Who will be the next Moonbat Messiah?

I call them trumptards. You?

You call yourself a trumptard?

It wouldn't surprise me since your grasp of reality qualifies you to be housed in a mental institution.

That's one mistake Reagan made besides Amnesty and the GCA of 86, he shut down the nut houses because of all the abuse suffered by the inmates at the hands of federal workers.
I respect people who are looking for a Messiah.

I admit that it is comforting to think that there really is someone who actually cares for us and has the political power to change the world for the better.

Let's not forget that very sincere Europeans gave the Nobel Peace Prize to newly elected President Obama because they were absolutely thrilled by his election.


In that spirit, then, I truly think that many Democrats want:

1. Senator Elizabeth Warren.
2. Senator Kamala Harris.

a. They are both women, and we know that women are now enjoying the most power that they have ever had in the history of our country. Men are running scared.
b. Both are people of color (or one of them claims to be) and we know that the future of this country lies in the hands of people of color.

Just as President Kennedy was the first Catholic president, and President Obama was the first person-of-color president, many people probably are dreaming of the first president and vice president who are women.
/——/ interesting article: 'Black Presidents': 6 United States Commanders In Chief Before Obama | HuffPost

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