Zone1 Who was responsible for slavery.

NO THEY DONT.. And i have backed the story up with FACTS, which i know FACTS to a Progressive is like Garlic to a vampire.

Are you saying the site that i am using BlackPast, by black historians is less accurate than WikiPeedia? Oh my, i guess those black historians are "racists"?
You can interpret "what I'm saying" In any way that you choose.

I've used "blackpast" as a resource every since it launched, and actually have several family members mentioned in their archives.

There is NO photograph of the actual Anthony Johnson in those archives.

No one is doubting that he existed, however, like it or not, the picture that is represented on numerous websites as him, are actually of
Lewis Hayden, which was proven years ago.

In fact, Lewis Haydens picture and bio ARE ON "blackpast", and I had forgotten that I looked for Anthony Johnson there, years ago, before this forum even existed, and you were likely in middle school.

So now, are you going to say that "he doesn't look like" the person in the opening post?

Slavery was an ancient institution. it was widespread among African Negroes, although it seems to have been little practiced in the Far East.

The first people who outlawed it were Europeans.
Well, it's good to see someone like the OP agreeing that the institution of slavery is a very very bad thing, in fact evil.

That's a start.
Well, it's good to see someone like the OP agreeing that the institution of slavery is a very very bad thing, in fact evil.

That's a start.
Gee. Like you’re read a lot of folks claiming that slavery wasn’t bad or evil?

You’re a lot of things. Honest is not one of the.
Pre-historic humans since slavery have been going on throughout human history among all types of human groups regardless of skin pigment
Yes, the "Racism" narrative that is attached to slavery is purely for political and economic gain. The slave trade was all about purchasing labor and had nothing to do with racism. Of course it was wrong. World history is full of things that we now view as wrong, but centuries ago or even 60 years ago were considered the norm.
You know, that institution that used to exist where blacks were enslaved. That we fought a Civil War to end? That many blacks these days laughingly want "reparations" for? Who started it all. It was a black person named Anthony Johnson. He was at one time an indentured servant who was freed after his indentured servitude. He went on to be successful. He himself got 4 indentured servants. Three White and one black.

The black one's name was John Castor. After his period of indentured servitude, Johnson didn't free him. But he went to work for a neighbor anyway. Johnson sued to get him back. The first trial ended where the neighbor got to keep him. But on appeal, Jonson was given the right to own him and got him back. That set the legal precedent. So for all the blacks who complain about their ancestors having been slaves, they have a black person to blame for it. And for those seeking reparations for slavery, they should look for the descendants of Anthony Johnson and try to get it from them.

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Nikki Haley started slavery
The international slave trade existed in Africa for a thousand years before white Europeans got involved.
You can interpret "what I'm saying" In any way that you choose.

I've used "blackpast" as a resource every since it launched, and actually have several family members mentioned in their archives.

There is NO photograph of the actual Anthony Johnson in those archives.

No one is doubting that he existed, however, like it or not, the picture that is represented on numerous websites as him, are actually of
Lewis Hayden, which was proven years ago.

In fact, Lewis Haydens picture and bio ARE ON "blackpast", and I had forgotten that I looked for Anthony Johnson there, years ago, before this forum even existed, and you were likely in middle school.

So now, are you going to say that "he doesn't look like" the person in the opening post?

I now see what you are saying. That you are not denying that Anthony Johnson was the first black slave owner in the British American Colonies, just that his picture is misrepresented by the picture of Lewis Hayden, correct?
I now see what you are saying. That you are not denying that Anthony Johnson was the first black slave owner in the British American Colonies, just that his picture is misrepresented by the picture of Lewis Hayden, correct?
I now see what you are saying. That you are not denying that Anthony Johnson was the first black slave owner in the British American Colonies, just that his picture is misrepresented by the picture of Lewis Hayden, correct?
Various pictures of Lewis Hayden have been circulated on the internet for years, and people continue to believe that it is Anthony Johnson.

Anthony Johnson lived in an era prior to the invention of photography, and as far as I know, there is not even a authenticated artist rendering of Anthony Johnson that has been seen on the internet.
The international slave trade existed in Africa for a thousand years before white Europeans got involved.
Sure. But it is only the US that has these words in its Declaration of Independence...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Perhaps if you supplied an actual photograph of the real Anthony Johnson, it would contribute to advancing discussion of the topic.

The above picture was reported many years ago as actually being that of a man named Lewis Hayden, who escaped slavery and became instrumental in the Underground Railroad.

His story is in the link below.

Many photos like that showed it to be Anthony Johnson but I found this online as Johnson.

You know, that institution that used to exist where blacks were enslaved. That we fought a Civil War to end? That many blacks these days laughingly want "reparations" for? Who started it all. It was a black person named Anthony Johnson. He was at one time an indentured servant who was freed after his indentured servitude. He went on to be successful. He himself got 4 indentured servants. Three White and one black.

The black one's name was John Castor. After his period of indentured servitude, Johnson didn't free him. But he went to work for a neighbor anyway. Johnson sued to get him back. The first trial ended where the neighbor got to keep him. But on appeal, Jonson was given the right to own him and got him back. That set the legal precedent. So for all the blacks who complain about their ancestors having been slaves, they have a black person to blame for it. And for those seeking reparations for slavery, they should look for the descendants of Anthony Johnson and try to get it from them.

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As far as only in the US? Around those days, the English.
Pre-historic humans since slavery have been going on throughout human history among all types of human groups regardless of skin pigmentation or culture.

That is true. But from what I have gathered over the years, blacks blame Whites for their enslavement in the past. And for most it seems that Whites are responsible for all their other problems. Even though there isn't a black populated country in the world that is worth a damn. And that is despite the example set for them by the more developed countries around the world. I hear that besides reparations for their ancestors having been slaves, the blacks who want reparations want them for a whole host of other issues now besides just their ancestors having been made slaves.
And that one guy is responsible for all the slavery in the country. Ok. He was evil and wrong. What now?

Was he evil and wrong? As I said, he appealed the first court ruling and won the case. I wonder how the courts worked back in 1655. Did lawyers present their points of view or did the actual people involved do so. If the people involved did so, Anthony Johnson must have presented a pretty convincing argument as to why he should be given ownership of his one time indentured servant John Carter. Because, as I said, he won the appeals case. Not that it really means a lot. Because if courts were back then like they are today, if you have the money, the "law" is more likely to turn out in your favor. Even still, I would bet that the argument Anthony Carter put forward would be interesting to hear. Next, as to your "now what," too bad that you are a slave too. Otherwise discussing the matter would be allowed here.

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