Who liberals really are and who liberals are according to the rightwing never really matches

Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.

A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

What the far right thinks we're are a bunch of cuban or soviet style Leninist that want the same thing as Lenin in the USSR. Pretty much a massive state dictatorship that wants to control every element of production and force people to conform to the will of the thugs at the top to get to the governmentless dream of Marx that never comes to past. They say of course that they care about the little guy but truly never have...

Liberals love capitalism
Liberals love political freedom
Liberals love freedom

Liberals of course believe in a public sector and investment in ones country!

I'd take up arms against a real Lenin/marxist state dictatorship.

Here's the thing: The Democrat party has been hijacked by far-left non-liberal leftists.

So when a "righty" sees "liberal" they immediately assume it's a far leftist which may or may not be the case.

Even some of the snowflake leftists call themselves liberals when they are actually Cultural Marxists or Leftist Communo-Anarchists. They don't make the distinction among themselves either, thereby adding to the confusion.

Simply not true. If it were, Clinton would not have been the nominee. There is no Democratic equivalent of the Tea Party or any organized movement driving them to the left as there has been on the Republican side.

They're called Sandernistas.


So just so we are clear, you take an anecdotal example and then apply it to an entire group of people based on nothing? God no wonder you vote republican.

Simply one example of many that want to be taken care of by government.


So why doesnt anyone on this forum say that? You can't find an example of it and you know it.

Remember that teabagger protestor who had that protest sign: "Get your government hands off my Medicare!"? Do you agree with him?

Nope, I think medicare should be abolished. Government money is one of the main drivers of health care costs. Just like it drives the costs of college. Stop the gravy train and costs will go down.


Government money is one of the main drivers of health care costs.
You have to explain that one. :laugh2:
Medicare and Medicaid control costs.

Name one program where the feds pump billions that has risen at or less than inflation. Both medicine and education have risen at much higher rates.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Lies. Why the fuss over Obamacare? Why do you make the poor and less fortunate a keystone of any guilt trip campaign your party pushes against Conservatives when they want to cut spending? Please don't. You've already managed to make an idiot of yourself via the first sentence.

That's strike one.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

When I hear that someone, like a baker, a florist, or a photographer, are forced to put their religious beliefs aside to appease people who live a lifestyle those beliefs teach against lest they face financial ruination...that means the gay couple isn't demanding equal rights, they are demanding special rights. That their lifestyle trumps the proprietor's religious beliefs. No sir. Oh, and this doesn't just stop at gay rights, college students need safe spaces and special rooms to protect them from opposite opinions, otherwise known as demanding special rights/treatment.

That's strike two.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

Do you notice how liberals use the dead, especially children who were killed by murderers, as vehicles to push gun control?

That's strike three.
Lol TK, do you not understand who ObamaCare reaches? For one, not everyone is enrolled in it and two, any subsidies do not go to the person enrolled. It goes to their plans. Following this logic, you shouldn't be driving on public roads because the government pays for them.

I don't give a shit if a baker doesn't bake a cake for a gay couple. That couple could easily find a baker who isn't some whiny, bigoted drama queen to do it instead.

Okay, and your retarded "strike three" has nothing to do with the leftwing wanting to ban all guns and make the 2nd amendment obsolete. Either way, senseless gun violence is the only reason to push gun control.

Yeah, TK, as always, you fail to make a point.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.

Yep. You're spot on.

If you watch, the RWNJs are exactly what they say libs are.

It's the RWNJs who go all to pieces, clutching their pearls and swoon and whine. They constantly demand an end to the constitution for those the don't like or agree with. They're dead set against equality. They hate children, hate the military, hate women, hate vets and they want others to suffer.

And safe spaces? It's not liberals who are scared to leave the house without a gun!

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

What the far right thinks we're are a bunch of cuban or soviet style Leninist that want the same thing as Lenin in the USSR. Pretty much a massive state dictatorship that wants to control every element of production and force people to conform to the will of the thugs at the top to get to the governmentless dream of Marx that never comes to past. They say of course that they care about the little guy but truly never have...

Liberals love capitalism
Liberals love political freedom
Liberals love freedom

Liberals of course believe in a public sector and investment in ones country!
A liberal believe in the big lie.


Every government in the world today is founded on a “big lie” that you’re about to see explained below. This is true regardless of party affiliation, nationality or era in which the government operates. All governments — past, present, and future — are founded on this “big lie,” without exception.

What is this BIG LIE? It’s the idea that those who are in power will represent the interests of others who have no power.

This “big lie” fantasizes that selfish, power-seeking, egoistic human beings are magically transmuted into humble, compassionate, ethical “representatives” the minute they win an election. We are to believe that all their hunger for power instantly vanishes at the moment they win, replaced by God-like universal love for all the people, even at the expense of their own careers or personal wealth accumulation.

The Big Lie - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Moans the idiot who thinks the government doesn't investigate itself ....... 8 times over Benghazi alone.

Says the idiot who thinks the government will investigate itself honestly.
And yet, they did. You just don't like the results from the first time they investigated themselves ... or the second ... or the third ... or the fourth ... or the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth.


Even worse for you, you lack even the minimal brain capacity to comprehend that if the government didn't actually investigate itself honestly, as you moronically claim -- there never would have been a second investigation into Benghazi after finding nothing following the first investigation ... no less, eight in total.

But then, you're a conservative; so thinking isn't something you bother with.
Not a con....haven't been one for a couple decades now.

To think Obama and his minions did nothing wrong in Benghazi, makes you a fool.

President Obama wasn't in Benghazi. Neither were the Republicans who had voted to cut the security funding for embassies. None of them were there when both President Obama and Secty Clinton asked for increased security.

That's bad enough but sleaze Gowdy, Chaffetz and the rest of that Repub scum who pretended to investigate Benghazi had all voted against that security funding.

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Billy000, not only is your imagined vision of what liberals really are a fantasy of your own, but you call yourself a democratic socialist, a contradiction in terms. A democrat believes in the will of the people (mob rule), while a socialist believes in total government, where a small group of the elite powerful decide everything, over the will of the people! Maybe if you got even half your statements right, you'd be less confused over liberalism.
That's communism, dupe. Everywhere but US Dupeworld, socialism is ALWAYS Democratic, fair capitalism. See EU, Canada, Oz, NZ...even the USA with ACA, tho we're a pander to the rich GOP mess....
'Who liberals really are and who liberals are according to the rightwing never really matches'

Let's see....

Democrats rigged their primaries, engaged in voter fraud during their primaries, and cheated during the debates to help Hillary, the worst candidate in US history, defeat Bernie Sanders - which she could not do by herself - to give her the DNC nomination and force her upon their voting base.

DURING the campaign Democrats
- Rioted

- Destroyed Property

- Engaged in TERRORISM by fire-bombing a GOP HQ

- Looted

- Committed acts of arson

- Assaulted people and engaged in violence to disrupt Trump events

- Hillary's campaign was proven to have funded groups that engaged in violence

- Violently shut down Freedom of Speech

- Democrats' Personal e-mails were hacked, exposing their racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic comments / jokes
-- Democrats attempt to distract by pulling the 'Victim' card and falsely claim 'The Russians hacked the ELECTION'.

- It is exposed the Russians never attempted to hack the election, BUT Obama and his DHS attempted to hack the Indiana and Georgia state election processes in order to bolster their attempt tp take control of ALL state election processed / elections right before the 2016 election. (Obama and the DHS attempted & failed to hack these systems 14 times)

- Called for Trump's Impeachment before he was sworn in

- Seditiously called for military coups

- Seditiously called for Trump's assassination

- Engaged in political assassinations of Trump Team members

- The Obama administration began their own 'Watergate 2'

- The Obama administration illegally released Protected Classified Personal Information deemed by the NSA and FBI to have NO Intel value to 16 Intel agencies for what could only be - again according to the NSA and FBI - POLITICAL purposes.

- The Obama administration / Obama loyalists perpetrated what the NSA and FBI called 'Felony Espionage' by illegally leaking Protected Classified Personal Information

- Snowflakes continue to make false accusations about the Trump administration while providing NO evidence to support their claims
-- The NSA, FBI, CIA, and Democrats on the Intel Committee have all declared there is NO EVIDENCE

- Despicable, disrespectful liberals cross the line regarding personally attacking the sitting President with profanity-laced, hate-filled homophobic rants on nation-wide TV while snowflakes defend and justify it.

- Despite the fact that they would NEVER allow a GOP candidate to stay in the race under the same circumstances, the Democrats defend Hillary and keep her in the race with days to go before the election while she is under multiple FBI investigations for crimes to include mishandling classified information, fraud, influence peddling, and ESPIONAGE.
--- FBI Director Comey testified yesterday that Hillary Clinton and her aides DID break multiple laws during her Server/E-mail scandal - one of the investigations open on her days before the election - but that no charges were ever filed because she was TOO STUPID, despite all of her training, to know she was breaking the law and putting national security at risk.
--- Hillary didn't know it was illegal to have you MAID print out highly classified documents for you, and Huma Abedin, Hillary's closest aide, did not know it was illegal to e-mail every Clinton classified e-mail and document to her husband to be loaded on to the computer they share - the computer that her sexual deviant pedophile husband used to 'sext' 15yo girls.

Nom upon close analysis of the fact, Liberals / Democrats / Snowflakes are EXACTLY who Conservatives say they are. Conservatives don't even have to SAY anything - the Democrats just continuously demonstrate who they are on their own.
A liberal believe in the big lie.


Every government in the world today is founded on a “big lie” that you’re about to see explained below. This is true regardless of party affiliation, nationality or era in which the government operates. All governments — past, present, and future — are founded on this “big lie,” without exception.

What is this BIG LIE? It’s the idea that those who are in power will represent the interests of others who have no power.

This “big lie” fantasizes that selfish, power-seeking, egoistic human beings are magically transmuted into humble, compassionate, ethical “representatives” the minute they win an election. We are to believe that all their hunger for power instantly vanishes at the moment they win, replaced by God-like universal love for all the people, even at the expense of their own careers or personal wealth accumulation.

The Big Lie - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Moans the idiot who thinks the government doesn't investigate itself ....... 8 times over Benghazi alone.

Says the idiot who thinks the government will investigate itself honestly.
And yet, they did. You just don't like the results from the first time they investigated themselves ... or the second ... or the third ... or the fourth ... or the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth.


Even worse for you, you lack even the minimal brain capacity to comprehend that if the government didn't actually investigate itself honestly, as you moronically claim -- there never would have been a second investigation into Benghazi after finding nothing following the first investigation ... no less, eight in total.

But then, you're a conservative; so thinking isn't something you bother with.
Not a con....haven't been one for a couple decades now.

To think Obama and his minions did nothing wrong in Benghazi, makes you a fool.

President Obama wasn't in Benghazi. Neither were the Republicans who had voted to cut the security funding for embassies. None of them were there when both President Obama and Secty Clinton asked for increased security.

That's bad enough but sleaze Gowdy, Chaffetz and the rest of that Repub scum who pretended to investigate Benghazi had all voted against that security funding.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Good God, the lies. Stephens asked for increased security more than 60 times and was denied every time. Hillary joked about it in her testimony before Congress, saying she just thought his continuous asking was part of his 'sense of humor'. Hillary and the State department stripped members of his security team away - not added any - before the attack on 9/11/12. This was after the Al Qaeda-connected rebel force they had hired to help protect Stephens quit right before the attack.
A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

What the far right thinks we're are a bunch of cuban or soviet style Leninist that want the same thing as Lenin in the USSR. Pretty much a massive state dictatorship that wants to control every element of production and force people to conform to the will of the thugs at the top to get to the governmentless dream of Marx that never comes to past. They say of course that they care about the little guy but truly never have...

Liberals love capitalism
Liberals love political freedom
Liberals love freedom

Liberals of course believe in a public sector and investment in ones country!

Then Matthew, you and your friends SHOULD BE LIBERALS, instead of what you really are, MARXISTS! All you have done is hijack the Democratic party and the name Liberal, and claim that is what you are, which you aren't, lol. You are a bunch of totalitarian Marxists, but us calling you that loses connection when you claim you are some sort of new age Democrat.

Bull! What do you and JFK have in common? Nothing! He would be more likely to throw the lot of you in the hoosgow for treason, then to invite you to a political table for a tete-tete. He fought his whole life against people like you and your friends. And now, you try and wrap yourself in his memory. How pathetic!
Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Lies. Why the fuss over Obamacare? Why do you make the poor and less fortunate a keystone of any guilt trip campaign your party pushes against Conservatives when they want to cut spending? Please don't. You've already managed to make an idiot of yourself via the first sentence.

That's strike one.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

When I hear that someone, like a baker, a florist, or a photographer, are forced to put their religious beliefs aside to appease people who live a lifestyle those beliefs teach against lest they face financial ruination...that means the gay couple isn't demanding equal rights, they are demanding special rights. That their lifestyle trumps the proprietor's religious beliefs. No sir. Oh, and this doesn't just stop at gay rights, college students need safe spaces and special rooms to protect them from opposite opinions, otherwise known as demanding special rights/treatment.

That's strike two.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

Do you notice how liberals use the dead, especially children who were killed by murderers, as vehicles to push gun control?

That's strike three.
Lol TK, do you not understand who ObamaCare reaches? For one, not everyone is enrolled in it and two, any subsidies do not go to the person enrolled. It goes to their plans. Following this logic, you shouldn't be driving on public roads because the government pays for them.

I don't give a shit if a baker doesn't bake a cake for a gay couple. That couple could easily find a baker who isn't some whiny, bigoted drama queen to do it instead.

Okay, and your retarded "strike three" has nothing to do with the leftwing wanting to ban all guns and make the 2nd amendment obsolete. Either way, senseless gun violence is the only reason to push gun control.

Yeah, TK, as always, you fail to make a point.
Keep digging Billy, keep digging.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Lies. Why the fuss over Obamacare? Why do you make the poor and less fortunate a keystone of any guilt trip campaign your party pushes against Conservatives when they want to cut spending? Please don't. You've already managed to make an idiot of yourself via the first sentence.

That's strike one.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

When I hear that someone, like a baker, a florist, or a photographer, are forced to put their religious beliefs aside to appease people who live a lifestyle those beliefs teach against lest they face financial ruination...that means the gay couple isn't demanding equal rights, they are demanding special rights. That their lifestyle trumps the proprietor's religious beliefs. No sir. Oh, and this doesn't just stop at gay rights, college students need safe spaces and special rooms to protect them from opposite opinions, otherwise known as demanding special rights/treatment.

That's strike two.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

Do you notice how liberals use the dead, especially children who were killed by murderers, as vehicles to push gun control?

That's strike three.
Lol TK, do you not understand who ObamaCare reaches? For one, not everyone is enrolled in it and two, any subsidies do not go to the person enrolled. It goes to their plans. Following this logic, you shouldn't be driving on public roads because the government pays for them.

I don't give a shit if a baker doesn't bake a cake for a gay couple. That couple could easily find a baker who isn't some whiny, bigoted drama queen to do it instead.

Okay, and your retarded "strike three" has nothing to do with the leftwing wanting to ban all guns and make the 2nd amendment obsolete. Either way, senseless gun violence is the only reason to push gun control.

Yeah, TK, as always, you fail to make a point.
Keep digging Billy, keep digging.
Nah, I think you're in that hole pretty deep already.
'Who liberals really are and who liberals are according to the rightwing never really matches'

you mean our liberals didn't really spy for Hitler and Stalin and give Stalin the bomb?? You mean they didn't really elect Sanders even after he honeymooned in the USSR?? You mean they don't really support single payer communism??
You mean they didn't really elect Obama after he voted to left of Sander while a Senator????

Norman Thomas ( American socialist presidential candidate)
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Lies. Why the fuss over Obamacare? Why do you make the poor and less fortunate a keystone of any guilt trip campaign your party pushes against Conservatives when they want to cut spending? Please don't. You've already managed to make an idiot of yourself via the first sentence.

That's strike one.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

When I hear that someone, like a baker, a florist, or a photographer, are forced to put their religious beliefs aside to appease people who live a lifestyle those beliefs teach against lest they face financial ruination...that means the gay couple isn't demanding equal rights, they are demanding special rights. That their lifestyle trumps the proprietor's religious beliefs. No sir. Oh, and this doesn't just stop at gay rights, college students need safe spaces and special rooms to protect them from opposite opinions, otherwise known as demanding special rights/treatment.

That's strike two.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

Do you notice how liberals use the dead, especially children who were killed by murderers, as vehicles to push gun control?

That's strike three.
Lol TK, do you not understand who ObamaCare reaches? For one, not everyone is enrolled in it and two, any subsidies do not go to the person enrolled. It goes to their plans. Following this logic, you shouldn't be driving on public roads because the government pays for them.

I don't give a shit if a baker doesn't bake a cake for a gay couple. That couple could easily find a baker who isn't some whiny, bigoted drama queen to do it instead.

Okay, and your retarded "strike three" has nothing to do with the leftwing wanting to ban all guns and make the 2nd amendment obsolete. Either way, senseless gun violence is the only reason to push gun control.

Yeah, TK, as always, you fail to make a point.
Keep digging Billy, keep digging.
Nah, I think you're in that hole pretty deep already.

Can't you admit you lost?
Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Lies. Why the fuss over Obamacare? Why do you make the poor and less fortunate a keystone of any guilt trip campaign your party pushes against Conservatives when they want to cut spending? Please don't. You've already managed to make an idiot of yourself via the first sentence.

That's strike one.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

When I hear that someone, like a baker, a florist, or a photographer, are forced to put their religious beliefs aside to appease people who live a lifestyle those beliefs teach against lest they face financial ruination...that means the gay couple isn't demanding equal rights, they are demanding special rights. That their lifestyle trumps the proprietor's religious beliefs. No sir. Oh, and this doesn't just stop at gay rights, college students need safe spaces and special rooms to protect them from opposite opinions, otherwise known as demanding special rights/treatment.

That's strike two.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

Do you notice how liberals use the dead, especially children who were killed by murderers, as vehicles to push gun control?

That's strike three.
Lol TK, do you not understand who ObamaCare reaches? For one, not everyone is enrolled in it and two, any subsidies do not go to the person enrolled. It goes to their plans. Following this logic, you shouldn't be driving on public roads because the government pays for them.

I don't give a shit if a baker doesn't bake a cake for a gay couple. That couple could easily find a baker who isn't some whiny, bigoted drama queen to do it instead.

Okay, and your retarded "strike three" has nothing to do with the leftwing wanting to ban all guns and make the 2nd amendment obsolete. Either way, senseless gun violence is the only reason to push gun control.

Yeah, TK, as always, you fail to make a point.
Keep digging Billy, keep digging.
Nah, I think you're in that hole pretty deep already.

Can't you admit you lost?
We both know I didn't.
"That's communism, dupe. Everywhere but US Dupeworld, socialism is ALWAYS Democratic, fair capitalism."

Don't you just love a guy who can post 38,000 messages about politics and still not know the first thing about it. Really? A socialist government is always democratic? Then all democracies are socialist. Why don't you go to a socialist country and find out just how much voice the people have in how their country is run.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.

A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

What the far right thinks we're are a bunch of cuban or soviet style Leninist that want the same thing as Lenin in the USSR. Pretty much a massive state dictatorship that wants to control every element of production and force people to conform to the will of the thugs at the top to get to the governmentless dream of Marx that never comes to past. They say of course that they care about the little guy but truly never have...

Liberals love capitalism
Liberals love political freedom
Liberals love freedom

Liberals of course believe in a public sector and investment in ones country!

I'd take up arms against a real Lenin/marxist state dictatorship.

Here's the thing: The Democrat party has been hijacked by far-left non-liberal leftists.

So when a "righty" sees "liberal" they immediately assume it's a far leftist which may or may not be the case.

Even some of the snowflake leftists call themselves liberals when they are actually Cultural Marxists or Leftist Communo-Anarchists. They don't make the distinction among themselves either, thereby adding to the confusion.

Simply not true. If it were, Clinton would not have been the nominee. There is no Democratic equivalent of the Tea Party or any organized movement driving them to the left as there has been on the Republican side.

They're called Sandernistas.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.

A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

What the far right thinks we're are a bunch of cuban or soviet style Leninist that want the same thing as Lenin in the USSR. Pretty much a massive state dictatorship that wants to control every element of production and force people to conform to the will of the thugs at the top to get to the governmentless dream of Marx that never comes to past. They say of course that they care about the little guy but truly never have...

Liberals love capitalism
Liberals love political freedom
Liberals love freedom

Liberals of course believe in a public sector and investment in ones country!

I'd take up arms against a real Lenin/marxist state dictatorship.

Here's the thing: The Democrat party has been hijacked by far-left non-liberal leftists.

So when a "righty" sees "liberal" they immediately assume it's a far leftist which may or may not be the case.

Even some of the snowflake leftists call themselves liberals when they are actually Cultural Marxists or Leftist Communo-Anarchists. They don't make the distinction among themselves either, thereby adding to the confusion.

Simply not true. If it were, Clinton would not have been the nominee. There is no Democratic equivalent of the Tea Party or any organized movement driving them to the left as there has been on the Republican side.

They're called Sandernistas.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.

A liberal in reality is someone that believes in a mixed economy(social democracy), fairness for all and believes in the humanist ideas of education, science and self betterment.

What the far right thinks we're are a bunch of cuban or soviet style Leninist that want the same thing as Lenin in the USSR. Pretty much a massive state dictatorship that wants to control every element of production and force people to conform to the will of the thugs at the top to get to the governmentless dream of Marx that never comes to past. They say of course that they care about the little guy but truly never have...

Liberals love capitalism
Liberals love political freedom
Liberals love freedom

Liberals of course believe in a public sector and investment in ones country!

I'd take up arms against a real Lenin/marxist state dictatorship.

Here's the thing: The Democrat party has been hijacked by far-left non-liberal leftists.

So when a "righty" sees "liberal" they immediately assume it's a far leftist which may or may not be the case.

Even some of the snowflake leftists call themselves liberals when they are actually Cultural Marxists or Leftist Communo-Anarchists. They don't make the distinction among themselves either, thereby adding to the confusion.

Simply not true. If it were, Clinton would not have been the nominee. There is no Democratic equivalent of the Tea Party or any organized movement driving them to the left as there has been on the Republican side.

They're called Sandernistas.


So just so we are clear, you take an anecdotal example and then apply it to an entire group of people based on nothing? God no wonder you vote republican.

Simply one example of many that want to be taken care of by government.

So why doesnt anyone on this forum say that? You can't find an example of it and you know it.

Remember that teabagger protestor who had that protest sign: "Get your government hands off my Medicare!"? Do you agree with him?

Nope, I think medicare should be abolished. Government money is one of the main drivers of health care costs. Just like it drives the costs of college. Stop the gravy train and costs will go down.


Government money is one of the main drivers of health care costs.
You have to explain that one. :laugh2:
Medicare and Medicaid control costs.

Name one program where the feds pump billions that has risen at or less than inflation. Both medicine and education have risen at much higher rates.

Explain how govt programs facilitate that outcome, dope.
Do you notice how you never hear liberals, in general, talk about "safe spaces" or "being triggered"? It's because they don't. Those are just terms heard on random college campuses in news stories and then the rightwing, in their simplistic thought processes, generalize liberals as talking about these things? I had never heard those terms until some republicans on this forum explained them.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals talk about how everyone should be on welfare and the government should take care of them instead? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how you never hear liberals say gay people should have special rights? It's because they don't.

Do you notice how liberals never say we should ban all guns?

You get the idea.

Yep. You're spot on.

If you watch, the RWNJs are exactly what they say libs are.

It's the RWNJs who go all to pieces, clutching their pearls and swoon and whine. They constantly demand an end to the constitution for those the don't like or agree with. They're dead set against equality. They hate children, hate the military, hate women, hate vets and they want others to suffer.

And safe spaces? It's not liberals who are scared to leave the house without a gun!

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If you watch, the RWNJs are exactly what they say libs are.


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