Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?

So now that trump is finally admitting the truth that Obama was born in America, what are the crazy birthers going to do?

What new lie and conspiracy will they come up with now?

Trump acknowledges Obama was born in the United States - AOL

It was a dead issue and defection tactic by Clinton.

Better question. What will be the next dishonest defection Clinton brings up now that now that Trump batted away this one?

You whine and lie about birtherism being a ‘deflection’ by posting a post that is itself a failed attempt to deflect.

Too funny.
I did the math for you. How can that be a copy in feb 1964 when the republic of kenya didnt exist until dec. 1964? Maybe you should get a 1rst grader to explain how thats impossible to you.
I have no idea when the stamps came out with the republic on it. Do you? maybe they were distributed for use ahead of the actual announcement.
If you have no idea then you would have to admit you dont know what you are talking about which is the point. So are you saying Drumpf is a liar or that you are stupid?
well you don't know either what happened in 1964.
I have a certified copy of Obama being born in Hawaii and a picture of a fraud with dates that dont match up. Of course I know what happened in 1964. So does Drumpf.
dude, I have other data that says there wasn't any certificate. and the affidavit of the dude that swears it didn't exist.
FALSE: Hawaii Official Says No Birth Certificate for President Obama


I like how your own link says the guy is unreliable and has changed his story
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"
Trump the arrogant ass will never apologize, in spite of the fact he’s consistently wrong.
Trump the arrogant ass will never apologize, in spite of the fact he’s consistently wrong.

All kidding aside and objectively, Trump's adamant lack of ANY responsibility for his words and action shows (even to a first year psychology student) a serious and debilitating INFERIORITY complex.
What happened was, the homely little Kansas white girl got in WAY over her head with the Kenyan she was enthralled with. No white boyfriends so she settled for a darkie.

Fascinating to watch Trump's racist birther voters take Trump down the racist rabbit hole with them.

Nothing "racist" about demanding a president be natural born as the Constitution calls for. We're not like you gutless progs.....we don't give a shit what color his skin is if he's a criminal.

Calling the father of the President of the United States a 'darkie' is racist- like so many Birthers.

I will give you credit- at least this time you didn't call him the 'n*gger president'
he's Caucasian

I am sure Tom thinks Tom is caucasian.
If that were true, then why would anyone vote for a feckless bunch of fucks/party who couldn't even get an illegally elected "foreigner" tossed out of office?

We tried but the scam was too well executed....we were either laughed at or called "racists". He never had to prove he was born in Hawaii until 2012 when a short-form was forged and put on the WH website. Any amateur photoshop student could prove it was a joke but the MSM couldn't care less about the truth.

Birthers are such idiots- they will believe a fake birth certificate posted on the internet by a convicted forger- but not believe the state of Hawaii

View attachment 89813

Watch and learn, shit-for-brains.

Birthers and youtube- lol-


The State of Hawaii says he was born in Hawaii

Now even Trump pretends to believe he was born in Hawaii

But Birthers 'know' otherwise- you know the type- the Birthers who call African Americans 'darkies'

Trump voters.

From your link.

I covered it at the time,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said Friday, referring to the movement. “She and her campaign never, never started the birther issue.”

“Trump Drops False ‘Birther’ Theory, but Floats a New One: Clinton Started It,” blared a New York Times headline. And The Washington Post fact checker quickly spun up a piece declaring the claim “debunked.”

Read more: Former DC Bureau Chief: Clinton Surrogate Pitched Me ‘Birther’ Story In 2008"
Uh oh. More damaging news for Hillary.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link

So you blame Hillary for you being a gullible Birther?
So now that trump is finally admitting the truth that Obama was born in America, what are the crazy birthers going to do?

What new lie and conspiracy will they come up with now?

Trump acknowledges Obama was born in the United States - AOL

It's has to be eating at Trump that he had to admit he was duped into believing the Birther story...
Not only that Trump ran with it for years....
Now he got scolded for the second time in two days and he had to admit he was Wro,wrooon,wro,wrong.....

So tonight when the Donald is scarfing down his third quarter pounder he will be steaming
that his campaign forced him to do this....

How long before the Donald starts this up again...
Because it's killing him that he was made to look foolish in the eyes of the world...

Your problem is Barry the Fairy was born in Kenya and everybody knows it. So Trump is simply saying he doesn't have to say it anymore....

Wow- you can't even hear the words coming out of Trump's mouth.

Trump is saying that Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Like the State of Hawaii says- but racist Trump voters like you can't accept. Because his father was a black man from Africa.
What finally convinced Trumpy?

He decided Birthers would vote for him regardless and pivoted to try to get the votes of rational people.

You consider yourself "rational" ignoring the extraordinary evidence provided here that he's not natural born? It's always the same with you gutless progs...you screech "racist" at us when the truth is you're terrified of blacks and we ain't. That's your fate....to be advocating for people you hate because you're terrified of them. And another truth is the mexicans hate the sight of you too....they'll take any advantage of you they can and snicker behind your backs. Us they respect and fear because we see right through them...with us they have to EARN their way.
What finally convinced Trumpy?

He decided Birthers would vote for him regardless and pivoted to try to get the votes of rational people.

You consider yourself "rational" ignoring the extraordinary evidence provided here that he's not natural born? I.

And by 'extraordinary evidence' you mean the nonsensical crap you create and post in the internet?

Why do you ignore the actual documented evidence of Barack Obama's birth in the United States?

it would be nice if they had at least some connection with reality. lying loons.

tough week for you communists eh, Jilly? Maybe next week your candidate won't collapse into a pile of heaving racist blubber leaving behind a shoe on the curb.
And by 'extraordinary evidence' you mean the nonsensical crap you create and post in the internet?

Why do you ignore the actual documented evidence of Barack Obama's birth in the United States?

Has anybody decided which hospital he was born at yet? Or why there's no record of a physician or nurse attending in the log books? Or how his granny used her job in the probate court to find him a social security number (from Connecticut) when he was a teenager? Why do you suppose both fathers and his mother abandoned him to be raised by a white grandmother?

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