Who should replace Justice Kennedy Thread and Poll

Diane Sykes

  • William Pryor

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Janice Rogers Brown

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Amy Coney Barrett

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Barack

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 59.4%

  • Total voters
Your choices are insane. Obama???

Yeah you're right, Obama would be an insane choice...

Far better to Nominate Hillary Clinton, maybe then she'd finally stop bitching about losing the 2016 election.
How about Bill ? He and Thomas have so much in common

Uh-huh, just what this country needs... Bill Clinton in SCOTUS Justice Robes and a continuous stream of sexual harassment complaints from Sotomayor, Kagan and Ginsberg.
you have Thomas there why not another sex offender?

That's right ….single out the African American SCOTUS Justice for ridicule.

Fuckin' Racist.
Figured scum like you would like another molester like Trump
Yeah you're right, Obama would be an insane choice...

Far better to Nominate Hillary Clinton, maybe then she'd finally stop bitching about losing the 2016 election.
How about Bill ? He and Thomas have so much in common

Uh-huh, just what this country needs... Bill Clinton in SCOTUS Justice Robes and a continuous stream of sexual harassment complaints from Sotomayor, Kagan and Ginsberg.
you have Thomas there why not another sex offender?

That's right ….single out the African American SCOTUS Justice for ridicule.

Fuckin' Racist.
Figured scum like you would like another molester like Trump
If you say so Mr. Duke, BTW don't forget to get your hood dry cleaned before that Klan rally on Saturday, you don't want to show up looking filthy.
4 on the list

I want the nomination to come from the list he presented when he won the republican nomination

that was the list that got him the support he needed to make this whole thing possible

stick with your list Mr President!

FWIW - I ABSOLUTELY trust this POTUS to make a good nomination

read my link - the choice will come from the 20 left on that list (Gorsuch already seated)

as much as our friends on the left like to say that Trump "lies" - he sure does seem to do what he said he would do

Are there any black women. That's what we are missing!

We already have a lesbian and a Latina, so a black straight female would help.

Condi Rice? Doubt if she wants the job though.

She's not a lawyer.
How about Bill ? He and Thomas have so much in common

Uh-huh, just what this country needs... Bill Clinton in SCOTUS Justice Robes and a continuous stream of sexual harassment complaints from Sotomayor, Kagan and Ginsberg.
you have Thomas there why not another sex offender?

That's right ….single out the African American SCOTUS Justice for ridicule.

Fuckin' Racist.
Figured scum like you would like another molester like Trump
If you say so Mr. Duke, BTW don't forget to get your hood dry cleaned before that Klan rally on Saturday, you don't want to show up looking filthy.
Big white sheet sale at Macy's 2 for one Get there early fox
My first thought is Ted Cruz, but we need him in Congress, he's pushing our MAGA movement forward.
My choice would be Judge Jeanine Pirro.

It’s possible but I doubt Trump would nominate a guy he spent the whole campaign season referring to as “Lyin Ted”.
Uh-huh, just what this country needs... Bill Clinton in SCOTUS Justice Robes and a continuous stream of sexual harassment complaints from Sotomayor, Kagan and Ginsberg.
you have Thomas there why not another sex offender?

That's right ….single out the African American SCOTUS Justice for ridicule.

Fuckin' Racist.
Figured scum like you would like another molester like Trump
If you say so Mr. Duke, BTW don't forget to get your hood dry cleaned before that Klan rally on Saturday, you don't want to show up looking filthy.
Big white sheet sale at Macy's 2 for one Get there early fox

Cool thanks, can I borrow your KKK volume discount card?
you have Thomas there why not another sex offender?

That's right ….single out the African American SCOTUS Justice for ridicule.

Fuckin' Racist.
Figured scum like you would like another molester like Trump
If you say so Mr. Duke, BTW don't forget to get your hood dry cleaned before that Klan rally on Saturday, you don't want to show up looking filthy.
Big white sheet sale at Macy's 2 for one Get there early fox

Cool thanks, can I borrow your KKK volume discount card?
A president under criminal investigation should not be allowed to nominate a SCJ. and btw without the Nazi, KKK racist vote Trump would never have become president
That's right ….single out the African American SCOTUS Justice for ridicule.

Fuckin' Racist.
Figured scum like you would like another molester like Trump
If you say so Mr. Duke, BTW don't forget to get your hood dry cleaned before that Klan rally on Saturday, you don't want to show up looking filthy.
Big white sheet sale at Macy's 2 for one Get there early fox

Cool thanks, can I borrow your KKK volume discount card?
A president under criminal investigation should not be allowed to nominate a SCJ.
hmmm... .What does the Constitution say about that ?

and btw without the Nazi, KKK racist vote Trump would never have become president
Uh-huh, You sound upset, what's the problem? Did that ungrateful prick Trump forget to send you a "Thank you for your support , I couldn't have done it without ya" love note?
Figured scum like you would like another molester like Trump
If you say so Mr. Duke, BTW don't forget to get your hood dry cleaned before that Klan rally on Saturday, you don't want to show up looking filthy.
Big white sheet sale at Macy's 2 for one Get there early fox

Cool thanks, can I borrow your KKK volume discount card?
A president under criminal investigation should not be allowed to nominate a SCJ.
hmmm... .What does the Constitution say about that ?

and btw without the Nazi, KKK racist vote Trump would never have become president
Uh-huh, You sound upset, what's the problem? Did that ungrateful prick Trump forget to send you a "Thank you for your support , I couldn't have done it without ya" love note?
Night what do you want from me I hate the pos He's told you what he was for 40 years and you STILL voted for him?
If you say so Mr. Duke, BTW don't forget to get your hood dry cleaned before that Klan rally on Saturday, you don't want to show up looking filthy.
Big white sheet sale at Macy's 2 for one Get there early fox

Cool thanks, can I borrow your KKK volume discount card?
A president under criminal investigation should not be allowed to nominate a SCJ.
hmmm... .What does the Constitution say about that ?

and btw without the Nazi, KKK racist vote Trump would never have become president
Uh-huh, You sound upset, what's the problem? Did that ungrateful prick Trump forget to send you a "Thank you for your support , I couldn't have done it without ya" love note?
Night what do you want from me I hate the pos He's told you what he was for 40 years and you STILL voted for him?

LOL, I didn't vote for him, I never vote for Evil-D OR Evil-R, I despise both parties.

… it's because of you arrogant, condescending left wing dingbats pissing everybody off that Daffy Don is President, good job dickhead.
I trust our president to make a great pick. All I’d offer, just to further piss off the lefty idiots, is to look for someone who’s only about 28 or so for a shot at maybe becoming the longest serving justice ever some day.

Wonder how Ruthie Bader G’s feeling today?
Dear Jeff Flake: Your vote won't be needed to confirm the next Supreme Court Justice. But, thank you for demonstrating (again) why you had no chance at reelection. NOBODY LIKES TRAITORS. ...even your Democratic pals.
My choice woud be Judge Andrew Peter Napolitano.

He's too liberal.
LOL, you think Andrew Napolitano is too "liberal" ? as in left wing judicial activist "liberal" ? :wtf:

Have you ever read any of his books or listened to his speeches? He's a strict constructionist, small government libertarian and advocate of the Austrian School.
Big white sheet sale at Macy's 2 for one Get there early fox

Cool thanks, can I borrow your KKK volume discount card?
A president under criminal investigation should not be allowed to nominate a SCJ.
hmmm... .What does the Constitution say about that ?

and btw without the Nazi, KKK racist vote Trump would never have become president
Uh-huh, You sound upset, what's the problem? Did that ungrateful prick Trump forget to send you a "Thank you for your support , I couldn't have done it without ya" love note?
Night what do you want from me I hate the pos He's told you what he was for 40 years and you STILL voted for him?

LOL, I didn't vote for him, I never vote for Evil-D OR Evil-R, I despise both parties.

… it's because of you arrogant, condescending left wing dingbats pissing everybody off that Daffy Don is President, good job dickhead.
Outside of your slurs I might agree with you and I hope we calm it down for 2020 election After all why rile up the hornets
I know Gowdy had a recent...er, ummm 'hiccup' but he might not be a bad choice if he could tone down his flamboyant soap-boxing for the cameras & all ... lol (Cruz is my obvious 1st choice though)
I'd like to see them pick an antiabortion nutjob. If Roe V Wade is overturned the Republicans will never win another election.

This entire moment in time is the conservative equivalent to people dancing the night away on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. One last hoorah before demographics renders conservatives a permanent minority nationally. They have about a ten year window left, after that they become a footnote in American history as a major political party. So flail away whackos. Party like it's 1999.
I'll never understand the Democratic Party's desire to support a culture of death and infanticide.
The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
But the majority leader, a Republican, of the senate said a Supreme Coirt nomination should not happen in an election year. This is an election year as one third of the senate is up for grabs. Shouldn't the same rules, the same logic apply?

McConnell basically rescinded President Obama's last year in office. Why shouldn't he give the same regard to the senate itself?

And your hubris may come back and bite you square in the middle of your MAGA cap.

Comrade Retard, you DO get that Obama was termed out, right? You DO get that your coup failed, Trump will STILL be president after the midterms.

As for your request, we thought about and decided you may suck it.
You're so bitter and sad at the same time. It's as if you were weaned on a lemon.

Yeah Buddy.

This entire country was weaned on a lemon. A black fuckin' lemon.
And this country will never, ever make that same fuckin' mistake again.
Why should we listen to disgusting racists like you? We all know that if you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. There is no reason ignorant, vile, mouth breathing racists like you should be allowed to live.

Well, looks like I struck another nerve.

Come down, Boy. Get yourself some Mogan David. I'll loan you the
5 bucks.

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