Who Made Isis?

I think if you are not completely right you are certainly very close.

No one did. They just magically popped up out of nowhere with all that cash & weapons. Just a convenient coincidence. And if you say otherwise, you're a baby-hating, puppy-hating, grandma-hating, apple pie-hating, America-hating Terrorist.
And then came Khorasan (check your toothpaste)

"As the Obama Administration prepared to bomb Syria without congressional or U.N. authorization, it faced two problems.

"The first was the difficulty of sustaining public support for a new years-long war against ISIS, a group that clearly posed no imminent threat to the 'homeland.'

"A second was the lack of legal justification for launching a new bombing campaign with no viable claim of self-defense or U.N. approval.

"The solution to both problems was found in the wholesale concoction of a brand new terror threat that was branded 'The Khorasan Group.'

"After spending weeks depicting ISIS as an unprecedented threat — too radical even for Al Qaeda! — administration officials suddenly began spoon-feeding their favorite media organizations and national security journalists tales of a secret group that was even scarier and more threatening than ISIS, one that posed a direct and immediate threat to the American Homeland.

"Seemingly out of nowhere, a new terror group was created in media lore."

Just in time for mid-terms:ack-1:
We can NOT stop this pathetic charade by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Vote for responsible third party candidates and FLUSH the DC Toilet next November!

The Fake Terror Threat Used To Justify Bombing Syria - The Intercept

Anyone with common sense and not thoroughly brainwashed by the Government/Corporate MSM, knows that ISIS was created by the West and some Sunni Nations in the region to 'Regime Change' Assad. It was an invented convenient Boogeyman. Got the Sheeple on board supporting yet another Intervention/War.

All you have to do is look at the Nations bombing & killing in Syria right now. Those are the Nations who created ISIS and other Rebel groups in Syria. It's all about killing Assad.
"IS must exist
US-Western and Arab motives in the war against IS might differ, but both sides have keen interest in partaking in the war and an even keener interest in refusing to accept that such violence is not created in a vacuum.

"The US and its western allies refuse to see the obvious link between IS, al-Qaeda and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Arab leaders insist that their countries are also victims of some 'Islamist' terror, produced, not of their own anti-democratic and oppressive policies, but by Chechenia and other foreign fighters who are bringing dark-age violence to otherwise perfectly peaceable and stable political landscapes.

"The lie is further cemented by most media when they highlight the horror of IS but refuse to speak of other horrors that preceded and accompanied the existence of the group.

"They insist on speaking of IS as if a fully independent phenomenon devoid of any contexts, meanings and representations."

What if Islamic State didn t exist Middle East Eye

dear, the issue is what do we do now? Do you have any idea?
Prohibit all arms sales from the US into the Middle East, and cut off IS from its black market oil sales through Turkey.
Colin Powell made isis, he told the first bush, George Bush senior not to destroy Sadam in the first war against Iraq. Since then we have sought political solutions when there is only a military solution.
I think you mean Colin Powell delayed the creation of ISIS. They weren't going to happen with Saddam around.

Colin Powell made isis, he told the first bush, George Bush senior not to destroy Sadam in the first war against Iraq. Since then we have sought political solutions when there is only a military solution.
How do you cut off the money they get from the countries supporting them?

"IS must exist
US-Western and Arab motives in the war against IS might differ, but both sides have keen interest in partaking in the war and an even keener interest in refusing to accept that such violence is not created in a vacuum.

"The US and its western allies refuse to see the obvious link between IS, al-Qaeda and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Arab leaders insist that their countries are also victims of some 'Islamist' terror, produced, not of their own anti-democratic and oppressive policies, but by Chechenia and other foreign fighters who are bringing dark-age violence to otherwise perfectly peaceable and stable political landscapes.

"The lie is further cemented by most media when they highlight the horror of IS but refuse to speak of other horrors that preceded and accompanied the existence of the group.

"They insist on speaking of IS as if a fully independent phenomenon devoid of any contexts, meanings and representations."

What if Islamic State didn t exist Middle East Eye

dear, the issue is what do we do now? Do you have any idea?
Prohibit all arms sales from the US into the Middle East, and cut off IS from its black market oil sales through Turkey.
Isis started from a simple bedouin tribe. The name from the family or sheikh of the tribe, in Arab tradition, desert raids to increase wealth and power, same way the Saud family came to power.
How do you cut off the money they get from the countries supporting them?

"IS must exist
US-Western and Arab motives in the war against IS might differ, but both sides have keen interest in partaking in the war and an even keener interest in refusing to accept that such violence is not created in a vacuum.

"The US and its western allies refuse to see the obvious link between IS, al-Qaeda and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Arab leaders insist that their countries are also victims of some 'Islamist' terror, produced, not of their own anti-democratic and oppressive policies, but by Chechenia and other foreign fighters who are bringing dark-age violence to otherwise perfectly peaceable and stable political landscapes.

"The lie is further cemented by most media when they highlight the horror of IS but refuse to speak of other horrors that preceded and accompanied the existence of the group.

"They insist on speaking of IS as if a fully independent phenomenon devoid of any contexts, meanings and representations."

What if Islamic State didn t exist Middle East Eye

dear, the issue is what do we do now? Do you have any idea?
Prohibit all arms sales from the US into the Middle East, and cut off IS from its black market oil sales through Turkey.
"The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) provides a network that enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardized and reliable environment.

"Swift also sells software and services to financial institutions, much of it for use on the SWIFTNet Network, and ISO 9362. Business Identifier Codes (BICs) are popularly known as 'SWIFT codes'".

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I'm writing this post for a variety of reasons. The first is I don't know where ISIS came from. I can take a few guesses but I actually don't know.
Second, I think it's important that people understand the underlying reasons of terrorism in order to find the best way of dealing with terrorism, which in my opinion is not going around bombing the hell out of people in the first place.

ISIS started life as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad run by Abu Masab al-Zarqawi in 1999 two years before 9/11 and four before the invasion of Iraq.

al-Zarqawi was a guy who went to fight for the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, but arrived too late, but still met ibn-Laden. His reasons for going to Afghanistan in the first place? Well he was a street fighter and an alcoholic, the sort of guy who fighting for insurgents and others is probably his sort of thing.

But what turns a guy like this into the leader of an insurgency group? Well, the need for someone to be an insurgent against. The guy went to Afghanistan in 2001 and fought against the US troops there.

Bush claimed there was a possibility that al-Zarqawi was in Iraq, and therefore al Qaeda was linked to Saddam before the invasion, as help in justifying the invasion. Turns out that declassified shows there was no link at all, it was just made up. Saddam was even trying to arrest this guy, he didn't want al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Then the Iraq invasion happened in 2003 and al-Zarqawi's group grew. In 2004 he pledged to al-Qaeda, which was now in Iraq, thanks to Bush.

The power vacuum in Iraq allowed these groups to grow and to gain support.

Then the US support for the Arab Spring happened, which led to the Syrian uprising, which in the beginning was supported by people, especially, like McCain, who wanted to fund such groups without much of a clue what they were actually funding. Not much different to funding the Mujaheddin that helped start this off in the first place.

Basically, ISIS is a product of incompetent US foreign policy over a period of time ranging from the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets, who also helped a little, through Reagan's presidency, then onto Bush Dubya's presidency they grew and grew because of complete incompetence in Iraq, which would seem to be the biggest factor in the rise of ISIS, alongside the support for the Arab Spring.

It's not a case of blaming one president, for it was not only presidents who played a part in this, and there were quite a few, from both parties, who played a major part in this, but to blame US foreign policy in general for helping to create the conditions with which such a group could grow and thrive.

What is your source of the post??
The Nations currently participating in the bombing & killing in Syria are the same Nations that created ISIS. It's all about killing Assad and 'Regime Change.' But don't expect your corrupt American Government/Corporate Media to tell ya that.
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No one did. They just magically popped up out of nowhere with all that cash & weapons. Just a convenient coincidence. And if you say otherwise, you're a baby-hating, puppy-hating, grandma-hating, apple pie-hating, America-hating Terrorist.
And then came Khorasan (check your toothpaste)

"As the Obama Administration prepared to bomb Syria without congressional or U.N. authorization, it faced two problems.

"The first was the difficulty of sustaining public support for a new years-long war against ISIS, a group that clearly posed no imminent threat to the 'homeland.'

"A second was the lack of legal justification for launching a new bombing campaign with no viable claim of self-defense or U.N. approval.

"The solution to both problems was found in the wholesale concoction of a brand new terror threat that was branded 'The Khorasan Group.'

"After spending weeks depicting ISIS as an unprecedented threat — too radical even for Al Qaeda! — administration officials suddenly began spoon-feeding their favorite media organizations and national security journalists tales of a secret group that was even scarier and more threatening than ISIS, one that posed a direct and immediate threat to the American Homeland.

"Seemingly out of nowhere, a new terror group was created in media lore."

Just in time for mid-terms:ack-1:
We can NOT stop this pathetic charade by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Vote for responsible third party candidates and FLUSH the DC Toilet next November!

The Fake Terror Threat Used To Justify Bombing Syria - The Intercept

Anyone with common sense and not thoroughly brainwashed by the Government/Corporate MSM, knows that ISIS was created by the West and some Sunni Nations in the region to 'Regime Change' Assad. It was an invented convenient Boogeyman. Got the Sheeple on board supporting yet another Intervention/War.

All you have to do is look at the Nations bombing & killing in Syria right now. Those are the Nations who created ISIS and other Rebel groups in Syria. It's all about killing Assad.
It's still all about regime change in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran; somehow, Ukraine got added to the mix about a year ago, and blow back from that little adventure really could come in the form of a mushroom cloud. How many US boots on the ground in the ME by Thanksgiving?

Permanent War is the goal for the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites. When will the People finally figure that out? A good example is Ole Biden and his spoiled brat son making a killing in Ukraine while at the same time forcing American Taxpayers to fund yet another absurd Intervention/War. Only the Elites benefit from all these Interventions/Wars. The average American suffers.
We should leave those poor, peaceful, Isis neanderthals alone, until terrorism on our soil occurs...

Then frighten them with indictments and arrest warrants....

If we only we opened up a dialogue and tried to understand them better, eh naive imbeciles ???
We should leave those poor, peaceful, Isis neanderthals alone, until terrorism on our soil occurs...

Then frighten them with indictments and arrest warrants....

If we only we opened up a dialogue and tried to understand them better, eh naive imbeciles ???

Well, i wouldn't go that far. But i would like to withdraw from the Middle East and put an end to this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. Then i would like to see our Government secure our Border.

Less NSA spying on Americans and fondling American kids and grannies at airports. More security on our Border. It's time for Homeland Security to earn its keep. Get the hell down to the Border now.
I'm writing this post for a variety of reasons. The first is I don't know where ISIS came from. I can take a few guesses but I actually don't know.
Second, I think it's important that people understand the underlying reasons of terrorism in order to find the best way of dealing with terrorism, which in my opinion is not going around bombing the hell out of people in the first place.

ISIS started life as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad run by Abu Masab al-Zarqawi in 1999 two years before 9/11 and four before the invasion of Iraq.

al-Zarqawi was a guy who went to fight for the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan, but arrived too late, but still met ibn-Laden. His reasons for going to Afghanistan in the first place? Well he was a street fighter and an alcoholic, the sort of guy who fighting for insurgents and others is probably his sort of thing.

But what turns a guy like this into the leader of an insurgency group? Well, the need for someone to be an insurgent against. The guy went to Afghanistan in 2001 and fought against the US troops there.

Bush claimed there was a possibility that al-Zarqawi was in Iraq, and therefore al Qaeda was linked to Saddam before the invasion, as help in justifying the invasion. Turns out that declassified shows there was no link at all, it was just made up. Saddam was even trying to arrest this guy, he didn't want al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Then the Iraq invasion happened in 2003 and al-Zarqawi's group grew. In 2004 he pledged to al-Qaeda, which was now in Iraq, thanks to Bush.

The power vacuum in Iraq allowed these groups to grow and to gain support.

Then the US support for the Arab Spring happened, which led to the Syrian uprising, which in the beginning was supported by people, especially, like McCain, who wanted to fund such groups without much of a clue what they were actually funding. Not much different to funding the Mujaheddin that helped start this off in the first place.

Basically, ISIS is a product of incompetent US foreign policy over a period of time ranging from the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets, who also helped a little, through Reagan's presidency, then onto Bush Dubya's presidency they grew and grew because of complete incompetence in Iraq, which would seem to be the biggest factor in the rise of ISIS, alongside the support for the Arab Spring.

It's not a case of blaming one president, for it was not only presidents who played a part in this, and there were quite a few, from both parties, who played a major part in this, but to blame US foreign policy in general for helping to create the conditions with which such a group could grow and thrive.

What is your source of the post??

Plenty of sources, just what's available.
No one did. They just magically popped up out of nowhere with all that cash & weapons. Just a convenient coincidence. And if you say otherwise, you're a baby-hating, puppy-hating, grandma-hating, apple pie-hating, America-hating Terrorist.
And then came Khorasan (check your toothpaste)

"As the Obama Administration prepared to bomb Syria without congressional or U.N. authorization, it faced two problems.

"The first was the difficulty of sustaining public support for a new years-long war against ISIS, a group that clearly posed no imminent threat to the 'homeland.'

"A second was the lack of legal justification for launching a new bombing campaign with no viable claim of self-defense or U.N. approval.

"The solution to both problems was found in the wholesale concoction of a brand new terror threat that was branded 'The Khorasan Group.'

"After spending weeks depicting ISIS as an unprecedented threat — too radical even for Al Qaeda! — administration officials suddenly began spoon-feeding their favorite media organizations and national security journalists tales of a secret group that was even scarier and more threatening than ISIS, one that posed a direct and immediate threat to the American Homeland.

"Seemingly out of nowhere, a new terror group was created in media lore."

Just in time for mid-terms:ack-1:
We can NOT stop this pathetic charade by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Vote for responsible third party candidates and FLUSH the DC Toilet next November!

The Fake Terror Threat Used To Justify Bombing Syria - The Intercept

Anyone with common sense and not thoroughly brainwashed by the Government/Corporate MSM, knows that ISIS was created by the West and some Sunni Nations in the region to 'Regime Change' Assad. It was an invented convenient Boogeyman. Got the Sheeple on board supporting yet another Intervention/War.

All you have to do is look at the Nations bombing & killing in Syria right now. Those are the Nations who created ISIS and other Rebel groups in Syria. It's all about killing Assad.
It's still all about regime change in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran; somehow, Ukraine got added to the mix about a year ago, and blow back from that little adventure really could come in the form of a mushroom cloud. How many US boots on the ground in the ME by Thanksgiving?

Permanent War is the goal for the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites. When will the People finally figure that out? A good example is Ole Biden and his spoiled brat son making a killing in Ukraine while at the same time forcing American Taxpayers to fund yet another absurd Intervention/War. Only the Elites benefit from all these Interventions/Wars. The average American suffers.
I don't think "Permanent War" will disappear as long as a few elites continue to "earn" massive profits AFTER the first innocent civilians die in any conflict; there's no way to change that fact by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth. Hopefully, members of the US armed forces will be the first to figure out the war racket in the Middle East, and help average Americans connect those dots.
I don't think "Permanent War" will disappear as long as a few elites continue to "earn" massive profits AFTER the first innocent civilians die in any conflict; there's no way to change that fact by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth. Hopefully, members of the US armed forces will be the first to figure out the war racket in the Middle East, and help average Americans connect those dots.

Thing is, Obama's spent the last 6 years trying to reduce the role of the US in the Middle East. Bush made it so that's impossible, he made so many enemies that Obama can't stop being the enemy for them, they're the US. They need the US as much as the Republicans need them, ISIS, al-Qaeda and so on.

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