Zone1 Who should receive reparations, and who should be excluded?

You also don't remember the Carter years very well. Stagflation (a term COINED for the Carter presidency) which is a combination thought impossible by economists, inflation AND economic stagnation at the same time. High fuel and heating oil prices AND low availability. If you are 60 now, you were born in 1962. That means you were 15 when Carter was elected and 19 when Reagan took office. You were living at home with mommy and daddy on daddy's dime. Your biggest problem was finding someone to date and maybe get laid occasionally. I'm ten years older than you and was one of the ones trying to find work to keep a roof over my head and gasoline to get to work and watching the cost of food and gasoline outstrip my wages further every payday. I lived those years as an adult and you lived them as a child. So don't tell my how good they were.

Actually, I've been working since I was 16. Paid for my last two years of Catholic School and saved up a considerable amount of money for college.

BUt here's the thing. Yup, my Dad had one of those nice union jobs that Reagan got rid of by going to war with the unions.

Also- those problems you whine about started under Nixon and Ford and continued well into Reagan's reign.
58, you weren't even working a minimum wage job when Carter was president.
That's why I said I remember how awesome the 80's were, because that's when I started my career. It was a great time. And, BTW, I was quite capable of reading before I started working. Carter's economic news was not good.
That's why I said I remember how awesome the 80's were, because that's when I started my career. It was a great time. And, BTW, I was quite capable of reading before I started working. Carter's economic news was not good.

Neither was Nixon or Ford or Reagan.. the real problem is by the time we got to Reagan's limp recovery around 85 or so, we all had forgotten what a real middle class looked like and we all came to accept bullshit like "At Will Employment" "Right to work", working two jobs, etc.
Carter's economic news was not good.
An average of 2,600,000 jobs were created every year Carter was president. Under Reagan that declined to 2,00,000 jobs.

During Carter's presidency there was a brief, shallow, 6 month recession. The unemployment rate reached 7.8%. During Reagan's presidency there was a long, deep, 16 month recession. the unemployment rate reached 10.7%.8%.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia

At the end of Carter's presidency the national debt was $908 billion. At the end of Reagan's presidency the national debt had grown to $2,602 billion.

Black social pathology is not caused by what happened to blacks one or two centuries ago, but by what has never happened to blacks. The process of human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the demands of civilization. On the other hand, characteristics that enabled the ancestors of blacks to thrive in sub Saharan Africa cause many to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.
We are slowly finding out that we cannot blow ridiculous amounts of money anymore. Whether we heed the warning signals or not is something we will see.
We spent ridiculous amounts of money to help whites and as long as whites are allowed to be racists, the nation will continue losing money.
This ^ comment is typical of you. Where is there a country where blacks have high IQ averages, and low rates of crime and illegitimacy? Where is there a black majority, black run country where blacks are better off than in the United States?
The comment is typical because all you post is garbage. We have had 2 world wars and constant instability in many countries because of what whites have done due to greed. Right now there are two pasty white countries fighting because one white leader is in a delusional quest to re establish the white Soviet Union in order for him to be considered a great historic leader. So you really don't have any question I need to answer. Do you understand?
It is true that most of the contributions to this country are from white people. Given that whites were always the majority, why would that be a surprise?
Actually that's not what was said. And whites excluded people from doing things. Also whites took credit for things done by others.

And whites have not always been the majority.
Actually that's not what was said. And whites excluded people from doing things. Also whites took credit for things done by others.

And whites have not always been the majority.
That was all in the past. These days, blacks live in a great country with all sorts of opportunities - even favored in some arenas. You should be thanking your lucky stars you were born in America. I know I do.
That was all in the past. These days, blacks live in a great country with all sorts of opportunities - even favored in some arenas. You should be thanking your lucky stars you were born in America. I know I do.
That excuse is bs, so stop making it. Whites are fine with reciting the past when it makes them look good. And since I am black, you can stop being white trying to tell me what blacks get now. I know what WE get now and it is nothing that you say. There is no black favoritism and you, the white female has benefitted more from whatever favoritism you claim exists.
Whites have had Affirmative action since 1776.

You say such ridiculous things. "Affirmative Action" did not exist in that year or for more than a century after that, and certainly not for the founding people.

And you stamp it with "fact." 😄

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