Who Made Isis?

No one did. They just magically popped up out of nowhere with all that cash & weapons. Just a convenient coincidence. And if you say otherwise, you're a baby-hating, puppy-hating, grandma-hating, apple pie-hating, America-hating Terrorist.
And then came Khorasan (check your toothpaste)

"As the Obama Administration prepared to bomb Syria without congressional or U.N. authorization, it faced two problems.

"The first was the difficulty of sustaining public support for a new years-long war against ISIS, a group that clearly posed no imminent threat to the 'homeland.'

"A second was the lack of legal justification for launching a new bombing campaign with no viable claim of self-defense or U.N. approval.

"The solution to both problems was found in the wholesale concoction of a brand new terror threat that was branded 'The Khorasan Group.'

"After spending weeks depicting ISIS as an unprecedented threat — too radical even for Al Qaeda! — administration officials suddenly began spoon-feeding their favorite media organizations and national security journalists tales of a secret group that was even scarier and more threatening than ISIS, one that posed a direct and immediate threat to the American Homeland.

"Seemingly out of nowhere, a new terror group was created in media lore."

Just in time for mid-terms:ack-1:
We can NOT stop this pathetic charade by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Vote for responsible third party candidates and FLUSH the DC Toilet next November!

The Fake Terror Threat Used To Justify Bombing Syria - The Intercept

Anyone with common sense and not thoroughly brainwashed by the Government/Corporate MSM, knows that ISIS was created by the West and some Sunni Nations in the region to 'Regime Change' Assad. It was an invented convenient Boogeyman. Got the Sheeple on board supporting yet another Intervention/War.

All you have to do is look at the Nations bombing & killing in Syria right now. Those are the Nations who created ISIS and other Rebel groups in Syria. It's all about killing Assad.
Anyone with common sense and not thoroughly brainwashed by the Government/Corporate MSM, knows that ISIS was created by the West and some Sunni Nations in the region to 'Regime Change' Assad. It was an invented convenient Boogeyman. Got the Sheeple on board supporting yet another Intervention/War.

All you have to do is look at the Nations bombing & killing in Syria right now. Those are the Nations who created ISIS and other Rebel groups in Syria. It's all about killing Assad.

The problem here is the term "created", because some will interpret this as being "founded by", which is not the case. ISIS is an organisation which came into being founded by Muslims.

When I've used the term created (it is probably not the best word, but I'm struggling to find the right word) it means the US put in place the right conditions for a group such as ISIS to appear, and it happened to be ISIS.

It's kind of like growing stuff on a petri dish, you're not doing the actual growing, you're just putting things there and it grows itself, but without you it would never have grown.
Anyone with common sense and not thoroughly brainwashed by the Government/Corporate MSM, knows that ISIS was created by the West and some Sunni Nations in the region to 'Regime Change' Assad. It was an invented convenient Boogeyman. Got the Sheeple on board supporting yet another Intervention/War.

All you have to do is look at the Nations bombing & killing in Syria right now. Those are the Nations who created ISIS and other Rebel groups in Syria. It's all about killing Assad.

The problem here is the term "created", because some will interpret this as being "founded by", which is not the case. ISIS is an organisation which came into being founded by Muslims.

When I've used the term created (it is probably not the best word, but I'm struggling to find the right word) it means the US put in place the right conditions for a group such as ISIS to appear, and it happened to be ISIS.

It's kind of like growing stuff on a petri dish, you're not doing the actual growing, you're just putting things there and it grows itself, but without you it would never have grown.

I hear ya. Some Sunni Nations in the region decided to fund & arm rebel groups in Syria to 'Regime Change' Assad. ISIS is just one of those groups. They got their money & arms from somewhere. It didn't just magically all appear for em. It's just more Intervention/War. When will it end? When will the American People grow tired of endless War? When will they say enough is enough?
I hear ya. Some Sunni Nations in the region decided to fund & arm rebel groups in Syria to 'Regime Change' Assad. ISIS is just one of those groups. They got their money & arms from somewhere. It didn't just magically all appear for em. It's just more Intervention/War. When will it end? When will the American People grow tired of endless War? When will they say enough is enough?

The US pay money to the Saudis or other oil rich countries for their oil. They spend this money on groups like ISIS. Then ISIS goes and tries to kill Americans.

Such is US foreign policy to side with anyone who pretends to be pro-US.
I hear ya. Some Sunni Nations in the region decided to fund & arm rebel groups in Syria to 'Regime Change' Assad. ISIS is just one of those groups. They got their money & arms from somewhere. It didn't just magically all appear for em. It's just more Intervention/War. When will it end? When will the American People grow tired of endless War? When will they say enough is enough?

The US pay money to the Saudis or other oil rich countries for their oil. They spend this money on groups like ISIS. Then ISIS goes and tries to kill Americans.

Such is US foreign policy to side with anyone who pretends to be pro-US.

As usual, it's always about the money. Average American Citizens do not benefit from endless war. In fact, they only suffer. However, the Ruling-Class Global Elites do quite well off Permanent War. Just ask VP Biden and his brat son about their scam in Ukraine. They'll get richer while forcing American Taxpayers to fund yet another absurd Intervention/War.
No one did. They just magically popped up out of nowhere with all that cash & weapons. Just a convenient coincidence. And if you say otherwise, you're a baby-hating, puppy-hating, grandma-hating, apple pie-hating, America-hating Terrorist.
And then came Khorasan (check your toothpaste)

"As the Obama Administration prepared to bomb Syria without congressional or U.N. authorization, it faced two problems.

"The first was the difficulty of sustaining public support for a new years-long war against ISIS, a group that clearly posed no imminent threat to the 'homeland.'

"A second was the lack of legal justification for launching a new bombing campaign with no viable claim of self-defense or U.N. approval.

"The solution to both problems was found in the wholesale concoction of a brand new terror threat that was branded 'The Khorasan Group.'

"After spending weeks depicting ISIS as an unprecedented threat — too radical even for Al Qaeda! — administration officials suddenly began spoon-feeding their favorite media organizations and national security journalists tales of a secret group that was even scarier and more threatening than ISIS, one that posed a direct and immediate threat to the American Homeland.

"Seemingly out of nowhere, a new terror group was created in media lore."

Just in time for mid-terms:ack-1:
We can NOT stop this pathetic charade by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Vote for responsible third party candidates and FLUSH the DC Toilet next November!

The Fake Terror Threat Used To Justify Bombing Syria - The Intercept

Anyone with common sense and not thoroughly brainwashed by the Government/Corporate MSM, knows that ISIS was created by the West and some Sunni Nations in the region to 'Regime Change' Assad. It was an invented convenient Boogeyman. Got the Sheeple on board supporting yet another Intervention/War.

All you have to do is look at the Nations bombing & killing in Syria right now. Those are the Nations who created ISIS and other Rebel groups in Syria. It's all about killing Assad.
It's still all about regime change in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran; somehow, Ukraine got added to the mix about a year ago, and blow back from that little adventure really could come in the form of a mushroom cloud. How many US boots on the ground in the ME by Thanksgiving?
No one did. They just magically popped up out of nowhere with all that cash & weapons. Just a convenient coincidence. And if you say otherwise, you're a baby-hating, puppy-hating, grandma-hating, apple pie-hating, America-hating Terrorist.

silly gibberish! Liberals created ISIS because they favor the idea of all powerful central govt and in doing so blunted the idea of the American Revolution being the shot heard around the world. Now you know why no George Washington's are being created anywhere in the world these days.
#188- Jeebus where do you get that crapppe...ISIL has been supported by rich jackasses in Sunni countries, and Booosh's idiot Maliki pissed off Sunnis so much he wrecked the army and allowed them to rush through Sunni Iraq. Now everyone seems to have figured out ISIS suqs. Great job, Obama!
No one did. They just magically popped up out of nowhere with all that cash & weapons. Just a convenient coincidence. And if you say otherwise, you're a baby-hating, puppy-hating, grandma-hating, apple pie-hating, America-hating Terrorist.

Liberals made ISIS. They support the idea of unlimited, powerful central govt just like ISIS does. Liberals blunted the idea of the American Revolution that was supposed to be the shot fired around the world. No you know why there are no George Washington's appearing anywhere in our liberal world!
#188- Jeebus where do you get that crapppe...ISIL has been supported by rich jackasses in Sunni countries, and Booosh's idiot Maliki pissed off Sunnis so much he wrecked the army and allowed them to rush through Sunni Iraq. Now everyone seems to have figured out ISIS suqs. Great job, Obama!

dear, liberalism is the focus of evil on earth and always has been. Do you know why no George Washington's have appeared?
No, conservative fundamentalist jackasses, like yourself lol...

dear, did you notice that conservatives like Jefferson supported very very limited govt while ISIS does not. See why we say slow?
So ISIS has a congress, judiciary, checks and balances and elections like Jefferson's constitution? You are an idiot. The founding fathers were the biggest liberals on the planet. Read something and get some fresh air, Beckbot or whatever...
. The founding fathers were the biggest liberals on the planet.

if they were then they were liberals for tiny tiny tiny govt!! See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance!!. What other conclusion is possible!!

I always loved that song. sometimes a link is so much better than a response to an idiotic post.

You feel the the 12th Imam will be here soon?

I don't watch Saudi networks like FOX NEWS so I am not familiar with their latest circus plots

Then WHO is going to set the "region" and the "World" free?

a man who works for a living, not a politician
"IS must exist
US-Western and Arab motives in the war against IS might differ, but both sides have keen interest in partaking in the war and an even keener interest in refusing to accept that such violence is not created in a vacuum.

"The US and its western allies refuse to see the obvious link between IS, al-Qaeda and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Arab leaders insist that their countries are also victims of some 'Islamist' terror, produced, not of their own anti-democratic and oppressive policies, but by Chechenia and other foreign fighters who are bringing dark-age violence to otherwise perfectly peaceable and stable political landscapes.

"The lie is further cemented by most media when they highlight the horror of IS but refuse to speak of other horrors that preceded and accompanied the existence of the group.

"They insist on speaking of IS as if a fully independent phenomenon devoid of any contexts, meanings and representations."

What if Islamic State didn t exist Middle East Eye
"IS must exist
US-Western and Arab motives in the war against IS might differ, but both sides have keen interest in partaking in the war and an even keener interest in refusing to accept that such violence is not created in a vacuum.

"The US and its western allies refuse to see the obvious link between IS, al-Qaeda and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Arab leaders insist that their countries are also victims of some 'Islamist' terror, produced, not of their own anti-democratic and oppressive policies, but by Chechenia and other foreign fighters who are bringing dark-age violence to otherwise perfectly peaceable and stable political landscapes.

"The lie is further cemented by most media when they highlight the horror of IS but refuse to speak of other horrors that preceded and accompanied the existence of the group.

"They insist on speaking of IS as if a fully independent phenomenon devoid of any contexts, meanings and representations."

What if Islamic State didn t exist Middle East Eye

dear, the issue is what do we do now? Do you have any idea?

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