CDZ Who Was The First Party To Elect Blacks To Office?

Teddy Roosevelt could not win a Republican primary today. Strom Thurmond could not win a Democrat primary today.

Political party and political ideology are not fixed in time. Rather they are in a constant state of flux.

Today's Republican has little if anything in common ideologically with Republicans of the last century or the 19th century for that matter.

They are the same party that wanted slavery ended and are the same today, to get people off of government monetary slavery called welfare.
Ladling your partisan hyperbole over such an issue fails to make it true.

It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan hyperbole..
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.
That is a false consciousness statement by S. J., whose language makes him suspect as a racialist.
They are the same party that wanted slavery ended and are the same today, to get people off of government monetary slavery called welfare.
Ladling your partisan hyperbole over such an issue fails to make it true.

It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan hyperbole..
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.
That is a false consciousness statement by S. J., whose language makes him suspect as a racialist.
Stop flaming, this is the CDZ.
Teddy Roosevelt could not win a Republican primary today. Strom Thurmond could not win a Democrat primary today.

Political party and political ideology are not fixed in time. Rather they are in a constant state of flux.

Today's Republican has little if anything in common ideologically with Republicans of the last century or the 19th century for that matter.

They are the same party that wanted slavery ended and are the same today, to get people off of government monetary slavery called welfare.
Ladling your partisan hyperbole over such an issue fails to make it true.

It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
They are the same party that wanted slavery ended and are the same today, to get people off of government monetary slavery called welfare.
Ladling your partisan hyperbole over such an issue fails to make it true.

It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".
Ladling your partisan hyperbole over such an issue fails to make it true.

It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
Its not difficult to get off welfare. They even have a grace period to let you wean yourself off. I know several mothers that went to nursing programs. They were basically paid to do so. Once they get a job they have several months of support to make up any difference in their pay and or childcare.
It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
How about raising the minimum wage? What about a $10.00 minimum for any worker who works 30 hours or more a week? The working poor.

I know that many Conservatives want to coddle the wealthy and turn their nose up at any suggestion that the working poor be paid a fair wage. But if, in your opinion and based on your limited and anecdotal 'evidence', government programs are tantamount to slavery, why not an Emancipation Proclamation for the 21st century and call for a raise in the minimum wage?
They are the same as back then.
The Dem's have gotten good a lying and demonizing the Republican Party and the people that vote for them believes their lying asses.
The problem with the Republicans is they have never become good at stopping the Dem's lies.
Repub's don't have a backbone, they are too afraid to stick to their principals.
I disagree. There is nothing any Dem can say to me about Repubs that can do the damage the Repubs do to themselves with their racist comments..

See- you are one of their dupes.
That would only work if I listened to what Dems said instead of what Repubs say. No one is forcing Repubs into making bigoted or racist remarks. They are gladly volunteering for it.

Who is the party who is actually helping kids in the ghettos to stay in high school and graduating and going on to college?
It isn't the Dems. the 1960s the democrats wouldn't let blacks into the schools........after the democrat, union minions have destroyed public schools, now the democrats won't let blacks out of them..........they really don't like blacks..........

And then why do Blacks vote democrat? Either they realize republicans don't have their best interests in mind, or they're too stupid to realize the republicans are the ones who can make their lives better. Which is it?
It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It is slavery and similar to drug addiction, designed to keep people dependent (enslaved).
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It is slavery and similar to drug addiction, designed to keep people dependent (enslaved).
Do you have proof that, once on government programs, no one can get off them? Be cautious. I work with folks on government programs and have done so for the past 11 years.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It is slavery and similar to drug addiction, designed to keep people dependent (enslaved).
Are you talking about a job or welfare?
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It is slavery and similar to drug addiction, designed to keep people dependent (enslaved).
Are you talking about a job or welfare?
Neither. It's more partisan hyperbole.
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.

I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It is slavery and similar to drug addiction, designed to keep people dependent (enslaved).
Do you have proof that, once on government programs, no one can get off them? Be cautious. I work with folks on government programs and have done so for the past 11 years.

So have I.

Talk to anyone on public assistance, be it unemployment insurance, Social Security disability, food stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, what have you, and you'll find that these benefits are predominantly structured to disincentivize incremental steps toward becoming financially independent. Often they will have income thresholds above which the assistance abruptly and completely disappears instead of tapering off. But those thresholds are still pretty far from a reasonable and comfortable living, leaving an income gap in which you'd have a higher standard of living on public assistance. So to make ends meet, the welfare recipient is stuck collecting welfare and hoping for a quantum leap in income that may never come.

One person I know who is collecting Social Security for a mental disability, though she was productively contributing on a very part-time basis at a daycare. She literally told me, "I can't work more hours or my Social Security will go away." If she worked full time, which she was capable of doing, her total income would have fallen enough that she would have lost her apartment. Given the situation, it is just as rational a choice for her to work very little at part time.
It is all structured to keep them in the system.
I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It is slavery and similar to drug addiction, designed to keep people dependent (enslaved).
Do you have proof that, once on government programs, no one can get off them? Be cautious. I work with folks on government programs and have done so for the past 11 years.

So have I.

Talk to anyone on public assistance, be it unemployment insurance, Social Security disability, food stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, what have you, and you'll find that these benefits are predominantly structured to disincentivize incremental steps toward becoming financially independent. Often they will have income thresholds above which the assistance abruptly and completely disappears instead of tapering off. But those thresholds are still pretty far from a reasonable and comfortable living, leaving an income gap in which you'd have a higher standard of living on public assistance. So to make ends meet, the welfare recipient is stuck collecting welfare and hoping for a quantum leap in income that may never come.

One person I know who is collecting Social Security for a mental disability, though she was productively contributing on a very part-time basis at a daycare. She literally told me, "I can't work more hours or my Social Security will go away." If she worked full time, which she was capable of doing, her total income would have fallen enough that she would have lost her apartment. Given the situation, it is just as rational a choice for her to work very little at part time.
It is all structured to keep them in the system.
I've talked to plenty of former welfare recipients. Your information is wrong.


"In addition, program participants may be eligible for help with child care , transportation, and work-related or training-related expenses. Moreover, participants who find a job and are no longer eligible for welfare may continue to receive help with medical care and child care expenses."
The problem is many partisans want you to accept the premise of their posts as true while their posts are actually full of deceit and hyperbole. Answering loaded questions limits debate because you have to play whack-a-mole with all the straw man crap they load their statements up with. An honestly expressed opinion makes room only for an honest answer.
Ladling your partisan hyperbole over such an issue fails to make it true.

It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan hyperbole..
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.
That is a false consciousness statement by S. J., whose language makes him suspect as a racialist.
Stop flaming, this is the CDZ.
Your language is flaming, not me. Such language is a form of false consciousness, a typical tactic of yours, S. J. Don't use such language if you don't want it pointed out.
I said it and it's true, it is not hyperbole.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It is slavery and similar to drug addiction, designed to keep people dependent (enslaved).
Do you have proof that, once on government programs, no one can get off them? Be cautious. I work with folks on government programs and have done so for the past 11 years.

So have I.

Talk to anyone on public assistance, be it unemployment insurance, Social Security disability, food stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, what have you, and you'll find that these benefits are predominantly structured to disincentivize incremental steps toward becoming financially independent. Often they will have income thresholds above which the assistance abruptly and completely disappears instead of tapering off. But those thresholds are still pretty far from a reasonable and comfortable living, leaving an income gap in which you'd have a higher standard of living on public assistance. So to make ends meet, the welfare recipient is stuck collecting welfare and hoping for a quantum leap in income that may never come.

One person I know who is collecting Social Security for a mental disability, though she was productively contributing on a very part-time basis at a daycare. She literally told me, "I can't work more hours or my Social Security will go away." If she worked full time, which she was capable of doing, her total income would have fallen enough that she would have lost her apartment. Given the situation, it is just as rational a choice for her to work very little at part time.
It is all structured to keep them in the system.
I work in Section Eight Housing. I've been here for more than 11 years. No one receiving voucher payments when I started are still on the program but the elderly.

We can go anecdote for anecdote all day. But your information is flawed and incorrect when examined through the lens of actual statistics.
You equate government programs with slavery and then claim it's not hyperbole? I'm not sure you understand the definitions of "slavery" "government programs" and "hyperbole".

I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It is slavery and similar to drug addiction, designed to keep people dependent (enslaved).
Do you have proof that, once on government programs, no one can get off them? Be cautious. I work with folks on government programs and have done so for the past 11 years.

So have I.

Talk to anyone on public assistance, be it unemployment insurance, Social Security disability, food stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, what have you, and you'll find that these benefits are predominantly structured to disincentivize incremental steps toward becoming financially independent. Often they will have income thresholds above which the assistance abruptly and completely disappears instead of tapering off. But those thresholds are still pretty far from a reasonable and comfortable living, leaving an income gap in which you'd have a higher standard of living on public assistance. So to make ends meet, the welfare recipient is stuck collecting welfare and hoping for a quantum leap in income that may never come.

One person I know who is collecting Social Security for a mental disability, though she was productively contributing on a very part-time basis at a daycare. She literally told me, "I can't work more hours or my Social Security will go away." If she worked full time, which she was capable of doing, her total income would have fallen enough that she would have lost her apartment. Given the situation, it is just as rational a choice for her to work very little at part time.
It is all structured to keep them in the system.
I've talked to plenty of former welfare recipients. Your information is wrong.


"In addition, program participants may be eligible for help with child care , transportation, and work-related or training-related expenses. Moreover, participants who find a job and are no longer eligible for welfare may continue to receive help with medical care and child care expenses."

Yeah that program has not worked out too well has it?
California is the 3rd largest State with people on welfare and New York is number one.
It's fact.
Go to and look at their bills.
Yet when they cut welfare, the left scream they don't support the poor and the left totally falls for it.
The question concerns what SJ called "government monetary slavery called welfare". That's partisan hyperbole..
I'm not the one who said that but it's true, nonetheless.
That is a false consciousness statement by S. J., whose language makes him suspect as a racialist.
Stop flaming, this is the CDZ.
Your language is flaming, not me. Such language is a form of false consciousness, a typical tactic of yours, S. J. Don't use such language if you don't want it pointed out.

What language did S. J. use Jake?
I have known many people on welfare.
Once you go on it , it is very difficult to get off of it. They live month to month on welfare and it does not allow people to get enough money in order to really help them out of their poverty, it is designed to keep them in their poverty and that is monetary enslavement.
When the get only the minimum payments each month to just barely survive they can't get enough to save and get them out of it.
That's monetary slavery.
Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid.
It is slavery and similar to drug addiction, designed to keep people dependent (enslaved).
Do you have proof that, once on government programs, no one can get off them? Be cautious. I work with folks on government programs and have done so for the past 11 years.

So have I.

Talk to anyone on public assistance, be it unemployment insurance, Social Security disability, food stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, what have you, and you'll find that these benefits are predominantly structured to disincentivize incremental steps toward becoming financially independent. Often they will have income thresholds above which the assistance abruptly and completely disappears instead of tapering off. But those thresholds are still pretty far from a reasonable and comfortable living, leaving an income gap in which you'd have a higher standard of living on public assistance. So to make ends meet, the welfare recipient is stuck collecting welfare and hoping for a quantum leap in income that may never come.

One person I know who is collecting Social Security for a mental disability, though she was productively contributing on a very part-time basis at a daycare. She literally told me, "I can't work more hours or my Social Security will go away." If she worked full time, which she was capable of doing, her total income would have fallen enough that she would have lost her apartment. Given the situation, it is just as rational a choice for her to work very little at part time.
It is all structured to keep them in the system.
I've talked to plenty of former welfare recipients. Your information is wrong.


"In addition, program participants may be eligible for help with child care , transportation, and work-related or training-related expenses. Moreover, participants who find a job and are no longer eligible for welfare may continue to receive help with medical care and child care expenses."

Yeah that program has not worked out too well has it?
California is the 3rd largest State with people on welfare and New York is number one.
I know plenty of people its worked for. I think you are mixing up economics and job availability with your opinion on welfare. If there are no jobs those programs dont work out much do they?

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