Who still thinks Ukraine should be part of NATO?

My thoughts exactly.

In fact NATO ought to have been drastically drawn down if not completely buried with the corpse of the Warsaw Pact.

We might have actually been able to have a lot more influence with the new Russian Gov't had we administered aid like we had with europe post WW2.

Not that it makes much sense to quarter-decade review foreign policy I suppose but what we done sure didn't work worth a fuck.
With the exception of France and the UK, we restructured the European combatants in the image we wanted. That was impossible with post-Soviet Russia which had a hundred year history of animosity towards the USA. Russia remembered our interference in their civil war, but deliberately forgot the major contributions the USA made to Soviet survival in WWII. Soviet and Russian corruption made cooperation impossible with the USA despite the American government actively encouraging companies to invest in Russia.
They don’t want Kiev. They are helping the eastern provinces to be free from Kiev.

The leaked documents show the Pentagon knows that Ukrainian deaths are 7 times worse than Russia’s. That the US intel agencies have been spying on our own allies.

But hey keep chugging the Kool-aid.
By being “free” of Kiev, you mean being conquered by Russia and turned into satellite clients dependent on Russia.
Then you deal with it. What happens in Eastern Europe is none of the USG’s concern.

Do you think the Russian government is concerned about what goes on in North America?
It certainly was during Vietnam. The entire anti-war move was funded and controlled by the GRU (Soviet military Intelligence)
Peace man. Just peace. War is dumb. That’s why Nazis like you like it.
Peace is better than war, but it takes two nations to have peace, but only one to have war. Nations, like criminals, often think stealing from their neighbors is better than working.
Ukraine reminds me of Poland in 1939: An newly independent country which separated a great power from its vital territories. Egged on by the far-removed British, Poland pugnaciously refused any land access between Germany and East Prussia. Germany finally took this matter into its own hands and the British foolishly started another world war.

Does anyone see the parallels between this catastrophe and the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Like the dissolution of Germany after WW1, the breakup of the Soviet Union resulted in the newly independent country of Ukraine, which deprived Russia of its vital naval base in Crimea. As the U.S. started meddling in Ukrainian politics, Ukraine became more and more belligerent towards Russian access to its naval base. When Russia finally retook Crimea, the U.S. response was so weak that Russia decided to retake all of the connecting provinces in East Ukraine.

Just like Britain in 1939, the U.S. had foolishly guaranteed Ukrainian territory and now felt it had to engage in hostile military action in order to save face and economically harm its Russian rival. Is the risk of a nuclear conflagration really worth this proxy war?

Right now it's a non-issue.
Before either the Ukraine should have been fast tracked into NATO or the US should have left it alone.

What did happen over the last 20 years was like flirting but without much conviction. It's screwed the Ukraine over.
Strange, you liked it back then. Peace through surrender is not a solution, bud.
Sure it is. Your Nazi infested nation is being systematically destroyed. Half the population has left. Hundreds of thousands of your young men are dead or wounded. Time to surrender and stop the killing. You can’t win anyway.
Sure it is. Your Nazi infested nation is being systematically destroyed. Half the population has left. Hundreds of thousands of your young men are dead or wounded. Time to surrender and stop the killing. You can’t win anyway.
You forgot to mention 500 000 of Russian troops waiting on the border to crush the AFU.
Good reason to surrender NOW!
Yeah, the main question where are they? Your twin brother waited back in October the land to freeze 'as hard as a rock' and Kiev begging for peace in February.

Now, they seem to wait the land to dry off 'as hard as a rock'.
Yeah, the main question where are they? Your twin brother waited back in October the land to freeze 'as hard as a rock' and Kiev begging for peace in February.

Now, they seem to wait the land to dry off 'as hard as a rock'.

I’m an American who doesn’t give a shit about Nazi Ukraine. Surrender now!
I already told you that surrendering is not an option. The sooner your ilk gets that, the better.
Surrender means enslavement in "work camps". Where people are slowly worked to death.
All while the Oligarchs eat fine foods and enjoy luxury on their 580 million dollar yachts.
And Wagner still is taking over African Nations and robbing them of resources.
Surrender means enslavement in "work camps". Where people are slowly worked to death.
All while the Oligarchs eat fine foods and enjoy luxury on their 580 million dollar yachts.
And Wagner still is taking over African Nations and robbing them of resources.
Lol. Have you looked at the calendar? It’s not 1930 and Joe Stalin died long ago.

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