Who should be blamed illegal immigrant invasion?

Political Posturing Advertising on a daily basis in their so called news that the border is wide open for illegal immigrants, certainly contributes a good deal to the continual steam of them....imo....I mean....why not rush to an advertised by Trumpers daily, open border.... if you were a refugee seeker or illegal?
Political Posturing Advertising on a daily basis in their so called news that the border is wide open for illegal immigrants, certainly contributes a good deal to the continual steam of them....imo....I mean....why not rush to an advertised by Trumpers daily, open border.... if you were a refugee seeker or illegal?

You left out democrats. Why? Democrat

Just stop
The Dems bear most of the responsibility for any increase in the border problem with their consistent rhetoric and actions (such as "sanctuary cities" and "sanctuary states") over the last couple of decades. People south of the border sure as hell know which party is more sympathetic towards them, and Biden's dumb words on the "surge" only reinforced that.

The GQP's stupid, obedient move to please their orange god and stop the recent new legislation notwithstanding, of course. But we're used to that.
Remember, BEFORE all the below happened on 1/21/21.. Biden said this in Democrat Debate...
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Hmmm... What did Biden do on his first day in office?
Biden’s First-Day 17 Executive Orders Included Major Changes To Immigration

1. Revoked the travels bans, also referred to as the Muslim Ban and African Bans, previously ordered by the Trump administration and abolished the so-called “extreme vetting” practices that were hard on immigrants and led to rejected visa applications.

2. Directed an immediate halt to construction of the border wall along the U.S. Mexican border and called for a review of the legality of funding and contracting methods used by the previous administration. The order terminated the “national emergency” declaration and allowed the Biden-Harris administration to determine the best way to redirect the hundreds of millions of dollars ear-marked for border wall construction elsewhere.

3. Directed the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to take appropriate measures to fortify Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and ensure that the so-called Dreamers be protected from deportation.
(NOTE: so now illegals had more incentive to cross the border.)

4. Revoked the prior Administration’s orders to exclude undocumented individuals from the census and apportionment of Congressional representatives. Why?

5. Protected Liberians from immigration enforcement and extended work authorizations through June 30, 2022 and directed the Department of Homeland Security to facilitate processing for Liberians applying for residency in line with the Liberian Relief and Fairness Act.

Also the Department of Homeland Security issued a memorandum directing a full review of their enforcement practices and instituted a pause on deportations for 100 days while the review is conducted.

Results of Biden's encouragement of illegal migrants...

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Things in America would have been different if Kennedy’s vision, enshrined in 1958’s A Nation of Immigrants, had remained America’s official policy. However, the intensely political Lyndon Johnson didn’t see immigrants as people yearning to succeed in a free country. Instead, he saw them as the ticket to the Democrats gaining permanent control over the federal government, and a central part of this strategy was to negate any legal or cultural press to have immigrants adopt American values.

Richard Nixon didn’t realize the scope of the problem and focused no energy on the issue. That left the field open for Carter to facilitate Johnson’s strategy—and of course, Reagan was bamboozled into accepting amnesty.

Thanks to these deliberate Democrat policies, America went from being a shining city on a hill to being the world’s largest permanent refugee camp. And that is the foundation on which Biden and Mayorkas are operating as they have implemented one immigrant-related policy after another, all to bring to America
Remember, BEFORE all the below happened on 1/21/21.. Biden said this in Democrat Debate...
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Hmmm... What did Biden do on his first day in office?
Biden’s First-Day 17 Executive Orders Included Major Changes To Immigration

1. Revoked the travels bans, also referred to as the Muslim Ban and African Bans, previously ordered by the Trump administration and abolished the so-called “extreme vetting” practices that were hard on immigrants and led to rejected visa applications.

2. Directed an immediate halt to construction of the border wall along the U.S. Mexican border and called for a review of the legality of funding and contracting methods used by the previous administration. The order terminated the “national emergency” declaration and allowed the Biden-Harris administration to determine the best way to redirect the hundreds of millions of dollars ear-marked for border wall construction elsewhere.

3. Directed the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to take appropriate measures to fortify Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and ensure that the so-called Dreamers be protected from deportation.
(NOTE: so now illegals had more incentive to cross the border.)

4. Revoked the prior Administration’s orders to exclude undocumented individuals from the census and apportionment of Congressional representatives. Why?

5. Protected Liberians from immigration enforcement and extended work authorizations through June 30, 2022 and directed the Department of Homeland Security to facilitate processing for Liberians applying for residency in line with the Liberian Relief and Fairness Act.

Also the Department of Homeland Security issued a memorandum directing a full review of their enforcement practices and instituted a pause on deportations for 100 days while the review is conducted.

Results of Biden's encouragement of illegal migrants...

View attachment 911200

Things in America would have been different if Kennedy’s vision, enshrined in 1958’s A Nation of Immigrants, had remained America’s official policy. However, the intensely political Lyndon Johnson didn’t see immigrants as people yearning to succeed in a free country. Instead, he saw them as the ticket to the Democrats gaining permanent control over the federal government, and a central part of this strategy was to negate any legal or cultural press to have immigrants adopt American values.

Richard Nixon didn’t realize the scope of the problem and focused no energy on the issue. That left the field open for Carter to facilitate Johnson’s strategy—and of course, Reagan was bamboozled into accepting amnesty.

Thanks to these deliberate Democrat policies, America went from being a shining city on a hill to being the world’s largest permanent refugee camp. And that is the foundation on which Biden and Mayorkas are operating as they have implemented one immigrant-related policy after another, all to bring to America those millions of loosely vetted, unintegrated, twilight immigrants to our shores.
What "invasion"?

10 million people in 4 years , with reqlly no where to go.. more than our legal and health systems can handle. Unvetted individuals many of whom have ties to Drug cartels. All against the will of the American people.
Do you get the fact that it is against our will and our wishes? They arent here for a pleasant visit, and most of them wont find jobs available other than cash for labor work. Our city governments also are not cooperating with ICE when they commit crimes and they area llowed to commit more crimes.

It's not Immigration.
10 million people in 4 years , with reqlly no where to go.. more than our legal and health systems can handle. Unvetted individuals many of whom have ties to Drug cartels. All against the will of the American people.
Do you get the fact that it is against our will and our wishes? They arent here for a pleasant visit, and most of them wont find jobs available other than cash for labor work. Our city governments also are not cooperating with ICE when they commit crimes and they area llowed to commit more crimes.

It's not Immigration.
That isn't actually what's happening.
That isn't actually what's happening.

So all these people let in our country en Mass have found housing right? do you realize there are more coming tomorrow. Is this how you run an immigration system? You think this is ok right?
It's Trump's fault, and I'll explain why.

Since 2016 we've suffered through left propaganda, which has built the progressive TDS into what it is today. Now everything is Trump's fault, by default, including the sex change I received immediately after having registered Democrat.
Sorry, we were busy loading busses with illegals bound for Dem cities, what was the question? :muahaha:
There were congressional acts done before Trump!
The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRAIRA) strengthened U.S. immigration laws, adding penalties for undocumented immigrants who commit crimes while in the United States or who stay in the U.S. for statutorily defined periods of time.
BUT when the former Vice-President AND presidential candidate TELLS illegals to "surge to the border"... what do you think illegal aliens would do?
Biden never told illegals to surge the border.

We need legislation addressing employers of illegals, our VISA program and asylum claims laws.
Biden never told illegals to surge the border.

We need legislation addressing employers of illegals, our VISA program and asylum claims laws.
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Biden used the words "immediate surge to the border".. and that's all the illegals heard! Words have meaning.
These illegals then hearing what they want to hear... "surged" to the borders!

Look at the number of Chinese and tell me that there weren't some of them potential terrorists!

I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Biden used the words "immediate surge to the border".. and that's all the illegals heard! Words have meaning.
These illegals then hearing what they want to hear... "surged" to the borders!

Where in there does Biden tell illegals to surge the border?

I would argue that what illegals want to hear is free goody bags and bus rides to other jobs within the US.

Look at the number of Chinese and tell me that there weren't some of them potential terrorists!

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Everyone is a "potential" terrorist.

That isn't an argument.

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