Who Made Isis?

Yes the far left propaganda continues to claim that the history of Iraq started in 2003.

Guess Obama wants to feed Halliburton as well. Next time do not vote for worse than Bush twice.

Time to come up with new talking points especially under 6 years of rule of a far left president.

Any evidence to back up your claim? Though I'm not far left and I don't know if anyone on here is far left, so it might all just be a waste of time anyway. Do I care what the "far left" say? Not really.

You're also making claims about Halliburton which have nothing to do with what I said. I didn't say "Bush gave contracts to Halliburton", I said far more than that. You say Obama's govt gave contracts to Halliburton. So what?
WOW! My son in law is in Special Ops and is deployed, I believe in Sudan, right now. Cannot say definitively because he cannot tell us what or where his mission is. Maybe southern Africa is next in line?

Souther Africa is way of the interests of the US. The minerals aren't worth the civil wars, the oil isn't there, so who cares?

The oil wasn't here either until the fracking began. Now we will soon be the number one oil producer in the world.
The oil wasn't here either until the fracking began. Now we will soon be the number one oil producer in the world.

Yeah, well southern Africa has a lot of problems the US probably doesn't want to get mixed up in. Even aid, they hardly bother to go to the country to find out what would be best, they just send money and tell them to get on with it, generally they just take the money and run.
WOW! My son in law is in Special Ops and is deployed, I believe in Sudan, right now. Cannot say definitively because he cannot tell us what or where his mission is. Maybe southern Africa is next in line?

Souther Africa is way of the interests of the US. The minerals aren't worth the civil wars, the oil isn't there, so who cares?

The oil wasn't here either until the fracking began. Now we will soon be the number one oil producer in the world.

yes imagine where Barry's already longest recession in human history would be without the huge Republican oil and gas revolution!! If it had been up to him he would have stopped fracking just like he stopped Keystone!!
I don't know if anyone on here is far left

100% stupid of course!! If you supported Obamacare as the entire left did then you are a far left communist, just without the IQ to know it.

I don't expect anything else from you than a post which is just name calling. It's the stuff of primary school, well done.

dear, cu tthe BS; please say why you are not Communist but still support Obamacare
I don't know if anyone on here is far left

100% stupid of course!! If you supported Obamacare as the entire left did then you are a far left communist, just without the IQ to know it.

I don't expect anything else from you than a post which is just name calling. It's the stuff of primary school, well done.

dear, cu tthe BS; please say why you are not Communist but still support Obamacare

I didn't say I supported Obamacare, and you probably don't even know what a Communist is.

Basically you're a wind up merchant. I see your name come up and I know what trash is going to be written already. You could just make a template with "You are "(insert insult) and Obama is (insert insult)........"
WOW! My son in law is in Special Ops and is deployed, I believe in Sudan, right now. Cannot say definitively because he cannot tell us what or where his mission is. Maybe southern Africa is next in line?

Souther Africa is way of the interests of the US. The minerals aren't worth the civil wars, the oil isn't there, so who cares?

The oil wasn't here either until the fracking began. Now we will soon be the number one oil producer in the world.
There is a possible economic connection between fracking in the US and eternal war in the Middle East because fracking only becomes economically viable when the price of oil is above a certain amount, and war in places like Iraq and Syria maintains that (artificially?) high price. IMHO, we are better off leaving the oil in the earth and turning our attention to renewable energy sources.
WOW! My son in law is in Special Ops and is deployed, I believe in Sudan, right now. Cannot say definitively because he cannot tell us what or where his mission is. Maybe southern Africa is next in line?

Souther Africa is way of the interests of the US. The minerals aren't worth the civil wars, the oil isn't there, so who cares?

The oil wasn't here either until the fracking began. Now we will soon be the number one oil producer in the world.
There is a possible economic connection between fracking in the US and eternal war in the Middle East because fracking only becomes economically viable when the price of oil is above a certain amount, and war in places like Iraq and Syria maintains that (artificially?) high price. IMHO, we are better off leaving the oil in the earth and turning our attention to renewable energy sources.

the problem with renewables is they are far more expensive so if we switched we'd all be a lot poorer and a billion or so of those who live at subsistence would die.
WOW! My son in law is in Special Ops and is deployed, I believe in Sudan, right now. Cannot say definitively because he cannot tell us what or where his mission is. Maybe southern Africa is next in line?

Souther Africa is way of the interests of the US. The minerals aren't worth the civil wars, the oil isn't there, so who cares?

The oil wasn't here either until the fracking began. Now we will soon be the number one oil producer in the world.
There is a possible economic connection between fracking in the US and eternal war in the Middle East because fracking only becomes economically viable when the price of oil is above a certain amount, and war in places like Iraq and Syria maintains that (artificially?) high price. IMHO, we are better off leaving the oil in the earth and turning our attention to renewable energy sources.

the problem with renewables is they are far more expensive so if we switched we'd all be a lot poorer and a billion or so of those who live at subsistence would die.
How poor will we be, and how many will die when fossil fuels vanish from the page of time?
How poor will we be, and how many will die when fossil fuels vanish from the page of time?

100% stupid and liberal! If fossil fuel supply ever declines rather than continually increases as it always has the price of fossil fuels will begin to rise until it is more expensive than renewables. At that point the transition will be voluntary and hopefully increase our standard of living rather than kill millions as a liberal Nazi inforced transition would do if implimented today.
I'm writing this post for a variety of reasons. The first is I don't know where ISIS came from. I can take a few guesses but I actually don't know.
Second, I think it's important that people understand the underlying reasons of terrorism in order to find the best way of dealing with terrorism, which in my opinion is not going around bombing the hell out of people in the first place.

ISIS started life as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad run by Abu Masab al-Zarqawi in 1999 two years before 9/11 and four before the invasion of Iraq.

al-Zarqawi was a guy who went to fight for the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, but arrived too late, but still met ibn-Laden. His reasons for going to Afghanistan in the first place? Well he was a street fighter and an alcoholic, the sort of guy who fighting for insurgents and others is probably his sort of thing.

But what turns a guy like this into the leader of an insurgency group? Well, the need for someone to be an insurgent against. The guy went to Afghanistan in 2001 and fought against the US troops there.

Bush claimed there was a possibility that al-Zarqawi was in Iraq, and therefore al Qaeda was linked to Saddam before the invasion, as help in justifying the invasion. Turns out that declassified shows there was no link at all, it was just made up. Saddam was even trying to arrest this guy, he didn't want al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Then the Iraq invasion happened in 2003 and al-Zarqawi's group grew. In 2004 he pledged to al-Qaeda, which was now in Iraq, thanks to Bush.

The power vacuum in Iraq allowed these groups to grow and to gain support.

Then the US support for the Arab Spring happened, which led to the Syrian uprising, which in the beginning was supported by people, especially, like McCain, who wanted to fund such groups without much of a clue what they were actually funding. Not much different to funding the Mujaheddin that helped start this off in the first place.

Basically, ISIS is a product of incompetent US foreign policy over a period of time ranging from the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets, who also helped a little, through Reagan's presidency, then onto Bush Dubya's presidency they grew and grew because of complete incompetence in Iraq, which would seem to be the biggest factor in the rise of ISIS, alongside the support for the Arab Spring.

It's not a case of blaming one president, for it was not only presidents who played a part in this, and there were quite a few, from both parties, who played a major part in this, but to blame US foreign policy in general for helping to create the conditions with which such a group could grow and thrive.

The ISIS military is being led by former Saddam officers,

the ones that Bush and Paul Bremer threw overboard when they decided that abolishing the Iraqi military was a good idea.
to blame US foreign policy in general for helping to create the conditions with which such a group could grow and thrive.

yes, we place 100% of blame on liberal foreign which does not value freedom from centralized govt. So naturally we see a world that increasingly values libcommie or libnazi(ISIS) centralized govt.

Now you understand why ISIS arose and not George Washington.
The ISIS military is being led by former Saddam officers,

the ones that Bush and Paul Bremer threw overboard when they decided that abolishing the Iraqi military was a good idea.

Yes and why don't they have the same values George Washington had.
How poor will we be, and how many will die when fossil fuels vanish from the page of time?

100% stupid and liberal! If fossil fuel supply ever declines rather than continually increases as it always has the price of fossil fuels will begin to rise until it is more expensive than renewables. At that point the transition will be voluntary and hopefully increase our standard of living rather than kill millions as a liberal Nazi inforced transition would do if implimented today.
To what factor do you attribute our continually increasing supply of fossil fuels, Jurassic Park sequels?
How poor will we be, and how many will die when fossil fuels vanish from the page of time?

100% stupid and liberal! If fossil fuel supply ever declines rather than continually increases as it always has the price of fossil fuels will begin to rise until it is more expensive than renewables. At that point the transition will be voluntary and hopefully increase our standard of living rather than kill millions as a liberal Nazi inforced transition would do if implimented today.
To what factor do you attribute our continually increasing supply of fossil fuels, Jurassic Park sequels?

fracking is best example dear

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