Who will win the nomination for the Democrats?

Who will win the nomination for the Democrats?

  • Mayor Pete

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • I’m feeling the Bern

    Votes: 10 30.3%
  • Squaw Warren

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Little Mikey Bloomberg

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Plugs Biden

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • 80s sitcom Mom Klobuchar

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Math Yang

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • HIllary will jump back in

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Someone else ( post who)

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
So why is it okay for black people to use the N-word all the time, then when a black person calls a white person a "cracker" that person isnt considered a racist? Only white people can be racist? Is that it Joe?

There's a school of thought that since Racism is institution, and because blacks lack the institutional power to be act on their biases, that they really can't be racist.

Racism isn't just someone being a bigot. It's a system that validates that bigotry. Trump was caught in the 1970's discriminating against black people in housing. He paid a minor fine. The racist system backed him up. He took out full page ads calling for the execution of innocent black men. He paid no price for that when it was discovered they were innocent. I could go on and on.
Yeah? That's Bull! Blacks are in leadership positions throughout our government, including all the way down to the local level. Plus you had a black president, and two black AGs. That "school of thought" is debunked.

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Bloomberg is the only Democrat I'd vote for. He's not really a Democrat, or at least a 2020 Democrat.
Looks like the moderates in the party are warming up to him as the primary alternative to Bernie: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

It'd be pretty damn funny if the party of AOC, "the squad," and socialism was bought by a billionaire.
It would also be interesting to see how many Bernie voters stayed home or voted third party.
Bloomberg is the only Democrat I'd vote for. He's not really a Democrat, or at least a 2020 Democrat.
Looks like the moderates in the party are warming up to him as the primary alternative to Bernie: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

It'd be pretty damn funny if the party of AOC, "the squad," and socialism was bought by a billionaire.
It would also be interesting to see how many Bernie voters stayed home or voted third party.

I think most Democrats will come out regardless who is the candidate. The diehard Bernie supporters might not, but they’d be overwhelmed by the moderates
Bloomberg is the only Democrat I'd vote for. He's not really a Democrat, or at least a 2020 Democrat.
Looks like the moderates in the party are warming up to him as the primary alternative to Bernie: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

It'd be pretty damn funny if the party of AOC, "the squad," and socialism was bought by a billionaire.
It would also be interesting to see how many Bernie voters stayed home or voted third party.

I think most Democrats will come out regardless who is the candidate. The diehard Bernie supporters might not, but they’d be overwhelmed by the moderates
Yeah, that's my guess. The Anti-Trump sentiment is too powerful.

They'll be spitting and swearing in the voting booth over it, but they'll vote D.
Bloomberg is the only Democrat I'd vote for. He's not really a Democrat, or at least a 2020 Democrat.
Looks like the moderates in the party are warming up to him as the primary alternative to Bernie: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

It'd be pretty damn funny if the party of AOC, "the squad," and socialism was bought by a billionaire.
It would also be interesting to see how many Bernie voters stayed home or voted third party.

I think most Democrats will come out regardless who is the candidate. The diehard Bernie supporters might not, but they’d be overwhelmed by the moderates

Bloomberg is the only Democrat I'd vote for. He's not really a Democrat, or at least a 2020 Democrat.
Looks like the moderates in the party are warming up to him as the primary alternative to Bernie: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

It'd be pretty damn funny if the party of AOC, "the squad," and socialism was bought by a billionaire.
It would also be interesting to see how many Bernie voters stayed home or voted third party.

I think most Democrats will come out regardless who is the candidate. The diehard Bernie supporters might not, but they’d be overwhelmed by the moderates
Yeah, that's my guess. The Anti-Trump sentiment is too powerful.

They'll be spitting and swearing in the voting booth over it, but they'll vote D.

If Doomberg or BERNARD are the Democratic standard bearer, it is going to affect Democratic voter turnout by bare minimum MINUS 5%.

If Bernie is the standard bearer, on the GOP side, it will push up their vote total, bare minimum, 4 to 5%.

So I have absolutely no idea what you 2 are thinking, but if I was Republicans, I would hope that all of you keep thinking that way.
You know Joe, you parrot the Lame Stream Media very well. Only idiots and traitors think President Trump is a racist. Which one are you. Oh yeah, you are also a racist faggot from upper Chicago...

Uh, Trump is a racist... if we found tape of him blurting out the N-word tomorrow, you'd still be claiming he wasn't.
Yeah, you can tell by his policies … they are absolutely racist and destroying our minority communities. :cool:
So why is it okay for black people to use the N-word all the time, then when a black person calls a white person a "cracker" that person isnt considered a racist? Only white people can be racist? Is that it Joe?

There's a school of thought that since Racism is institution, and because blacks lack the institutional power to be act on their biases, that they really can't be racist.

Racism isn't just someone being a bigot. It's a system that validates that bigotry. Trump was caught in the 1970's discriminating against black people in housing. He paid a minor fine. The racist system backed him up. He took out full page ads calling for the execution of innocent black men. He paid no price for that when it was discovered they were innocent. I could go on and on.
Of course, racist people are always going to try and defend the fact they are racist. That is not a 'school of thought,' it is an excuse to be blatantly and openly racist while claiming that you are not.
So why is it okay for black people to use the N-word all the time, then when a black person calls a white person a "cracker" that person isnt considered a racist? Only white people can be racist? Is that it Joe?

There's a school of thought that since Racism is institution, and because blacks lack the institutional power to be act on their biases, that they really can't be racist.

Racism isn't just someone being a bigot. It's a system that validates that bigotry. Trump was caught in the 1970's discriminating against black people in housing. He paid a minor fine. The racist system backed him up. He took out full page ads calling for the execution of innocent black men. He paid no price for that when it was discovered they were innocent. I could go on and on.
There's a school of thought that since Racism is institution, and because blacks lack the institutional power to be act on their biases, that they really can't be racist.
And that is why a liberal is a fucking racist, always have been, always will be. A liberal cannot look at a man of color and treat him as an equal but always beneath them. Thank you for making my point, you racist pig.
Bloomberg is the only Democrat I'd vote for. He's not really a Democrat, or at least a 2020 Democrat.

If it's Bernie, I'm almost certainly going to vote for Trump. In 2016, I would rather have had a criminal over a crazy person. In 2020, I'd rather have a crazy person over a communist.

But I think Bernie can win it all. Republicans underestimate him at their peril.

But the question you never ask yourself is why the "Communist" might be able to win.

What happened where "Socialism" seems to appeal to so many people.

I am not going to vote for Bernie in the primaries, but if he's the nominee, damned straight I will vote for him in the general. A "Crazy person" (your words) with nukes is an unacceptable situation.
And that is why a liberal is a fucking racist, always have been, always will be. A liberal cannot look at a man of color and treat him as an equal but always beneath them. Thank you for making my point, you racist pig.

I'm a realist. I know that I'm not going to be shot tomorrow by a racist cop because I went for my cell phone. A black person has no such guarantee. I know I'm more likely to get a callback for a job because the name on my resume is "Joseph" and not "Jamal". I know by virtue of being a white straight male, this society is going to treat me differently than if I were a Lesbian of color.
Yeah? That's Bull! Blacks are in leadership positions throughout our government, including all the way down to the local level. Plus you had a black president, and two black AGs. That "school of thought" is debunked.

Okay. And frankly, they had to take extra steps to make sure they didn't offend white people. My biggest problem with Obama is that he was much too deferential. He didn't just go out and do things like Bush or Trump did.
Bloomberg is the only Democrat I'd vote for. He's not really a Democrat, or at least a 2020 Democrat.

If it's Bernie, I'm almost certainly going to vote for Trump. In 2016, I would rather have had a criminal over a crazy person. In 2020, I'd rather have a crazy person over a communist.

But I think Bernie can win it all. Republicans underestimate him at their peril.

But the question you never ask yourself is why the "Communist" might be able to win.

What happened where "Socialism" seems to appeal to so many people.

I am not going to vote for Bernie in the primaries, but if he's the nominee, damned straight I will vote for him in the general. A "Crazy person" (your words) with nukes is an unacceptable situation.
Joe, Communist wont ever win in the United States of America, Joe, because there are those who will not allow Communism to get rid of our Constitution that guarantees our freedoms, while Communism takes away the Constitution and the freewill of the people, Joe. Want to place a very large wager on that?
And that is why a liberal is a fucking racist, always have been, always will be. A liberal cannot look at a man of color and treat him as an equal but always beneath them. Thank you for making my point, you racist pig.

I'm a realist. I know that I'm not going to be shot tomorrow by a racist cop because I went for my cell phone. A black person has no such guarantee. I know I'm more likely to get a callback for a job because the name on my resume is "Joseph" and not "Jamal". I know by virtue of being a white straight male, this society is going to treat me differently than if I were a Lesbian of color.
Why is it in Chicago a black man has more of a chance to be shot by a black man, than by a cop(who is black)? Because you liberals are racists, hate the cops, hate the military, and frankly Joe, hate all of US who disagree with your Socialist policies. Your side is so full of hate, both Facists and Communists that your side is starting to attack those US citizens who voice against you.

And that is why a liberal is a fucking racist, always have been, always will be. A liberal cannot look at a man of color and treat him as an equal but always beneath them. Thank you for making my point, you racist pig.

I'm a realist. I know that I'm not going to be shot tomorrow by a racist cop because I went for my cell phone. A black person has no such guarantee. I know I'm more likely to get a callback for a job because the name on my resume is "Joseph" and not "Jamal". I know by virtue of being a white straight male, this society is going to treat me differently than if I were a Lesbian of color.
Why is it in Chicago a black man has more of a chance to be shot by a black man, than by a cop(who is black)? Because you liberals are racists, hate the cops, hate the military, and frankly Joe, hate all of US who disagree with your Socialist policies. Your side is so full of hate, both Facists and Communists that your side is starting to attack those US citizens who voice against you.


Funny how you come up with that for Democrats. When just today, at least 3 Rumpsters have said that to me. Wow, what Irony.
I do wonder what Jim Webb is up to.
Not kidding there.
You and me both.
Like Bill Clinton and JFK, Webb has no place in this party right now. And there's the problem.

Webb is like an older Straight Mayor Pete. I doubt if Mayor Pete can be elected so that let's others in. But to have someone of Webb's quality that has put his hat in the ring as late as 2016 and not force him to run (he elected to sit this one out) is almost criminal. Had he ran in 2016 and got the nomination, there would have been on Rump or the Party of the Rump.
I do wonder what Jim Webb is up to.
Not kidding there.
You and me both.
Like Bill Clinton and JFK, Webb has no place in this party right now. And there's the problem.

Webb is like an older Straight Mayor Pete. I doubt if Mayor Pete can be elected so that let's others in. But to have someone of Webb's quality that has put his hat in the ring as late as 2016 and not force him to run (he elected to sit this one out) is almost criminal. Had he ran in 2016 and got the nomination, there would have been on Rump or the Party of the Rump.
Back then, the PC-consumed Regressive Lefties hated Webb because he noted that PC has gone too far. So he was summarily branded The Racist in the campaign and that was that.
I do wonder what Jim Webb is up to.
Not kidding there.
You and me both.
Like Bill Clinton and JFK, Webb has no place in this party right now. And there's the problem.

Webb is like an older Straight Mayor Pete. I doubt if Mayor Pete can be elected so that let's others in. But to have someone of Webb's quality that has put his hat in the ring as late as 2016 and not force him to run (he elected to sit this one out) is almost criminal. Had he ran in 2016 and got the nomination, there would have been on Rump or the Party of the Rump.
Back then, the PC-consumed Regressive Lefties hated Webb because he noted that PC has gone too far. So he was summarily branded The Racist in the campaign and that was that.

And what do the expect from a Retired Marine Combat Vet? Looking back I can bet that Eisenhower was also the same way. And if you listen closely, so is Mayor Pete and Tulsi Gabbard. I am the same way as well. PC stands for Personal Computer, right?

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