Who Made Isis?

. It didn't lead to the fall of Communism, more like the problems the Communist were having led them to leave Afghanistan, also the fact that their new leader was more of a progressive guy too.

dear, without the example of Reagan, freedom, and capitalism there was no alternative on earth to soviet liberalism!! Think that through over and over until you grasp it.
Back to the conspiracy issues again.

Islam's ENTIRE history is violence and bloodshed from the beginning, the fact that you like the revisionist version is your problem, not mine.

So is Christianity's.

Do you know how long it would take me to write down every war that has involved a Christian country in the past 100 years? I'd be here forever. I doubt there's been a time in the last 1000 years where a Christian country wasn't out there killing people.

THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY is violence and bloodshed. WW2, WW1, Vietnam, Korea, I could go on and on and on.

Also, telling me things are conspiracy theories and that's all isn't debate, it's nonsense. What part of what I wrote is false?

The Republican Party doesn't increase military spending? Doesn't get lots more money from defence contractors? Doesn't get a few nice donations because, hey, they provide a lot more business to defence contractors than the democrats.

If you made bombs for the F-22 which political party would you support? The one who uses them sometimes, or the one who promises all out war every few years?

Look apparently you feel deflection with all kinds of info hat simply isn't relevant is a debate?

We aren't talking about defense budgets, we aren't talking about talking "christian countries" being involved in war,we are talking about a single Religion that was founded on blood and death and remains dedicated to that to this day.

Islam doesn't hate us because Bush was mean or because Repubs increase budgets.

Islam hates EVERYTHING except itself.
You cannot change that, it is just the way it is.

We aren't talking about moral equivalencies about this or that, we are talking Islam and it's penchant for using violent death as a tool.
3) No one predicted that Iraq would to ISIS, who could predict such a thing?

I like the way you lie!! ISIS is headquartered in Syria which we did not invade and in retrospect should have. In any case, any one who thinks they can predict human history is a fool. And you are playing that roll at the moment.
1) Oh, so arming the Mujaheddin who later sort of became the Taliban who used these weapons to kill American soldiers with was good US foreign policy?.

yes dear, winning the cold war, preventing nuclear anniliation, and freeing 2 billion human beings was great great great foreign policy!!

So tell me, who the hell are these 2 billion people who were supposedly freed? World population in 1989 was about 5.1/5.2 billion. China's population was 1.1 billion, India 833 million. I don't think they were freed.

The Soviet census of 1989 put their population at 284 million people, that was the whole of the USSR, not just Russia.

Who the hell are these 2 billion people?
Look apparently you feel deflection with all kinds of info hat simply isn't relevant is a debate?

We aren't talking about defense budgets, we aren't talking about talking "christian countries" being involved in war,we are talking about a single Religion that was founded on blood and death and remains dedicated to that to this day.

Islam doesn't hate us because Bush was mean or because Repubs increase budgets.

Islam hates EVERYTHING except itself.
You cannot change that, it is just the way it is.

We aren't talking about moral equivalencies about this or that, we are talking Islam and it's penchant for using violent death as a tool.

So what you're trying to say is, anything that doesn't support your narrow view of the world isn't valid? Got it, you didn't have a good education and you can't cope with new stuff being added. I will remember this in the future, now, tell me, what's the word of the day on Sesame Street?
You lived with one. Wow.

My nephew, who's family was from Mogadishu Somalia, lived with me after his mother died. I was his legal guardian until he was 21. His father was a pilot in the Somali air force. His father and his family was Muslim. He didn't seem to think that hanging around to raise his son was all that great of an idea.

I've spoke to more than a few of them. Each region has a different dialect and slightly different political views. But they all universally believe their religion is the only religion and that they know what God's will is better than we do. The Kuwaitis I trained couldn't resist the urge to make fun of the Brits who trained them before we did, and I'm sure they made fun of us when we left. I also trained Pakistan troops. They different from Kuwaitis, Somalis, Jordanians, and Iraqis.

Okay, and your point is what? You've met some Muslims. Makes you an expert. You do realise I was being sarcastic right?

It's kind of like saying that a person who served in WW2 knew everything that happened in WW2. Clearly not the case.

So what is your point? All Muslims are bad and evil?
It's too complex an issue to say yes or no.
It's like trying to say that all people from the South are conservative Red-necks. That is far from the truth.
Some Muslims are real assholes, whereas some are extremely gracious. But imagine a religion that still practices the way they did 1200 years ago. Some of the assholes actually believe it all applies to today. Some get really pissed when they don't get their way. Some feel murder is justifiable in come cases.

The point is, not only didn't Bush fully understand them, but neither does Obama. The problem with Obama is his lazy attitudes. He's never paid a price for his actions. This comes from being raised by Grandparents and he doesn't give a shit about others because he was abandoned by his mother and his father. He's self-centered, and thus could care less about real world events. He reminds me alot of my nephew. I don't know if he would be any different if he had gotten the opportunities that Obama has gotten.
3) No one predicted that Iraq would to ISIS, who could predict such a thing?

I like the way you lie!! ISIS is headquartered in Syria which we did not invade and in retrospect should have. In any case, any one who thinks they can predict human history is a fool. And you are playing that roll at the moment.

What a contradiction. I'm a liar because I said no one could predict ISIS, but then you say that no one can predict the future.

What drugs did you say you were taking?
Look apparently you feel deflection with all kinds of info hat simply isn't relevant is a debate?

We aren't talking about defense budgets, we aren't talking about talking "christian countries" being involved in war,we are talking about a single Religion that was founded on blood and death and remains dedicated to that to this day.

Islam doesn't hate us because Bush was mean or because Repubs increase budgets.

Islam hates EVERYTHING except itself.
You cannot change that, it is just the way it is.

We aren't talking about moral equivalencies about this or that, we are talking Islam and it's penchant for using violent death as a tool.

So what you're trying to say is, anything that doesn't support your narrow view of the world isn't valid? Got it, you didn't have a good education and you can't cope with new stuff being added. I will remember this in the future, now, tell me, what's the word of the day on Sesame Street?

Near as I can tell it is Frigidweirdo.

Like I said, you've bought the revisionist version of Islam where it's all Bush and Republicans fault, sorry that's just not a valid argument.

You think they need a reason to hate and that that reason is Bush, that's silly.
a logical way to look at it:

1) idea foreign policy would cause the world to convert to Republican capitalism led by figures like George Washinigton

2) it does not happen because liberals don't want it to happen. So what we get all around the world
is various versions of liberalism, i.e., strong central govts each being abusive in its own special ways!
3) No one predicted that Iraq would to ISIS, who could predict such a thing?

I like the way you lie!! ISIS is headquartered in Syria which we did not invade and in retrospect should have. In any case, any one who thinks they can predict human history is a fool. And you are playing that roll at the moment.

What a contradiction. I'm a liar because I said no one could predict ISIS, but then you say that no one can predict the future.

What drugs did you say you were taking?

dear, no one can predict the futrue, but that does not mean we don't defend ourselves. Get it now?
3) No one predicted that Iraq would to ISIS, who could predict such a thing?

I like the way you lie!! ISIS is headquartered in Syria which we did not invade and in retrospect should have. In any case, any one who thinks they can predict human history is a fool. And you are playing that roll at the moment.

What a contradiction. I'm a liar because I said no one could predict ISIS, but then you say that no one can predict the future.

What drugs did you say you were taking?

dear, no one can predict the futrue, but that does not mean we don't defend ourselves. Get it now?

Nope,c'mon ma Bush increased the budget and Repubs wanted War, we just have to "understand"poor Radical Islam.
It's too complex an issue to say yes or no.
It's like trying to say that all people from the South are conservative Red-necks. That is far from the truth.
Some Muslims are real assholes, whereas some are extremely gracious. But imagine a religion that still practices the way they did 1200 years ago. Some of the assholes actually believe it all applies to today. Some get really pissed when they don't get their way. Some feel murder is justifiable in come cases.

The point is, not only didn't Bush fully understand them, but neither does Obama. The problem with Obama is his lazy attitudes. He's never paid a price for his actions. This comes from being raised by Grandparents and he doesn't give a shit about others because he was abandoned by his mother and his father. He's self-centered, and thus could care less about real world events. He reminds me alot of my nephew. I don't know if he would be any different if he had gotten the opportunities that Obama has gotten.

The important point is, it's too complex to answer.

The problem is you have a country with millions of people who will answer, not only will they answer but they'll believe they're right without any reasoning to back themselves up with.

I don't like Islam. I don't like Christianity either. Religion seems to be a tool to control people with, and they're quite good at it in Islam.

Yes, some people are looking at archaic Islam. Hardly surprising. They see what the West does to them, and they reject this. They reject modernity because it's brought them so many problems. The old ways work, it gives them the sense of control they can't get in the modern world because the US keeps coming along.

Oh, I have no doubt Obama doesn't understand them. He's more intelligent than Bush, but he's just one guy in a massive apparatus. He's less likely to make the same mistakes Bush made, but the issue is so complex that any human brain would struggle.

Of course he's self-centered, he won the biggest popularity contest in the west twice. He's a politician. What do you expect?

But the problem isn't Obama. The problem is the USA, it's foreign policy having been so bad, so wrong for so long. It makes no difference the leaders, it's the same. Okay, some are worse than others and Bush was particularly bad, even in comparison with, well, every other Republican president that came before him. His father wasn't a bad president, Reagan was dodgy but nothing like Bush at all, even Carter doesn't get anywhere near Bush on the badness scale.

Yet, the politics team game kicks in and everyone assumes that if you attack Bush it's because you love Obama and think his farts smell like roses. It's ridiculous.
dear, no one can predict the futrue, but that does not mean we don't defend ourselves. Get it now?

There are different ways of defending yourself.

Take the bar fight in the dodgy part of town. The idiot tries to defend himself with his fists, or his gun if he has one. The intelligent guy never went to the dodgy part of town in the first place.

See the difference?
3) No one predicted that Iraq would to ISIS, who could predict such a thing?

I like the way you lie!! ISIS is headquartered in Syria which we did not invade and in retrospect should have. In any case, any one who thinks they can predict human history is a fool. And you are playing that roll at the moment.

What a contradiction. I'm a liar because I said no one could predict ISIS, but then you say that no one can predict the future.

What drugs did you say you were taking?

dear, no one can predict the futrue, but that does not mean we don't defend ourselves. Get it now?
dear, no one can predict the futrue, but that does not mean we don't defend ourselves. Get it now?

There are different ways of defending yourself.

Take the bar fight in the dodgy part of town. The idiot tries to defend himself with his fists, or his gun if he has one. The intelligent guy never went to the dodgy part of town in the first place.

See the difference?

yes dear we were isolationist until Pear Harbor, then we saved much of the world from Hitler Stalin and Mao. Get it now?
Nope,c'mon ma Bush increased the budget and Repubs wanted War, we just have to "understand"poor Radical Islam.

Everything you have said is based on nothing, you've not backed yourself up with a single thing.
Nope,c'mon ma Bush increased the budget and Repubs wanted War, we just have to "understand"poor Radical Islam.

Everything you have said is based on nothing, you've not backed yourself up with a single thing.

dear its a smaller and smaller world and so harder and harder to be isolationist. The only serious possibility is to convert the world to Republican capitalism. Europe Russia China and India are goods example. Imagine where we'd be without liberals holding us back!

It is sort of hard though to fight the Muslims as they look at the depravity of our liberal culture and see cultural imperialism as more threatening than military invasion!
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yes dear we were isolationist until Pear Harbor, then we saved much of the world from Hitler Stalin and Mao. Get it now?


I think you've said this before and I told you how much carp you were talking.

Mao and Stalin died leaders of their country, with their system intact. China still claims to be Communist, it never was, but that's a different story.

So how did you save the world from either of them?

Hitler you helped save. So too did the Soviets, the British, the French, the Indians, the Australians, Canadians etc.

The USA saw 407,000 soldiers killed. The Soviets 12 million. The UK with a population 1/5 that of the US lost 403,000 soldiers.

Let's not take away from what these guys did. It was a lot of men to lose. But the US didn't achieve victory alone anyway. The world was saved by a lot of deaths from a lot of countries.

So, no, I don't get 2 billion people.
Nope,c'mon ma Bush increased the budget and Repubs wanted War, we just have to "understand"poor Radical Islam.

Everything you have said is based on nothing, you've not backed yourself up with a single thing.

dear its a smaller and smaller world and so harder and harder to be isolationist. The only serious possibility is to convert the world to Republican capitalism. Europe Russia China and India are goods example. Imagine where we'd be without liberals holding us back!

It is sort of hard to fight the Muslims as they look at the depravity of our liberal culture!

What are you going on about?
Nope,c'mon ma Bush increased the budget and Repubs wanted War, we just have to "understand"poor Radical Islam.

Everything you have said is based on nothing, you've not backed yourself up with a single thing.

Everything you've posted is irrelevant to the discussion at hand .
You are trying to deflect from Islam invention as a Religion of war from it's INCEPTION and blame it on a bunch of Politicians you don't like.

The ONLY thing I needed to show was Islam's penchant for death and violence and you've already agreed to that....now you are attempting to limit the scope of the conversation to modern history but that isn't where it started or really even applicable to history as a whole.

The problem didn't start in this century therefore you can't pin it's roots in this century.

Islam as founded believes ONLY in itself and it uses death and violence to that end, hence their killing of OTHER muslim's that don't believe as they do.
Fact, Radical Islam is the true Islam, moderate Islam is the aberration.
What are you going on about?

dear its a smaller and smaller world and so harder and harder to be isolationist. The only serious possibility is to convert the world to Republican capitalism. Europe Russia China and India are goods example. Imagine where we'd be without liberals holding us back!

It is sort of hard though to fight the Muslims as they look at the depravity of our liberal culture and see it asa more dangerous than a military invasion!

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