Who should replace Justice Kennedy Thread and Poll

Diane Sykes

  • William Pryor

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Janice Rogers Brown

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Amy Coney Barrett

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Barack

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 59.4%

  • Total voters
What say you? Pick one or name your own

A Bible thumper, a holy roller, a pious man. We need to stop all abortion, put women in prison for life that get caught getting one and the doctor, jail gays, put Aids patient and drug addicts on a island somewhere, and go back to slave labor. If one is ill over the age of 50 , unless they can buy their own health insurance, euthanize them. Retarded kids should be sterilized. No immigration ever, even for work. We want all whites in the US in this democratic Christian nation.

Wife's need to stay home and raise white kids, barefoot and pg. Got to get the white race populated again.

there is a a lot of butt hurt in that post

"hey Donald,

you hit it out of the park with Neil Gorsuch but if you blow the Kennedy replacement pick, evangelicals will hold you accountable. You better get it right or it’s going to tarnish your reputation. This is a generational decision far after you’re gone." - Wacky David Brody

"Bad news for Democrats:
-Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85 -Stephen Breyer, 79

The two oldest judges on the bench ate radical liberals

With 6 more years of Trump he has a chance to replace more than half the court with strong constitutionalists"
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I want a justice who believes the Supreme Court is not supreme to the other branches but is very much supreme to the lower courts and will expeditiously grant appeals when they make consequential and revolutionary decisions.

what about Barron Trump?!
I'd like to see them pick an antiabortion nutjob. If Roe V Wade is overturned the Republicans will never win another election.

This entire moment in time is the conservative equivalent to people dancing the night away on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. One last hoorah before demographics renders conservatives a permanent minority nationally. They have about a ten year window left, after that they become a footnote in American history as a major political party. So flail away whackos. Party like it's 1999.
I had no idea the people dancing on the Titanic were doing so because they could get an abortion.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?
What say you? Pick one or name your own

Keith Blackwell from Georgia is a solid Constitutionalist and a brilliant legal mind.

Diane Sykes would be a good choice and would make the Stalinists shit themselves over a woman not kowtowing to them.
What say you? Pick one or name your own
Bill O'Reilly or Ben Shepiro

Michael Savage?

Mark Levin?

Oh damn. Levin would be good.

He has already said no.

He would be good - fantastic really.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

Poor little commie.

Nope, we put another pro-American, pro-constitution justice on the court; and you commies get to suck it.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

Poor little commie.

Nope, we put another pro-American, pro-constitution justice on the court; and you commies get to suck it.
So there is one set of protocol for one President and another for another president. And you see no hypocrisy in that.

And try, please try, to refine, enhance and improve your arguments. Name calling went out of fashion when we were twelve. Unless you take all your sense of comportment from Donald Trump.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.
That's what this year's elections n could determine. 1/3 of the senate is up for election. Let's let the people speak first. That was McConnell's thinking.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.

Too late for this round. McCaskill is virtually guaranteed to lose. Joe Donnelly is toast. Heidi Heitkamp gets replaced by Kevin Cramer in a landslide. Bill Nelson gets creamed by Rick Scott. And then there is Sherrod Brown.

BONUS round, Tammy Baldwin is doing all she can to join her ousted comrades in forced retirement.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

Poor little commie.

Nope, we put another pro-American, pro-constitution justice on the court; and you commies get to suck it.
So there is one set of protocol for one President and another for another president. And you see no hypocrisy in that.

And try, please try, to refine, enhance and improve your arguments. Name calling went out of fashion when we were twelve. Unless you take all your sense of comportment from Donald Trump.

When you Communists had the votes under Bush, you delayed confirmation. When the Americans had the vote under Comrade Obama, they delayed it.

You Marxists don't have the votes.

You commies may suck it.
What say you? Pick one or name your own
Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh.

Sure, the both of them are just high school grads, but who cares, education is sooooooooooooooo overrated.

And sure, neither of them has any kind of law background, but that doesn't matter either, they will both rule the alt-right way, and that's all that matters.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.
That's what this year's elections n could determine. 1/3 of the senate is up for election. Let's let the people speak first. That was McConnell's thinking.

The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

Poor little commie.

Nope, we put another pro-American, pro-constitution justice on the court; and you commies get to suck it.
So there is one set of protocol for one President and another for another president. And you see no hypocrisy in that.

And try, please try, to refine, enhance and improve your arguments. Name calling went out of fashion when we were twelve. Unless you take all your sense of comportment from Donald Trump.

When you Communists had the votes under Bush, you delayed confirmation. When the Americans had the vote under Comrade Obama, they delayed it.

You Marxists don't have the votes.

You commies may suck it.
What makes you think I'm a Communist? And, for what it's worth, what makes you think name calling is a viable tactic? Is that how you were raised?

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