Who started the latest lie that Republicans will kill people if they win?


A book?

Don't you EVER get tired of being wrong? About everything?

OK, now we have a link with one persons opinion

He does not provide any context of what he is claiming might happen and it appears to be empty hyperbole
President Biden’s speech claiming “MAGA Republicans” were threatening democracy — warning that if so-called GOP “election deniers” were successful in next week’s midterms “our children will be arrested and conceivably killed.”

It does not go any higher up than that. Given that democrats are lemmings, that means ALL of them are saying it.
Those who actually did murder Americans

Those who mandated MFV Murderous Fraud Vax
On abortion the bottom line is being a slut or being loose and blaming everyone else for it.

Are the men whores too, ya jerk!

The whole problem, is men like Herschel Walker, knocking his long term girlfriends up, then paying for their abortions because he doesn't want the responsibility if being a father! These women would have bore his child if he had supported it.

One of his long term girlfriends who aborted her first of his children due to HIM, refused the second time, he left their relationship, the day she told him she was NOT going to abort, as he wanted.

Seems to me, this may be a bigger cause than we may have thought....

The women miscarrying are MARRIED, and wanting their baby to be, asshole!
And they say the marxist fucks can't read the room for shit..... :laughing0301:

They've become clumsy and feckless, counting on stolen elections only and not really needing to persuade any part of the constituent anymore. That's why they cater to the gender-confused marginalized fringefucks.... Dominion will do the heavy lifting.
OK, now we have a link with one persons opinion

He does not provide any context of what he is claiming might happen and it appears to be empty hyperbole

NBC News has 6.4 million viewers. How dangerous it it for someone with that big of an audience to tell 6.4 million people that Republicans are going to kill your kids if they win?
And they say the marxist fucks can't read the room for shit..... :laughing0301:

They've become clumsy and feckless, counting on stolen elections only and not really needing to persuade any part of the constituent anymore. That's why they cater to the gender-confused marginalized fringefucks.... Dominion will do the heavy lifting.
They really do seem convinced that the best way to convince people to vote for them is to call them names and accuse them of all sorts of crimes imaginable.
Which answers the OP's question

Exactly the point - it's all Dems have.

If the question is….Why do Democrats believe this?
I would say they don’t.

I don’t hear any key Democrats saying that. I don’t see any context to Bechloss’ quote so I can’t address it one way or another

Is he talking armed Revolution?
I really don’t know
NBC News has 6.4 million viewers. How dangerous it it for someone with that big of an audience to tell 6.4 million people that Republicans are going to kill your kids if they win?

You always tell us MSNBC doesn’t have any viewers
No link, because it’s a question.

Im starting to see a new and even more deranged attack line from leftists - that if Republicans win, we will kill people who disagree with us. Does anyone know which Democrat started this? Thanks.
No link to this alleged statement.

Probably because it is the voices in your head are telling you that.
Democrats have a long history of trying to frighten senior citizens with false claims.

They do. Every election it's the same fearmongering: "Republicans is gonna take away you social security, make you drink dirty water and breathe dirty air..."

Apparently Democrat voters are so impressionable and lacking in intelligence, that they can be easily frightened and manipulated into voting for those scaremongering turds.
They do. Every election it's the same fearmongering: "Republicans is gonna take away you social security, make you drink dirty water and breathe dirty air..."
Many elderly folks are vulnerable to these false claims.

Who started the latest lie that Republicans will kill people if they win?​

Was it the same person who started the BS about ACA death panels?
What rumor?

I searched and there is not a single thread on this site, but YOURS, this one, on it?

But if there were a rumor.... if some individual said it, I would imagine it was someone commenting on the no exception abortion laws Repubs put in that makes women having miscarriages wait until the baby heartbeat stops, which can kill the pregnant woman, through sepsis, or heart failure from high blood pressure in pregnancy, and a number of other things that kill these mothers with complications.

The ambiguity of the laws, tie doctor's hands in their treatments for these cases.
Who was the last woman who died because abortion was illegal? Name the victims.

Name the republicrat who declared that abortion should be outlawed even if the life of the mother is at stake.

It's also NO EVEN A RUMOR. I have heard democrooks for decades declare republicrats didn't care if, or even WANTED PEOPLE DEAD, in order to protect some chemical manufacturers or some outlandish bullshit. In my late teens I even believed some of that horse shit. I even parroted inane drivel about republicrats not caring if the water supply was polluted beyond repair, if the air was made lethal, and cars we all death traps.

Since I actually woke up, it's clear that LEFTISTS are into mass extermination and population control. They're also the people that want to empower the most incompetent, inefficient entity on the planet to take care of the population from cradle to grave.

If there is a party that is more deadly than the US Democrat Party it can only exist in countries where marxism is the foundation of government already.


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