Who will be the nextpresident?

Who will be the next president

  • Hillary

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Bush

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
. My money says that the voters will elect a professional politician to sit in the oval office. What does your money say?

I'd like to think the toughest job in the world would be one where a professional is elected.
Why? Please explain. I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow what you're saying here. Thanks.

Would you rather have a professional working on your car or an amateur? A professional trainer or some guy who really means well, charges you nothing, but delivers no results.

I'm happy we have professional political men and women who seek to serve at the highest levels. It's always a source of hilarity to me--I'll use Dick Cheney as an example since ideologically I'm as about as far from he as possible--that people swear that Cheney, Clinton, Bush, etc...are all in it for themselves. I think there are no 100% actions that are taken without some return sought be it monetary, spiritual or whatever....so I don't begrudge people who like power seeking positions of power; as long as they are good at it and as long as they aren't sending the flower of our youth into a meat grinder to achieve it. Anyway, If you set aside the silly expectations that those who hold office should be some sort of Christ like figure who has taken vows of poverty and total subjugation to the public altar, what are you left with? A public servant. In Cheney's case, he's had 3 heart attacks when the Bush VP slot is open. He could have stayed on as CEO of Halliburton or whatever slot he had and spent the days counting his millions of dollars. Carly Fiorina is going to get crucified from everything from her hair styles to the choice of nail polish she uses....she has something like 85 million in the bank. I'm happy she thinks she has something to contribute. Even Donald Trump;

Put it another way, Politics cannot be you sideline hobby. It has to be your all encompassing passion at this level. It's no place for amateurs.
Thank you for explaining. I get your point now, and you stated it very well.
First, politicians are, by law, public servants. They are representatives of the public in all matters charged to our governing body. The U.S. Constitution defines their responsibility and duties. They are responsible to the general public, to this nation, and to the principles outlined by the founding fathers of this once great nation. They are to provide national security, regulate monetary matters, determine foreign policy, collect taxes, and ensure and protect the welfare of the citizens. They are also charged with such matters as education, infrastructure, and commerce.

They are not charged with engaging in corruption, representing the elite and wealthy above everyone else, engaging in senseless deadly costly wars, taking bribes, selling their votes on the floors of Congress, wasting tax dollars, catering to the financial institutions, enabling shameful poverty through legislation, policies, and foreign trade agreements, and they are not charged with taking away freedom and rights.

Professional politicians are self-serving, egotistical, power and influence hungry, and greedy. This is evident by what we're seeing, and have seen, over the past half century or so. They are now non-representatives, and act as an entity unto themselves, answerable to no one except themselves.

No, I wouldn't want a non-professional mechanic working on my truck. No, I wouldn't want a non-professional house painter to paint my house. No, I wouldn't want a non-professional to re-wire my house. But, being a politician doesn't require a four year degree, 10 years of experience, nor does it require one to know the game. It merely takes common sense, the ability to reason and use simple logic, and the love of country. Anyone that loves this country, her citizens, and wants this nation and her citizens to prosper, can sit in Washington and vote on legislation and policies. It doesn't require a Philadelphia lawyer, nor an MIT graduate.

If you love this country and her citizens, you could represent us in Washington. You know what the difference between right and wrong is. You have common sense. You can use simple logic. It's not rocket science.
I hear what you are saying but politicians need a strong knowledge of history and constitutional law. A baker might say, well, that sounds good, lets make it a law, and then the state waste thousands of dollars in court costs when it is proven unconstitutional (Alabama is the prom queen for such acts). The biggest issue that I see, are the incumbents that run unopposed. If the people want the crooks out, they must seek and make popular a rival and get the people to the primary to vote. You can fuss that so and so is corrupt and blame people for voting him in, but chances are, so and so had no competition--he ran unopposed.
The federal government starts at the state level. Make a strong Congress--House of Reps and Senate of people who actually understand and know law and history. I love it when people say history is obsolete... it shows me the level of that person's ignorance. History is everything. Our laws are actually reflections of various eras and countries dating back to Roman law. If we ask... why is that... then we should know what happened in an many eras that prompted such laws or protections--and that some of those laws were made out of ignorance by belligerents, just like today. If you do not understand your history, which American history did not start in the 18th century, then you cannot understand our laws or government. Knowledge is power and a legislator should have much knowledge, not just good intentions and love for the flag.
Looking more and more likely that Hillary Clinton has the White House wrapped up for 2017, good for her!
. My money says that the voters will elect a professional politician to sit in the oval office. What does your money say?

I'd like to think the toughest job in the world would be one where a professional is elected.
Why? Please explain. I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow what you're saying here. Thanks.

Would you rather have a professional working on your car or an amateur? A professional trainer or some guy who really means well, charges you nothing, but delivers no results.

I'm happy we have professional political men and women who seek to serve at the highest levels. It's always a source of hilarity to me--I'll use Dick Cheney as an example since ideologically I'm as about as far from he as possible--that people swear that Cheney, Clinton, Bush, etc...are all in it for themselves. I think there are no 100% actions that are taken without some return sought be it monetary, spiritual or whatever....so I don't begrudge people who like power seeking positions of power; as long as they are good at it and as long as they aren't sending the flower of our youth into a meat grinder to achieve it. Anyway, If you set aside the silly expectations that those who hold office should be some sort of Christ like figure who has taken vows of poverty and total subjugation to the public altar, what are you left with? A public servant. In Cheney's case, he's had 3 heart attacks when the Bush VP slot is open. He could have stayed on as CEO of Halliburton or whatever slot he had and spent the days counting his millions of dollars. Carly Fiorina is going to get crucified from everything from her hair styles to the choice of nail polish she uses....she has something like 85 million in the bank. I'm happy she thinks she has something to contribute. Even Donald Trump;

Put it another way, Politics cannot be you sideline hobby. It has to be your all encompassing passion at this level. It's no place for amateurs.
Thank you for explaining. I get your point now, and you stated it very well.
First, politicians are, by law, public servants. They are representatives of the public in all matters charged to our governing body. The U.S. Constitution defines their responsibility and duties. They are responsible to the general public, to this nation, and to the principles outlined by the founding fathers of this once great nation. They are to provide national security, regulate monetary matters, determine foreign policy, collect taxes, and ensure and protect the welfare of the citizens. They are also charged with such matters as education, infrastructure, and commerce.

They are not charged with engaging in corruption, representing the elite and wealthy above everyone else, engaging in senseless deadly costly wars, taking bribes, selling their votes on the floors of Congress, wasting tax dollars, catering to the financial institutions, enabling shameful poverty through legislation, policies, and foreign trade agreements, and they are not charged with taking away freedom and rights.

Professional politicians are self-serving, egotistical, power and influence hungry, and greedy. This is evident by what we're seeing, and have seen, over the past half century or so. They are now non-representatives, and act as an entity unto themselves, answerable to no one except themselves.

No, I wouldn't want a non-professional mechanic working on my truck. No, I wouldn't want a non-professional house painter to paint my house. No, I wouldn't want a non-professional to re-wire my house. But, being a politician doesn't require a four year degree, 10 years of experience, nor does it require one to know the game. It merely takes common sense, the ability to reason and use simple logic, and the love of country. Anyone that loves this country, her citizens, and wants this nation and her citizens to prosper, can sit in Washington and vote on legislation and policies. It doesn't require a Philadelphia lawyer, nor an MIT graduate.

If you love this country and her citizens, you could represent us in Washington. You know what the difference between right and wrong is. You have common sense. You can use simple logic. It's not rocket science.
I hear what you are saying but politicians need a strong knowledge of history and constitutional law. A baker might say, well, that sounds good, lets make it a law, and then the state waste thousands of dollars in court costs when it is proven unconstitutional (Alabama is the prom queen for such acts). The biggest issue that I see, are the incumbents that run unopposed. If the people want the crooks out, they must seek and make popular a rival and get the people to the primary to vote. You can fuss that so and so is corrupt and blame people for voting him in, but chances are, so and so had no competition--he ran unopposed.
The federal government starts at the state level. Make a strong Congress--House of Reps and Senate of people who actually understand and know law and history. I love it when people say history is obsolete... it shows me the level of that person's ignorance. History is everything. Our laws are actually reflections of various eras and countries dating back to Roman law. If we ask... why is that... then we should know what happened in an many eras that prompted such laws or protections--and that some of those laws were made out of ignorance by belligerents, just like today. If you do not understand your history, which American history did not start in the 18th century, then you cannot understand our laws or government. Knowledge is power and a legislator should have much knowledge, not just good intentions and love for the flag.

Also since we have a system where all of the bills that get signed into law are all or nothing (no line item veto)...you have to vote for things you don't like from time to time. Knowing "right from wrong" is great.
Lets face it, it is going to be Jeb and Hilllary! What a joke. Which puppet will get in?

In my opinion it is going to be Hillary to finish off the republic.

I'm curious, if you could give a probability estimate for how certain that the election will be Jeb v. Hillary? Over 60%? Over 70%?

Hillary 90%; Jeb 25%; there is no legitimate reason, other than money, to believe that Walker or Rubio won't be able to pull ahead of Jeb. As much as the Republican Party is splintered at the moment, anything could happen. The real key will be to see who can draw the delegates in the early primaries and through Super Tuesday. The longer there is no clear front runner, the longer everyone is likely to stay in the chase.
Lets face it, it is going to be Jeb and Hilllary! What a joke. Which puppet will get in?

In my opinion it is going to be Hillary to finish off the republic.

I'm curious, if you could give a probability estimate for how certain that the election will be Jeb v. Hillary? Over 60%? Over 70%?

Hillary 90%; Jeb 25%; there is no legitimate reason, other than money, to believe that Walker or Rubio won't be able to pull ahead of Jeb. As much as the Republican Party is splintered at the moment, anything could happen. The real key will be to see who can draw the delegates in the early primaries and through Super Tuesday. The longer there is no clear front runner, the longer everyone is likely to stay in the chase.

That sounds like a reasonable estimate. I'd assign a slightly higher probability to Jeb winning, but only slightly.
Jeb will win the Primary and the 2016 election. The recent SCOTUS rulings have fired up a lot of the base, and will give the GOP a margin, not a large one but enough to win.

All those sniveling now will do what they do every elections cycle by the time the polls open: run around crying all about how they will 'hold their nose cuz it's just too important to let the other side win n stuff'. You know it, they know it, we all know it.
Why do so many want to suck Bushes dick and lick Clintons Pussy? Honestly, what is so wonderful about them that they're a lock to win this???

I think Sanders or Webb would be a better Democratic ticket
I think Rubio, Christy, Tramp, et would be better for the republicans.
Jeb will win the Primary and the 2016 election. The recent SCOTUS rulings have fired up a lot of the base, and will give the GOP a margin, not a large one but enough to win.
I doubt it. When it comes to the presidency the Republicans have electile dysfunction.
Jeb will win the Primary and the 2016 election. The recent SCOTUS rulings have fired up a lot of the base, and will give the GOP a margin, not a large one but enough to win.
I doubt it. When it comes to the presidency the Republicans have electile dysfunction.

It's certainly seems like they go out of their way not to win the White house, yes, but then the Democrats are hardly backing their best, either. Money has just as much influence on their Party as it does on the GOP.
Bush wont even win a primary state. The GOP "voters" are done with the Bush's. This will open the door for Kasich who is next in line should Bush fall. All the campaign donors will flock to him.

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