Who will accept Trump's "apology" for funding the Birther Movement?

well you didn't read the bottom where your Republic of Kenya is and read the paragraph and the date. But it's ok, you're just a democrat.
Nope i read that too. Lets do some math here and I will help you out. Kenya became a republic in december of 1964. Obama was born in 1961. Thats 3 years. Now looking at the information you pointed out. February is how many months before December? The answer is 10. Now ask yourself How could someone be born in 1961 and have a birth certificate dated 1964 10 months prior to Kenya becoming a republic? Is the fog clearing for you now?
cause you can't read. It says copy. So someone in 1964 requested a copy certified, it was. Has a seal.
I did the math for you. How can that be a copy in feb 1964 when the republic of kenya didnt exist until dec. 1964? Maybe you should get a 1rst grader to explain how thats impossible to you.
I have no idea when the stamps came out with the republic on it. Do you? maybe they were distributed for use ahead of the actual announcement.
If you have no idea then you would have to admit you dont know what you are talking about which is the point. So are you saying Drumpf is a liar or that you are stupid?
well you don't know either what happened in 1964.
You make yourselves look more and more foolish with each passing conspiracy.

Like how Hillary is STEALING money from the Elderly and the Poor, just like she did in 2007?! Complaints have been filed with State AGs and the FEC...she will soon apologize and offer to return the money like she had to do in 2007.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors
You do realize Hilary is white dont you?
Are you saying white people cant steal?
seems rather an odd racist statement coming from a black poster.
White people invented stealing. Where did you get the idea I said white people cant steal?
link on that white people and stealing thing?
seems to me if blacks were the first humans on earth, they would have spent countless hours stealing each others bananas and goats.
You dont need a link. Read a history book.
Nope i read that too. Lets do some math here and I will help you out. Kenya became a republic in december of 1964. Obama was born in 1961. Thats 3 years. Now looking at the information you pointed out. February is how many months before December? The answer is 10. Now ask yourself How could someone be born in 1961 and have a birth certificate dated 1964 10 months prior to Kenya becoming a republic? Is the fog clearing for you now?
cause you can't read. It says copy. So someone in 1964 requested a copy certified, it was. Has a seal.
I did the math for you. How can that be a copy in feb 1964 when the republic of kenya didnt exist until dec. 1964? Maybe you should get a 1rst grader to explain how thats impossible to you.
I have no idea when the stamps came out with the republic on it. Do you? maybe they were distributed for use ahead of the actual announcement.
If you have no idea then you would have to admit you dont know what you are talking about which is the point. So are you saying Drumpf is a liar or that you are stupid?
well you don't know either what happened in 1964.
I have a certified copy of Obama being born in Hawaii and a picture of a fraud with dates that dont match up. Of course I know what happened in 1964. So does Drumpf.
Okay...to be a compassionate conservative, I'll do the USMB version of flipping a quarter to a starving prog bum. Barack was born in 1961 yet he claims his parents met in Selma in 1965. I have no idea why the derelict can't figure out what I said, nor do I care. There, my good deed for the day is done and Jesus loves me all the more.
cause you can't read. It says copy. So someone in 1964 requested a copy certified, it was. Has a seal.
I did the math for you. How can that be a copy in feb 1964 when the republic of kenya didnt exist until dec. 1964? Maybe you should get a 1rst grader to explain how thats impossible to you.
I have no idea when the stamps came out with the republic on it. Do you? maybe they were distributed for use ahead of the actual announcement.
If you have no idea then you would have to admit you dont know what you are talking about which is the point. So are you saying Drumpf is a liar or that you are stupid?
well you don't know either what happened in 1964.
I have a certified copy of Obama being born in Hawaii and a picture of a fraud with dates that dont match up. Of course I know what happened in 1964. So does Drumpf.
dude, I have other data that says there wasn't any certificate. and the affidavit of the dude that swears it didn't exist.
FALSE: Hawaii Official Says No Birth Certificate for President Obama


So now that trump is finally admitting the truth that Obama was born in America, what are the crazy birthers going to do?

What new lie and conspiracy will they come up with now?

Trump acknowledges Obama was born in the United States - AOL
You had to be a drooling, screaming, retard to believe the birther conspiracy anyway. Dont assume that they wont formulate another conspiracy as to why Drumpf admitted the birther conspiracy was BS. They may even go so far as to suggest Drumpf is being controlled by aliens.
This ceased being an issue for anyone voting for Trump a long time ago. He's just cleaning up his crazy. Hillary's ads with his bs craziness are not going to work anymore.

Hell Trump voters are Birthers- Trump is just pivoting- he knows his voters wont' care.
cause you can't read. It says copy. So someone in 1964 requested a copy certified, it was. Has a seal.
I did the math for you. How can that be a copy in feb 1964 when the republic of kenya didnt exist until dec. 1964? Maybe you should get a 1rst grader to explain how thats impossible to you.
I have no idea when the stamps came out with the republic on it. Do you? maybe they were distributed for use ahead of the actual announcement.
If you have no idea then you would have to admit you dont know what you are talking about which is the point. So are you saying Drumpf is a liar or that you are stupid?
well you don't know either what happened in 1964.
I have a certified copy of Obama being born in Hawaii and a picture of a fraud with dates that dont match up. Of course I know what happened in 1964. So does Drumpf.
date says he was born August 4, 1961. What is it you contest? Republic of Kenya? funny. read the seal.
I did the math for you. How can that be a copy in feb 1964 when the republic of kenya didnt exist until dec. 1964? Maybe you should get a 1rst grader to explain how thats impossible to you.
I have no idea when the stamps came out with the republic on it. Do you? maybe they were distributed for use ahead of the actual announcement.
If you have no idea then you would have to admit you dont know what you are talking about which is the point. So are you saying Drumpf is a liar or that you are stupid?
well you don't know either what happened in 1964.
I have a certified copy of Obama being born in Hawaii and a picture of a fraud with dates that dont match up. Of course I know what happened in 1964. So does Drumpf.
dude, I have other data that says there wasn't any certificate. and the affidavit of the dude that swears it didn't exist.
FALSE: Hawaii Official Says No Birth Certificate for President Obama



That dude is no Hawaiian official and never worked in the Hawaiian Department of Health- however this woman did
The BIGGER question is 'Now that Trump has made this whole 'birther' non-issue a NON-issue, what insignificant issue will Liberals fixate, bitch, and moan about NOW?!'


Oh Trump just exploded the issue- it had hardly been mentioned in the news- and it is the top story today.

Trump claiming its all Hillary Clinton's fault that Trump was a gullible Birther.
Obama believed it. He started it.



This version of his book, by the way, was quickly pulled off shelves after attention was drawn to it, and the book was republished with this missing from it. If you happen to have a copy of the book with THIS on it then you should keep it. I imagine it will be worth a great deal.

And before that, he was listed as a Kenyan student. .

Birthers are so hilarious.

If you were prevented by God from posting lies, speculation or innuendo- you wouldn't be able to touch a keyboard.
What happened was, the homely little Kansas white girl got in WAY over her head with the Kenyan she was enthralled with. No white boyfriends so she settled for a darkie.

Fascinating to watch Trump's racist birther voters take Trump down the racist rabbit hole with them.
Like how Hillary is STEALING money from the Elderly and the Poor, just like she did in 2007?! Complaints have been filed with State AGs and the FEC...she will soon apologize and offer to return the money like she had to do in 2007.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors
You do realize Hilary is white dont you?
Are you saying white people cant steal?
seems rather an odd racist statement coming from a black poster.
White people invented stealing. Where did you get the idea I said white people cant steal?
link on that white people and stealing thing?
seems to me if blacks were the first humans on earth, they would have spent countless hours stealing each others bananas and goats.
You dont need a link. Read a history book.
link to prove its in a history book
and I want a reliable book, not one written by one of those negro apologists.
If that were true, then why would anyone vote for a feckless bunch of fucks/party who couldn't even get an illegally elected "foreigner" tossed out of office?

We tried but the scam was too well executed....we were either laughed at or called "racists". He never had to prove he was born in Hawaii until 2012 when a short-form was forged and put on the WH website. Any amateur photoshop student could prove it was a joke but the MSM couldn't care less about the truth.

Birthers are such idiots- they will believe a fake birth certificate posted on the internet by a convicted forger- but not believe the state of Hawaii

What happened was, the homely little Kansas white girl got in WAY over her head with the Kenyan she was enthralled with. No white boyfriends so she settled for a darkie.

Fascinating to watch Trump's racist birther voters take Trump down the racist rabbit hole with them.

Nothing "racist" about demanding a president be natural born as the Constitution calls for. We're not like you gutless progs.....we don't give a shit what color his skin is if he's a criminal.
So now that trump is finally admitting the truth that Obama was born in America, what are the crazy birthers going to do?

What new lie and conspiracy will they come up with now?

Trump acknowledges Obama was born in the United States - AOL

It was a dead issue and defection tactic by Clinton.

Better question. What will be the next dishonest defection Clinton brings up now that now that Trump batted away this one?

Hmmm the dishonest deflection is by Trump- remember Trump went full Birther for 5 years- and now he is trying to blame Clinton for Trump going full retard


What happened was, the homely little Kansas white girl got in WAY over her head with the Kenyan she was enthralled with. No white boyfriends so she settled for a darkie.

Fascinating to watch Trump's racist birther voters take Trump down the racist rabbit hole with them.

Nothing "racist" about demanding a president be natural born as the Constitution calls for. We're not like you gutless progs.....we don't give a shit what color his skin is if he's a criminal.

Calling the father of the President of the United States a 'darkie' is racist- like so many Birthers.

I will give you credit- at least this time you didn't call him the 'n*gger president'

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