Who should replace Justice Kennedy Thread and Poll

Diane Sykes

  • William Pryor

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Janice Rogers Brown

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Amy Coney Barrett

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Barack

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 59.4%

  • Total voters
Not sure. Any lay person has zero idea of who will make a good judge or not. Given Trump’s record of picking “the best people”….lol….I don’t hold out much hope for him picking anything other than someone he thinks would be a rubber stamp for his agenda.

I am sure about one thing. The Senate should hold hearings, spirited hearings, and have a vote by the full body in time for their fall session. None of this “wait for the midterms” crapola I heard today. That was bullshit when the GOP Senate did it to Obama, it would be bullshit if the GOP senate does it to Trump.
What say you? Pick one or name your own

A Bible thumper, a holy roller, a pious man. We need to stop all abortion, put women in prison for life that get caught getting one and the doctor, jail gays, put Aids patient and drug addicts on a island somewhere, and go back to slave labor. If one is ill over the age of 50 , unless they can buy their own health insurance, euthanize them. Retarded kids should be sterilized. No immigration ever, even for work. We want all whites in the US in this democratic Christian nation.

Wife's need to stay home and raise white kids, barefoot and pg. Got to get the white race populated again.

Amen! I look forward to white Christians picking my veggies and feeding my beef on the farms. And the next time I stay at a hotel/motel - I look forward to white Christians, with all their teeth, keeping my room clean. Praise Gawd.
"Schumer demands Congress use 'Biden Rule' in choosing Kennedy replacement"

"Schumer DEMANDS...."?!


Someone needs to remind Chucky:

1) He's in the minority and is in no position to 'DEMAND' ANYTHING

2) ALL THE CRAP the Democrats have done in the past to ram their will down people's throats

3) something Obama once said to the GOP:



Isn't the Biden Rule only for Presidential election years?
no, from what I understand the argument made by McConnell was that the Senators representing the people, who would be picked in the election 11 months away, should be the ones giving consent....

the Senate's job of consent, is the consent of 'we the people' and is a separate duty, than from the President, who picks his choice...

McConnell did not stop Obama from doing his part....Obama got his choice and picked...

McConnell stopped the Senate from giving 'consent' because he allegedly believed the Senators giving consent, should be Senators who would be elected in November....
The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
But the majority leader, a Republican, of the senate said a Supreme Coirt nomination should not happen in an election year. This is an election year as one third of the senate is up for grabs. Shouldn't the same rules, the same logic apply?

McConnell basically rescinded President Obama's last year in office. Why shouldn't he give the same regard to the senate itself?

And your hubris may come back and bite you square in the middle of your MAGA cap.

Comrade Retard, you DO get that Obama was termed out, right? You DO get that your coup failed, Trump will STILL be president after the midterms.

As for your request, we thought about and decided you may suck it.
You're so bitter and sad at the same time. It's as if you were weaned on a lemon.

So, then you're too stupid to grasp the distinction between a lame duck on someone with 6 more years to go as president?

No wonder you're a Communist....
A president is elected for a four year term. That's four years. His term does not end in February, it ends in January.

And it's wishful thinking Trump will even run in 2020. He may not have the opportunity.

He'll run and win, as we both know.

Not only will he appoint the successor to Kennedy, but the successor to Ginsberg. It will be 20 years until you again have a chance to destroy the USA using the SCOTUS.

Had Hillary won, America was over - but she didn't and the method you intended is shut to you for a generation.

You lost, the Constitution survives.
I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.
That's what this year's elections n could determine. 1/3 of the senate is up for election. Let's let the people speak first. That was McConnell's thinking.

The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
But the majority leader, a Republican, of the senate said a Supreme Coirt nomination should not happen in an election year. This is an election year as one third of the senate is up for grabs. Shouldn't the same rules, the same logic apply?

McConnell basically rescinded President Obama's last year in office. Why shouldn't he give the same regard to the senate itself?

And your hubris may come back and bite you square in the middle of your MAGA cap.

Comrade Retard, you DO get that Obama was termed out, right? You DO get that your coup failed, Trump will STILL be president after the midterms.

As for your request, we thought about and decided you may suck it.
You're so bitter and sad at the same time. It's as if you were weaned on a lemon.

Yeah Buddy.

This entire country was weaned on a lemon. A black fuckin' lemon.
And this country will never, ever make that same fuckin' mistake again.
He should appoint the most radical far right wing justice in our history!

Then, Collins of Maine and Alaska's senator will vote against him, plus the Dem's 49 senators would defeat him!


McCain is away so... that's one less vote. I'm not sure Manchin will vote for someone Trump nominates either.
What say you? Pick one or name your own
Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh.

Sure, the both of them are just high school grads, but who cares, education is sooooooooooooooo overrated.

And sure, neither of them has any kind of law background, but that doesn't matter either, they will both rule the alt-right way, and that's all that matters.
Ask either of them, "how many states are in the usa?" Bet they both give a more accurate answer than "Harvard Law 'President'" Obaba
He should appoint the most radical far right wing justice in our history!

Then, Collins of Maine and Alaska's senator will vote against him, plus the Dem's 49 senators would defeat him!


What about the Senators in the states that Trump won? All of them are
fucked. The dems won't support them if they vote for The Donald's
Choice and a minimum of 6 of them will get their asses whipped in the
election, if they don't vote for The Donald's choice.

If Trump nominates that gal from Chicago, Collins will vote for her.
I'd like to see them pick an antiabortion nutjob. If Roe V Wade is overturned the Republicans will never win another election.

This entire moment in time is the conservative equivalent to people dancing the night away on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. One last hoorah before demographics renders conservatives a permanent minority nationally. They have about a ten year window left, after that they become a footnote in American history as a major political party. So flail away whackos. Party like it's 1999.
RvsW will not be overturned because conservative powerful older males have had family experiences where it was needed
Might be an ugly truth
"Schumer demands Congress use 'Biden Rule' in choosing Kennedy replacement"

"Schumer DEMANDS...."?!


Someone needs to remind Chucky:

1) He's in the minority and is in no position to 'DEMAND' ANYTHING

2) ALL THE CRAP the Democrats have done in the past to ram their will down people's throats

3) something Obama once said to the GOP:



Isn't the Biden Rule only for Presidential election years?
no, from what I understand the argument made by McConnell was that the Senators representing the people, who would be picked in the election 11 months away, should be the ones giving consent....

the Senate's job of consent, is the consent of 'we the people' and is a separate duty, than from the President, who picks his choice...

McConnell did not stop Obama from doing his part....Obama got his choice and picked...

McConnell stopped the Senate from giving 'consent' because he allegedly believed the Senators giving consent, should be Senators who would be elected in November....

I believe you are mistaken.

1. The Biden rule was indeed only about presidential election years. He talked about the president (Bush 41) not nominating a SCOTUS justice in his last year in office, NOT about the Senate giving advice and consent.

2. In 2016, McConnell wasn't talking about the Senate either. He was talking about the people electing the next president after Obama to make his or her choice, NOT about the Senate giving advice and consent. He specifically invoked the Biden rule in doing so, which had nothing to do with the Senate.

3. The people did elect the current members of the Senate, all of whose term in office does not expire until January. Hell, every other year a third of them are up for re-election, are we not supposed to nominate or consider a SCOTUS nominee every other year?
Last edited:
What say you? Pick one or name your own
Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh.

Sure, the both of them are just high school grads, but who cares, education is sooooooooooooooo overrated.

And sure, neither of them has any kind of law background, but that doesn't matter either, they will both rule the alt-right way, and that's all that matters.
Ask either of them, "how many states are in the usa?" Bet they both give a more accurate answer than "Harvard Law 'President'" Obaba
So you would be fine with either one of them, right?
4 on the list

I want the nomination to come from the list he presented when he won the republican nomination

that was the list that got him the support he needed to make this whole thing possible

stick with your list Mr President!

FWIW - I ABSOLUTELY trust this POTUS to make a good nomination

read my link - the choice will come from the 20 left on that list (Gorsuch already seated)

as much as our friends on the left like to say that Trump "lies" - he sure does seem to do what he said he would do

Are there any black women. That's what we are missing!

We already have a lesbian and a Latina, so a black straight female would help.
What say you? Pick one or name your own

A Bible thumper, a holy roller, a pious man. We need to stop all abortion, put women in prison for life that get caught getting one and the doctor, jail gays, put Aids patient and drug addicts on a island somewhere, and go back to slave labor. If one is ill over the age of 50 , unless they can buy their own health insurance, euthanize them. Retarded kids should be sterilized. No immigration ever, even for work. We want all whites in the US in this democratic Christian nation.

Wife's need to stay home and raise white kids, barefoot and pg. Got to get the white race populated again.

If they did all of that, you wouldn't be here!
4 on the list

I want the nomination to come from the list he presented when he won the republican nomination

that was the list that got him the support he needed to make this whole thing possible

stick with your list Mr President!

FWIW - I ABSOLUTELY trust this POTUS to make a good nomination

read my link - the choice will come from the 20 left on that list (Gorsuch already seated)

as much as our friends on the left like to say that Trump "lies" - he sure does seem to do what he said he would do

Are there any black women. That's what we are missing!

We already have a lesbian and a Latina, so a black straight female would help.

Condi Rice? Doubt if she wants the job though.
If Trump nominates that gal from Chicago, Collins will vote for her.
I agree with you but that is why I said I hope he picks someone who is extremely right wing... :D

then Collins and Murkowsky will not vote for them, this also relieves the Dems in Trump Country a little too...because trump could not really claim it was solely the dems that stopped his pick....
"Schumer demands Congress use 'Biden Rule' in choosing Kennedy replacement"

"Schumer DEMANDS...."?!


Someone needs to remind Chucky:

1) He's in the minority and is in no position to 'DEMAND' ANYTHING

2) ALL THE CRAP the Democrats have done in the past to ram their will down people's throats

3) something Obama once said to the GOP:



Isn't the Biden Rule only for Presidential election years?
no, from what I understand the argument made by McConnell was that the Senators representing the people, who would be picked in the election 11 months away, should be the ones giving consent....

the Senate's job of consent, is the consent of 'we the people' and is a separate duty, than from the President, who picks his choice...

McConnell did not stop Obama from doing his part....Obama got his choice and picked...

McConnell stopped the Senate from giving 'consent' because he allegedly believed the Senators giving consent, should be Senators who would be elected in November....

I believe you are mistaken.

1. The Biden rule was indeed only about presidential election years. He talked about the president (Bush 41) not nominating a SCOTUS justice in his last year in office, NOT about the Senate giving advice and consent.

2. In 2016, McConnell wasn't talking about the Senate either. He was talking about the people electing the next president after Obama to make his or her choice, NOT about the Senate giving advice and consent. He specifically invoked the Biden rule in doing so, which had nothing to do with the Senate.

3. The people did elect the current members of the Senate, all of whose term in office does not expire until January. Hell, every other year a third of them are up for re-election, are we not supposed to nominate or consider a SCOTUS nominee every other year?
to me, neither, are acceptable.... a president serves for a 4 year term, the people picks him to serve for 4 years, NOT 3 years....he should have his picks during that term, not just for 3 of the 4 years.

and senators serve 6 years, are voted to serve 6 years....not 5 or 5 1/2

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