Who started the latest lie that Republicans will kill people if they win?

Funny that we get threads like this, when the Trumpsters have been screaming about being thrown into concentration camps by the evil demonic Hitler commies.

More projection.
See post #19.
You really should endeavor to read the whole thread before commenting - it will make you appear marginally less stupid.
So marginally that it won't be noticed. When someone starts off freakishly stupid, it takes serious work to elevate them.

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Many elderly folks are vulnerable to these false claims.
Yes, definitely. They become very gullible as they age, which Is why they are a prime target for phone scammers. My mother asked me, very worried, whether it’s true they are going to take away her social security. I am ALWAYS having to reassure her - and to remind her to stop watching cnn!
They do. Every election it's the same fearmongering: "Republicans is gonna take away you social security, make you drink dirty water and breathe dirty air..."

Apparently Democrat voters are so impressionable and lacking in intelligence, that they can be easily frightened and manipulated into voting for those scaremongering turds.
I think However,the key is surburban moms.How their kids
are being indoctrinated in public school.Mostly Liberal/Leftist
*School boards demanding that their teachers have more rights
to instruct their kids than Moms.And the way High falutin' democrats
like Virginia's Terry McAuliffe tried to Lie about it.
Moms don't like Pols lyin about their precious kids.At least,Moms
who don't cotton the thought of Abortions.Or consumed Power hungry
Moms { ? } like Randi Weingarten who heads the AFT { American Federation
of Teachers ].Weingarten Has no kids.So she has No Skin in this Game of
Thrones concerning Kids in school.The notion not lost on American
Funny that we get threads like this, when the Trumpsters have been screaming about being thrown into concentration camps by the evil demonic Hitler commies.
As we have yet to be disarmed, we aren't worried about Democrats herding us into boxcars.
Yes, I know - you're working on it.
See post #19.
You really should endeavor to read the whole thread before commenting - it will make you appear marginally less stupid.
Never heard of him

Perhaps you should find a better stooge....it will make you appear marginally less stupid.
At 72, I'm sorta "elderly."

Maybe the Democrats didn't frame their argument correctly because I don't believe a fuckin' word they're telling me.

You’re young elderly. By the time you get to your mid to late 80s, Gd-willing, you may be easier to manipulate.
I think However,the key is surburban moms.How their kids
are being indoctrinated in public school.Mostly Liberal/Leftist
*School boards demanding that their teachers have more rights
to instruct their kids than Moms.And the way High falutin' democrats
like Virginia's Terry McAuliffe tried to Lie about it.
Moms don't like Pols lyin about their precious kids.At least,Moms
who don't cotton the thought of Abortions.Or consumed Power hungry
Moms { ? } like Randi Weingarten who heads the AFT { American Federation
of Teachers ].Weingarten Has no kids.So she has No Skin in this Game of
Thrones concerning Kids in school.The notion not lost on American

I'm hearing that those same white suburban women who once voted for Obama and Biden are leaning Republican this time. Apparently they've realized how they got shafted, especially when it comes to their kids.
I think However,the key is surburban moms.How their kids
are being indoctrinated in public school.Mostly Liberal/Leftist
*School boards demanding that their teachers have more rights
to instruct their kids than Moms.And the way High falutin' democrats
like Virginia's Terry McAuliffe tried to Lie about it.
Moms don't like Pols lyin about their precious kids.At least,Moms
who don't cotton the thought of Abortions.Or consumed Power hungry
Moms { ? } like Randi Weingarten who heads the AFT { American Federation
of Teachers ].Weingarten Has no kids.So she has No Skin in this Game of
Thrones concerning Kids in school.The notion not lost on American
Yes. This is why Youngkin won, and it’s likely why we see a big switch among suburban women to the Rs in the current election. Seems that many liberals accept all sorts of harm until it impacts their own kiddies. And as you point out, Weingarten has no kids.
You’re young elderly. By the time you get to your mid to late 80s, Gd-willing, you may be easier to manipulate.

Never. I'll give up my right to vote Republican when they pry my ballot from my cold dead hands.
Yes, definitely. They become very gullible as they age, which Is why they are a prime target for phone scammers. My mother asked me, very worried, whether it’s true they are going to take away her social security. I am ALWAYS having to reassure her - and to remind her to stop watching cnn!
It is despicable how Democrats target senior citizens.
It is despicable how Democrats target senior citizens.
No more insane did it get than in 2012 with the
Ad { commercial } By arguably Stephanie Cutter
for Obama's re-election than use of Old Folks in an
Old Folks home spewing nasty sexual connotations with use
of the " F " word directed squarely at Mitt Romney.
I think I can drudge up an example.
It may take time.Seniors taking pleasure at the thought
of grabbing Romney by the balls and squeezing real hard.
The Commercial ,i think lasted a couple weeks.

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