Zone1 Who should receive reparations, and who should be excluded?

So what you are admitting is that you had nothing to compare it to, like when we actually HAD a middle class.

Thanks for playing.
How much older than me do you think you are? The 80's were awesome after the Carter Malaise.
Not sure why you keep telling yourself that. Things really didn't get "Better" until about 1985 or so. And that was after they got so much worse, when unemployment peaked at 11.3% in 1983.
I tell myself that because it was great for me. I graduated with a degree in a hot new field and could count on healthy raises every year plus full blown insurance benefits that didn't come out of my paycheck.

As we are told relentlessly, it is never the fault of a democrat president when things go bad in the first years of his term, it's always the lingering effects of the previous president's policies, so we will give Reagan that same grace period. It took a long time to dig ourselves out of the Carter Malaise because it really was bad. Now, how old did you say you were again that you would have been working as an adult prior to the Carter Malaise?
As we are told relentlessly, it is never the fault of a democrat president when things go bad in the first years of his term, it's always the lingering effects of the previous president's policies, so we will give Reagan that same grace period. It took a long time to dig ourselves out of the Carter Malaise because it really was bad. Now, how old did you say you were again that you would have been working as an adult prior to the Carter Malaise?

Except it wasn't the first year of his term, the economy was pretty much shit until the fifth year of his term.

Except by that time, we were perfectly okay with reduced wages and everyone working two jobs instead of having good union jobs.

I would like to go back to what we had in the 1960's, where my Dad had a good union job, could afford to buy vacation property, send his kids to Catholic schools...

Today's working class can't do that... They couldn't do that by the mid 80's... thanks to Reagan.

I mean, yeah, he didn't fuck up the economy as badly as Ford, the Bushes or Trump, but he did damage.
Except it wasn't the first year of his term, the economy was pretty much shit until the fifth year of his term.

Except by that time, we were perfectly okay with reduced wages and everyone working two jobs instead of having good union jobs.

I would like to go back to what we had in the 1960's, where my Dad had a good union job, could afford to buy vacation property, send his kids to Catholic schools...

Today's working class can't do that... They couldn't do that by the mid 80's... thanks to Reagan.

I mean, yeah, he didn't fuck up the economy as badly as Ford, the Bushes or Trump, but he did damage.
Obviously, it took that long to dig ourselves out of the Carter Malaise, then it really was Morning in America. And, of course, the economy was so terrible, just so awful that Reagan only won 49 states in 84, because we know that people vote on the economy, and if only it were better he could have gotten all 57 of the states Obama said we have. The 80's were awesome for us.

Your continued silence on your age tells me that you don't have memories of working when "we had a middle class". IOW, your time frame is approximately the same as mine.
You will not that in my opening post I did not address reparations for slavery since I am speaking of people who suffered DIRECTLY from lawful bigotry, and are still alive, and that would exclude all slaves. The only blacks who have experienced substantial racism are Jim Crowe residents, and they are all near or in retirement.
Hogwash! Substantial racism is faced by blacks right now. We see it all the time in posts here meaning that it is practiced when decisions are made. Don't post countless threads about how everything is lowered so blacks can have a chance then make claims about who should get reparations or who has or has not faced racism.
Hogwash! Substantial racism is faced by blacks right now. We see it all the time in posts here meaning that it is practiced when decisions are made. Don't post countless threads about how everything is lowered so blacks can have a chance then make claims about who should get reparations or who has or has not faced racism.
Do black police officers treat black suspects worse than they do white suspects?
Do black loan officers deny applicants with black sounding names more than they do those with white sounding names?
Do black home and apartment owners rent to black renters more or less than to white renters?

IOW, do black Americans face discrimination only from white Americans or from everybody? And if from everybody, maybe it's time to get everybody on board instead of only yelling at white people.
This is the millionth thread started by somebody white whining about POTENTIAL reparations. So let's get something straight because most whites arguing this are doing so based on being race baited by white racists.

The case for reparation will be against the governments that enacted the laws and policies that created the suffering. Any awards will be made from tax monies already paid. Not one of you who bitch will have no say in this decision. You will not be paying anything out of your pocket that you do not already pay. So this attitude of, "I'm not paying is stupid and has no merit in a debate. Furthermore, reparations include continuing human rights violations against blacks and other damages caused by continuing racism.

Whites who oppose this, oppose the very solution to the racial wealth gap. The argument that we want money just for being black is a dumb f argument made by retards. The opinion that blacks will only ask for more and reparations won't be enough is an idiot argument made by uneducated dumb whites who are ignorant of the multiple times the government provided direct economic stimulus to whites-THE HEADRIGHT PROGRAM, HOMESTEAD ACTS, NEW DEAL and SERVICEMEN'S READJUSTMENT ACTS, to name a few.

Knowledge of American history is important when people try debating these things. It is intellectually lazy to fall back on the white excuse of "that was the past." That past is why whites like the OP arrogantly thinks she can determine the terms and eligibility for black reparations.

The thing is this, if blacks are awarded the correct amount, wealth inequality ends. If this is done and all 48 million blacks blow the money and nothing changes, we have no reason to bitch about our condition. But it won't be like that and that is what scares you. But if we are awarded and whites do what they did during the great nadir when blacks were trying to build communities that whites destroyed by burn, loot, and murder, we will be forced to ask again
Do black police officers treat black suspects worse than they do white suspects?
Do black loan officers deny applicants with black sounding names more than they do those with white sounding names?
Do black home and apartment owners rent to black renters more or less than to white renters?

IOW, do black Americans face discrimination only from white Americans or from everybody? And if from everybody, maybe it's time to get everybody on board instead of only yelling at white people.
NWA made a song about what black cops do to please white ones.

There aren't very many black loan officers. There aren't that many black apartment owners. Whites control the institutions that run this country. Whites made the policies that discriminate and still do. This is why we are on whites.
NWA made a song about what black cops do to please white ones.

There aren't very many black loan officers. There aren't that many black apartment owners. Whites control the institutions that run this country. Whites made the policies that discriminate and still do. This is why we are on whites.
You didn't answer the question as to why black people with the same responsibility as white people treat fellow black people differently. The reality is, black suspects are treated the same by white and black cops, and I simply don't care what song NWA wrote about it, they're hardly dispassionate bystanders. Now, the next question becomes, why are there so few black loan officers? Could it be that accounting isn't something black students flock to major in? Why so few black apartment owners? Find out what it takes to own apartments and encourage young black people to do it. You complain that whites control the institutions, but the doors are open and there aren't too many firsts left to be gotten. Flood accounting majors, for instance, with qualified black students and watch the numbers change. Then see if black applicants are still turned down in greater numbers than equally qualified white ones. Is it racially fair that so few rappers are white? That should be a major grievance right there.

Yes, racism still exists and you're not going to ever erase it, but with the trajectory it's taking in this country, you'll be chasing ever smaller and smaller instances to get outraged over.

Maybe that's why you seem to be obsessed with things that happened 50 and more years ago.
Hogwash! Substantial racism is faced by blacks right now. We see it all the time in posts here meaning that it is practiced when decisions are made. Don't post countless threads about how everything is lowered so blacks can have a chance then make claims about who should get reparations or who has or has not faced racism.
Pointing out that admissions requirements are lower for blacks is not racist. To the contrary, it is pointing out the racism in the higher education admissions arena, only it’s against whites.
This is the millionth thread started by somebody white whining about POTENTIAL reparations. So let's get something straight because most whites arguing this are doing so based on being race baited by white racists.

The case for reparation will be against the governments that enacted the laws and policies that created the suffering. Any awards will be made from tax monies already paid. Not one of you who bitch will have no say in this decision. You will not be paying anything out of your pocket that you do not already pay. So this attitude of, "I'm not paying is stupid and has no merit in a debate. Furthermore, reparations include continuing human rights violations against blacks and other damages caused by continuing racism.

Whites who oppose this, oppose the very solution to the racial wealth gap. The argument that we want money just for being black is a dumb f argument made by retards. The opinion that blacks will only ask for more and reparations won't be enough is an idiot argument made by uneducated dumb whites who are ignorant of the multiple times the government provided direct economic stimulus to whites-THE HEADRIGHT PROGRAM, HOMESTEAD ACTS, NEW DEAL and SERVICEMEN'S READJUSTMENT ACTS, to name a few.

Knowledge of American history is important when people try debating these things. It is intellectually lazy to fall back on the white excuse of "that was the past." That past is why whites like the OP arrogantly thinks she can determine the terms and eligibility for black reparations.

The thing is this, if blacks are awarded the correct amount, wealth inequality ends. If this is done and all 48 million blacks blow the money and nothing changes, we have no reason to bitch about our condition. But it won't be like that and that is what scares you. But if we are awarded and whites do what they did during the great nadir when blacks were trying to build communities that whites destroyed by burn, loot, and murder, we will be forced to ask again
You should also have no say in this.
NWA made a song about what black cops do to please white ones.

There aren't very many black loan officers. There aren't that many black apartment owners. Whites control the institutions that run this country. Whites made the policies that discriminate and still do. This is why we are on whites.
You need to get out more often. There ARE black loan officers and black apartment managers, who make the decisions on who does or does not get the apartment. Most apartments are corporate owned, not by individuals, and they leave it up to the managers to decide on the tenants. There are ZERO laws and policies that discriminate today.
So now we have whites trying to determine eligibility for black reparations. Since whites did not do that for any other group, I suggest this thread be closed because it's a bait thread.
Don’t those who receive reparations have to be “ eligible?” Why does that scare you?
Who is “ eligible “? Nobody.
Obviously, it took that long to dig ourselves out of the Carter Malaise, then it really was Morning in America. And, of course, the economy was so terrible, just so awful that Reagan only won 49 states in 84, because we know that people vote on the economy, and if only it were better he could have gotten all 57 of the states Obama said we have. The 80's were awesome for us.

Uh, no, they really weren't. It should also be pointed out that demographics at that point would have locked in a Republican win no matter what the economics were. Nixon won 49 states in 1972, with Watergate just coming to light, a war in Vietnam still raging, and a pretty shitty economy.

Carter, (who created twice as many jobs in his four years as Dubya Bush did in 8) had high inflation because the economy was so good.


Your continued silence on your age tells me that you don't have memories of working when "we had a middle class". IOW, your time frame is approximately the same as mine.

I'm 60.. I remember well what a middle class looked like... it's clear you don't.
Hogwash! Substantial racism is faced by blacks right now. We see it all the time in posts here meaning that it is practiced when decisions are made. Don't post countless threads about how everything is lowered so blacks can have a chance then make claims about who should get reparations or who has or has not faced racism.
I promise you IM2. When the dictatorship is in full direction, every white Prog elitist woman still fertile will be impregnated by a black guy. We will even make menopausal white Progs pregnant. And they will bear the children and take care of them or else.
Uh, no, they really weren't. It should also be pointed out that demographics at that point would have locked in a Republican win no matter what the economics were. Nixon won 49 states in 1972, with Watergate just coming to light, a war in Vietnam still raging, and a pretty shitty economy.

Carter, (who created twice as many jobs in his four years as Dubya Bush did in 8) had high inflation because the economy was so good.

View attachment 697465

I'm 60.. I remember well what a middle class looked like... it's clear you don't.
And I'm 58. I remember the 80's well, and they were great after Reagan pulled us out of the Carter Malaise.
Land owners who were deprived of their property rights by the US government in 1865 and never compensated. Their descendents are owed reparations.
Uh, no, they really weren't. It should also be pointed out that demographics at that point would have locked in a Republican win no matter what the economics were. Nixon won 49 states in 1972, with Watergate just coming to light, a war in Vietnam still raging, and a pretty shitty economy.

Carter, (who created twice as many jobs in his four years as Dubya Bush did in 8) had high inflation because the economy was so good.

View attachment 697465

I'm 60.. I remember well what a middle class looked like... it's clear you don't.
You also don't remember the Carter years very well. Stagflation (a term COINED for the Carter presidency) which is a combination thought impossible by economists, inflation AND economic stagnation at the same time. High fuel and heating oil prices AND low availability. If you are 60 now, you were born in 1962. That means you were 15 when Carter was elected and 19 when Reagan took office. You were living at home with mommy and daddy on daddy's dime. Your biggest problem was finding someone to date and maybe get laid occasionally. I'm ten years older than you and was one of the ones trying to find work to keep a roof over my head and gasoline to get to work and watching the cost of food and gasoline outstrip my wages further every payday. I lived those years as an adult and you lived them as a child. So don't tell my how good they were.

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