Zone1 Who should receive reparations, and who should be excluded?

Wrong again.
Whites provided the brain power to make this country. Blacks provided some of the muscle power. The white contribution was necessary. The black contribution was not. Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco. The slave states have always been economic backwaters. The industrial revolution happened in the north. The computer revolution is happening on the west coast. As intelligence becomes increasingly important to our economy a smaller percentage of blacks will be able to contribute. A larger percentage will become unemployable.
Neither was Nixon or Ford or Reagan.. the real problem is by the time we got to Reagan's limp recovery around 85 or so, we all had forgotten what a real middle class looked like and we all came to accept bullshit like "At Will Employment" "Right to work", working two jobs, etc.
Yeah, if only Reagan's economy would have been better, he could have won all of Obama's 57 states instead of the puny 49 he won. Now that was a great decade.
IKR? Sometimes the only thing you can do is laugh at how asinine so,e of these people are.
AA is such a big deal? They need to add up the cost of all the crimes the heavily pigmented have perpetrated and find a way to figure that into the AA equation. If the people in question were model citizens and as qualified as those lesser pigmented folks whose jobs they are taking, it might help to tilt the scale in my own mind, but every time I see another hate crime perpetrated against a lesser pigmented person it brings my mind that much closer to the belief that AA must be abolished and should have been so decades ago.
Currently living persons are affected by current racism that is still practiced.
Unless it's the government doing the racism, there's not much you can hold it accountable for doing.
AA is such a big deal? They need to add up the cost of all the crimes the heavily pigmented have perpetrated and find a way to figure that into the AA equation. If the people in question were model citizens and as qualified as those lesser pigmented folks whose jobs they are taking, it might help to tilt the scale in my own mind, but every time I see another hate crime perpetrated against a lesser pigmented person it brings my mind that much closer to the belief that AA must be abolished and should have been so decades ago.
The damage extends even beyond that. When our country selects a person lesser qualified because his or her race bumps them to the front of the line - whether it be for admissions to prestigious programs or critical positions in the military - our country is weakened.
In the past blacks were discriminated against. Now they are discriminated in favor of because of affirmative action programs. Nevertheless, blacks are still under represented in elite positions. This is because their average IQ is fifteen points lower than the average white IQ.

Unless it's the government doing the racism, there's not much you can hold it accountable for doing.
The government should not be instigating racism and forcing it upon the populace. That is an unconstitutional abuse of government power by Democrats that the Supreme Court needs to address.
The government should not be instigating racism and forcing it upon the populace. That is an unconstitutional abuse of government power by Democrats that the Supreme Court needs to address.
And they will address it next month, when the SCOTUS hears the case about Harvard discriminating against Asians - as a group, based on their race - because they are “unlikeable.”

People will start being considered based on merit, and irrelevant of their race.
And they will address it next month, when the SCOTUS hears the case about Harvard discriminating against Asians - as a group, based on their race - because they are “unlikeable.”

People will start being considered based on merit, and irrelevant of their race.
At least in college admissions. It should be more broadly applied but it depends on how the majority decision is written. Hopefully it starts that trend towards basing decisions on merit and not race. 👍🏻
And they will address it next month, when the SCOTUS hears the case about Harvard discriminating against Asians - as a group, based on their race - because they are “unlikeable.”

People will start being considered based on merit, and irrelevant of their race.
I certainly hope that happens. Affirmative action is a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

By every objective measurable criterion blacks tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites and Orientals. Affirmative action reduces the productivity of every organization that practices it. It also lowers the morale of every organization that practices it.
Actually, if Reagan was honest about the tax increases he slapped the middle class with to make up for the tax cuts he gave the rich, he'd have lost 49 states.
He didn't raise taxes. What he did was to restructure them so that many deductions were removed and LOWERED tax rates. I was against it because I knew that taxes would go back up and the deductions would never return. I was right.
He didn't raise taxes. What he did was to restructure them so that many deductions were removed and LOWERED tax rates. I was against it because I knew that taxes would go back up and the deductions would never return. I was right.

Which means the working class paid more in taxes and the rich paid less. Heck, his social security "reform" by itself raised the tax for social security from 1% to 6%. He got rid of interest deductions for credit cards, which was a big whammy on the working class.

Of course, by 1986, he (or the people around the senile old bastard) realized Supply Side really was Voodoo economics and had to roll those tax cuts back. This is why Poppy Bush had to scream "Read my lips" before he had to raise taxes, too, to save the Banksters from their own malfeasence.

This is why I say... a working person voting for a Republican is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
That excuse is bs, so stop making it. Whites are fine with reciting the past when it makes them look good. And since I am black, you can stop being white trying to tell me what blacks get now. I know what WE get now and it is nothing that you say. There is no black favoritism and you, the white female has benefitted more from whatever favoritism you claim exists.
You people get welfare checks and affirmative action. I want to stop both. The better we treat you, the worse you behave. This is reflected in your popular songs. You used to compose and sing songs about romantic love, even unrequited love.

The rap music you are producing now is ugly and morally depraved. It is full of obscene words, and it celebrates fornication and gun violence.

Of course, there are some blacks who perform and behave as well as most whites. They are credits to their race. Unfortunately, they are not typical of it.
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