Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?

From your link.

I covered it at the time,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said Friday, referring to the movement. “She and her campaign never, never started the birther issue.”

“Trump Drops False ‘Birther’ Theory, but Floats a New One: Clinton Started It,” blared a New York Times headline. And The Washington Post fact checker quickly spun up a piece declaring the claim “debunked.”

Read more: Former DC Bureau Chief: Clinton Surrogate Pitched Me ‘Birther’ Story In 2008"
Uh oh. More damaging news for Hillary.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link
Sorry but nothing from breitbart.com is valid.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link

The darkies ain't going to like this...not that many of them will know about it or believe it....they be dumb thanks to the prog's public schools. Most of them have no idea who Joe Biden is.
I have a certified copy of Obama being born in Hawaii and a picture of a fraud with dates that dont match up. Of course I know what happened in 1964. So does Drumpf.
dude, I have other data that says there wasn't any certificate. and the affidavit of the dude that swears it didn't exist.
FALSE: Hawaii Official Says No Birth Certificate for President Obama


What does that mean to you that someone who was paid off swears there was no certificate?
I posted it fool. The affidavit. Again, learn to read.
I asked you what that meant to you fool?
what it says.
it says some random guy swears there was no certificate. Whats that supposed to mean?
So now that trump is finally admitting the truth that Obama was born in America, what are the crazy birthers going to do?

What new lie and conspiracy will they come up with now?

Trump acknowledges Obama was born in the United States - AOL

It's has to be eating at Trump that he had to admit he was duped into believing the Birther story...
Not only that Trump ran with it for years....
Now he got scolded for the second time in two days and he had to admit he was Wro,wrooon,wro,wrong.....

So tonight when the Donald is scarfing down his third quarter pounder he will be steaming
that his campaign forced him to do this....

How long before the Donald starts this up again...
Because it's killing him that he was made to look foolish in the eyes of the world...
I have a certified copy of Obama being born in Hawaii and a picture of a fraud with dates that dont match up. Of course I know what happened in 1964. So does Drumpf.
dude, I have other data that says there wasn't any certificate. and the affidavit of the dude that swears it didn't exist.
FALSE: Hawaii Official Says No Birth Certificate for President Obama


What does that mean to you that someone who was paid off swears there was no certificate?
I posted it fool. The affidavit. Again, learn to read.
I asked you what that meant to you fool?
also, funny the person that supplied that certificate is dead. hmmmmmmmm another democrat with death following him.
Are you still voting for Drumpf after he threw you and the other idiots under the bus?
So now that trump is finally admitting the truth that Obama was born in America, what are the crazy birthers going to do?

What new lie and conspiracy will they come up with now?

Trump acknowledges Obama was born in the United States - AOL

It's has to be eating at Trump that he had to admit he was duped into believing the Birther story...
Not only that Trump ran with it for years....
Now he got scolded for the second time in two days and he had to admit he was Wro,wrooon,wro,wrong.....

So tonight when the Donald is scarfing down his third quarter pounder he will be steaming
that his campaign forced him to do this....

How long before the Donald starts this up again...
Because it's killing him that he was made to look foolish in the eyes of the world...

Your problem is Barry the Fairy was born in Kenya and everybody knows it. So Trump is simply saying he doesn't have to say it anymore....The little punk got away with it for 8 years and nobody will prosecute him for the crime of the century, maybe of all time. The Donald is fishing for black votes and is going to get them in the privacy of the voting booth....blacks know Hillary is a dirtbag fake who's never done anything for them.
Long, Strange Trip:

Trump’s Birther Claims Through the Years.
It took Donald Trump five years to admit that Barack Obama was born in the U.S..

And it was cutting into him like a dull spoon...

I would stay away from that puppy today...
Trump is not a happy man today.
Irrelevant. He got the ball rolling for Hillary when he was an attorney.

Hey moron, how do you know he didn't "start the ball rolling" for Trump and the rest of your lunatics?...................You're too easy to smack down....LOL
How can anyone supporting Trump after he admits he fucked up so badly on the birther issue believe anything that comes out of his mouth.
How can the Trumpites sleep well tonight after their guy (Trump) was embarrassed so badly today.
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"

The bottom line is that Trump has NOT apologized at all for his Birther Movement. An apology would have been directed to President Obama with an admission that he....Trump.....was wrong and possibly racist in his insistence.

Bear in mind that months and months AFTER Obama showed his long form BC which should have quieted the 2 out of 3 right wingers who thought Obama as a foreigner, Trump kept on "questioning" the issue for his own political ambitions.

Trump is scum and his supporters that don't label him a racist liar, are right in there in the same scum bucket.
If Trump now says Obama was born here then the follow up question needs to be "You said you had investigators in Africa who found information on Obama's birth....Did you? And if you did not then why did you tell everyone that was the case? Why should someone believe your new "super secret solutions" given that track record?"

Good luck with finding someone to ask the question and good luck getting
Trump or one of his flunky's to answer it.

Remember this...

You’ve been privy to all of this to know this?

Well, I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re talking.

You have people now out there searching– I mean, in Hawaii?

Absolutely. And they cannot believe what they’re finding. And I’m serious

Trump says a lot of things....
And he says believe me a lot...
If Trump now says Obama was born here then the follow up question needs to be "You said you had investigators in Africa who found information on Obama's birth....Did you? And if you did not then why did you tell everyone that was the case? Why should someone believe your new "super secret solutions" given that track record?"

Don't forget those "investigators" in Hawaii who must now be thoroughly tanned, well rested and wearing those Hawaiian shirts.....LOL
Knowing full well that Trump's repeated funding and assertions that Obama was an "illegal" president usurping the office, Trump's handlers have urged his to offer some convoluted "apology" and that he now believes that Obama was actually born in the U.S.

However, following Trump's usual hubris, his fake apology will be rephrased as a "victory" for him in having forced Obama to show his long form birth certificate.

This latest ploy will mitigate Trump's possible loss of some within his base who are STILL adamant (after 8 years) that a dark-skinned man could ever become president and that Obama MUST be a Kenyan usurper.

I would not expect for Trump to ever say, "I was completely wrong in assuming that Obama was a foreign born faker".........Rather, Trump will take "credit" for forcing Obama's hand in the BC issue, AND avoid the ensuing problematic question on the birther movement during the upcoming debates.

So, who here will accept Trump's latest misdirection at an "apology?"

The bottom line is that Trump has NOT apologized at all for his Birther Movement. An apology would have been directed to President Obama with an admission that he....Trump.....was wrong and possibly racist in his insistence.

Bear in mind that months and months AFTER Obama showed his long form BC which should have quieted the 2 out of 3 right wingers who thought Obama as a foreigner, Trump kept on "questioning" the issue for his own political ambitions.

Trump is scum and his supporters that don't label him a racist liar, are right in there in the same scum bucket.
Trump is a White nationalist patriot. He shouldn't apologize for this. As for Obama, that boy still needs to show his papers, especially the 50+ year old original 1961 birth certificate with the raised state seal.
Trump is a White nationalist patriot. He shouldn't apologize for this. As for Obama, that boy still needs to show his papers, especially the 50+ year old original 1961 birth certificate with the raised state seal.

Try hanging by your balls until that happens.....
and let us know how that turns out...LOL

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