Who liberals really are and who liberals are according to the rightwing never really matches

Oh no not the classical liberal BS AGAIN!

Of which you can lay no claim to. Hang your head in shame, leftist troll.
Classical liberalism only exists in GOP BS propaganda world, like Liberal Fascism a brand new term and philosophy, for ignorant dupes like you only...

Wrong, leftist dupe! Many Americans are real Liberals. They outnumber asshats such as yourself 4:1 at least.

You fail, douchenozzle.
As you know it...NOT. They're all Dems in reality.

Liberals are fleeing the far leftist Dem party in droves.

Nothing remains there. :dunno:
Balogna. Putin, Comey sabotage, BS GOP Hillary character assassination for 25 years and still won popular by 3 million...
“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage
“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

JFK was a conservative Democrat.


A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.
“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

JFK was a conservative Democrat.


Compared to who? He wanted to be re-elected. So in that respect...
“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

JFK was a conservative Democrat.


Compared to who? He wanted to be re-elected. So in that respect...

Why you guys went nuts and kicked out conservative Democrats .. well is anyone's guess..

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

JFK was a conservative Democrat.


Compared to who? He wanted to be re-elected. So in that respect...

Why you guys went nuts and kicked out conservative Democrats .. well is anyone's guess..

Dems got sick of racist Southern conservatives. I highly recommend it.
Your understanding of how the world actually works is utterly pathetic....but you have a lot of company. I don't blame you personally, you are simply a by-product of a horrifically ran indoctrination program that we refer to as "public education". I could go into a long ass dissertation about how it got to this level, how critical thinking skills became a liability and cognitive dissonance became the norm.....I doubt that you have the intellectual capacity to take all this in because the programming is just that deeply ingrained in you.I have to admit, it was tough for me to shake it off and I wasn't able to take that leap until I was 48 years of age. The "de-programming" process was an ass-kicking ordeal.....like a heroin addict that was a life long user with withdrawal symptoms that caused me to lose weight along with the inability to sleep...but I did it. I compare it to what Marines have to go through during basic training.....they wouldn't go through it again had they known what they were in for, but they are glad that they made it.

"Liberalism" in the true sense of the word was about individual freedom as in "if I am nit infringing on your rights to exist then you have no rights to infringe on mine" kinda deal. They believed in the "Bill of Rights" and what it stood for....but somewhere along the line? The communist infiltration that Joseph McCarthy warned us about took control. McCarthy was proven right 35 plus years later by the release of the Venona papers showed that McCarthy was straight on point. Now? What passes for "liberalism" isn't about individual rights but all about the "collective" and that is a fact that cannot even be disputed. Today's "pseudo liberals" fight against any speech that that they do not approve of. Their motto is straight out of the communist manifesto......"the ends justifies the means". What does that mean? That like Sal Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals"? Whatever it takes justifies doing anything that it takes.....all rules are off the table just so long as it advances the goals of communism.

The pseudo liberals (when they were exposed for the commie faction that they are) tried to re-brand themselves as "progressives"....meaning that anyone that opposed their globalist agenda (bought, paid for and subsidized by the very elites that they claimed to be fighting against) were "regressives". I would laugh loud and long if I was watching this theater being played out on some TV show and how these "progressives" have been used like a cheap whore hooked on heroin that depended on their pimp to provide them with their next "fix" if the implications of their actions only affected those of their ilk.

Billy, (and I say this sincerely) you are one of the "useful idiots" that the globalists (that funded communism to begin with) could not have come this far without idiots like you. Pat yourself on the back.....but herein lies the reality....you will never see that commie utopia in your lifetime nor mine and you can bet the farm on that one.

Hope this helps!!!!
Another RWNJ WAYYYY off...Globalism is no conspiracy, it's the natural result of the world getting smaller, cheap labor giving new markets to countries smart enough to train workers for the good and techie jobs produced. Most modern countries but not the New BS, pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP dominated poor old America... Thanks, dupes.

So, what you are saying is that countries should have no borders, no sovereignty and should adhere to unfair "Free Trade Agreements"....correct? I simply want to get you on the record for being for this. BTW, you do know that the central bankers that control the printing and then retracting of a fiat currency with no intrinsic value are behind this....I just want to see if you actually understand the true economics behind a monetary system based on debt....what say ye?
Not at all, jackass dupe, DUHHH. I'm saying we should have cheap training and college education/loans so we can compete with smart countries on good and techie jobs, and have fair taxing of the bloated rich to pay for it. So feqqing obvious except to total dupes of the greedy idiot rich GOP...35 YEARS of this crap...

You are such an idiot......seriously. Your stupidity, your lack of understanding as to how this fiat, debt based monetary system works and the ones behind it and how you believe that if you steal worthless fiat Federal Reserve notes and credits from others and give it to others that somehow this (snicker) "system" could be fixed overnight just NEVER fails to amuse me. The leftard clown posse party and the trotsky-ite neocons are simply different sides of the same coin. How did all these "politicians" that claimed to have so little end up being millionaires like McCain, Feinstein, Pelousy, Boehner, Barrypuppet and the list goes on and on and on while claiming that the coffers of USA.INC are barren and dry while the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report tells a very different story? Can you explain that? I doubt that you can because I doubt that you can wipe your own ass without a daily tutorial on the method....soon, lame fucks like you will be insisting that an illustrated pictorial be shown in every public bathroom.
Look them up. McCain married money, Obama wrote best sellers, Pelosi is just rich...

LMAO!!!!!! Dude, you simply don't have a clue....Barrypuppet is easily worth over 100 million dollars (and that is just in assets that are known about) but yet he went from a salary of 165K a year as a congressman to 100 million dollars because of ghost writers???? Are you sure you want to go with that?
“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

JFK was a conservative Democrat.


Compared to who? He wanted to be re-elected. So in that respect...

Why you guys went nuts and kicked out conservative Democrats .. well is anyone's guess..

Probably the same reason the party of Lincoln stopped being liberal progressives..Big business bought them off..
Another RWNJ WAYYYY off...Globalism is no conspiracy, it's the natural result of the world getting smaller, cheap labor giving new markets to countries smart enough to train workers for the good and techie jobs produced. Most modern countries but not the New BS, pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP dominated poor old America... Thanks, dupes.

So, what you are saying is that countries should have no borders, no sovereignty and should adhere to unfair "Free Trade Agreements"....correct? I simply want to get you on the record for being for this. BTW, you do know that the central bankers that control the printing and then retracting of a fiat currency with no intrinsic value are behind this....I just want to see if you actually understand the true economics behind a monetary system based on debt....what say ye?
Not at all, jackass dupe, DUHHH. I'm saying we should have cheap training and college education/loans so we can compete with smart countries on good and techie jobs, and have fair taxing of the bloated rich to pay for it. So feqqing obvious except to total dupes of the greedy idiot rich GOP...35 YEARS of this crap...

You are such an idiot......seriously. Your stupidity, your lack of understanding as to how this fiat, debt based monetary system works and the ones behind it and how you believe that if you steal worthless fiat Federal Reserve notes and credits from others and give it to others that somehow this (snicker) "system" could be fixed overnight just NEVER fails to amuse me. The leftard clown posse party and the trotsky-ite neocons are simply different sides of the same coin. How did all these "politicians" that claimed to have so little end up being millionaires like McCain, Feinstein, Pelousy, Boehner, Barrypuppet and the list goes on and on and on while claiming that the coffers of USA.INC are barren and dry while the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report tells a very different story? Can you explain that? I doubt that you can because I doubt that you can wipe your own ass without a daily tutorial on the method....soon, lame fucks like you will be insisting that an illustrated pictorial be shown in every public bathroom.
Look them up. McCain married money, Obama wrote best sellers, Pelosi is just rich...

LMAO!!!!!! Dude, you simply don't have a clue....Barrypuppet is easily worth over 100 million dollars (and that is just in assets that are known about) but yet he went from a salary of 165K a year as a congressman to 100 million dollars because of ghost writers???? Are you sure you want to go with that?
100 is too high, tho he got 40 million last week as an advance...and no ghosting necessary...he's a very good writer. 2 best sellers before he was president.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Lies. Why the fuss over Obamacare? Why do you make the poor and less fortunate a keystone of any guilt trip campaign your party pushes against Conservatives when they want to cut spending? Please don't. You've already managed to make an idiot of yourself via the first sentence.

That's strike one.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

When I hear that someone, like a baker, a florist, or a photographer, are forced to put their religious beliefs aside to appease people who live a lifestyle those beliefs teach against lest they face financial ruination...that means the gay couple isn't demanding equal rights, they are demanding special rights. That their lifestyle trumps the proprietor's religious beliefs. No sir. Oh, and this doesn't just stop at gay rights, college students need safe spaces and special rooms to protect them from opposite opinions, otherwise known as demanding special rights/treatment.

That's strike two.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

Do you notice how liberals use the dead, especially children who were killed by murderers, as vehicles to push gun control?

That's strike three.
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“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

John F. Kennedy, Profiles in Courage

Oh woe unto you who thinks the liberals of today are of the same stripe as the liberals in the Kennedy era. If the Democrats of today ran on some of the things they ran on when Kennedy was president, I'd be a full blooded Democrat right now. No doubt about it.

I laugh at you.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.



So just so we are clear, you take an anecdotal example and then apply it to an entire group of people based on nothing? God no wonder you vote republican.

Simply one example of many that want to be taken care of by government.


So why doesnt anyone on this forum say that? You can't find an example of it and you know it.

They don't need to. Is your argument so weak you rely on what people say on a forum as a means to buttress your arguments?


So just so we are clear, you take an anecdotal example and then apply it to an entire group of people based on nothing? God no wonder you vote republican.

Simply one example of many that want to be taken care of by government.


So why doesnt anyone on this forum say that? You can't find an example of it and you know it.

Remember that teabagger protestor who had that protest sign: "Get your government hands off my Medicare!"? Do you agree with him?

Nope, I think medicare should be abolished. Government money is one of the main drivers of health care costs. Just like it drives the costs of college. Stop the gravy train and costs will go down.


So....how would the disabled and poor people get healthcare?

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

So, that reply above is a liberal (YOU) advocating for government regulation of healthcare.
A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

And just so we're clear, by what method or agency would you go about accomplishing these goals?

Who instills a "mixed economy"?
Who instills "fairness for all"?
Who teaches "the humanist ideas of education, science, and self betterment"?

What power on earth at this moment has that ability?


You have aided in the destruction of the OP's point by becoming yet another liberal encouraging a belief in "social democracy". Otherwise known as a form of government. Yes, that's a form of government.

By advocating for a "mixed economy" you are in essence wanting your government to regulate the economy in a way that it becomes such.

Thank you for this educational insight into the lack of logical reasoning a far leftist possesses.
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So just so we are clear, you take an anecdotal example and then apply it to an entire group of people based on nothing? God no wonder you vote republican.

Simply one example of many that want to be taken care of by government.

So why doesnt anyone on this forum say that? You can't find an example of it and you know it.

Remember that teabagger protestor who had that protest sign: "Get your government hands off my Medicare!"? Do you agree with him?

Nope, I think medicare should be abolished. Government money is one of the main drivers of health care costs. Just like it drives the costs of college. Stop the gravy train and costs will go down.

So....how would the disabled and poor people get healthcare?

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

So, that reply above is a liberal (YOU) advocating for government regulation of healthcare.

Actually he is arguing for federal government provided health care, not just regulation.

A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

What the far right thinks we're are a bunch of cuban or soviet style Leninist that want the same thing as Lenin in the USSR. Pretty much a massive state dictatorship that wants to control every element of production and force people to conform to the will of the thugs at the top to get to the governmentless dream of Marx that never comes to past. They say of course that they care about the little guy but truly never have...

Liberals love capitalism
Liberals love political freedom
Liberals love freedom

Liberals of course believe in a public sector and investment in ones country!
Liberals love capitalism but hate business
Liberals love freedom but have a desire to tell people they can't own a gun, can't eat this or that, can't smoke. can't say this or that etc ad nauseum
Proud to be LIberal!!!!

Who conservatives really are? Well, they're a bunch of 1% cock sucking idiots that don't believe in modern society. They're pretty much the same creature as they were doing the French revolution as the upper class and nobility and supporters of the nobility.

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