Who Will Protect the Nation, if Not Us?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Who Will Protect the Nation, if Not Us?

Election Day, Americans roared in protest against the President’s open-borders extremism. They rallied behind candidates who will defend the rule of law and put the needs of American workers and families first
Exit polls were unequivocal. More than 3 in 4 voters cited immigration as an important factor in their vote, believed that U.S. workers should get priority for jobs, and opposed the President’s plans for executive amnesty. These voters were right and just in their demands.

But President Obama made clear that he would attempt to void the election results—and our laws—by moving forward with his executive amnesty decree.

This decree would operate much like his unlawful “Deferred Action”: conferring work permits, photo IDs, and Social Security numbers to millions of individuals illegally present in the U.S.—allowing them to take jobs and benefits directly from struggling American workers. It is a scheme the Congress has explicitly refused to pass.

**Edited for copyright violation.**

Read more: No Surrender on Immigration - Sen. Jeff Sessions - POLITICO Magazine

It's time we protect America. "We" are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, everyone. We have to work together to stop Obama and his edicts that are are going to ruin the country for Americans.
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Who Will Protect the Nation, if Not Us?

Election Day, Americans roared in protest against the President’s open-borders extremism. They rallied behind candidates who will defend the rule of law and put the needs of American workers and families first
Exit polls were unequivocal. More than 3 in 4 voters cited immigration as an important factor in their vote, believed that U.S. workers should get priority for jobs, and opposed the President’s plans for executive amnesty. These voters were right and just in their demands.

But President Obama made clear that he would attempt to void the election results—and our laws—by moving forward with his executive amnesty decree.

This decree would operate much like his unlawful “Deferred Action”: conferring work permits, photo IDs, and Social Security numbers to millions of individuals illegally present in the U.S.—allowing them to take jobs and benefits directly from struggling American workers. It is a scheme the Congress has explicitly refused to pass.

The President will arrogate to himself the sole and absolute power to decide who can work in the U.S., who can live in the U.S., and who can claim benefits in the U.S.—by the millions. His actions will wipe out the immigration protections to which every single American citizen is lawfully entitled. And his actions will ensure—as law enforcement officers have cried out in repeated warnings—a “tidal wave” of new illegal immigration.

He must be stopped. And the American people have sent Washington a Republican congressional majority to do exactly that. Here’s how we can stop him:

President Obama’s executive amnesty will not be easy to execute. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will have to be ordered to redirect funds and personnel away from its statutorily mandated enforcement duties and towards processing applications, amnesty benefits, and employment authorizations for illegal immigrants and illegal overstays. It is a massive and expensive operation.

And it cannot be implemented if Congress simply includes routine language on any government funding bill prohibiting the expenditure of funds for this unlawful purpose. This is the same way we prevented the President from closing Guantanamo Bay. Such application of congressional power is ordinary, unexceptional, and used thousands of times.

Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it.

Yet reports have surfaced of plans to pass a long-term lame-duck spending bill through Harry Reid’s Senate that contains no such prohibition. This would be unthinkable.

Why would any member of Congress who opposes executive amnesty provide President Obama the funds to carry it out? A Republican majority must force congressional Democrats to answer this question through their votes.

We cannot surrender Congress’ most powerful Constitutional tool before a single newly elected Republican is sworn-in. Acting in this manner would betray the very voters who gave us this majority before we’re even in possession of it.

Obama’s immigration orders will have a crushing impact on the jobs, wages, schools, hospitals, police departments, and communities of our constituents. The consequences will be swift, profound, and catastrophic. Who will protect them, if not us?

In a battle between Congress and the President—over whether to save our citizens’ jobs, laws, and borders, or whether to eliminate them—there is no doubt the public will be firmly on our side.

We cannot yield to open borders. We cannot let one executive edict erase the immigration laws of an entire nation. If we believe America is a sovereign country, with enforceable boundaries, and a duty to protect its own people, then we have no choice but to fight and to win.

Senator Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Read more: No Surrender on Immigration - Sen. Jeff Sessions - POLITICO Magazine

It's time we protect America. "We" are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, everyone. We have to work together to stop Obama and his edicts that are are going to ruin the country for Americans.

Don't forget Ebola and Isis. Terrors so threatening that no one could remember them the next day.
Obama admitted being irritated by the election results. He even shut Biden up at a luncheon because he didn't want him talking to Republicans about amnesty. It IS NOT immigration reform. We don't need immigration reform, we need immigration law enforcement. Amnesty is just ignoring laws for the sake of gaining votes and nothing more. It just encourages more illegals to come here instead of fighting to improve things in their own countries.

The American people have spoken, but since Obama does not represent the American people, he doesn't care what we think. He is determined to do as he wishes with no regard to the damage that it will do to this country. He needs to be stopped because he seems to think he can act as a dictator and ignore the population and our laws.

The aide said at one point as House Speaker John Boehner was making an argument on immigration, Obama responded that his patience was running out and Vice President Joe Biden interrupted to ask how long Republicans needed. Obama angrily cut Biden off."
Obama admitted being irritated by the election results. He even shut Biden up at a luncheon because he didn't want him talking to Republicans about amnesty. It IS NOT immigration reform. We don't need immigration reform, we need immigration law enforcement. Amnesty is just ignoring laws for the sake of gaining votes and nothing more. It just encourages more illegals to come here instead of fighting to improve things in their own countries.

The American people have spoken, but since Obama does not represent the American people, he doesn't care what we think. He is determined to do as he wishes with no regard to the damage that it will do to this country. He needs to be stopped because he seems to think he can act as a dictator and ignore the population and our laws.

The aide said at one point as House Speaker John Boehner was making an argument on immigration, Obama responded that his patience was running out and Vice President Joe Biden interrupted to ask how long Republicans needed. Obama angrily cut Biden off."

I feel he is almost acting as though he has to "punish" America for abandoning him. That is what a narcissist would do.
Who Will Protect the Nation, if Not Us?

Election Day, Americans roared in protest against the President’s open-borders extremism. They rallied behind candidates who will defend the rule of law and put the needs of American workers and families first
Exit polls were unequivocal. More than 3 in 4 voters cited immigration as an important factor in their vote, believed that U.S. workers should get priority for jobs, and opposed the President’s plans for executive amnesty. These voters were right and just in their demands.

But President Obama made clear that he would attempt to void the election results—and our laws—by moving forward with his executive amnesty decree.

This decree would operate much like his unlawful “Deferred Action”: conferring work permits, photo IDs, and Social Security numbers to millions of individuals illegally present in the U.S.—allowing them to take jobs and benefits directly from struggling American workers. It is a scheme the Congress has explicitly refused to pass.

The President will arrogate to himself the sole and absolute power to decide who can work in the U.S., who can live in the U.S., and who can claim benefits in the U.S.—by the millions. His actions will wipe out the immigration protections to which every single American citizen is lawfully entitled. And his actions will ensure—as law enforcement officers have cried out in repeated warnings—a “tidal wave” of new illegal immigration.

He must be stopped. And the American people have sent Washington a Republican congressional majority to do exactly that. Here’s how we can stop him:

President Obama’s executive amnesty will not be easy to execute. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will have to be ordered to redirect funds and personnel away from its statutorily mandated enforcement duties and towards processing applications, amnesty benefits, and employment authorizations for illegal immigrants and illegal overstays. It is a massive and expensive operation.

And it cannot be implemented if Congress simply includes routine language on any government funding bill prohibiting the expenditure of funds for this unlawful purpose. This is the same way we prevented the President from closing Guantanamo Bay. Such application of congressional power is ordinary, unexceptional, and used thousands of times.

Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it.

Yet reports have surfaced of plans to pass a long-term lame-duck spending bill through Harry Reid’s Senate that contains no such prohibition. This would be unthinkable.

Why would any member of Congress who opposes executive amnesty provide President Obama the funds to carry it out? A Republican majority must force congressional Democrats to answer this question through their votes.

We cannot surrender Congress’ most powerful Constitutional tool before a single newly elected Republican is sworn-in. Acting in this manner would betray the very voters who gave us this majority before we’re even in possession of it.

Obama’s immigration orders will have a crushing impact on the jobs, wages, schools, hospitals, police departments, and communities of our constituents. The consequences will be swift, profound, and catastrophic. Who will protect them, if not us?

In a battle between Congress and the President—over whether to save our citizens’ jobs, laws, and borders, or whether to eliminate them—there is no doubt the public will be firmly on our side.

We cannot yield to open borders. We cannot let one executive edict erase the immigration laws of an entire nation. If we believe America is a sovereign country, with enforceable boundaries, and a duty to protect its own people, then we have no choice but to fight and to win.

Senator Jeff Sessions, Alabama
Read more: No Surrender on Immigration - Sen. Jeff Sessions - POLITICO Magazine

It's time we protect America. "We" are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, everyone. We have to work together to stop Obama and his edicts that are are going to ruin the country for Americans.

If you (and Jeff) think the border is SO open, I suggest you go to Mexico, burn your passport (burying it might be smarter) and then try to get back into this country.
Obama admitted being irritated by the election results. He even shut Biden up at a luncheon because he didn't want him talking to Republicans about amnesty. It IS NOT immigration reform. We don't need immigration reform, we need immigration law enforcement. Amnesty is just ignoring laws for the sake of gaining votes and nothing more. It just encourages more illegals to come here instead of fighting to improve things in their own countries.

The American people have spoken, but since Obama does not represent the American people, he doesn't care what we think. He is determined to do as he wishes with no regard to the damage that it will do to this country. He needs to be stopped because he seems to think he can act as a dictator and ignore the population and our laws.

The aide said at one point as House Speaker John Boehner was making an argument on immigration, Obama responded that his patience was running out and Vice President Joe Biden interrupted to ask how long Republicans needed. Obama angrily cut Biden off."

I feel he is almost acting as though he has to "punish" America for abandoning him. That is what a narcissist would do.

You feel that, huh?
why would we expect anyone to protect us if we are not willing to protect ourselves?
If you (and Jeff) think the border is SO open, I suggest you go to Mexico, burn your passport (burying it might be smarter) and then try to get back into this country.

We have millions of illegal aliens. How hard can it be? My nephew works at a farm with a bunch of illegals. His friend has been deported 3 times in the last few years and it took him about 2 weeks to get back to the northern states. The guy isn't even that smart, so I can't believe it's difficult. Check out some of the video of illegals walking in through private land. Ranchers along the border see many people coming through on a daily basis.

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