Who started the latest lie that Republicans will kill people if they win?

Funny that we get threads like this, when the Trumpsters have been screaming about being thrown into concentration camps by the evil demonic Hitler commies.

More projection.

No, it's what libs are saying but it's really what they do. So yes, libs are projecting.

And I do mean


There is a threat to SS, it's the DNC crime syndicate, their policies and their spending demands that follow the Cloward/Piven strategy to collapse the currency and thus the sovereignty of the US. When we finally get to the point where repayment of the debt is impossible because the annual interest payments alone are greater than the revenue the government can generate, bankruptcy is the result and that day of reckoning is rapidly advancing.

A jabbering Potato said:
“We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation,” The Potato said.

“Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Joe "The Potato" Xiden said. “The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you.”

What surprised me was not the admission by a sitting US Vice President that the nation is headed towards bankruptcy. I suppose that’s pretty clear to everybody by now, so why not just tell it like it is? What got me was that the statement, as expressed, displays an unbelievable ignorance of finance and economics. The claim boils down to the idea that the way to avoid bankruptcy is by spending money.

If this is somehow possible, I sincerely hope that Mr. Biden sees fit to share the secret with the millions of people that entered bankruptcy this year. Otherwise, it will have to stand as a jaw-droppingly inane comment.
That is the Neo-Bolshevik Plan to bring down the US and replace the Constitutional Government with a Collectivist Global Federation. All that "Agenda 21" New World Order Conspiracy shit isn't all just some bullshit rants from internet lunatics when these people have actually admitted what their intentions are. Then in rare cases of journalistic curiosity, the same sociopaths lie through their teeth and spout some bullshit about equality.
No link, because it’s a question.

Im starting to see a new and even more deranged attack line from leftists - that if Republicans win, we will kill people who disagree with us. Does anyone know which Democrat started this? Thanks.
nobody believes that.
For the sake of argumenation ... How would one go about
being " deliberaterly ignorant ".?
I mean,if they aren't suffering from Democrats pangs of
Well look at them...

No one who is cognizant can read the data, facts, statistics, or see the hard evidence in video and credible scientific publications as well as news outlets from even highly questionable and completely ridiculous sources such as the MSLSD, The NY Slimes, Wikipedia, Huffing Poo, Fox, Washington Compost ET Al. and continue to draw the conclusions democrook bed wetters here do.

All these arguments they continue too cling to and have been debunked. Inane shit like Trump not paying taxes, the russia hoax, MMGW, inflation beginning with the Ukraine war, criminals obeying gun laws, mask wearing to stop a virus, marxism being a viable government system, The Potato got 81 million legit votes hiding in a basement, you name the issue or event, and liberal bed wetters believe a reality that is ridiculous or even just complete illusion in the face of stark reality. You can hook these people up to a polygraph and ask them...

Q: Does Nancy Pelosi care about you as an individual and work diligently in your best interest?

Bed wetter:

Q: Is Joe Biden innocent of the dozens of allegations of sexual deviance and political corruption?

Bed wetter:

Q: Is Trump guilty of espionage and did he have a cocaine fueled orgy in Moscow with three whores who pissed all over the mattress, Putin, and a midget that resulted in a turd fight?

Bed wetter:

Q: Is The US and the use of gasoline engines the sole cause of planetary warming that will make the earth uninhabitable in less than 12 years?

Bed wetter:

Q: Was Hank Johnson (D) GA joking when he asked if Guam would capsize because of a Marine deployment?

Bed wetter: Yes.

The bed wetters would FLATLINE the polygraph. They believe in the stupid bullshit they post. It's NOT "just what they 'think' is reality", it's a fantasy world they believe in created by sociopaths. I'm convinced many of these asswipes lack the capacity to think at all, and they clearly suppress any actual THINKING, if the conclusions they make are from life experience are posted here and compel them to vote democrook. No one can be that stupid unless they desired to be that stupid and made an effort to maintain it.

Then why are they saying it?
The OP provided no link. That is who I was addressing. Fuck off.
Like Link sausages.Especially Jimmy Dean little link Porky
sausages as spicy as Southern Segregationist Senators
like the ones Biden called his pals.
Even Alabama Governor George Wallace.
Then why are they saying it?
because the left is terrified. They are expecting a full on ass bustin in 4 days. That will leave them just shy of 3 months to get done what they can to hobble this nation. They will say anything to retain their power. I guess the media thought they could squeak out a win with just their propaganda and fake polls. Looks like that ain't happening. Now the big names gotta rush out for the Hail Marys. Looks like ..No Traction.

This is happening all over the world. Brazil is 'popping off' over a stolen election. Bolsonaro got 65% of the vote and they declared Lula the winner. That ain't over.

Bibi is back in power in Israel and just today i read his opponents are blaming right wing extremists for his return. These are just two of the latest. There's more.
You're probably going to have to find a link for that claim. Your fringe loons are always talking mass executions and firing squads and such but I haven't seen any such claim as you have made from a mainstream democrat.

5. Liz Cheney is an establishment democrat.
Yeah, but she hasn't joined the crime syndicate yet. She has only threatened too.

Which was barely even noticed, but the reaction was ....
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So true. Dems are indeed the masters of projection. That’s why when they are accusing Republicans as being a threat to democracy, it is the left who is actually out to destroy this nation. As we have seen.
How does one " Master " a negative.The word or use of " Projection "
is not something Positive.
Often referred to as " Psychological Transference " involving an
individual transferring negative qualities about themselves { feelings,
emotions,traits,actions } onto another.
Or how to be Alinsky-like.Which Hillary did Master { using it
as her Wellesley College Senior Thesis }.
" There is Only the Fight " - { 92 pgs. and receiving an A }

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