Who will win the senate runoff?

Who will win the Georgia runoff?

  • Total voters
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.

Of course you're optimistic.
How could cheaters NOT be optimistic after such a successful theft of the 2020 General and Presidential election?

America is right now on a precipice and about to fall to a place from which it cannot return.
It's a very bad place.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections

How do we know that we have "free elections" when the folks running the elections are unwilling to provide open, transparent, audits of ballots and of voters by a bi-partisan team of people from both campaigns?

Why is asking for this considered to be an attempt to "overthrow free elections"?
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.

Don't worry, the folks running that election will make sure that enough fraudulent ballots are included to surpass Republican vote totals.
Lol man I hope this faux scandal of yours keeps Georgian republicans from even bothering to vote.
Lol man I hope this faux scandal of yours keeps Georgian republicans from even bothering to vote.

That's what you and the media will report once the election is called for the two Democrats.

Soon China-Joe and the party will be back in bu$ine$$ selling out your interests and mine to the highest foreign bidders! Contratulations!
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
It's uncanny how well you parrot how President Trump's supporters think about you. Falsifying a Presidential election is high treason.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
You’re so full of it
Many republicans on this forum are decorated veterans
So you can stick it
I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections

How do we know that we have "free elections" when the folks running the elections are unwilling to provide open, transparent, audits of ballots and of voters by a bi-partisan team of people from both campaigns?

Why is asking for this considered to be an attempt to "overthrow free elections"?
There have been recount with republicans present. There have been rebuttals proven by the people who conducted the elections. The votes were certified in each state and the electors assigned accordingly. There have been 67+ courtroom attempts with unprepared or uncommitted trump lawyers, who even when asked point blank by a trump appointed judge, refused to say they were charging fraud as the preferred to keep their law license to sacrificing there law career for their Furor. The crap that has been put out by the campaign and nut ball supporters so off base, even the campaign had to distance themselves from the people speaking for them. There have been attempts to change the votes of the elector, not based on the votes, but upon fealty to trump. This weekend the the president himself tried to badger the republican secretary of state of the state of Georgia to find him the exact amount of votes necessary to overturn the election in his favor, though that ship sailed weeks ago. Trump is not attempting to get to the proven will of the majority of the voters who voted. He is trying to overthrow an election that has come and gone and been recounted ad infinitum, tried in every court possible and even tried get the Supreme Court hear a case to overthrow, yet he lost. He isn't trying for justice. He is attempting treason against our country and an end to election by the people. All that support him in this farce, by this time are as tenuously committed to overthrowing free election as he is and it would end democratic representative republic governance under rule of law and constitution as we know it for all times. It is over. Trump lost. He needs to go on with his private life as all other president have before him, except in his case he will face the statute of limitations having not run out, even on the same conspiracy charge that sent his lawyer to jail and only God knows what other legal challenges he faces. Tough shit for him. He should have conducted his life and affairs more above board.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
It's uncanny how well you parrot how President Trump's supporters think about you. Falsifying a Presidential election is high treason.
Difference is, they have attempted to prove in court and lost 66 out of 67 times, another one just today. Trumpers are no longer tired of all the winning. Now they are tired of all the losing and just cannot let go, as their deranged, indeed criminally indictable leader cannot let go, and are willing to back whatever play legal or illegal, moral or corrupt to win at all cost and overthrow what cannot be overthrown at this point.

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