Zone1 Who should receive reparations, and who should be excluded?

At least in college admissions. It should be more broadly applied but it depends on how the majority decision is written. Hopefully it starts that trend towards basing decisions on merit and not race. 👍🏻
I think if the SCOTUS rules that you cannot select a lesser-qualified black over a better-qualified white in college admissions, it will reverberate throughout the entire system. At the minimum, it will help whites win their cases when blacks who are lesser qualified get job promotions over them. The argument will be that if using race as a factor in deciding whom to admit to an educational program is a violation of the equal protection cause, then why are companies allowed to violate the same clause when deciding whom to promote?
The damage extends even beyond that. When our country selects a person lesser qualified because his or her race bumps them to the front of the line - whether it be for admissions to prestigious programs or critical positions in the military - our country is weakened.

Really? Funny, I remember when you wingnuts used to hold up General Colin Powell as a fine example of what black people can do... until he turned on you and endorsed Obama, then he became an evil Affirmative Action hire.

The problem with your "prestigious programs" is that you already have AA for White People in them. Except they are called "Legacies". We've already seen the extent of how the affluent abuse these programs in the Varsity Blues Scandal where a bunch of rich people bought their underachieving kids into college.
I think if the SCOTUS rules that you cannot select a lesser-qualified black over a better-qualified white in college admissions, it will reverberate throughout the entire system. At the minimum, it will help whites win their cases when blacks who are lesser qualified get job promotions over them. The argument will be that if using race as a factor in deciding whom to admit to an educational program is a violation of the equal protection cause, then why are companies allowed to violate the same clause when deciding whom to promote?
When I got my first job as a computer programmer my computer shop hired a black programmer. It soon became obvious that he could not do his job, he did not try, and he did not care. When I learned that he was paid twice what I was, I discussed the matter with our boss.

Our boss told me, "When I received my position as a manager I was told that I would be evaluated in part by my ability to attract and keep blacks, and that I was supposed to expect less from them."

I doubt many employers in the private sector like having affirmative action forced on them. They know that if they do not hire the most capable employees their competitors will. If the Supreme Court rules against affirmative action I believe and hope that hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of blacks will be fired from jobs they never deserved. This will open those jobs to whites and Orientals who can perform them properly.
Really? Funny, I remember when you wingnuts used to hold up General Colin Powell as a fine example of what black people can do... until he turned on you and endorsed Obama, then he became an evil Affirmative Action hire.
I liked Colin Powell and voted for Barack Obama.
Decades of AA and still with the


tick tock

Negroes taking their reparations early.
You bring up a good point. If leftists ever succeed into guilting whites into paying reparations for something they themselves never did, shouldn’t any black with a rap sheet ranging from petty larceny to assault to Gd forbid, rape or murder, be excluded?
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Currently living persons are affected by current racism that is still practiced.
Your statement implies that we benefit from the presence of blacks and we don't. White racism is the result of black social pathology, not the cause. Anyone with extensive experience with Negroes knows that most are less intelligent than most whites, and most are sexually irresponsible, and that many Negroes are quite a bit more dangerous and criminal than most whites. That effects the way we behave toward blacks, unless we know them personally and know that they are safe to be around. Even then we doubt that they are as intelligent as we are, unless they prove otherwise.
Which means the working class paid more in taxes and the rich paid less. Heck, his social security "reform" by itself raised the tax for social security from 1% to 6%. He got rid of interest deductions for credit cards, which was a big whammy on the working class.

Of course, by 1986, he (or the people around the senile old bastard) realized Supply Side really was Voodoo economics and had to roll those tax cuts back. This is why Poppy Bush had to scream "Read my lips" before he had to raise taxes, too, to save the Banksters from their own malfeasence.

This is why I say... a working person voting for a Republican is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
Nope initially the rich paid much more than before. All the loopholes and exemptions worked more for the rich than the middle class. SSAN taxes HAD to be raised, both parties agreed on that, the system was failing worse than it is now.
Really? Funny, I remember when you wingnuts used to hold up General Colin Powell as a fine example of what black people can do... until he turned on you and endorsed Obama, then he became an evil Affirmative Action hire.

The problem with your "prestigious programs" is that you already have AA for White People in them. Except they are called "Legacies". We've already seen the extent of how the affluent abuse these programs in the Varsity Blues Scandal where a bunch of rich people bought their underachieving kids into college.
Colin Powell was a political general like Douglas Macarther and Dwight Eisenhower. His only combat tour was a partial one as an adviser for an ARVN unit. He was medevacked out for stepping on a punji stake. He was what line troops like me called a "Pentagon Pampered Prince". Other than his initial tour as a platoon leader in Germany and his partial tour in Vietnam, his entire career was spent as a staff officer.
ou bring up a good point. If leftists ever succeed into guilting whites into paying reparations for something they themselves never did, shouldn’t any black with a rap sheet ranging from petty larceny to assault to Gd forbid, rape or murder, be excluded?

Why are you worried about it? You probably don't make enough money to be included.

Nope initially the rich paid much more than before. All the loopholes and exemptions worked more for the rich than the middle class. SSAN taxes HAD to be raised, both parties agreed on that, the system was failing worse than it is now.

Yet on Reagan's watch, the National Debt tripled. Not sure how that happened if the rich were paying their fair share.

Colin Powell was a political general like Douglas Macarther and Dwight Eisenhower. His only combat tour was a partial one as an adviser for an ARVN unit. He was medevacked out for stepping on a punji stake. He was what line troops like me called a "Pentagon Pampered Prince". Other than his initial tour as a platoon leader in Germany and his partial tour in Vietnam, his entire career was spent as a staff officer.

And yet he put together the winning strategy for the Gulf War.
Colin Powell was a political general like Douglas Macarther and Dwight Eisenhower. His only combat tour was a partial one as an adviser for an ARVN unit. He was medevacked out for stepping on a punji stake. He was what line troops like me called a "Pentagon Pampered Prince". Other than his initial tour as a platoon leader in Germany and his partial tour in Vietnam, his entire career was spent as a staff officer.
General Colin Powell orchestrated America's victory in the Gulf War.
Nope initially the rich paid much more than before. All the loopholes and exemptions worked more for the rich than the middle class. SSAN taxes HAD to be raised, both parties agreed on that, the system was failing worse than it is now.
Those who advocate a flat tax acknowledge that the loopholes and exemptions are unnecessary. I advocate steeply progressive taxation with no loopholes and exemptions. The rich have plenty of money. The government has a ravenous need for money.

For years opinion surveys have indicated popular support for a more progressive tax system.

poll + taxes + rich - Google Search

If the Democrats give the voters what they want on taxes the Democrats will have a winning political issue.
Why are you worried about it? You probably don't make enough money to be included.

Yet on Reagan's watch, the National Debt tripled. Not sure how that happened if the rich were paying their fair share.

And yet he put together the winning strategy for the Gulf War.
The national debt tripled because Tip O'Neil made a deal with Reagan to cut two dollars of spending for every dollar of increased taxes and just like on immigration, they got their tax increases and reneged on the spending cuts. Reagan also had to rebuild our military after Carter and his democrat congress had destroyed it. I was on active duty the second time during the Carter years and there was no budget for anything. We couldn't train, we couldn't even go to the range to qualify on our weapons. There was no money for vehicle parts. For a couple of instances, the batteries on my Five ton Dump Truck were worn out. Base maintenance had us pull them and take them to their shop where they drained the old acid and added new. They said it would do no good, but there were no new batteries anywhere in the supply system. They were right, the plates in the batteries were worn out. Another time someone broke the windshield in my Gamma Goat. When I left the unit almost two years later, we still hadn't received a replacement FOR A PIECE OF GLASS. So Yeah Reagan had ort spend money.

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