, not that they would do all of the dog-care.

Any parent who allows their child to have a dog realizes that the parent at times is going to have to step in and help.

1. It's a "teaching responsibility" issue to me. Do you recall Pres. Obama's Father's Day speech last year? Really not much difference as I see it. If the children supposedly "earned" the dog (his words), that (presumably) means they displayed that they understood the responsibility that comes with pet ownership.

2.) Quote: First lady says she’s up early to walk Bo ‘even though kids are supposed to’. In other words, Mom is DOING what the children are supposed to be HELPING with.

Any parent who has a child shouldn't promise/give things that they aren't ready for.... I could have promised/given my newly licensed teen a Ferrari, but I don't believe it would have been a good idea.... The dog, OTOH, is a SHARED responsibility.

As a father and longtime coach, I love the "how to raise other's children" crowd.

"Even though the kids are supposed to do a lot of the work, I'm still up at 5:15 a.m. taking my dog out. So for everyone who has a child asking for a puppy – you have to want the dog," Mrs. Obama said to knowing laughter from a luncheon audience of congressional spouses.

"As I do," she added. "I love my Bo."

“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.”
T. Jordan

Another country heard from.... Isn't it just as interesting that some of you seem to feel that we never give an inch? Bending is an ever so carefully performed act, so as to never break. Looks as if, in this case, clean-up in Aisle 1 is needed....
1. It's a "teaching responsibility" issue to me. Do you recall Pres. Obama's Father's Day speech last year? Really not much difference as I see it. If the children supposedly "earned" the dog (his words), that (presumably) means they displayed that they understood the responsibility that comes with pet ownership.

2.) Quote: First lady says she’s up early to walk Bo ‘even though kids are supposed to’. In other words, Mom is DOING what the children are supposed to be HELPING with.

Any parent who has a child shouldn't promise/give things that they aren't ready for.... I could have promised/given my newly licensed teen a Ferrari, but I don't believe it would have been a good idea.... The dog, OTOH, is a SHARED responsibility.

As a father and longtime coach, I love the "how to raise other's children" crowd.

"Even though the kids are supposed to do a lot of the work, I'm still up at 5:15 a.m. taking my dog out. So for everyone who has a child asking for a puppy – you have to want the dog," Mrs. Obama said to knowing laughter from a luncheon audience of congressional spouses.

"As I do," she added. "I love my Bo."

“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.”
T. Jordan

Another country heard from.... Isn't it just as interesting that some of you seem to feel that we never give an inch? Bending is an ever so carefully performed act, so as to never break. Looks as if, in this case, clean-up in Aisle 1 is needed....

You win the prize, most obscure and senseless posts...

Another country?

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