Who thought that the CNN moderators were fair during the debate? (Poll)

Were the CNN moderators fair to both men during the debate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • No

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
I think that the moderators and their questions were surprisingly fair during the debate.

They let both candidates skip over a few questions, like Trump didn't answer about saving Social Security

But, the mods are not the story after the debate.

Congratulations CNN!

CNN Flash Poll: Majority of debate watchers say Trump outperformed Biden​

I think that the moderators and their questions were surprisingly fair during the debate.

They let both candidates skip over a few questions, like Trump didn't answer about saving Social Security

But, the mods are not the story after the debate.

Congratulations CNN!

CNN Flash Poll: Majority of debate watchers say Trump outperformed Biden​

They were surprisingly fair

Kudos to them
Trump beat Biden like a baby seal, especially over the open border.

Beat him like a pimp smacking his whore. The pimp hand is strong in this one.

It was very surprising that the moderators were actually moderate.
Shocking actually.
I agree, and I wonder if that explains why the Dems wanted a debate in June. They were panicked that the bogus felony convictions didn’t fool people, so they FINALLY decided to let the voters see just how far gone Biden is so they could force him out before the Convention.

Of course, they’re still left with the problem of having no decent alternative.

They were quite fair in their treatment of the two candidates.

Last night was a train wreck for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe.

But I noticed that afterwards his family came up to the podium to gather around him and try to be supportive.

And I noticed that the Orange Baboon's family was nowhere in sight as he lamely waddled off-stage with nobody at his side.

Even though he was the better stage-presence he still couldn't escape his transactional, poll-worshipping flawed personality.

Our choices are... The Infirm or The Unstable... Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... either way, we are screwed...
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I think that the moderators and their questions were surprisingly fair during the debate.

They let both candidates skip over a few questions, like Trump didn't answer about saving Social Security

But, the mods are not the story after the debate.

Congratulations CNN!

CNN Flash Poll: Majority of debate watchers say Trump outperformed Biden​

Trump didn't answer a LOT of questions. Nothing on child care. Nothing on Social Security. He was obviously trying to riff on stuff he didn't have a clue about. Nothing on the Opiod Epidemic. He just looped back to "hundreds of thousands of peopel dying at the Southern Border", and other bullshit

His answers got crazier as time went on.
Trump didn't answer a LOT of questions. Nothing on child care. Nothing on Social Security. He was obviously trying to riff on stuff he didn't have a clue about. Nothing on the Opiod Epidemic. He just looped back to "hundreds of thousands of peopel dying at the Southern Border", and other bullshit

His answers got crazier as time went on.
None of that is true of course…
I think they messed up his drug cocktail bigtime. They wanted him on speed, so he’d have energy like the SOTU, but combined it with some sort of downer to take the edge off so he wouldn’t come across as an angry, scolding old man.

Didn’t work, though.

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