Who Made Isis?

Fanatical MUSLIMS created isis and nearly all the other terrorists. It's only hard to understand if you're not paying attention.

But as much as the world hated Saddam, he kept the Islamic extremist in tact. He kept them out of Iraq and his secular regime. He only called out to Allah when his neck was on the line. Bush looked at the short term solution, not taking into account the fact that the evil Saddam was keeping the greater evil Islamic terrorist under control. The 2003 invasion opened Iraq to any and all terrorist to call it home. al maliki made matter worse when he turned his back on the Sunni population and provided the greatest reason for recruitment into groups like ISIS.
Fanatical MUSLIMS created isis and nearly all the other terrorists. It's only hard to understand if you're not paying attention.

But as much as the world hated Saddam, he kept the Islamic extremist in tact. He kept them out of Iraq and his secular regime. He only called out to Allah when his neck was on the line. Bush looked at the short term solution, not taking into account the fact that the evil Saddam was keeping the greater evil Islamic terrorist under control. The 2003 invasion opened Iraq to any and all terrorist to call it home. al maliki made matter worse when he turned his back on the Sunni population and provided the greatest reason for recruitment into groups like ISIS.

But his father knew this and didn't invade. You have to wonder what went wrong in the genes, or who exactly was controlling his son and wanted the short term-ism.
Fanatical MUSLIMS created isis and nearly all the other terrorists. It's only hard to understand if you're not paying attention.

But as much as the world hated Saddam, he kept the Islamic extremist in tact. He kept them out of Iraq and his secular regime. He only called out to Allah when his neck was on the line. Bush looked at the short term solution, not taking into account the fact that the evil Saddam was keeping the greater evil Islamic terrorist under control. The 2003 invasion opened Iraq to any and all terrorist to call it home. al maliki made matter worse when he turned his back on the Sunni population and provided the greatest reason for recruitment into groups like ISIS.

But his father knew this and didn't invade. You have to wonder what went wrong in the genes, or who exactly was controlling his son and wanted the short term-ism.

You need to ask yourself, who proffered the most from the 2003 invasion. That would be Dick Cheney. W allowed Cheney to call the shots in the early part of his Presidency. Cheney was the pusher and became extremely wealthy from his Halliburton connections. And we the tax payers and thousands of soldiers paid the price. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
Fanatical MUSLIMS created isis and nearly all the other terrorists. It's only hard to understand if you're not paying attention.

But as much as the world hated Saddam, he kept the Islamic extremist in tact. He kept them out of Iraq and his secular regime. He only called out to Allah when his neck was on the line. Bush looked at the short term solution, not taking into account the fact that the evil Saddam was keeping the greater evil Islamic terrorist under control. The 2003 invasion opened Iraq to any and all terrorist to call it home. al maliki made matter worse when he turned his back on the Sunni population and provided the greatest reason for recruitment into groups like ISIS.

But his father knew this and didn't invade. You have to wonder what went wrong in the genes, or who exactly was controlling his son and wanted the short term-ism.

You need to ask yourself, who proffered the most from the 2003 invasion. That would be Dick Cheney. W allowed Cheney to call the shots in the early part of his Presidency. Cheney was the pusher and became extremely wealthy from his Halliburton connections. And we the tax payers and thousands of soldiers paid the price. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..
You need to ask yourself, who proffered the most from the 2003 invasion. That would be Dick Cheney. W allowed Cheney to call the shots in the early part of his Presidency. Cheney was the pusher and became extremely wealthy from his Halliburton connections. And we the tax payers and thousands of soldiers paid the price. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

The funny thing was that Cheney sold his shares in Halliburton, with the option of buying them back at the same price, or he had to buy them back, i'm not sure, when he left the VP job. Halliburton shares were actually lower when he left than when he entered the job. So, all those lives lost for profit, and he didn't make it in the end, as far as I can tell. At least from this perspective. What other money he made during this time I have no idea.

Halliburton Co Summary OpenSecrets

Say in 2013-14 Halliburton gave $20,401 to Republicans and $250 to Democrats.

Lobbying Spending Database - Halliburton Co 2014 OpenSecrets

Lobbying in 2004 hit the roof. $1 million they spent, compared with $300,000 normally.

Hardly surprising that Republicans get most of the money, and that in 2004 they spent massively to get contracts and so on. But clearly they didn't need to spent that much, and who gained this money? Cheney? Who knows?
Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..

Where did they say the history of Iraq started in 2003? I simply don't even see which part you managed to make this connection with. Seems like another case of try and divert attention away from the reality by talking nonsense to me.

2003 happened, Halliburton share prices wen through the roof.


Or is this just something made up by the left? Clearly not.

See Dick Profit from War War Is A Crime .org

...factor in that Dick Cheney had 400,000 Halliburton options when he left to run for Vice President in 2000...

...that Halliburton has enjoyed a 50-60 point rise since America invaded Iraq...

...and figure out that Dick Cheney's profit from the Iraq war is currently between $20,000,000...twenty million dollars...and $30,000,000...thirty million dollars!"

I don't know how true this is, the source isn't a great one.

FOCUS Cheney s Halliburton Made 39.5 Billion on Iraq War

"Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War"

Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed For The Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit

"Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed For The Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit"

Halliburton KBR and Iraq war contracting A history so far PolitiFact

""White House officials said the mission took priority over whatever political fallout might occur" from awarding contracts to KBR. Since winning the latest version of the LOGCAP contract in 2001, the government has ordered work from KBR worth more than $31 billion."

KBR is part of Halliburton.

"Government officials have raised many questions about KBR's fulfillment of its contracts, everything from billing for meals it didn't serve to charging inflated prices for gas to excessive administrative costs. Government auditors have noted that KBR refused to turn over electronic data in its native format and stamped documents as proprietary and secret when the documents would normally be considered public records."

"Over the course of several years, the Defense Contract Audit Agency found that $553 million in payments should be disallowed to KBR, according to 2009 testimony by agency director April Stephenson before the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan."

"But there is one notable allegation where KBR is being accused of fraud, that KBR "knowingly included impermissible costs" in its bills. In April 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a civil fraud case against KBR over the issue of using private security forces in Iraq to protect its workers and subcontractors. Private security wasn't allowed under the LOGCAP contract because the U.S. military was supposed to provide protection."

Cheney s Halliburton Ties Remain - CBS News

September 26, 2003,

"A report by the Congressional Research Service undermines Vice President Dick Cheney's denial of a continuing relationship with Halliburton Co., the energy company he once led, Sen. Frank Lautenberg said Thursday."

"The report says a public official's unexercised stock options and deferred salary fall within the definition of "retained ties" to his former company."

Halliburton Watch

"The Pentagon has provided preferential treatment to Halliburton on a number of occasions, including the concealment from the public of critical reports by military auditors. "

"But the top Pentagon brass ignored these audits and rewarded KBR's work anyway. "

"In another coup for Halliburton, a federal judge this month decided that whistleblowers may not sue U.S. companies for fraud if payment for services was made in Iraqi, not U.S., money. Halliburton was paid over $1 billion in Iraqi oil money during the first 15 months of the occupation."

It didn't start in 2003, but in 2003 it kicked off and Cheney made himself, and others, quite rich.
Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..

Where did they say the history of Iraq started in 2003? I simply don't even see which part you managed to make this connection with. Seems like another case of try and divert attention away from the reality by talking nonsense to me.

2003 happened, Halliburton share prices wen through the roof.


Or is this just something made up by the left? Clearly not.

See Dick Profit from War War Is A Crime .org

...factor in that Dick Cheney had 400,000 Halliburton options when he left to run for Vice President in 2000...

...that Halliburton has enjoyed a 50-60 point rise since America invaded Iraq...

...and figure out that Dick Cheney's profit from the Iraq war is currently between $20,000,000...twenty million dollars...and $30,000,000...thirty million dollars!"

I don't know how true this is, the source isn't a great one.

FOCUS Cheney s Halliburton Made 39.5 Billion on Iraq War

"Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War"

Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed For The Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit

"Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed For The Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit"

Halliburton KBR and Iraq war contracting A history so far PolitiFact

""White House officials said the mission took priority over whatever political fallout might occur" from awarding contracts to KBR. Since winning the latest version of the LOGCAP contract in 2001, the government has ordered work from KBR worth more than $31 billion."

KBR is part of Halliburton.

"Government officials have raised many questions about KBR's fulfillment of its contracts, everything from billing for meals it didn't serve to charging inflated prices for gas to excessive administrative costs. Government auditors have noted that KBR refused to turn over electronic data in its native format and stamped documents as proprietary and secret when the documents would normally be considered public records."

"Over the course of several years, the Defense Contract Audit Agency found that $553 million in payments should be disallowed to KBR, according to 2009 testimony by agency director April Stephenson before the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan."

"But there is one notable allegation where KBR is being accused of fraud, that KBR "knowingly included impermissible costs" in its bills. In April 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a civil fraud case against KBR over the issue of using private security forces in Iraq to protect its workers and subcontractors. Private security wasn't allowed under the LOGCAP contract because the U.S. military was supposed to provide protection."

Cheney s Halliburton Ties Remain - CBS News

September 26, 2003,

"A report by the Congressional Research Service undermines Vice President Dick Cheney's denial of a continuing relationship with Halliburton Co., the energy company he once led, Sen. Frank Lautenberg said Thursday."

"The report says a public official's unexercised stock options and deferred salary fall within the definition of "retained ties" to his former company."

Halliburton Watch

"The Pentagon has provided preferential treatment to Halliburton on a number of occasions, including the concealment from the public of critical reports by military auditors. "

"But the top Pentagon brass ignored these audits and rewarded KBR's work anyway. "

"In another coup for Halliburton, a federal judge this month decided that whistleblowers may not sue U.S. companies for fraud if payment for services was made in Iraqi, not U.S., money. Halliburton was paid over $1 billion in Iraqi oil money during the first 15 months of the occupation."

It didn't start in 2003, but in 2003 it kicked off and Cheney made himself, and others, quite rich.

It seemed like a good trade off for DICK. His millions of dollars in exchange for a few thousand dead and wounded soldiers. Of, and don't forget the 3/4 Trillion dollars of tax payers money. It was a sweet deal for DICK.
It seemed like a good trade off for DICK. His millions of dollars in exchange for a few thousand dead and wounded soldiers. Of, and don't forget the 3/4 Trillion dollars of tax payers money. It was a sweet deal for DICK.

Yeah, the question is, how much is the value of a US citizen's life? It isn't very much at all.
I don't think "Permanent War" will disappear as long as a few elites continue to "earn" massive profits AFTER the first innocent civilians die in any conflict; there's no way to change that fact by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth. Hopefully, members of the US armed forces will be the first to figure out the war racket in the Middle East, and help average Americans connect those dots.

Thing is, Obama's spent the last 6 years trying to reduce the role of the US in the Middle East. Bush made it so that's impossible, he made so many enemies that Obama can't stop being the enemy for them, they're the US. They need the US as much as the Republicans need them, ISIS, al-Qaeda and so on.
I don't think you can distinguish between Republican OR Democrat when it comes to the role eternal war plays in the US economy.

Why else did Obama order US warplanes into action over Libya in 2011 without bothering to get congressional approval?

Why has Obama escalated drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen over levels Bush approved of?

IMHO, the US is addicted to war, and we can't change that by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth.
Fanatical MUSLIMS created isis and nearly all the other terrorists. It's only hard to understand if you're not paying attention.

But as much as the world hated Saddam, he kept the Islamic extremist in tact. He kept them out of Iraq and his secular regime. He only called out to Allah when his neck was on the line. Bush looked at the short term solution, not taking into account the fact that the evil Saddam was keeping the greater evil Islamic terrorist under control. The 2003 invasion opened Iraq to any and all terrorist to call it home. al maliki made matter worse when he turned his back on the Sunni population and provided the greatest reason for recruitment into groups like ISIS.

But his father knew this and didn't invade. You have to wonder what went wrong in the genes, or who exactly was controlling his son and wanted the short term-ism.

You need to ask yourself, who proffered the most from the 2003 invasion. That would be Dick Cheney. W allowed Cheney to call the shots in the early part of his Presidency. Cheney was the pusher and became extremely wealthy from his Halliburton connections. And we the tax payers and thousands of soldiers paid the price. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..
The modern history of Iraq began when western imperialists imposed a Hashimite monarchy and defined the territorial boundaries of Iraq without taking into account the politics of the different ethnic and religious groups in the area.

History of Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Fanatical MUSLIMS created isis and nearly all the other terrorists. It's only hard to understand if you're not paying attention.

But as much as the world hated Saddam, he kept the Islamic extremist in tact. He kept them out of Iraq and his secular regime. He only called out to Allah when his neck was on the line. Bush looked at the short term solution, not taking into account the fact that the evil Saddam was keeping the greater evil Islamic terrorist under control. The 2003 invasion opened Iraq to any and all terrorist to call it home. al maliki made matter worse when he turned his back on the Sunni population and provided the greatest reason for recruitment into groups like ISIS.

But his father knew this and didn't invade. You have to wonder what went wrong in the genes, or who exactly was controlling his son and wanted the short term-ism.

You need to ask yourself, who proffered the most from the 2003 invasion. That would be Dick Cheney. W allowed Cheney to call the shots in the early part of his Presidency. Cheney was the pusher and became extremely wealthy from his Halliburton connections. And we the tax payers and thousands of soldiers paid the price. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..
The modern history of Iraq began when western imperialists imposed a Hashimite monarchy and defined the territorial boundaries of Iraq without taking into account the politics of the different ethnic and religious groups in the area.

History of Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

True, there are at least three major ethnic or religious groups in Iraq. It is very unlikely they will ever live peacefully as one country. The Sunnis, the Shiites, and the Kurds could easily constitute their own separate countries. We were terribly disillusioned to think that we could force such divergent groups to place their differences aside and live as one country as a democracy. al Maliki made the situation even worse.
But as much as the world hated Saddam, he kept the Islamic extremist in tact. He kept them out of Iraq and his secular regime. He only called out to Allah when his neck was on the line. Bush looked at the short term solution, not taking into account the fact that the evil Saddam was keeping the greater evil Islamic terrorist under control. The 2003 invasion opened Iraq to any and all terrorist to call it home. al maliki made matter worse when he turned his back on the Sunni population and provided the greatest reason for recruitment into groups like ISIS.

But his father knew this and didn't invade. You have to wonder what went wrong in the genes, or who exactly was controlling his son and wanted the short term-ism.

You need to ask yourself, who proffered the most from the 2003 invasion. That would be Dick Cheney. W allowed Cheney to call the shots in the early part of his Presidency. Cheney was the pusher and became extremely wealthy from his Halliburton connections. And we the tax payers and thousands of soldiers paid the price. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..
The modern history of Iraq began when western imperialists imposed a Hashimite monarchy and defined the territorial boundaries of Iraq without taking into account the politics of the different ethnic and religious groups in the area.

History of Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

True, there are at least three major ethnic or religious groups in Iraq. It is very unlikely they will ever live peacefully as one country. The Sunnis, the Shiites, and the Kurds could easily constitute their own separate countries. We were terribly disillusioned to think that we could force such divergent groups to place their differences aside and live as one country as a democracy. al Maliki made the situation even worse.
Divide and conquer has worked well for centuries in colonies from Northern Ireland to Iraq; three separate mini-states with Baghdad existing as a city state look like what's in store for Iraq. And it's also a possibility in Syria, as well. I'm not sure if Iran is still vulnerable to destabilization, but that was the plan originally.

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat.'

"'Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
But his father knew this and didn't invade. You have to wonder what went wrong in the genes, or who exactly was controlling his son and wanted the short term-ism.

You need to ask yourself, who proffered the most from the 2003 invasion. That would be Dick Cheney. W allowed Cheney to call the shots in the early part of his Presidency. Cheney was the pusher and became extremely wealthy from his Halliburton connections. And we the tax payers and thousands of soldiers paid the price. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..
The modern history of Iraq began when western imperialists imposed a Hashimite monarchy and defined the territorial boundaries of Iraq without taking into account the politics of the different ethnic and religious groups in the area.

History of Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

True, there are at least three major ethnic or religious groups in Iraq. It is very unlikely they will ever live peacefully as one country. The Sunnis, the Shiites, and the Kurds could easily constitute their own separate countries. We were terribly disillusioned to think that we could force such divergent groups to place their differences aside and live as one country as a democracy. al Maliki made the situation even worse.
Divide and conquer has worked well for centuries in colonies from Northern Ireland to Iraq; three separate mini-states with Baghdad existing as a city state look like what's in store for Iraq. And it's also a possibility in Syria, as well. I'm not sure if Iran is still vulnerable to destabilization, but that was the plan originally.

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat.'

"'Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WOW! My son in law is in Special Ops and is deployed, I believe in Sudan, right now. Cannot say definitively because he cannot tell us what or where his mission is. Maybe southern Africa is next in line?
Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..

Where did they say the history of Iraq started in 2003? I simply don't even see which part you managed to make this connection with. Seems like another case of try and divert attention away from the reality by talking nonsense to me.

2003 happened, Halliburton share prices wen through the roof.


Or is this just something made up by the left? Clearly not.

See Dick Profit from War War Is A Crime .org

...factor in that Dick Cheney had 400,000 Halliburton options when he left to run for Vice President in 2000...

...that Halliburton has enjoyed a 50-60 point rise since America invaded Iraq...

...and figure out that Dick Cheney's profit from the Iraq war is currently between $20,000,000...twenty million dollars...and $30,000,000...thirty million dollars!"

I don't know how true this is, the source isn't a great one.

FOCUS Cheney s Halliburton Made 39.5 Billion on Iraq War

"Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War"

Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed For The Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit

"Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed For The Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit"

Halliburton KBR and Iraq war contracting A history so far PolitiFact

""White House officials said the mission took priority over whatever political fallout might occur" from awarding contracts to KBR. Since winning the latest version of the LOGCAP contract in 2001, the government has ordered work from KBR worth more than $31 billion."

KBR is part of Halliburton.

"Government officials have raised many questions about KBR's fulfillment of its contracts, everything from billing for meals it didn't serve to charging inflated prices for gas to excessive administrative costs. Government auditors have noted that KBR refused to turn over electronic data in its native format and stamped documents as proprietary and secret when the documents would normally be considered public records."

"Over the course of several years, the Defense Contract Audit Agency found that $553 million in payments should be disallowed to KBR, according to 2009 testimony by agency director April Stephenson before the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan."

"But there is one notable allegation where KBR is being accused of fraud, that KBR "knowingly included impermissible costs" in its bills. In April 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a civil fraud case against KBR over the issue of using private security forces in Iraq to protect its workers and subcontractors. Private security wasn't allowed under the LOGCAP contract because the U.S. military was supposed to provide protection."

Cheney s Halliburton Ties Remain - CBS News

September 26, 2003,

"A report by the Congressional Research Service undermines Vice President Dick Cheney's denial of a continuing relationship with Halliburton Co., the energy company he once led, Sen. Frank Lautenberg said Thursday."

"The report says a public official's unexercised stock options and deferred salary fall within the definition of "retained ties" to his former company."

Halliburton Watch

"The Pentagon has provided preferential treatment to Halliburton on a number of occasions, including the concealment from the public of critical reports by military auditors. "

"But the top Pentagon brass ignored these audits and rewarded KBR's work anyway. "

"In another coup for Halliburton, a federal judge this month decided that whistleblowers may not sue U.S. companies for fraud if payment for services was made in Iraqi, not U.S., money. Halliburton was paid over $1 billion in Iraqi oil money during the first 15 months of the occupation."

It didn't start in 2003, but in 2003 it kicked off and Cheney made himself, and others, quite rich.

Yes the far left propaganda continues to claim that the history of Iraq started in 2003.

Guess Obama wants to feed Halliburton as well. Next time do not vote for worse than Bush twice.

Time to come up with new talking points especially under 6 years of rule of a far left president.
Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..

Where did they say the history of Iraq started in 2003? I simply don't even see which part you managed to make this connection with. Seems like another case of try and divert attention away from the reality by talking nonsense to me.

2003 happened, Halliburton share prices wen through the roof.


Or is this just something made up by the left? Clearly not.

See Dick Profit from War War Is A Crime .org

...factor in that Dick Cheney had 400,000 Halliburton options when he left to run for Vice President in 2000...

...that Halliburton has enjoyed a 50-60 point rise since America invaded Iraq...

...and figure out that Dick Cheney's profit from the Iraq war is currently between $20,000,000...twenty million dollars...and $30,000,000...thirty million dollars!"

I don't know how true this is, the source isn't a great one.

FOCUS Cheney s Halliburton Made 39.5 Billion on Iraq War

"Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War"

Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed For The Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit

"Rand Paul Says Dick Cheney Pushed For The Iraq War So Halliburton Would Profit"

Halliburton KBR and Iraq war contracting A history so far PolitiFact

""White House officials said the mission took priority over whatever political fallout might occur" from awarding contracts to KBR. Since winning the latest version of the LOGCAP contract in 2001, the government has ordered work from KBR worth more than $31 billion."

KBR is part of Halliburton.

"Government officials have raised many questions about KBR's fulfillment of its contracts, everything from billing for meals it didn't serve to charging inflated prices for gas to excessive administrative costs. Government auditors have noted that KBR refused to turn over electronic data in its native format and stamped documents as proprietary and secret when the documents would normally be considered public records."

"Over the course of several years, the Defense Contract Audit Agency found that $553 million in payments should be disallowed to KBR, according to 2009 testimony by agency director April Stephenson before the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan."

"But there is one notable allegation where KBR is being accused of fraud, that KBR "knowingly included impermissible costs" in its bills. In April 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a civil fraud case against KBR over the issue of using private security forces in Iraq to protect its workers and subcontractors. Private security wasn't allowed under the LOGCAP contract because the U.S. military was supposed to provide protection."

Cheney s Halliburton Ties Remain - CBS News

September 26, 2003,

"A report by the Congressional Research Service undermines Vice President Dick Cheney's denial of a continuing relationship with Halliburton Co., the energy company he once led, Sen. Frank Lautenberg said Thursday."

"The report says a public official's unexercised stock options and deferred salary fall within the definition of "retained ties" to his former company."

Halliburton Watch

"The Pentagon has provided preferential treatment to Halliburton on a number of occasions, including the concealment from the public of critical reports by military auditors. "

"But the top Pentagon brass ignored these audits and rewarded KBR's work anyway. "

"In another coup for Halliburton, a federal judge this month decided that whistleblowers may not sue U.S. companies for fraud if payment for services was made in Iraqi, not U.S., money. Halliburton was paid over $1 billion in Iraqi oil money during the first 15 months of the occupation."

It didn't start in 2003, but in 2003 it kicked off and Cheney made himself, and others, quite rich.

It seemed like a good trade off for DICK. His millions of dollars in exchange for a few thousand dead and wounded soldiers. Of, and don't forget the 3/4 Trillion dollars of tax payers money. It was a sweet deal for DICK.

And the far left continues to show that far left propaganda rules the day when the far left president has supplied Halliburton as well.
Fanatical MUSLIMS created isis and nearly all the other terrorists. It's only hard to understand if you're not paying attention.

But as much as the world hated Saddam, he kept the Islamic extremist in tact. He kept them out of Iraq and his secular regime. He only called out to Allah when his neck was on the line. Bush looked at the short term solution, not taking into account the fact that the evil Saddam was keeping the greater evil Islamic terrorist under control. The 2003 invasion opened Iraq to any and all terrorist to call it home. al maliki made matter worse when he turned his back on the Sunni population and provided the greatest reason for recruitment into groups like ISIS.

But his father knew this and didn't invade. You have to wonder what went wrong in the genes, or who exactly was controlling his son and wanted the short term-ism.

You need to ask yourself, who proffered the most from the 2003 invasion. That would be Dick Cheney. W allowed Cheney to call the shots in the early part of his Presidency. Cheney was the pusher and became extremely wealthy from his Halliburton connections. And we the tax payers and thousands of soldiers paid the price. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..
The modern history of Iraq began when western imperialists imposed a Hashimite monarchy and defined the territorial boundaries of Iraq without taking into account the politics of the different ethnic and religious groups in the area.

History of Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

How dare those Brits impose their rule on Iraq..
You need to ask yourself, who proffered the most from the 2003 invasion. That would be Dick Cheney. W allowed Cheney to call the shots in the early part of his Presidency. Cheney was the pusher and became extremely wealthy from his Halliburton connections. And we the tax payers and thousands of soldiers paid the price. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

Yes another far left drone that believes the history of Iraq started in 2003..
The modern history of Iraq began when western imperialists imposed a Hashimite monarchy and defined the territorial boundaries of Iraq without taking into account the politics of the different ethnic and religious groups in the area.

History of Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

True, there are at least three major ethnic or religious groups in Iraq. It is very unlikely they will ever live peacefully as one country. The Sunnis, the Shiites, and the Kurds could easily constitute their own separate countries. We were terribly disillusioned to think that we could force such divergent groups to place their differences aside and live as one country as a democracy. al Maliki made the situation even worse.
Divide and conquer has worked well for centuries in colonies from Northern Ireland to Iraq; three separate mini-states with Baghdad existing as a city state look like what's in store for Iraq. And it's also a possibility in Syria, as well. I'm not sure if Iran is still vulnerable to destabilization, but that was the plan originally.

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat.'

"'Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

WOW! My son in law is in Special Ops and is deployed, I believe in Sudan, right now. Cannot say definitively because he cannot tell us what or where his mission is. Maybe southern Africa is next in line?
As I understand it, Africa and Russia have most of the valuable resources on the planet. Sudan and Somalia figure prominently in our Africom prospectus. I don't think the US obsession with Africa is really anything new; the US Civil Rights push in the 60s and 70s owed a great deal of its success to the fact we could not compete with the Soviet Union in Africa at that time while we were still lynching blacks during Jim Crow.
WOW! My son in law is in Special Ops and is deployed, I believe in Sudan, right now. Cannot say definitively because he cannot tell us what or where his mission is. Maybe southern Africa is next in line?

Souther Africa is way of the interests of the US. The minerals aren't worth the civil wars, the oil isn't there, so who cares?
How dare those Brits impose their rule on Iraq..

Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Pakistan and Bangladesh (as British India), Sudan, Egypt, Kuwait, Malaysia, Somalia (well Somali-land), Yemen (Aden), Jordan and Nigeria. That's the Muslim countries the British decided to impose their rule on. And then you have the French, and others.
And the far left continues to show that far left propaganda rules the day when the far left president has supplied Halliburton as well.

There's a difference between giving contracts to a company and handing contracts on a plate and allowing them to take what money they like and getting favorable treatment.

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