Who should replace Justice Kennedy Thread and Poll

Diane Sykes

  • William Pryor

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Janice Rogers Brown

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Amy Coney Barrett

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Barack

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 59.4%

  • Total voters
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.
That's what this year's elections n could determine. 1/3 of the senate is up for election. Let's let the people speak first. That was McConnell's thinking.

The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
But the majority leader, a Republican, of the senate said a Supreme Coirt nomination should not happen in an election year. This is an election year as one third of the senate is up for grabs. Shouldn't the same rules, the same logic apply?

McConnell basically rescinded President Obama's last year in office. Why shouldn't he give the same regard to the senate itself?

And your hubris may come back and bite you square in the middle of your MAGA cap.
"Schumer demands Congress use 'Biden Rule' in choosing Kennedy replacement"

"Schumer DEMANDS...."?!


Someone needs to remind Chucky:

1) He's in the minority and is in no position to 'DEMAND' ANYTHING

2) ALL THE CRAP the Democrats have done in the past to ram their will down people's throats

3) something Obama once said to the GOP:


What makes you think I'm a Communist?

7 years of your posts...

And, for what it's worth, what makes you think name calling is a viable tactic? Is that how you were raised?


Ah you Alinsky disciples are so cute when you attempt to act like character matters to you.

YOU made the new rules, you Marxists declared that civility doesn't matter. You who claim Trump is Hitler, who declare Americans to be "deplorable," who scoff that anyone opposed to Marxism are "inbred retards."

But those rules are just for YOU to live by, normals are required to be meek and polite as you spew filth at us.

Sorry, fuck off. You made the rules, now we normals are woke, now we return the vitriol you spew at us 24/7 across the lying pig media, school campuses. Hollywood, and everywhere you Communists control the message.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.
That's what this year's elections n could determine. 1/3 of the senate is up for election. Let's let the people speak first. That was McConnell's thinking.

The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
But the majority leader, a Republican, of the senate said a Supreme Coirt nomination should not happen in an election year. This is an election year as one third of the senate is up for grabs. Shouldn't the same rules, the same logic apply?

McConnell basically rescinded President Obama's last year in office. Why shouldn't he give the same regard to the senate itself?

And your hubris may come back and bite you square in the middle of your MAGA cap.

Well, you just go on and hold your breath Comrade, we are sure to give you your way.

We ELECTED TRUMP specifically to get America back - THIS is the biggest step to that.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.
That's what this year's elections n could determine. 1/3 of the senate is up for election. Let's let the people speak first. That was McConnell's thinking.

The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
But the majority leader, a Republican, of the senate said a Supreme Coirt nomination should not happen in an election year. This is an election year as one third of the senate is up for grabs. Shouldn't the same rules, the same logic apply?

McConnell basically rescinded President Obama's last year in office. Why shouldn't he give the same regard to the senate itself?

And your hubris may come back and bite you square in the middle of your MAGA cap.

Comrade Retard, you DO get that Obama was termed out, right? You DO get that your coup failed, Trump will STILL be president after the midterms.

As for your request, we thought about and decided you may suck it.
I'd like to see them pick an antiabortion nutjob. If Roe V Wade is overturned the Republicans will never win another election.

This entire moment in time is the conservative equivalent to people dancing the night away on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. One last hoorah before demographics renders conservatives a permanent minority nationally. They have about a ten year window left, after that they become a footnote in American history as a major political party. So flail away whackos. Party like it's 1999.
I had no idea the people dancing on the Titanic were doing so because they could get an abortion.

Yeah you more need a picture book than say a novel. Too many adults words and you are lost. Try the Conspiracy Theory forum.
Who ever gets the nominee nation, we should hear about it after the elections this autumn. Wasn't that the case in February of 2016? That was eight months before the election and the logic of Mitch McConnell. That logic surely had merit then, right? Why not today as well?

Or is this line of thinking roundly rejected by hypocrites?

I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.
That's what this year's elections n could determine. 1/3 of the senate is up for election. Let's let the people speak first. That was McConnell's thinking.

The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
But the majority leader, a Republican, of the senate said a Supreme Coirt nomination should not happen in an election year. This is an election year as one third of the senate is up for grabs. Shouldn't the same rules, the same logic apply?

McConnell basically rescinded President Obama's last year in office. Why shouldn't he give the same regard to the senate itself?

And your hubris may come back and bite you square in the middle of your MAGA cap.

Comrade Retard, you DO get that Obama was termed out, right? You DO get that your coup failed, Trump will STILL be president after the midterms.

As for your request, we thought about and decided you may suck it.
You're so bitter and sad at the same time. It's as if you were weaned on a lemon.
I'd have no problem with that if Democrats had a majority in the Senate. They don't.

Don't like it? Go out and win some elections.
That's what this year's elections n could determine. 1/3 of the senate is up for election. Let's let the people speak first. That was McConnell's thinking.

The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
But the majority leader, a Republican, of the senate said a Supreme Coirt nomination should not happen in an election year. This is an election year as one third of the senate is up for grabs. Shouldn't the same rules, the same logic apply?

McConnell basically rescinded President Obama's last year in office. Why shouldn't he give the same regard to the senate itself?

And your hubris may come back and bite you square in the middle of your MAGA cap.

Comrade Retard, you DO get that Obama was termed out, right? You DO get that your coup failed, Trump will STILL be president after the midterms.

As for your request, we thought about and decided you may suck it.
You're so bitter and sad at the same time. It's as if you were weaned on a lemon.

So, then you're too stupid to grasp the distinction between a lame duck on someone with 6 more years to go as president?

No wonder you're a Communist....
That's what this year's elections n could determine. 1/3 of the senate is up for election. Let's let the people speak first. That was McConnell's thinking.

The people did speak in 2016.

This Justice will be seated no later than October. Ready for the next session.
The Dems can't stop it.

Gorsuch was a status quo selection. He replaced Scalia.

This next one takes away the swing vote from the court and makes it a solid 5-4.

The GOP keeps the Senate then when Ginsburg kicks the bucket, which will be soon. That will be the game changer that will last for 40 years.

Plus we would need Thomas to hang it up. He's getting up their in age.
It would be 6-3 for 30 years. When the Donald is reelected in 2020, he'll
get to replace Bryer. That'll make it 7-2 for 30 years.
But the majority leader, a Republican, of the senate said a Supreme Coirt nomination should not happen in an election year. This is an election year as one third of the senate is up for grabs. Shouldn't the same rules, the same logic apply?

McConnell basically rescinded President Obama's last year in office. Why shouldn't he give the same regard to the senate itself?

And your hubris may come back and bite you square in the middle of your MAGA cap.

Comrade Retard, you DO get that Obama was termed out, right? You DO get that your coup failed, Trump will STILL be president after the midterms.

As for your request, we thought about and decided you may suck it.
You're so bitter and sad at the same time. It's as if you were weaned on a lemon.

So, then you're too stupid to grasp the distinction between a lame duck on someone with 6 more years to go as president?

No wonder you're a Communist....
A president is elected for a four year term. That's four years. His term does not end in February, it ends in January.

And it's wishful thinking Trump will even run in 2020. He may not have the opportunity.
He should appoint the most radical far right wing justice in our history!

Then, Collins of Maine and Alaska's senator will vote against him, plus the Dem's 49 senators would defeat him!

"Schumer demands Congress use 'Biden Rule' in choosing Kennedy replacement"

"Schumer DEMANDS...."?!


Someone needs to remind Chucky:

1) He's in the minority and is in no position to 'DEMAND' ANYTHING

2) ALL THE CRAP the Democrats have done in the past to ram their will down people's throats

3) something Obama once said to the GOP:



Isn't the Biden Rule only for Presidential election years?
"Schumer demands Congress use 'Biden Rule' in choosing Kennedy replacement"

"Schumer DEMANDS...."?!


Someone needs to remind Chucky:

1) He's in the minority and is in no position to 'DEMAND' ANYTHING

2) ALL THE CRAP the Democrats have done in the past to ram their will down people's throats

3) something Obama once said to the GOP:



Isn't the Biden Rule only for Presidential election years?
ASK Biden and Schumer ....
He should appoint the most radical far right wing justice in our history!

Then, Collins of Maine and Alaska's senator will vote against him, plus the Dem's 49 senators would defeat him!


If you're gonna dream, dream big! :113:
If this one guy was nominated, would he accept it?

This guy lives and breathes The Constitution. He's perfect for the job!

What Republican could win a runoff Senatorial election in Texas?

This man has proven he will defend The Constitution against all odds. I want him to be nominated!

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