Who Made Isis?

Islam as founded believes ONLY in itself and it uses death and violence to that end, hence their killing of OTHER muslim's that don't believe as they do.
Fact, Radical Islam is the true Islam, moderate Islam is the aberration.

Thats all certainly true but Turkey and Indonesia and others managed to be peaceful. Imagine if liberalism had not blunted our foreign policy and instead there were George Washingtons popping up all over the place as Jefferson imagined?
Everything you've posted is irrelevant to the discussion at hand .
You are trying to deflect from Islam invention as a Religion of war from it's INCEPTION and blame it on a bunch of Politicians you don't like.

The ONLY thing I needed to show was Islam's penchant for death and violence and you've already agreed to that....now you are attempting to limit the scope of the conversation to modern history but that isn't where it started or really even applicable to history as a whole.

The problem didn't start in this century therefore you can't pin it's roots in this century.

Islam as founded believes ONLY in itself and it uses death and violence to that end, hence their killing of OTHER muslim's that don't believe as they do.
Fact, Radical Islam is the true Islam, moderate Islam is the aberration.

No, not trying to deflect. People keep making stupid statements, not backed up by much and having no context whatsoever.

You get peed because you say Islam has been violent throughout it's history, then when I say that Christianity has been too, you get annoyed that my information is out of context.

Well, either yours was too, or mine isn't. You want it all your own way.

Let's make this simpler. Your "argument" wouldn't stand up in a High School history class. You don't back stuff up, you just make stupid comments. So, we could move on from here with you backing stuff up to a reasonable degree. It'd probably help you to understand things better instead of spouting your unfounded prejudices about. But we all know this isn't going to happen because you're not interested in finding out the truth. You want to be right. I don't see the point of wasting so much time on such a message board if that's all you're going to do, but hey, it's your life.

You say "Islam as founded believes...." Okay, back it up. Also back it up that this has always been the case and that it is the case now. Ie, every last Muslim believes this, every preacher believes this. I want EVIDENCE or don't reply.
It's too complex an issue to say yes or no.
It's like trying to say that all people from the South are conservative Red-necks. That is far from the truth.
Some Muslims are real assholes, whereas some are extremely gracious. But imagine a religion that still practices the way they did 1200 years ago. Some of the assholes actually believe it all applies to today. Some get really pissed when they don't get their way. Some feel murder is justifiable in come cases.

The point is, not only didn't Bush fully understand them, but neither does Obama. The problem with Obama is his lazy attitudes. He's never paid a price for his actions. This comes from being raised by Grandparents and he doesn't give a shit about others because he was abandoned by his mother and his father. He's self-centered, and thus could care less about real world events. He reminds me alot of my nephew. I don't know if he would be any different if he had gotten the opportunities that Obama has gotten.

The important point is, it's too complex to answer.

The problem is you have a country with millions of people who will answer, not only will they answer but they'll believe they're right without any reasoning to back themselves up with.

I don't like Islam. I don't like Christianity either. Religion seems to be a tool to control people with, and they're quite good at it in Islam.

Yes, some people are looking at archaic Islam. Hardly surprising. They see what the West does to them, and they reject this. They reject modernity because it's brought them so many problems. The old ways work, it gives them the sense of control they can't get in the modern world because the US keeps coming along.

Oh, I have no doubt Obama doesn't understand them. He's more intelligent than Bush, but he's just one guy in a massive apparatus. He's less likely to make the same mistakes Bush made, but the issue is so complex that any human brain would struggle.

Of course he's self-centered, he won the biggest popularity contest in the west twice. He's a politician. What do you expect?

But the problem isn't Obama. The problem is the USA, it's foreign policy having been so bad, so wrong for so long. It makes no difference the leaders, it's the same. Okay, some are worse than others and Bush was particularly bad, even in comparison with, well, every other Republican president that came before him. His father wasn't a bad president, Reagan was dodgy but nothing like Bush at all, even Carter doesn't get anywhere near Bush on the badness scale.

Yet, the politics team game kicks in and everyone assumes that if you attack Bush it's because you love Obama and think his farts smell like roses. It's ridiculous.
I don't think Obama is smarter than Bush. It's certain he doesn't have Bush's wisdom or common-sense. And he definitely doesn't have any reverence for the office he now holds.

Bush won two elections and he didn't let it go to his head. Each person reacts differently to power. Obama has a reputation of being an asshole. Bush was well liked even by his political opponents.

Number one, I have been working in the Department of Defense since I retired from the military these last 11 years. I worked under presidents since Gerald Ford. This is the first time I've ever seen such a lack of leadership coming from the top. This is the most important issue here. Obama has run the White House like a campaign. He wasn't prepared to actually do the job, and it shows in everything he does. He doesn't pick his people because of their expertise, but because of their politics or if they donated enough money to his campaign. This is no way to run a government.
Everything you've posted is irrelevant to the discussion at hand .
You are trying to deflect from Islam invention as a Religion of war from it's INCEPTION and blame it on a bunch of Politicians you don't like.

The ONLY thing I needed to show was Islam's penchant for death and violence and you've already agreed to that....now you are attempting to limit the scope of the conversation to modern history but that isn't where it started or really even applicable to history as a whole.

The problem didn't start in this century therefore you can't pin it's roots in this century.

Islam as founded believes ONLY in itself and it uses death and violence to that end, hence their killing of OTHER muslim's that don't believe as they do.
Fact, Radical Islam is the true Islam, moderate Islam is the aberration.

No, not trying to deflect. People keep making stupid statements, not backed up by much and having no context whatsoever.

You get peed because you say Islam has been violent throughout it's history, then when I say that Christianity has been too, you get annoyed that my information is out of context.

Well, either yours was too, or mine isn't. You want it all your own way.

Let's make this simpler. Your "argument" wouldn't stand up in a High School history class. You don't back stuff up, you just make stupid comments. So, we could move on from here with you backing stuff up to a reasonable degree. It'd probably help you to understand things better instead of spouting your unfounded prejudices about. But we all know this isn't going to happen because you're not interested in finding out the truth. You want to be right. I don't see the point of wasting so much time on such a message board if that's all you're going to do, but hey, it's your life.

You say "Islam as founded believes...." Okay, back it up. Also back it up that this has always been the case and that it is the case now. Ie, every last Muslim believes this, every preacher believes this. I want EVIDENCE or don't reply.

"You get peed because you say Islam has been violent throughout it's history, then when I say that Christianity has been too, you get annoyed that my information is out of context."

I don't get peed, but I don't deal in moral equivalencies either,we aren't talking about Christianity,we are talking about Islam, YOU injected Christianity to justify Islam, that doesn't fly.

"Let's make this simpler. Your "argument" wouldn't stand up in a High School history class. You don't back stuff up, you just make stupid comments"

You've already conceded the point that Islam as founded is violent and extremist, what else do I need "back up"?

I get it, you hate Bush and the Republicans but they aren't to blame for any of this.

ISLAM is to blame son, NOBODY else, just ISLAM.
you say American intervention is the problem, I say liberal intervention is the problem the world has always faced
I don't think Obama is smarter than Bush. It's certain he doesn't have Bush's wisdom or common-sense. And he definitely doesn't have any reverence for the office he now holds.

Bush won two elections and he didn't let it go to his head. Each person reacts differently to power. Obama has a reputation of being an asshole. Bush was well liked even by his political opponents.

Number one, I have been working in the Department of Defense since I retired from the military these last 11 years. I worked under presidents since Gerald Ford. This is the first time I've ever seen such a lack of leadership coming from the top. This is the most important issue here. Obama has run the White House like a campaign. He wasn't prepared to actually do the job, and it shows in everything he does. He doesn't pick his people because of their expertise, but because of their politics or if they donated enough money to his campaign. This is no way to run a government.

Lack of leadership or just that he doesn't want the military playing such an important part of US foreign policy? Sometimes people at the top are biased, that includes those in the military who saw massive amounts of money coming in under Bush, and it's leaving under Obama.
I respect your view point, but I can also see that perhaps it is quite a biased view point.

But then Bush came across as a nice guy and got 4,000 US troops killed in Iraq, potentially 40,000 maimed for life, many more with psychological problems, then there's those who went to Afghanistan. I can't respect that even if done with leadership. I'd rather have less leadership than a lack of regard for human life.
. Ie, every last Muslim believes this, every preacher believes this. I want EVIDENCE or don't reply.

dear, not everyone believes it of course but there is enough sectarian killing to make you think Jihad is the Muslim way in large part!

Wait, you posted the part that said don't reply without evidence, and you replied without evidence. What, can't you read or didn't you get it?
Islam as founded believes ONLY in itself and it uses death and violence to that end, hence their killing of OTHER muslim's that don't believe as they do.
Fact, Radical Islam is the true Islam, moderate Islam is the aberration.

Thats all certainly true but Turkey and Indonesia and others managed to be peaceful. Imagine if liberalism had not blunted our foreign policy and instead there were George Washingtons popping up all over the place as Jefferson imagined?

Turkey is rapidly devolving into Radicalism, but you are right until recently they have remained secular.
I don't think Obama is smarter than Bush. It's certain he doesn't have Bush's wisdom or common-sense. And he definitely doesn't have any reverence for the office he now holds.

Bush won two elections and he didn't let it go to his head. Each person reacts differently to power. Obama has a reputation of being an asshole. Bush was well liked even by his political opponents.

Number one, I have been working in the Department of Defense since I retired from the military these last 11 years. I worked under presidents since Gerald Ford. This is the first time I've ever seen such a lack of leadership coming from the top. This is the most important issue here. Obama has run the White House like a campaign. He wasn't prepared to actually do the job, and it shows in everything he does. He doesn't pick his people because of their expertise, but because of their politics or if they donated enough money to his campaign. This is no way to run a government.

Lack of leadership or just that he doesn't want the military playing such an important part of US foreign policy? Sometimes people at the top are biased, that includes those in the military who saw massive amounts of money coming in under Bush, and it's leaving under Obama.
I respect your view point, but I can also see that perhaps it is quite a biased view point.

But then Bush came across as a nice guy and got 4,000 US troops killed in Iraq, potentially 40,000 maimed for life, many more with psychological problems, then there's those who went to Afghanistan. I can't respect that even if done with leadership. I'd rather have less leadership than a lack of regard for human life.
Islam as founded believes ONLY in itself and it uses death and violence to that end, hence their killing of OTHER muslim's that don't believe as they do.
Fact, Radical Islam is the true Islam, moderate Islam is the aberration.

Thats all certainly true but Turkey and Indonesia and others managed to be peaceful. Imagine if liberalism had not blunted our foreign policy and instead there were George Washingtons popping up all over the place as Jefferson imagined?

Turkey is rapidly devolving into Radicalism, but you are right until recently they have remained secular.

yes, but is ISIS different than Hitler Stalin or Mao? Or are they all deadly liberals who think they are geniuses who have figured everything out and want control of the state in order to impose their genius.
. Ie, every last Muslim believes this, every preacher believes this. I want EVIDENCE or don't reply.

dear, not everyone believes it of course but there is enough sectarian killing to make you think Jihad is the Muslim way in large part!

Wait, you posted the part that said don't reply without evidence, and you replied without evidence. What, can't you read or didn't you get it?
I don't think Obama is smarter than Bush. It's certain he doesn't have Bush's wisdom or common-sense. And he definitely doesn't have any reverence for the office he now holds.

Bush won two elections and he didn't let it go to his head. Each person reacts differently to power. Obama has a reputation of being an asshole. Bush was well liked even by his political opponents.

Number one, I have been working in the Department of Defense since I retired from the military these last 11 years. I worked under presidents since Gerald Ford. This is the first time I've ever seen such a lack of leadership coming from the top. This is the most important issue here. Obama has run the White House like a campaign. He wasn't prepared to actually do the job, and it shows in everything he does. He doesn't pick his people because of their expertise, but because of their politics or if they donated enough money to his campaign. This is no way to run a government.

Lack of leadership or just that he doesn't want the military playing such an important part of US foreign policy? Sometimes people at the top are biased, that includes those in the military who saw massive amounts of money coming in under Bush, and it's leaving under Obama.
I respect your view point, but I can also see that perhaps it is quite a biased view point.

But then Bush came across as a nice guy and got 4,000 US troops killed in Iraq, potentially 40,000 maimed for life, many more with psychological problems, then there's those who went to Afghanistan. I can't respect that even if done with leadership. I'd rather have less leadership than a lack of regard for human life.
Islam as founded believes ONLY in itself and it uses death and violence to that end, hence their killing of OTHER muslim's that don't believe as they do.
Fact, Radical Islam is the true Islam, moderate Islam is the aberration.

Thats all certainly true but Turkey and Indonesia and others managed to be peaceful. Imagine if liberalism had not blunted our foreign policy and instead there were George Washingtons popping up all over the place as Jefferson imagined?

Turkey is rapidly devolving into Radicalism, but you are right until recently they have remained secular.

yes, but is ISIS different than Hitler Stalin or Mao? Or are they all deadly liberals who think they are geniuses who have figured everything out and want control of the state in order to impose their genius.

I prefer to stay on topic, equivalencies tend to general.

Today's Left is not Liberal,they are "Progressive" but that's another topic.
. Ie, every last Muslim believes this, every preacher believes this. I want EVIDENCE or don't reply.

dear, not everyone believes it of course but there is enough sectarian killing to make you think Jihad is the Muslim way in large part!

Wait, you posted the part that said don't reply without evidence, and you replied without evidence. What, can't you read or didn't you get it?

I get it. ISIS is just another liberal group that wants control of the state so it can rule everyone.
The solution is limited govt and Republican capitalism, not isolationism.

It does not require a different response than HItler Stalin Mao Tojo Louis XV1 or GeorgeIII
Who Made Isis?

Obama. Next easy question.

Of course, because hey, Obama caused the Vietnam War, the Korean War, WW2, WW1, the Civil War, but hey, he didn't start the revolutionary war, because that'd make him a hero. Perhaps he started a war with the Romans too.

Shocker, another lib who thinks Obama farts daisies. Newsflash he's the POTUS he's responsible, good grief libs he begged us for the job not once but twice isn't it reasonable to expect him to prevent some of this crap? Hello earth to libs the job description isn't to sit on your fat ass and react to fires.

It's like a giant game of Chinese Whispers this. Did I say anything positive about Obama? No, I didn't. I merely made the point that there is a certain section on here who will criticize Obama for everything and anything. I have never, ever voted Democrat. Understood?

I'd love to see both the Dems and Reps die a quick painful death and be replaced by a multi-party (ie, more than 2) system where real democracy is the spice of life.

Good lord I think I agree with you. I have little respect for either establishment Democrats or Republicans and I'm sick of their lies, corruption, and incompetence. On the other hand it pisses me off that I lean libertarian on so many issues these days.
Why does that make you angry? I hope you know there's a difference between liberal and libertarian. Technically, any political party can cross over into the next. It all depends on what you believe. The party titles aren't one-size fits all.

Anyways, I agree with @frigidweirdo . People don't just become terrorists for shits and giggles. There's always a reason.
Most people on here don't realize or won't acknowledge the horrible things our country has done to others.
The United States has become the evil empire - David Icke s Official Forums

The New Evil Empire

10 Worst Moments in US History - Listverse

Why Are So Many Bad Things Happening To America Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
United States of Corruption The Moderate Voice
Most people on here don't realize or won't acknowledge the horrible things our country has done to others.

yes like freeing the world from Hitler Stalin Mao and Tojo and being the last best hope for freedom on earth.

See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance!
Obama. Next easy question.

Of course, because hey, Obama caused the Vietnam War, the Korean War, WW2, WW1, the Civil War, but hey, he didn't start the revolutionary war, because that'd make him a hero. Perhaps he started a war with the Romans too.

Shocker, another lib who thinks Obama farts daisies. Newsflash he's the POTUS he's responsible, good grief libs he begged us for the job not once but twice isn't it reasonable to expect him to prevent some of this crap? Hello earth to libs the job description isn't to sit on your fat ass and react to fires.

It's like a giant game of Chinese Whispers this. Did I say anything positive about Obama? No, I didn't. I merely made the point that there is a certain section on here who will criticize Obama for everything and anything. I have never, ever voted Democrat. Understood?

I'd love to see both the Dems and Reps die a quick painful death and be replaced by a multi-party (ie, more than 2) system where real democracy is the spice of life.

Good lord I think I agree with you. I have little respect for either establishment Democrats or Republicans and I'm sick of their lies, corruption, and incompetence. On the other hand it pisses me off that I lean libertarian on so many issues these days.
Why does that make you angry? I hope you know there's a difference between liberal and libertarian. Technically, any political party can cross over into the next. It all depends on what you believe. The party titles aren't one-size fits all.

Anyways, I agree with @frigidweirdo . People don't just become terrorists for shits and giggles. There's always a reason.
Most people on here don't realize or won't acknowledge the horrible things our country has done to others.
The United States has become the evil empire - David Icke s Official Forums

The New Evil Empire

10 Worst Moments in US History - Listverse

Why Are So Many Bad Things Happening To America Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
United States of Corruption The Moderate Voice

Religious purposes are hardly "shits and giggles" and Radical Islam is solely about the perpetuation of Islam and the subjugation of the entire world to it's tenets.

That's all any of this is about.
None of this is new.

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