Who will win in the Trump-Clinton Debates?

During the debates, Clinton and Trump will be asked about Vladimir Putin's desire to acquire Ukraine and Georgia back into the KGB thug's sphere of influence.

Here is how they both answered such a question in the past. See if you can tell which response is the fucking word salad of a poorly trained monkey.

CLINTON: We've got to do more to support our partners in NATO, and we have to send a very clear message to Putin that this kind of belligerence, that this kind of testing of boundaries will have to be responded to. The best way to do that is to put more armor in, put more money from the Europeans in so they're actually contributing more to their own defense.

TRUMP: As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night.

Don't kid yourselves about who is going to win the debates. This isn't going to be the clown show that was the GOP debates. There will be only one clown on the stage this time, and it will be VERY obvious.

Hillary: I forgot all about the $2.5MM Vlad paid me for the uramium
"As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

How do you think that incredibly retarded non-answer/Putin stroke fest sounds to the people of the Ukraine?

I bet it scares the living shit out of them.

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!
Hillary will not be able to take the heat. When Donald calls her a liar, crooked, incompetent,defender of her husband's deviance ...she will crumble...or more likely loose her composure and blow it. Donald is not Bernie.

Basically you're admitting that all Donald has is adolescent name calling, no substance, and no knowledge.

How will those qualities make a good leader?
All I'm saying is that his tactics won him the nomination agaist some thick skinned competition. You think Hillary has thick skin?

Hillary has put up with this crap from Republicans for 25 years....she has a thick skin

Oh boo hoo... she's brought all on herself by being a miserable, despicable and lying you-know-what.
"As far as the Ukraine is concerned, and you could Syria — as far as Syria, I like — if Putin wants to go in, and I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates, and we did very well that night."

How do you think that incredibly retarded non-answer/Putin stroke fest sounds to the people of the Ukraine?

I bet it scares the living shit out of them.

Goodbye Ukraine! Goodbye Georgia!

Thanks to Hillary and Barack, it was goodbye Iraq, Syria, Libya and almost Egypt.

WTF is NATO doing as a counterweight to Russia, will NATO send in waves of immigrant ISIS fighters?

Besides, Putin bought Hillary, cheap too
So why did Bill take 30+ trips with Epstein to the sex slave island...any ideas? Guesses?

Frankie, its really disgusting that we would take this thread from a legitimate discussion about the upcoming debates, to Bill's sexual proclivities...But,since Bill is NOT running and Donald is, here are some other allegations (NOTE that I stated allegations)::

1.Trump himself has said that Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with,” adding that he admired the sex offender's affinity for beautiful women “on the younger side.” "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump once said about the convicted sex offender. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

2. Trump was named in Epstein’s “little black book.”

Epstein’s “little black book” was stolen by a former employee in 2004. The book, nicknamed "The Holy Grail" by the employee, revealed the name of Donald Trump and listed “14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.”

3. Trump has allegedly flown on Epstein’s private plane — a hot spot for under-age sex orgies.

“Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once,” reports VICE News. “Meanwhile, message pads [see below] from Epstein's Palm Beach mansion that were seized by investigators and obtained by VICE News indicate that Trump called Epstein twice in November of 2004.”

Epstein’s private Boeing 727, according to one of his alleged victims, Virginia Roberts, was nicknamed the “Lolita Express.” Roberts recalled “unsavoury” sex orgies on the private plane when she was just 15 years of age with Epstein and his friends.

4. Both Trump and Epstein are named as sex abusers in a case with an under-aged girl.

Radar Online reports that a woman in California, “identified” as Katie Johnson, filed a $100 million lawsuit against Trump on April 26, accusing the real estate mogul of raping her when she was just 13 years old. Johnson “claims Trump raped her when she was 13-years-old and forced her to engage in sex acts by threatening to harm her and her family,” notes The Independent UK. “She claims the alleged abuse took place over a four-month period at underage sex parties held in New York City in 1994.” Epstein was also named for alleged sexual misconduct and threats.

7 Things You Need To Know About Trump And Sex Slave Island
So why did Bill take 30+ trips with Epstein to the sex slave island...any ideas? Guesses?

Frankie, its really disgusting that we would take this thread from a legitimate discussion about the upcoming debates, to Bill's sexual proclivities...But,since Bill is NOT running and Donald is, here are some other allegations (NOTE that I stated allegations)::

1.Trump himself has said that Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with,” adding that he admired the sex offender's affinity for beautiful women “on the younger side.” "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump once said about the convicted sex offender. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

2. Trump was named in Epstein’s “little black book.”

Epstein’s “little black book” was stolen by a former employee in 2004. The book, nicknamed "The Holy Grail" by the employee, revealed the name of Donald Trump and listed “14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.”

3. Trump has allegedly flown on Epstein’s private plane — a hot spot for under-age sex orgies.

“Mark Epstein, Jeffrey's brother, testified in 2009 that Trump flew on Jeffrey's private jet at least once,” reports VICE News. “Meanwhile, message pads [see below] from Epstein's Palm Beach mansion that were seized by investigators and obtained by VICE News indicate that Trump called Epstein twice in November of 2004.”

Epstein’s private Boeing 727, according to one of his alleged victims, Virginia Roberts, was nicknamed the “Lolita Express.” Roberts recalled “unsavoury” sex orgies on the private plane when she was just 15 years of age with Epstein and his friends.

4. Both Trump and Epstein are named as sex abusers in a case with an under-aged girl.

Radar Online reports that a woman in California, “identified” as Katie Johnson, filed a $100 million lawsuit against Trump on April 26, accusing the real estate mogul of raping her when she was just 13 years old. Johnson “claims Trump raped her when she was 13-years-old and forced her to engage in sex acts by threatening to harm her and her family,” notes The Independent UK. “She claims the alleged abuse took place over a four-month period at underage sex parties held in New York City in 1994.” Epstein was also named for alleged sexual misconduct and threats.

7 Things You Need To Know About Trump And Sex Slave Island

Since Bill's taken 30+ rides with Epstein, this is the MAD nuclear option for Hillary

I also feel bad about derailing the thread, I'm going to step away from the keyboard.

Truly sorry
Hillary: I forgot all about the $2.5MM Vlad paid me for the uramium

You know, Frankie......I hate defending Hillary whom I do NOT like all that much......But your allegations based on what you hear from FOX are truly fucked up......If you want to learn something a bit more objective, read this article that shows that there are NO facts, just rumors from someone who wanted to sell a book:.

The truth about the Hillary Clinton-Russia-Uranium 'scandal'
This September 26th, the first of 3 debates will take place and it will prove to be one of the most watched television events.

Trump recently stated that Romney "prepped too much" and didn't do too well, and that he is planning to just be himself, following his "wins" over the rest of the republican candidates earlier this year.

Conversely, say what you want and will about Clinton, she is an extremely wily, knowledgeable and experienced politician, if not spontaneous........

So, any guesses as to who will win these debates?

You'll claim Clinton did regardless of what happens.

Trump will tear Clinton to shreds on her lack of ethics and integrity. Clinton will have more knowledge of foreign policy, especially where to pick up bribes in Iran.

The true win is if Crooked Hillary loses her temper and walks out. If we have a Candy Crowley moment where a corrupt moderator starts debating on behalf of Clinton, I expect Trump to go off on them.
Hillary will not be able to take the heat. When Donald calls her a liar, crooked, incompetent,defender of her husband's deviance ...she will crumble...or more likely loose her composure and blow it. Donald is not Bernie.

I really hope so, that would be the entertainment of a lifetime.

Her storming off shrieking "You're dead, you hear me" would be so great...
The Debate:

Moderator Brian Williams;

Mr. Trump; can you tell us what you will do to fight terrorism as president?

Trump: Brian, I want to start by asking my opponent why the laws that govern other people don't apply to her?

Hillary: We need to ban firearms to make America safe.

Trump: Can you simply answer why the law doesn't apply to you? It's a simply question.

Hillary: The gun culture of white Americans leads to the death of millions of black people each year. We need to keep guns from the hands of...

Trump: (interrupting) I want to know about your ethics...

Williams: (interrupting) Hillary is just as ethical as I am.

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