Diamond Member
Have you seen this?Carter wasn't responsible for plunging a sub-continent into a horrible and unwinnable war.I'm surprised how many Conservatives claim Carter, Clinton and Obama were worse presidents than Nixon. Is it a poor understanding of history or partisan blindness?
The Nixon administration was far more damaging to this nation. The Watergate affair stole momentum from the economy, our national prestige and our understanding of constitutional law. Nixon resigned in shame and infamy. His handling of Vietnam prolonged the war and cost tens of thousands of lives.
And yet he seems to be forgiven by virtue of an (R) behind his name. Is it blind partisanship? Or, as I assume, a poor understanding of history?
Carter was the worst.
Even the Libs were pissed at Carter Nosmo King
Everybody was angry at Carter. That's why he was only a one term President.
Nixon was a crook and thought he was above the Law, but he did not do near as much damage as Carter did with our Farmers and Ranchers. Carter's grain embargo forced them out of business.
There is nothing that pisses off Americans more than long gas lines & rations, when we had plenty of oil that was in the reserves and the threat of our food supply.Top that off with the Americans being held hostage for way too long and voilà he was toast.
Carter was a boob....Johnson was fucking evil.
Lyndon Johnson: White House tapes reveal he knew about Richard Nixon's 'treason' | Mail Online